"Hey there!" Kankuro hollered over to Sakura from the other side of the library. She looked away from shelf to find him waltzing in with his usual cocky swagger, and it was exaggerated enough to make her laugh.
The sun was currently setting through the tall stained windows putting the area in a state of magical twilight. The pinkette loved the large library, it was the most beautiful place in the whole sandstone manor.
However, the mood was quickly ruined. She thought that she had been the only one in this wing, but she was quickly reminded that she and Gaara were not the only ones who lived here.
The redhead unfortunately had a small mission that he had to do, which was totally fine, at least she had free reign of the space now, and he should be done soon.
"Hi, Kankuro. How are you?" She smiled sweetly for the puppeteer, and he returned the smile twofold.
"I'm great, and it looks like my baby brother ain't doing too bad either-"
"Is that so?" Sakura turned to ignore his curious stare in favor of focusing on her book, obviously he was digging for some sort of gossip.
"Saw you two making out. Rather heatedly I'd say." Kankuro waggled his brows at her, and she scoffed in return.
"Oops, you caught us. Oh nooo." The pinkette said sarcastically before breaking out into a laugh. "What of it?"
"I'm just surprised is all! Gaara has been making all sort of positive changes, it's really nice. He actually acts like a brother now." The puppeteer grinned ear to ear, and while it made her happy it also made her feel a bit embarrassed over the strange attention. "So, you guys going steady-?"
"Eh!? We only just- no, we are not going steady. We just like each other." Sakura huffed before putting back a medical book that she had been reading.
"He's totally in love with you. You do realize that, right?" Kankuro was trying to be sly, but was obvious about the fact that he wanted more details. She raised a brow at him before sighing.
"That's sweet of you to say, but he had told me quite forwardly that he did not love me. That it wasn't like that-"
"Was that before you guys fooled around, or after?" He interjected, and she distractedly answered.
"After, but- wait a damn minute! How dare you!" The pinkette seethed, and started to smack at the puppeteer who was now cackling as he blocked her blows.
"I knew it! I knew it!" The more he rubbed it in the harder she punched. Suddenly he snatched up both of her wrists, and held them perfectly still. "Gaara was totally in denial before, but I can fucking see it! He realizes that he loves you, and that's why he's acting so funny!"
"I don't care! Stop messing around with other people's relationships!" Sakura barked, growing more nervous as his smile turned sinister.
"Relationship? Oooo!" Kankuro teased, and in her full blown irritation she decided to lunge off of her feet to push him in the sternum with her shoulder. They wrestled for a moment, but then they both tripped over a heavy stack of books that she had made on the floor before he showed up. Somehow he flipped them so that he would take the brunt of the fall.
The pinkette could feel the puppeteer breathing hard underneath her, and in a panic she immediately scrambled off and away from him. He looked over at her in confusion, his head tilting at her strange behavior.
"I didn't mean to freak you out, sorry about that-" He began, but she quickly shook her head.
"No, it's fine. It's just that Gaara would probably kill you if he saw me laying on top of you." Sakura laughed, but his face grew a bit pale. She was about to console him when she noticed that he had been looking right past her.
There was a dead silence there, until she heard the shifting of grains against the floor.
"You are correct, Sakura. I would most definitely kill him." His tone was so incredibly malicious that she could practically hear the fire coming out of his nostrils. "I hope for both your sakes that what you said isn't true-"
"I fell on him. He was teasing me so I went to hit him, then he backed up and tripped. I unfortunately went down with him, there was nothing more than that. Put your sand away." The pinkette was stern, and absolutely fearless in the face of Gaara's wrath while his own brother was sitting there looking as if he'd seen a ghost.
When the sand continued to wave around like snakes on the floor her eyes narrowed at him.
"I'm not in the mood to put my sand away." The redhead growled, his jealousy was definitely a weak point for him.
"She's telling the truth, Gaara. I was trying to get gossip on what you guys do together and she didn't like it. It was my bad-" Kankuro argued, but quickly shut his mouth when two burning coals turned on him.
"So you started it? You already have your own harem going, so stay away from my mate!" Gaara hissed, and it was pissing off Sakura to the point that she quickly got to her feet. He stared at her with hints of confusion while her hand reached out to yank him by the arm. She pulled him forward almost violently into a painful kiss.
The room was silent, the sand went completely still as she took his breath away. When she broke away from him with a glare his expression grew even more confused.
