Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot.

Trowa and Quatre

Quatre didn't know what he was supposed to do and it was driving him crazy. Looking around at all the guests packed into the ballroom he kept the smile he'd pasted on firmly in place but inside he didn't feel like smiling at all. He hadn't even wanted to come to this party but because of politics and the fact that he was easily suckered into things had resulted in him arriving on time and expected to stay till the end. At least he wasn't alone in his misery Quatre thought with a slightly truer smile as he looked over to Wufei and Heero who were both looking uncomfortable in their tuxedos. Duo was out on the dance floor with Hilde so he was happy but Quatre was willing to bet he was the only Gundam pilot happy to be here. Trowa certainly hadn't been though he hadn't said anything. And that was the root of the problem, Trowa wasn't saying anything. Oh sure his best friend was a man of few words but he was barely speaking to Quatre at all and Quatre was desperate to know what he'd done to cause Trowa to withdraw from him. In his head there was a nagging idea but the thought that it could be the reason was too terrifying to consider. Trowa had been avoiding him since that nightmare and Quatre couldn't ignore that his worst scenario could be the right one. He knew Trowa had likely never left his side until he'd gone to sleep and it was possible that some of what Quatre had been dreaming had slipped out. Had he said something in his sleep that had put Trowa off and made his friend cast him strange looks when he thought Quatre wasn't looking? Quatre loved Trowa, had for a long time now and his dreams that night had reflected that. Did Trowa know what he felt for him and if so was that why he was treating him like a leper?

"You know this party isn't great but I wouldn't say its bad enough to warrant that look." Sally asked from beside Quatre and Quatre's head turned to face her having not even been aware that she'd come up beside him. The beautiful doctor looked stunning as always and Quatre smiled at but let it fade at the look in her eye. "What's wrong, Quatre?" Sally asked not liking the look in her young friend's eyes at all. The smiles he'd been smiling all night had seemed forced to her and looking into his eyes right now she was sure of it.

"I'm fine, Sally. Just tired I suppose." Quatre said with another smile, which obviously didn't fool Sally from the way she raised an eyebrow at him in silent disagreement. "Why aren't you trying to drag Wufei onto the dance floor, afraid he'll crush your toes now that he's finally as tall as you?"

"Not in the least but I figure I'll let him drink some more, maybe it'll mellow him enough that he'll actually say yes." Sally said with a smile as she placed a hand on his shoulder. "Does this have something to do with why Trowa's been avoiding you, Quatre?"

"You noticed it too huh?" Quatre said with a sigh as his eyes left hers to scan the room, seeking a glimpse of his friend who was usually easy to spot thanks to his height. For a second he thought he'd spotted him then the figure disappeared and Quatre looked back at Sally with hurt in his blue eyes. "Is it that obvious?"

"No, only to someone who was looking for it." Sally said as she squeezed his shoulder sisterly. "It's obvious to anyone who really knows you well that you're hurting and Trowa's the only one here that could inflict the kind of pain I see in your eyes."

"You-you know." Quatre said as he looked at her in surprise, so sure that he'd hidden the extent of his feelings for Trowa from everyone. The fact that Sally had realized it shouldn't really surprise him though, she was a very smart woman and having so many sisters Quatre knew that they tended to get things quicker then his own sex.

"Yes, I suspected for a while but the look in your eyes and his confirmed it. He's hurting too Quatre. What happened?"

"I don't know, Sally. I have a hunch or two but-but I don't know for sure and it's eating me up inside." Quatre said with a truly miserable look on his face. "I don't know what I'm suppose to do or say to him to find out what's going on. What if I'm wrong and its nothing or if I'm right and he's figured out-has realized how I feel about him?"

"I think that he might suspect Quatre, just as I think he's questioning his own feelings for you." Sally said gently, smiling when Quatre's eyes went as big as saucers. "Trowa's never had a girlfriend and the closest people to him are you and Catherine. I'll bet when you realized how you felt about him you tried to ignore it and analysed it, not saying anything because you didn't want to risk ruining what you have with him now. Why wouldn't he do the same?"

"You-you think that that could be why he's behaving the way he is?" Quatre asked with hope lighting in his eyes as the idea sank in. Could it be there was a chance that Trowa could return his feelings? Would one of his biggest dreams actually come true?

"The only way to know for sure is to talk to him." Sally pointed out with a smile. "Even if he doesn't feel the same way you do Quatre I think that he'd be able to handle your feelings for him. He loves you, he wouldn't throw that all away over you feeling a love different from his own."

"Well I guess I better go find him then." Quatre said as he straightened his shoulders, unwilling to go another minute in the dark. "Thanks, Sally." Quatre said with a big smile before heading over to the other pilots to see if they knew where Trowa was.

