"Um... H-hello." A tall, blond and scraggly boy with blue eyes greeted a lady with bleach white skin and hair, on her white skin red veins were working their way up her face, they stop before they reached her black and red eyes.

"Who are you? What are you doing in my domain? How did you enter my room undetected?" The lady, Salem, asked puzzled, but not moving from her seat by the window.

"O-oh, I'm Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue - ladies love it. And I'm lost." Jaune said as he walked up to Salem

"Lost?" Salem parroted, feeling something odd about the situation.

"Yeah, I was getting on an Airship headed for Vale, I was planning on going to Beacon, but I have Motion Sickness and I heard some alcohol calms the nerves, the next thing I knew, I was here. Sorry about coming here unannounced." He said with a bashful smile.

Still feeling odd, but wanting more information, Salem continued asking questions. "Beacon? You want to slay monsters?"

"Huh? Oh no, not really. I want to be a Hero. You know - like a knight! Saving the day! Protecting innocents! Rescuing damsels from towers! That kind of stuff, and Beacon is the closest I could get to that. Or was, I probably missed initiation." He finished glumly, but still with a smile. "At least I got to meet you, that's cool."

Amused by his answer, but confused by his last words, Salem asked. "Me? Why?"

"Ah, well, it's embarrassing to say, but since I'm in your castle -a cool once at that- and you haven't kicked me out I'll tell you. Just, uh, just don't take offense, I don't mean anything bad, but, um, pale skin and white hair is like all I look for in a girl, like they could be some egomaniac with more power than they need, or a nice girl with other qualities, but something about pale skin that glows in the light and white hair the color of snow, just calls to me. My sister says it's something like wishing for a delicate princess for my brave Knight fantasy. Whatever it is, it always makes me comfortable to be near them."

"Thank you for your honesty Jaune. For your information, I was a natural blonde before... this." Salem said, brushing her loose hair gently.

"Thanks for listening to me rant." Jaune said taking a seat next to Salem.

He sat in silence, looking out the window, at the purple sky, and the wasteland littered with black inky ponds that gave 'life' to the Creatures of Darkness.

Salem watched for his reaction to Grimm being made.

"So, that's a Grimm... Boring." Jaune said with a sigh.

"What?" Salem asked, before checking to see if anything was wrong with the Grimm. They emerged out a puddle with numbers higher than countable and stalked away. Just how it's supposed to be.

"I expected more screaming, maybe a little roaring, but no. All I get are puppies stumbling away after a bath, and it wasn't even a blood bath."

"What?" Salem repeated, since this boy was totally disregarding the Creature of Grimm being born.

"Hey! Let's go do something fun!" Jaune said standing up, and reaching a hand out to help Salem up.

After shaking her confusion away, she thought over his words, before turning back to the window. "The age of fun has long since past for me."

"Nonsense! You're never too old to have fun! Come on, I swear on my name, you'll have fun if you come with me and an Arc never goes back on their word." He offered his hand again.

"What happens if you do?" Salem inquired.

He shrugs. "Don't know, never happened."

Something, there was something inside of Salem, fighting for and against going. Trying. Leaving.

"Let's go, it'll be better than staying locked up here."

"I'm not locked, I can leave whenever."

"Eh, if your mentality is keeping you here because you think you can't have fun, sounds like you're locked up here."

"I-I could leave." The Monstrous Mother of Grimm stuttered out.

"Then let's go."

Salem could leave, she does it all the time. To talk to her subordinates. To oversee the Grimm. To... To...

"Okay. Fine, I'll go." She said taking his hand.

He led her out the door and down the halls. He walked for a while, before stopping.

"...I'm lost." He admitted.

Salem giggled. "Follow me, I think someone had some... What were they called? Comics? Yeah, those, laying around."

"Sweet! Lead the way!" Jaune said with a smile.

{Ch.1 End.}


, here you go, one order of Salem x Jaune. (Revised.)

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