"If you think I'd cheat on you, let alone with your brother, or that he'd ruin his relationship with you just to sleep with me than you are a fucking moron." The pinkette snarled at him before she began to storm off, however her ankles soon got caught up in his sand. She looked back at the redhead incredulously, and he simply looked over to his brother with an apathetic expression.
"Would you leave us? I need to speak with her alone." The redhead's voice was tight, as if he were holding back a great deal of rage . The puppet master nodded quickly, obviously believing that he would not kill her, and hurriedly left the library.
As the doors clicked shut his sights turned back on her, and he approached her with his fully intimidating gate.
"I'm a fucking moron now? That's such an endearing pet name-!" Gaara snapped at her, and while she was getting anxious over it she still kept her demeanor strong.
"Yes, and you're still living up to it quite nicely right now." She remained calm and cool while his rage overflowed. He closed the distance, standing merely inches away.
"You had better watch what you say to me-" The redhead began to threaten, but her temper flared.
"Mm, no. Don't think so. I'm not a normally submissive woman, Gaara. You know this. I'm not just going to roll over, and take it!" As he came closer Sakura ended up snatching him up by his maroon collar. His eyes watched her with the carefulness of a predator. "You need to back off-!"
"And you need to roll over... and take it..." While Gaara had merely repeated what she had said before, his eyes had changed rather quickly from rage to something a bit more curious. His tone had also grown from angered to husky in a matter of seconds as well. "I can't take it anymore-!"
Sakura jumped a bit at his sudden outburst, and even more as his lips crashed into hers.
Suddenly the redhead was pawing at her desperately, and the sand holding her feet slithered away as he pushed her back against a large desk. There was a break in the bruising kiss, but the second she had to breathe was the same second that he had to lift her up.
"H-hey! Wait a second-!" She screeched, feeling his larger hands grip under her backside.
"No, I can't." Gaara shook his head quickly before setting her down on the desk's surface. It was another short moment before he started desperately tugging at the black shorts under her dress.
"Gaara, wait!" The pinkette squeaked, feeling the pressure was suddenly on her way too fast. When he had successfully pulled the shorts as well as her underwear away she quickly tried to cover herself with the bottom of her dress. How he was so skilled in taking off her clothes was a mystery, or perhaps just a natural talent.
"I told you, I can't-no, I wont take this anymore! You can have whatever you want just-!" The redhead took a sharp breath, and attempted to compose himself.
His body was trembling with an emotion she knew was foreign to him. He had obviously lusted after her before, but this seemed almost like madness. However, she knew it wasn't completely unheard of for men to go through fits like these. She had just never experienced it first hand.
Shaking his head wildly again he pulled her flush against him, and she felt the hardness in his pants grinding against her naked heat. It shocked her over how aroused he was without any sort of foreplay to urge it on. He moved so firmly against her that he was giving soft grunts of pleasure rather than straight moans, running on the machine called instinct.
She shouldn't have been turned on by it, if anything this was shameful behavior on his part, but somehow he had dragged her into the thick of his lustful fog. His insane desire for her was flattering, and made her hot all over.
Delicate hands were quickly clawing at his back, and she panted hard onto his shoulder. Soon her legs were wrapping around his hips, wishing he would just unfasten his pants-
Hold on now, was she really going to lose her virginity like this? In a library of all places? Why was it happening so quickly?
Why did she want it so badly too?
"All day... damn you... all fucking day I thought about it..." His grinding grew more intense, forcing her to cry from the hard pressure on her sex. "I saw you... I saw you with Kankuro... and my first thought was on how I should have taken your offer immediately... and marked you-"
"Gaara, nothing... happened..." Sakura ended up panting out her last word, and it strangely had him shaking again.
"I know! I know that... but it was so raw... I can feel it even now... I need you to belong to me. I need you to know that I am the best mate for you." Gaara's tone was primal as he slipped his hand between them, the buckle on his belt clicked around as he tried to unfasten it with one hand. "You will know it... and once I have shown you my prowess you will desire no other man."
'Wow….' She was in disbelief. Who was this man in front of her now? It wasn't the normal Gaara that was a bit of a shy closet perv…
No, this Gaara was an intense lover with a carnal craving that was highly contagious. She could feel the heat radiating off of his coat, he was burning so brightly.
Suddenly she found herself reaching down fast to help him do it even though she was ultimately anxious of this moment. However, he wanted her so much that the feeling was imprinting on her. Her blood was searing in her veins as his eyes turned predatory, making her feel like the game that he hunted.
Only this chase would not give way to death, but something sweet, and just as consuming.