According to Wufei he'd seen Trowa head out the French doors and out onto the balcony about five minutes ago and hadn't seen him come back in. Walking through the doorway Quatre's face was hit by a warm breeze that carried the scents of the sea and the night. The balcony overlooked the water and a straight drop from them would end with the person being crushed on the rocks and water below which was why Quatre felt his heart stop when his eyes found Trowa. Sitting on top of the railing around the balcony Trowa was leaning forward with only his hands around the bar keeping him from tumbling head first into thin air. Trowa didn't seem to be aware of his presence and incapable of speech Quatre stood there, watching the breeze ruffle his friend's bangs as he stared out at the sea, his face's profile barely visible. Stepping forward Quatre approached Trowa, not wanting to startle his friend and sending him tumbling forward. When he was a few feet away Quatre saw Trowa's shoulders straighten and the hands he had around the bars tighten so that they were white.

"Trowa." Quatre said softly, sure that Trowa was aware of his presence and hurting that his presence would cause such a reaction. By all the Gods what had he done?

"Quatre." Trowa replied just as softly as he continued to stare out at the sea, ignoring Quatre as if he wasn't there or simply a piece of the scenery.

"Would you mind terribly getting off the rail, Trowa?" Quatre asked as he hesitantly moved closer, approaching Trowa like he was a wounded animal who might lash out or harm itself if he made a wrong move. "Please Trowa, I keep getting visions of you accidentally falling forward and I really need to talk to you about something."

All was quiet and then Trowa let go of the rail with one hand and in a quick move had spun around so that he was now facing Quatre, his hand dropping back down to once again hold onto the rail as he regarded Quatre, his back to the sea. He was still sitting on the rail though and it was as easy to fall backward as it was to fall forward. "You don't need to worry, Quatre. I won't fall." Trowa commented and Quatre smiled slightly at the fact that Trowa had so easily picked up on his thoughts. But then Trowa had always been that way Quatre thought with a wider smile as he remembered all the situations they'd been in over the years. They knew each other well and Quatre hoped that he'd never have to say that in the past tense. He was going to find out what was wrong with Trowa and then he was going to fix it or die trying.

"What is it you want to talk about?" Trowa asked and Quatre moved a bit closer then when Trowa simply regarded him without saying anything moved to stand beside his friend, leaning up against the railing as they both looked ahead as oppose to each other.

"I want to know why you're ignoring me Trowa and have been acting so distant, even Wufei's commented on it and he doesn't usually pick up on these kind of things." Quatre said in a joking tone that belayed the emotion underneath. This was likely going to be the hardest thing he'd had to hear in a while but he'd take it and do whatever it took to set things right, even if it meant burying his feelings for Trowa.

"I haven't been ignoring you." Trowa said simply and if Quatre hadn't been worried before his friend's tone certainly would have made him start. Trowa's tone often was emotionless but this was different, this was more dead and uncaring.

"Yes you have, don't lie to me, Trowa!" Quatre said as he moved from his position to stand directly in front of Trowa, his nerves and pain clear in his eyes. "You barely speak to me, you won't look me in the eye unless it's to stare at me blankly and whenever I come near you you find something else you have to do. What's going on Trowa-you can tell me."

"Quatre, just leave it alone." Trowa said softly as he turned his head to the side so that his bangs completely shielding his face from view.

"Trowa you tell me or-or I'll jump off the balcony." Quatre practically yelled, his hands on his hips as he actually glared at Trowa not that Trowa seemed to notice. "And don't think that I won't Trowa Barton, I will. You're my best friend and I won't stand here and let you shut me out so start talking!"

"Quatre, go inside." Trowa replied as he turned to face Quatre; nothing given away as his green eyes met Quatre's. "I'm fine, just leave it alone."

"Fine then." Quatre said as he went back to the rail a meter away from Trowa putting a hand on either side of the rail he hefted himself up and sitting down twisted around to face the water. "You've got the countdown of ten to tell me what's wrong or I'm letting go."

"Quatre-get down before you fall." Trowa said as he looked over at his friend with just a hint of a smile on his face. Don't think I'll let go do you Quatre thought with a dark look.


"Quatre, don't be stupid." Trowa said with just a hint of uncertainty as he saw the determined look on Quatre's face.

"Four….three…two…one…times up Trowa." Quatre said and he let go of the bar. Feeling himself falling backward Quatre had a moment to think that maybe it hadn't been the smartest thing to do when he felt Trowa's hand wrap around his own arm then being yanked back over the rails before his feet even went past the rail. His feet hitting the balcony's wood floor with a thud Quatre barely had time to catch his breath before Trowa yanked him into his arms, hugging Quatre to him like he'd fall again if he didn't hold him tight enough. Feeling Trowa shaking against him Quatre wrapped his arms around Trowa and held his friend, his eyes going wide when Trowa buried his head against Quatre's neck, Trowa's hands digging into Quatre's back though he took no notice. "I knew you wouldn't let me fall." Quatre said softly as the arms he'd wrapped around Trowa's waist moved up and down in a soothing motion. "What's wrong Trowa, you don't want me taking another leap of faith do you?" He added in a joking voice.

"Don't you ever do that to me again." Trowa said into Quatre's neck, unwilling to let Quatre go enough so that he could look him in the eye. "I'll do anything just promise me you'll never do that again."

"I promise, Trowa." Quatre said softly and continued to rub Trowa's back as his friend slowly got control of himself. "I'm not the suicidal type. Now what's wrong? What did I do?"

