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So my idea is that Bishop loses her mother unexpectedly and then she is offered a job at NCIS Rota,Spain as an analyst.

Will she go?What will happen to her and Torres?Will he admit his feelings for her?Read and find out.

She was gone.One month has passed since her funeral and Bishop was still a mess.Her mother was her rock,the person who she could count on.Her mother's death had even affected her brothers' personalities.They were the jokers but they aren't anymore. This past days all of her coworkers really helped her get over her loss.Especially him.

Torres..well Nick was really supportive and well funny.He made her laugh when she needed it the most.She is really falling for him.She shouldn't…especially now. She has to move on. She's got offered a job two weeks earlier.Well it's in Spain.But it's a much easier one.She will not work on late hours and she will be paid more.And she wants to forger of all of the people she has lost…Reeves,Quasim,her mother.

She wants it,doesn't she???She wants to start a new life,wipe the slate clean.So she is going to Rota tomorrow,she's taking the first flight.Had already spoken with the director and packed her bags.

That night at work is her last but she hasnt told anybody,she can't,it's too painful.Letters, personalized letters for everyone are on her top drawer.I guess they'll understand.she assures herself.

There's only two people left in the bullpen,her and Torres.When she is making her way to the bathroom she leaves her flight ticket on her desk.Nick has fell asleep on his desk,right?

What is this??? Nick asked Bishop after she left the restroom.

Well you's my ticket.Im leaving tomorrow.Ellie said while keeping her eyes focused on everywhere else except his eyes.

And why didn't you tell any of us?he stated with anger.

Because I could not face you or Gibbs or even McGee.

Okay..however you feel.I'm going home.Or maybe not!!!I dont have to tell you where am I going or when am I going.Because YOU act on the same way.!!!

said Torres with rage and pain into his eyes.

What?!Are you serious?Bishop said

Yes I am.Goodnight have fun in Spain!!!And make some friends because apparently WE are not good enough to be your friends!!! That's why you didnt even bother saying goodbye!!! Said Torres as he gathered his things and left for the elevator.