The pinkette could tell she was already wet for him, and her heart pounded loudly in her chest as the buckle slid skillfully through her delicate hands. He slowed down to watch her with bated breaths as she reached beneath his waistband, grabbing at his erection with complete surrender. A low moan emerged from his throat while his dark lids clamped shut.
"I can smell it on you... you're craving me-" The redhead's length was released. He primed it against her wet folds slowly, breathing heatedly through a bitten lip. As she trembled from the slick sensation he rolled his hips against hers, gaining a whine of approval for his efforts. "I can feel it too... your flesh speaks to me... I know your secrets."
'A beast, and a poet.' The fact of it had her swooning.
His haunting eyes weren't anywhere but on her own, staring into the windows of her soul while he moved against her. The butterflies in her stomach fluttered around, her lashes growing lidded with a burning need to kiss him.
As her mouth slanted against his own Sakura felt him hum lowly. What was desperate before was now turning hypnotic now that they both knew that they would eventually get what they desired. She already felt herself growing close just from how his burning erection slid against her sacred bundle of nerves. A mewl escaped her, causing him to break away with a devilish smirk.
"If you keep doing that I won't be able to stop myself-" Gaara attempted to tease, but that time had long since passed. She was more than prepared for him now.
"I don't want you to stop." The pinkette panted for him, and although he already seemed more than aroused his face flushed further. A bit of his innocence returned, more so when she couldn't control her hips from undulating against the underside of his length. A sharp whine slipped out of her, and she felt his hands pulling her even harder against himself.
"Use me... Use me to get you there." The redhead's eyes glazed over, and while she could tell he wanted to moan at her pleasurable enthusiasm she also knew that he was holding back. He puffed heatedly, his eyes locking onto hers before darting down to where they moved against each other. He seemed completely entranced by it all, and it had her pleasure thrumming rapidly.
"I'm so close-" Sakura started to whine harshly, causing his eyes to break away from the enticing show before him to take in her expression. He swallowed, and licked his lips before giving a harsh exhale.
"That's it... keep going..." Gaara reached up to move her tousled pink hair out of her eyes. His hand held her jaw with his fingers wrapping just under her ear. His breath quaked as he ran his thumb over the bottom lip of her whining mouth. He made sure to keep her lips parted with the digit, forcing her to remain audible for his visual and musical enjoyment. "I want you to break... and scream hard-"
"Gaara! Please!" The pinkette's hips grew desperate, finding that she was the only one picking up speed. While his breathing increased the most that she could get out of him was a strangled whimper. She could feel the pleasure pounding through her whole frame, her legs wrapping painfully tight around him as she pushed herself to give him what he wanted.
"Yes. Beg for it... cry... scream-" His voice beckoned to her, and while she was moaning wantonly with each slide of his hips, it was his last words that had her completely undone. He leaned in, a hairs width away from her panting mouth to make a finite command. "Cum for me..."
The redhead was on a whole other level than her, and his overpowering words had her shuddering as her orgasm approached so fast it blindsided her.
Everything he wanted he got from her. She begged, she cried, she screamed in a pitch that was too high, and she tensed hard as she came.
It was relentless, unforgiving, and spectacular. She kept hearing his breathy laughs as her cries refused to dim or let up. The intense pressure of his hips on her sex was forcing her climax to pound on her continuously, leaving her in tears as she wailed through it.
She was in a frozen state by the end of it, turned to stone yet heaving her breath as she tried to get herself out of it, but her lover wasn't necessarily the kindest of people. He snickered as he kept his ridiculous force on her.
"I bet we could push you further..." Gaara panted excitedly, and she tried shaking her head in response before her body started to shudder from the overuse of her raw nerves. She felt numb, but in the best way possible.
At the sight of her violent trembling the redhead finally let up, and held her up right instead of having her do it for herself. His arms were comforting, and strong.
She could feel his erection pulsing, begging for the attention it had just lost. This was far from over.
"You look so beautiful like that... it looked painful too... you came so hard…" Gaara had leaned in to whisper in her ear, sending her into another wave of violent shivers. "I bet it felt incredible-"
"S-stop..." Sakura tried turning from him, but his hands grew adventurous. With one wrapped around her frame the other groped at her chest.
"I know you want more." His smug grin ghosted over her skin to kiss at her cheek before forcing her to kiss him full on. She squirmed slightly, feeling a bit too overwhelmed by everything around her, but once again he was merciless. He bit her lip playfully before pulling away.