"It wasn't your fault, you were asleep." Trowa said after sever moments of silence had pasted. It was obvious he didn't want to say anything but didn't see any way out of it now that Quatre had shown he wasn't bluffing. "It happened when you had that nightmare and I insisted on staying with you in case you had another one. I was pretty sure you were asleep but I leaned over to check just in case you were faking it again. You must have still been rattled by the nightmare because you-you grabbed a hold of me and pulled me onto the bed with you. I would have got off but you had a firm grip and I knew it would embarrass you if I woke you up and we were in that kind of position so I just laid there. I tried to think of what to do when you shifted in your sleep and you-you…"

"And I what Trowa?" Quatre asked softly, it slowly sinking in that the dream he'd had that night was following Trowa's retelling too much for comfort. Could it be that it hadn't been a dream at all? Had he and Trowa-had they-

"You kissed me, accidentally." Trowa blurted out before drawing away from Quatre, spinning around to give Quatre his back before Quatre could even get a glimpse of Trowa's face. His shoulders heaving slightly Trowa continued in a voice that held a hint of emotion Quatre couldn't begin to identify. "I didn't know what to do, then I-then I kissed you back, Quatre."

"You did?" Quatre said not knowing how to take that. Part of him wanted to do hand springs for joy because Trowa had kissed him but the other part of him felt scared and worried because Trowa sounded absolutely miserable, like he regretted it. And if he regretted it then he obviously didn't feel the way Quatre wanted him to feel.

"Yes, I apologies for taking advantage of you when you were asleep and it will never happen again, I swear that to you. I only hope you can forgive me." Trowa said and Quatre felt his heart sink as Trowa hung his head, his back still to him.

"Trowa, there's nothing to forgive, Trowa. I kissed you first remember. Had I been awake I would have definitely not minded, Trowa." Quatre said quietly, taking the leap and felt his heart hit his throat as Trowa's head came up and then he swung around to face Quatre with a look Quatre couldn't read in the darkness.

"You-you wanted me to kiss you?" Trowa asked hesitantly and Quatre felt a small flame of hope grow in his chest as Trowa moved closer until they were only two feet from each other.

"Yes, Trowa, I just never figured you felt the same." Quatre said, as he looked Trowa directly in the eye. "Do you regret the kiss or the fact that you thought I wouldn't want it unless I was a sleep?"

"Quatre-I didn't realize that you-that you thought of me as-why didn't you ever tell me?" Trowa asked and Quatre had to chuckle slightly at the confusion in Trowa's voice.

"Because I didn't think you'd ever consider me anything more then a friend, Trowa and I didn't want to risk losing that. And Trowa, I'm not asleep anymore." Quatre said as he closed the distance and getting up on tiptoes wrapped his arms around Trowa's neck and pulled the tall pilot down for a kiss, both of them awake this time. As before seconds went by then slowly Trowa's arms came up to wrap around Quatre's waist, drawing him closer as he returned the kiss, both completely unaware of anything else as they had only senses for each other.

"I'm sure that they went this way guys." Duo said with a confident look on his face as they walked through the doors. "I wonder what they're doing though cause-HOLY FRICKIN MOTHER OF MARY!" Duo practically hollered as the three other pilots came to a grinding halt as they stared at the other two Gundam pilots currently kissing, amazingly not seeming to be aware them despite Duo's yelling.

"Well they've made up, took them long enough." Heero said calmly as he rolled his eyes. "Hey you two, do you want to go with us to get pizza or stay here?"

Breaking apart at the sound of Heero's voice actually raised the two pilots jumped apart and stared at the three pilots, two who seemed perfectly okay and poor Duo who looked like he was going to have a heart attack.

"Apparently the food they intend to serve tonight is going to be really bad so we're heading out for pizza, you two interested?" Wufei asked calmly as though absolutely wrong.

"Ah, Duo, are you okay?" Quatre asked hesitantly, his cheeks a bright red. Looking over at the other two pilots Quatre couldn't believe that they were taken this so well. Or were they really freaking out inside but just hiding it well?

"Why the hell aren't you two as surprised as me?" Duo finally managed to gasp out as he looked from Wufei to Heero and then back again.

"Because we've been expecting this for a while, Duo." Heero said with a hint of a smile, shocking Duo, Quatre and Trowa. "Speaking of which we both owe Relena fifty, Wufei."

"Damn it, if you two would have patched things up tomorrow I would have won the pot." Wufei grumbled as he shot them a dark look.

"There was a pot? Why didn't anyone tell me?" Duo demanded in an outraged voice. How could he have missed all this?

"Only those who had the brains to see this coming were invited to enter the pot, Maxwell." Wufei said with a smirk. "So are we going or not?"

"Pizza sounds good." Quatre said with a laugh, not believing it had been that easy. Next to Trowa's reaction the other pilots' had been just as nerve racking. Looking over at Trowa Quatre saw him nod and smiled. "Well let's go then."

And so the pilots went to get pizza and in the morning Wufei, Heero, Sally, Noin, Milliardo, several of Quatre's men and Catherine all had to cough up fifty bucks to Relena.