Harry fidgeted uncomfortably in his seat. This was just…weird.

"So, uh…how do you feel?"

Draco rolled his eyes. "Well, Potter, I'm stuck in a hospital bed after almost being killed because of your idiocy. All things considered, I've been better."

Harry forced back the angry retort that sprang to his lips. Malfoy may be a total prat, but he hadn't come here to fight with him.

"I wanted to thank you," he said with effort, "for helping me."

The other boy stared at him. "Dumbledore told you everything, right?"

Harry nodded.

"Then you know why I acted as I did."

"I know," Harry replied. "But still…thank you."

There was an awkward lull in the conversation before Draco spoke again. "What happened after I…blacked out?"

His expression was carefully guarded, but Harry knew that he was thinking about his father.

"Bellatrix got away, but the rest were put in Azkaban. Your father…" He hesitated, then forged ahead anyways. "He didn't want to kill you, you know. Not really. That's why the curse didn't work. He was…he was really upset after he saw what he had done."

Draco nodded, but said nothing.

Harry found himself speaking just to fill the silence. "I didn't tell anyone besides Ron and Hermione about you being in the Order. I thought things might be easier for you that way."

"It doesn't matter," Draco said, an edge of bitterness in his voice. "My cover's blown anyways—I expect that all of Slytherin has heard about me by now. I doubt that my friends will be welcoming me back with open arms after I got half of their fathers locked up in Azkaban."

It struck Harry just how true Dumbledore's words had been. Draco had given up everything for this cause. "If that's the case," he said without thinking, "you can always hang out with us, if you want."

Malfoy's eyebrows arched in amusement. "Are my ears deceiving me, or was that just an invitation to join the famous Golden Trio?"

Harry felt his face turn red with embarrassment. "Just forget it."

"No need to get your panties in a wad, Potter," Draco drawled with infuriating calmness. "I'll take you up on your offer—if it's all the same to you."

Seeing Harry's surprise, he said, "Even though I'm not a double-agent anymore, I'm still a member of the Order. It will be a lot easier to keep an eye on you this way."

"I don't need to be babysat," Harry said peevishly. "And besides, now that Dumbledore's back, don't you think it's a bit unnecessary to be watching my every move?"

Draco shook his head. "If there's one thing I've learned after watching you this year, it's that you have an uncanny ability for getting yourself into life-threatening situations."

Harry started to open his mouth to protest, then clamped it shut. He hated to admit it, but Draco had a point. "Whatever," he huffed.

Harry glanced at the clock, and quickly realized that he'd stayed longer than he'd intended. "I'd better go." He stood. "I'd rather not have Madam Pomfrey yelling at me for keeping you up too long."

"I'm fine," Draco said, but Harry could tell that he was barely able to keep his eyes open.

"Get some rest, Malfoy. I'm heading back home this afternoon, but I'll see you next term."

Harry started to walk away but turned around at the sound of his name. "Potter?" Draco looked at him for a long moment. "Thank you."

As the Hogwarts Express carried him across fields and rivers to distant London, Harry found his thoughts wandering to the prophecy. Neither can live while the other survives… It was terrifying to think about, but at the same time, Neville's words were still ringing clearly in his mind. No matter what, when the time comes again that you need help, we vow that we'll be there fighting right alongside you, Harry.

The task before him was daunting, but he wasn't alone. Ron and the other Weasleys, Hermione, the Order, the members of Dumbledore's Army, even Draco Malfoy—all of them were fighting for the same cause. They were all providing their support for the moment when he, Harry, would finally fight Voldemort.

For their sake, he couldn't give up or lose hope. Voldemort had to be stopped. He wouldn't allow what had happened to Cedric—and almost happened to Draco—to ever happen again. He wouldn't stand by and let those precious to him be killed. He would keep fighting, and someday he wouldtake down Voldemort—no matter the cost.

Another eventful year at Hogwarts had ended, but he knew that the real fight was just beginning.