"How wet are you, do you know?" The redhead asked breathlessly, his hand smoothing down her front until it nestled between her legs. With his eyes locked on hers his smug grin only grew bigger once he had his answer. It spurred her to wriggle in his grip with embarrassment, and while she struggled he let out a genuine laugh. "Don't be like that... I like it. It means it felt good, right-?"
"Stop it!" The pinkette blushed and wailed while attempting to push him away, but it only made him more mischievous. Three fingers slipped inside her, leaving her whimpering in anxiety, and in pleasure. "N-no!"
"Ssh, I just want to make you feel good-" Before Gaara could really set himself to work she grabbed at his length, and began stroking him firmly. His whole body tensed as a youthful moan escaped him. "That's cheating."
"Beg, cry, scream... cu-." Sakura panted out the words, but before she could say the final piece his mouth formed over her own in a passionate kiss. Their hands abandoned their tasks in favor of clinging to each other.
She could feel him trembling under her gentle touches, and wondered if perhaps all this bravado was out of sheer nerves.
He was using words she had never heard him say before, nor did she think he even knew what they were or what they meant.
Perhaps he wasn't as innocent as she thought. That ideation had her breaking away rather quickly.
"What's wrong?" The redhead asked, and it made her blush in the realization of what she actually wanted to ask him.
"Have you... done this before?" The pinkette spoke just above a whisper, unable to find her courage for such a poorly timed question. She knew it could go so many ways, especially south.
"I've kissed you many times-"
"That's not what I'm asking!" Sakura squeaked, and he blinked at her in confusion. Obviously he still had that rather clueless streak. "Have you... um... 'made love' before?"
It felt so cheesy coming out of her mouth. 'Making love', it was a laughably childish way of thinking about it. Or at least that's what she told herself.
"...You mean intercourse, yes?" Gaara rose his naked brows up, attempting to confirm what she was asking of him. When she nodded he looked off to the side. "Does it matter?"
'Does it matter... does it matter!? Is he serious!?' Her inner voice was screeching.
"Yes! I'd like to know where you've been, thank you very much!" The pinkette huffed, and for a moment his face twisted up strangely before he broke out into a genuine laugh. It had her shocked to say the least.
"I've been to a place called nowhere. I've lived there my whole life." The redhead chuckled, unable to contain his humor as she stared at him completely dumbstruck. "It has never rained in my desert. Forgive my inexperience."
That had to be the weirdest way she had ever heard someone refer to themselves as a virgin. Yet, she found it oddly adorable.
"So you're a virgin? For real?" Sakura pressed, and while her fingertips kneaded the tops of his shoulders he still seemed rather uncomfortable. His expression twisted again awkwardly before turning away.
"Please don't make me say it out loud. It's not something I like to boast about-" Gaara cleared his throat as he continued to look off to the side, but she was not going to spare his pride. It was his turn to be flustered.
"Why? I think it's cute." The pinkette traced his jaw with her fingers, and to her delight he ended up clenching it under her gentle touch.
"That's not a compliment-" He huffed bitterly, but she knew that no matter how she treated him now there was no going back for him. This was her chance.
"I don't really care if you see it as a compliment or an insult. I think you're cute... and it turns me on..." Sakura turned his face to look at her, giving him the most sultry look that she could muster. His flushing cheeks only seemed to darken. "That's what really matters, right? That I want you inside me-"
"What a dangerous thing to say, I could take you at any time." The redhead's coal rimmed eyes narrowed threateningly, but she wasn't the least bit intimidated.
"Then stop stalling, I want you to do it." Her thighs moved against the sides of his hips, coiling around him like a seductive snake. His lips parted, letting out soft pants of desire.
The final nail in the coffin, she had the perfect words to undo him.
"Gaara... I need you inside me... please..." The pinkette pleaded desperately.
A sharp exhale left him as if his soul had been sucked out, only to be replaced by something more primal. His eyes looked far more hazy then they usually did, even in his more ravenous moments. The haunting orbs roamed her frame, as did his smooth pale hands; gripping her curves and mounds with a dream-like anticipation.
"As you wish..." Gaara's relaxed lips murmured softly, his fingers pushing her skirt up to clearly reveal her lower half. His breathing seemed too calm, even while his palms explored her bare skin his composure was far too entranced. He seemed to be under a spell.
"Gaara..." Sakura's tone was a worried one. She had never seen him act so out of it before. The touching felt good, but his attitude was so different that the touches only made her feel more exposed. She tried maneuvering herself backwards to get some space between them, but his pale hands gripped hard at her hips to yank her back to him.
The redhead snarled at her like a feral animal, his canines showed as he pulled his lips back. It frightened her more than she thought it would. He noticed her expression, and as soon as it was made clear to him his demeanor relaxed once more. He leaned in while pulling her up to him, and bit her neck gently.
The pinkette squeaked for a moment, and at the tone he scraped his teeth against her jugular. Her body jolted from the sensation, but his arm around her waist held her completely captive.
"This is your last chance... I can stop now... but if you tell me otherwise I will not stop even if you beg me too..." He huffed huskily into her ear, making her heart race anxiously. "Even if it hurts you... I can't stop it... so end it now-"
"Gaara... please… you have my permission." Her fingers tangled in his hair, clenching onto the locks out of fear, but she knew it had to be now. She felt his breath shudder, and his body tensed up even though he was still rubbing her down.
'Like ripping off a bandaid... I just have to end it quickly.' She convinced herself, and tried to relax as much as possible. 'Relax, and just let it go...'
Gaara paused for a moment, composing himself before she felt the tip of him at her entrance. She swallowed hard, her heart pounding at a rabbit's pace.
"I love you." He whispered, and it had her heart skipping a beat.
Before she could even truly ingest his words he slid his burning length inside of her. Her body clenched up as he entered, forcing her to lean forward to bite down on his clothed shoulder, and cry out painfully through her teeth. He slurred a curse, slowly pulling out of her before pushing back in.
"Gaara!" Sakura cried sharply both in white hot agony and slight pleasure. He filled her to the brim painfully, but it also felt strangely intoxicating.
He pulled out slowly again, and then slammed back in. Another pained whine escaped her, and it was louder than the first. Her legs wrapped tightly around his waist, and she met him with each thrust. It hurt, but the pain was starting fade into pleasure once he would rest for a few seconds inside of her, and allowed her to relax before moving again.
"You... feel so good..." The redhead's voice shook breathlessly before he went in for a much needed kiss. She whined against his lips as he continued his slow yet intense pace. "Are you alright?"
"Yes..." The pinkette whimpered, and as another thrust had her pain and pleasure mingling she felt a tear slip down her cheek, regardless of how she truly felt. He was quick to lick it away, and even quicker to place his freshly tear wetted lips to her own.
They breathed through open mouth kisses, panting against each others lips as they moved. With one arm wrapped firmly around her waist to hold her steady the other clenched under her lifted leg, pulling on her for added force. He was moving slowly, but it was so intense that each slam of his hips had her lashes fluttering, her breath gasping for oxygen, and her body trembling. However, his hard grip on her entire body was comforting.
Soon the feeling of pain melted away, leaving nothing but a raw desire for him to continue moving inside her. She wanted more, and decided to beg him for it.
"Gaara... please... go harder-" The second her words were said he slammed into her so hard the desk shook. With a shudder he did it again, and a harsh cry left her throat. Suddenly his pace picked up, and her whole body rocked with the amount of force he placed on her.
There was so much noise, the desk was creaking underneath her, and she felt scared that someone might hear them. He needed to slow down, or else she was going to scream...
"You're so beautiful... Sakura... my Sakura..." Gaara panted lovingly, and possessively. His hips were moving at an intensity that she couldn't keep up with. Eventually he slowed, but it was only to guide her arms around his neck. "Hold onto me..."
Sakura nodded, and let him move her however he wanted. She clung to him in desperation as both of his hands gripped her hips almost painfully. That's when it became the end for her.
Holding her in a vice grip he began thrusting into her at a frantic pace, and had she not been holding onto him for dear life she knew he would have pushed her right off of the surface of the desk.
The pinkette cried out against his shoulder, ecstasy in her tone as she felt her limbs begin to go weak and numb.
Gaara was relentless, and powerful as he moved with a physical skill she didn't expect from him. She cursed repeatedly, not knowing proper words to say to convey how good it felt, and he seemed to repeat them back to her in his own gruff and breathless tone.
Together they were climbing, and when she started to fall over the edge he put in everything that he had to make her ending that much sweeter.
Sakura prayed. Her body felt like it was going to pass out with the intense waves of pleasure. They were merciless, crashing through her core and up her back to the top of her head. Colors began to blur together in a haze, and she felt herself begin to go deaf from the sound of blood rushing through her ears and veins.
Her last scream had her shaking like a single leaf on a tree in a vicious sandstorm. Sweat dripped down her brow as pang after pang of raw pleasure struck her from the inside. It burned her white hot, and down to ashes. Slowly she felt herself come out of it, but he was still rocking into her fiercely.
The redhead let out a near painful sound, practically shouting through his clenched teeth as he pulled out of her to pulse his essence onto her swollen folds. He shivered almost as much as she did, his muscles twitching from overexertion while he raced to try to catch his breath. Breathing frantically, but deeply, he let out a few remaining whimpers that were clinging stubbornly inside of him.
He was sweating, his pale skin glistening with flushed cheeks and lips. His crimson locks clung to him, and started to fall into his tightly shut eyes. When he gave a shake to his damp hair she could feel a light mist, although it didn't bother her in the slightest. If anything he had never looked more beautiful then he did right at that moment, and she was just as high as he was.
Dark clamped lids opened, and looked at her with a fresh emotion she had never seen from anyone before. As he breathed harshly he managed a dopey smile.
"I love you." Gaara murmured, this time truly saying it to her openly rather than within a whisper. She was glowing, and she was dumbfounded.
Sakura didn't know how to answer him. Her mind was skipping rapidly over what had just happened, and what he had just said to her. He seemed to notice her spaciness, and looked off to the side as if he were ashamed of himself.
"Sorry... I'm... impatient. I'm so sorry-" In the middle of Gaara sowing his own seeds of doubt in his mind she swiftly turned his cheek to face her before giving him a passionate kiss. He tensed at first, his fingers twitching on her hips from the shock, but soon he let out a low hum of approval.
She hoped that answer could satisfy him-
"Lord Gaara, Baki would like to go over that last mission with-" An unknown voice suddenly broke the silence, making her blood run cold. By the sound of it the ninja in question already knew that he had just made a fatal mistake.
Sand started to slither across the floor-
"Gaara, don't do that. Please." Sakura had broke away from the kiss to give him a pleading look, which was a rare thing for her to do. The sand went completely lifeless as it plopped into unorganized piles. His expression was still truly livid.
"My apologies, I'll just let myself out. Thank you for your gracious time." The nameless ninja bowed repeatedly, even as he closed the door behind him.
"Fucking piece of shit-" The redhead began to shake with rage.
"Hey now, don't ruin the moment." The pinkette murmured softly, but his expression remained furious. "Save that murderous energy for later. If I remember correctly we have a game of damsel in distress planned."
His expression immediately went soft with innocent curiosity. Obviously this wasn't striking a bell, but his face alone was adorable enough that she could care less.
"Don't you remember? You wanted to play the villain, and tie me up... make me scream-"
"I have absolutely no memory of that." Gaara deadpanned, but a mischievous smile quickly found it's way across his features. "But it sounds like fun."
She breathed a sigh of relief, happy that she could get him to see things a bit more positively.
"Okay, so no maiming. If you behave nicely maybe we can play that game later, yes?" Sakura brushed some strands out of his face, and he nearly purred in response.
"I love games." The redhead said huskily, leaning into her hands for further petting like a loyal dog.
"I know you do, that's why I offered to play." The pinkette gave a cheshire grin, feeling ultimately successful on not only continuing to capture his interest, but she dodged the 'love' bullet as well as saved some poor man's life.
Although, she knew her affection for him was beginning to lean on love. She just didn't know if she was ready to say it.
'You're afraid of the word, that's the only reason why you wont say it. You're scared he'll leave once you do…'
That thought horrified her, but judging by how much he had dedicated himself to her, and today's events she was certain that it would take more than a war to split them apart.
She wanted to take that chance, and she already started down her path by taking this leap with him.
However, on a more awkward note, now she had to delve into a lifestyle she wasn't quite ready for. She knew that after this tryst he would probably be vying for her every second of the day, and she didn't know if she was prepared for so much physical attention.
'Oh boy... what have I done?' Sakura felt herself break out into another sweat while he continued to nuzzle her affectionately. His love for her made her smile. 'No, I regret nothing.'
- ….. - … -
Gaara was somewhat upset that he had been called on a mission, and it showed in his work.
A new leaf shinobi had been imprisoned today, and he got the job of torturing the fellow for information. Sadly the man was tight lipped, and passed out before he could get much out of him.
"You should have held off, he probably has more information in him-" Baki grumbled as they walked past the dark cells, the redhead was keeping a keen eye out for any familiar faces. Unfortunately, even with his great night vision faces were still blurred in the dark. His vision was far better than most, but it wasn't perfect. The poor lighting didn't help in the least, if anything the incandescent light of torches washed out people's features more than if he were just looking into pure pitch.
Everything was bothering him all at once.
"Get someone else to do it then if you don't like my methods. You should be happy that I didn't kill him." Gaara huffed, irritated by the scolding as well as the disruption towards his search. The man next to him stopped walking, and it took a moment for the redhead to register that the older shinobi was falling behind.
"Yes, you've been holding off on the death blows lately. It makes me wonder if that leaf woman is making you go soft-"
"Her name is Sakura, and just because she is from the leaf does not mean that she is automatically my enemy." Gaara turned to glare, challenging his sensei with just one look. However, Baki was not the type to bow out.
"Who is your enemy, Gaara? If it is not the leaf, then to whom does your allegiance lie?" His former sensei seemed to be on the defense, his posture had gone rigid as he threw out accusations.
'I know that no matter what I say it will be taken as a threat. Nothing I do will be right in anyone's eyes, with the exception of the small few I hold close to me... Sakura especially... In her eyes I am not a monster, I am just a man.' The redhead took a calming breath, and shocked himself over how composed he felt. Just thinking of Sakura gave him so much strength.
"My allegiance... lies with people that I can trust. I trust a handful both in the leaf, and in the sand. I will not betray these people, but I will destroy anything that threatens them specifically." Gaara didn't fail to notice the double take from Baki, although he couldn't really blame him. For him to have friends at all was almost like a freak accident, even if those friends consisted of two siblings and one girlfriend.
'The fact that I even have them is astonishing...' The redhead mused to himself, fighting a small smile at the thought that someone actually cared for him.
"So, if a leaf shinobi came in right now, and placed a knife at my throat, would you kill to save me? Or would you leave me to die?" The jounin placed a scenario suspiciously in front of his former student. It had Gaara lost in thought over it.
Would he leave him to die? He supposed it depended on the leaf shinobi attacking him...
"I would save you, but the attacker would not die. They would be questioned-"
"Life doesn't work that way, Gaara." Baki interjected immediately, grating on the redhead's nerves. "Sometimes we have to make tough choices. Sometimes we have to choose sides-"
"-And my choice was to make it so neither of you die. My choice is to live and let live." Gaara took a step closer to his former teacher, adamant about getting his point across. "I don't want you to die, and I don't want to kill the people of the woman I love. Why is it that we can't have both? Why do you keep sending me out there to kill people who have nothing left?!"
'What... is this... feeling?'
"I am done! This war will end by my hands, but my hands will no longer be covered in blood! I don't want to do it anymore! Do not call on me to do your dirty work ever again-!"
"You're joking. How can you suddenly be an activist for peace when you hate everyone?" The jounin bit venomously, and while it had the redhead taken aback he also felt his temper boiling over. Something was about to spill out-
Gaara ran out of air from yelling so hard, and the man in front of him was shell shocked from it. The redhead took that opportunity to finish his initial thought.
"All I wanted was to be loved, to be important to someone. I finally have that. I am no longer broken from a loveless life. My pieces have been gathered, and they are being glued back together piece by tiny piece. Now that this person has saved me I will do anything in my power to keep her from becoming sad. She doesn't want her people to suffer anymore, so I will no longer kill them. I refuse."
Gaara closed his eyes, feeling as if something heavy had been lifted off of him. He almost felt like crying it was so relieving.
"But, I care for my siblings, and I feel somewhat close to you. I do not want to see you all hurt or saddened either. So I will do anything in my power to make it so that both sides will win-"
A clapping was heard from inside one of the cells, forcing both of them to turn their heads in alert. In the shadow, Gaara saw two hands clapping strongly, and they belonged to a man with silver hair...
"That was beautiful, Gaara. I never thought I would say this, but I truly hope they make you Kazekage." The voice was familiar, he knew it from his youth.
"... Kakashi..." The redhead gaped slightly as the man's face came into view. He was completely maskless, which was probably why he didn't recognize him. The leaf jounin smiled, but kept one of his eyes shut.
"It's been a long time, it seems my student has been treating you well. I'm actually glad." Kakashi gave a weak laugh, he looked withered and worn. The bruises on his wrists and neck also told Gaara that he had been tortured repeatedly, but he knew it hadn't been by his own hands.
The redhead went to approach the bars, but Baki held him back with a stern hand.
"He's killed three of our men already, just in captivity-"
"Why didn't you tell me he was here?" Gaara interrupted, he could honestly care less as to how many people the copycat ninja had killed. He stared at Kakashi's eye, noticing its tired appearance. He went to move again, jerking out of Baki's grip.
"We didn't think it would be safe. He is Sakura's sensei, and with how much you sacrifice for her we knew you would try to free him." His former sensei sounded worn too, as far as the redhead was concerned this war was simply wearing everyone out.
"Gaara, I hope you will continue to take good care of Sakura. It sounds like you truly love her." Kakashi smiled genuinely this time, and Gaara had to admit that the older ninja was a handsome man. "I'm happy to know she's alive, and safe. I hope one day you can stay true to your word... and stop this war..."
Suddenly the silver-haired ninja looked sullen, like something great had been knocked away from him.
"I will not live to see it, but that is the price I will pay for not stopping it in the first place." Kakashi murmured. The redhead felt frozen by that statement, and truly noticed just where they were.
Death row. Those meant to be executed in the days to come.
"You will live to see it." Before he could even think, the words began leaving his mouth. He surprised himself with his own declaration, and yet he felt it to be the truth.
Gaara would not let this man die.
"Gaara, it's time you left." Baki's tone was stern, and angry, but the redhead could care less. His mind was made up, and he would fight his own people to save this one man.
This man that Sakura cared deeply for, anyone she loved would not die as long as he was around to prevent it. He swore it on his very soul.
- ... - ... -
"What are you doing?" Sakura's voice sounded nervous, and he turned in time to see her studying him with suspicion.
Well, packing a satchel wasn't necessarily normal unless you meant to leave somewhere. He turned away from her before grabbing a few kunai from his nightstand.
"We are leaving." Gaara answered plainly, noting the intense silence behind him. It was palpable.
"Is it okay for us to leave?" The pinkette sounded monotonous, it was the most serious tone he had ever heard from her.
'Shinobi habits die hard.' The redhead smirked, knowing that once they left the village she would probably pick back up on her training. 'It's better this way.'
"No. We're deserting." His answer was raw, and to the point. For a moment he expected her to panic, but when nothing came he remembered just how strong she was.
"Can I ask why?" Sakura's hand appeared in his peripheral vision, placing her soft fingers over his own to stop him from packing. Her skin was warm, and comforting, but he couldn't smile for her. He knew what the newest turn of events would do to her.
"Kakashi is in our prison. He's to be executed tomorrow morning..." Gaara didn't waste time in being delicate, and sadly it had her shaking. He looked up to see her face grow paler by the second, and tears started flowing from her widened eyes.
He never wanted to see her look so hurt, and yet just the mere mention of what was happening had her completely shattered.
The redhead was finished with this disease called sadness. He would not let it affect the people he cared for any longer.
"That execution will not happen. We will free him, and immediately leave. Together." Gaara turned back to his pack, putting away some spare clothes with overly focused eyes. He could hear her choking on her sobs as they bubbled out of her, and although he felt bad about it he also knew that the remedies to the problem were already in motion.
"G-Gaara..." Sakura hiccuped, and he felt her head rest on his shoulder first before her arms desperately clung to him. "Th-Thank you..."
His heart was pounding, although he didn't exactly know why. The ties to his pack were fastened quickly, yet he still stared off into space; day dreaming of what was to come.
There would be no protection once he left, and the knives at his throat would rush in to kill him as swiftly as possible. His jumping to the other side would cause absolute chaos, but he was willing to accept everyone's anger in exchange for her happiness.
Gaara loved Sakura, and he didn't want to live a single day without her smile.
"When the war is over... will you still stay by my side?" The redhead asked without thinking, and almost cursed himself for it.
"Yes." Her answer shot through him like a knife, yet it had his heart thumping wildly. He had never felt so insane in his entire life, and he wasn't even killing anyone; just the opposite actually.
Suddenly he felt it coming out, the strangest question he would ever ask another human being.
"When the war... is over... will you be my wife?" Gaara stayed focused on his bag, he refused to look her in the eye for the fear of her leering at him with disgust. When silence filled the room once more he felt his brow furrow before the emotion of shame began to sink in-
"Alright, but I want a child. So you had better be ready to become a fathe-ah!" Sakura squeaked as he abruptly pulled her into a tight embrace. His breath was shaking, his hands were trembling, and his eyes were clamped shut out of fear of accidentally crying.
"Thank you." The redhead whispered, and her hands wrapped around his frame in return. "I love you."
"I love you too." The pinkette sounded just as anxious, but there was a smile in her voice. She was happy.
All that was left was to wait, and seize their chance.
The future was waiting, and they were going to conquer it.
To be continued...