We were in the depths of winter, and by the time I had arrived home, night had fallen. It was a tiring day, both physically and mentally.

I unlocked the door and twisted the doorknob, only to find myself ambushed by a wild Komachi lying in wait at the doorway. It was almost as if she was expecting me. Maybe she missed me so much that she couldn't bear to wait any longer. She is such a precious imouto.

"Komachi, I'm home."

"Onii-chan, you are finally home! What took you so long today?"

"Club ended late. Have some pity on your poor onii-san." I was not in the mood for another round of Komachi Wright: Ace Attorney. Not today. Not now. Not after what happened just now.

"I presume there was a request? By any chance… did it involve Kawasaki-san?"

I gulped at the mention of her name. Sensing blood in the water, Komachi's next move was a vicious bite. Poor me.

"More specifically, did it involve getting this cute little keychain… or perhaps… helping her carry her groceries home?" Komachi ended off with a smug laugh, and her poor onii-chan had no response. How could she do this to me? She began to examine the evidence that was the keychain I had just received. I knew I should have put it inside my bag...

Realising the futility of denying what had happened, I decided to inquire on how she knew.

"How did you know?"

"Not even trying to deny it anymore eh, onii-chan. Do you honestly think you could go to Kawasaki-san's house without me knowing? I have a little informant there you know… "

Ah. So it was him. The scheming snake had become a spy, a source of leaks. I hope that one day he would end up seeking asylum in an embassy for seven years and go crazy in the process. Curse this Taishi to the ends of the earth. Maybe him wanting to go to Sobu wasn't a bad thing after all. I don't think he could survive sensei's punch. That way, I didn't even need to get my own hands dirty. Now that would be a fitting end to him.

"So? What did you do today?" Prosecutor Komachi pressed on with her line of questioning. I was beginning to be glad that our parents often came home late from work. I did not need any witnesses in this interrogation. Certainly not my mum. She was beginning to be worried about my future… especially after she found out about my lifelong ambition.

"I hung out with Kawasaki… you know, as friends and all…" I hung onto that line of reasoning as if my sanity depended on it. Well, it did, to a certain extent.

"As friends? Stop lying to yourself, onii-chan, you never do this with any of the other friends you have, no matter how little they number. Like, have you ever asked Totsuka-san to hang out?"

Ignoring the last part of her sentence for fear of raising a flag that would only satisfy Ebina, I replied with a tinge of anger. "If that thing already told you what happened, then you should already know how that ended, right?"

I was getting annoyed at this point. So much so that I charged into the bathroom with nothing more than my bare self, brushing past a stunned Komachi. Not that I cared anymore. I was on the edge of exploding, and I did not want to lose it in front of Komachi. She deserved better. This whole affair wasn't her fault anyway.

I turned the heater up to max and let myself get swallowed by the hot jet streams of water coming out from the shower head. The sound of flowing water splashing against me provided the cocoon of isolation for my thoughts. Thoughts that were lingering back to what happened back at Kawasaki's home.

It was a long and arduous journey. Sure, there was Keika who made things much more lively, but truth be told, I was beginning to regret what I had so selflessly volunteered for. Perhaps, it was really that slight guilt that I felt for making her leave her bicycle back in school, but I know that was a lie.

That smile. That damn smile of hers. Luckily for me, she was being a siscon, and way too engrossed with Keika. She did occasionally glance at me, but her eyes darted away the moment we made contact. I think she was just making sure I didn't run away with all the groceries or something. Not that it stopped me from continuing my "observation".

When we finally got home, that snake leapt from his lair and offered his assistance. I thought he would be useful for once, but I was terribly mistaken.

"Onee-chan, you are finally back! I'm starving…" Ahh yes. That gluttonous snake who gobbled up anything that appeared in front of him, but was banned from trying to cook anything to feed himself for fear of burning the entire house down. What a useless freeloader.

"Oh, onii-san is here too? Hello! Let me help you with those…" How many times have I told him not to call me onii-san? Looks like all that nutrition wasn't going to his brain at all. Where did it go then? Normally it goes to the chest… but in his case... At least he was willing to help me with the groceries. Not wanting to wait for him to slowly slither down the steps, I gently placed them in the corridor.

It was then that he decided to ask that question that would bring it all crashing down.

"Why don't you stay for dinner? Onee-chan's cooking is delicious, you know…"

He uttered what he thought would be a harmless question, acting as a gracious host. Instead, he set off the time bomb that had long been ticking and deeply buried in our hearts. He… he had brought back memories of that terrible afternoon. By now, the sight of her running down the corridor in tears had been imprinted in my mind and fated never to leave it. That was the curse of having a brilliant memory. This lad would be killed one day if he doesn't learn how to control his mouth.

A flash of pain cut across the features, but then her normal expression returned.

"T-Thanks for your help, but it's getting late. You should go back. Don't let Komachi worry about you."

I was speechless. I felt an urge to say something, but no words formed in my head. I stood rooted to the ground, unsure of what to do.

Now she turned around to face me, her moist, sparkling eyes hardening with resolve.

"Go now, please."

I couldn't find it within myself to object, not when she looked at me with those eyes. So I turned and made for the door, unwilling, and unable to look at that particular expression of hers for any longer.

It hurt.

I closed the door, pushing it hard against the frame to make sure it was secure. My fingers gripped tightly around the metallic handle.

I forced myself to let go before the biting cold began to hurt. Making sure my shoelaces were tied properly, I began to step away from her home, taking in the darkening sky that was representative of my mood.

One step, then another. Away from the place that started it all. Away from where she still remained.

Will I ever return?

Why… why do girls exist? All they serve to do is play with my heart, tug at my heartstrings, present an enigma that I can never fully resolve. Time and time again I have told myself to distance myself from such irrational feelings, and whenever I think that I have done enough, something like this happens. I… I get pulled back in, and those interactions linger in my mind, replaying itself time and time again. Fate is such a cruel mistress. I… I can't deal with this anymore. Every time, I try to run away, but it feels like this time, something is different. I no longer have the courage to run away. I no longer have the ability to run away. Just what exactly have you done to me, Kawasaki…

I winced as I recalled her last words before we opened the door to her home.

"Maybe being like this isn't so bad after all…"

That option is out of the window now, isn't it?

I smashed my fists against the wall in frustration, adding in a grunt for good measure. I… I needed to give her an answer, or else it would only serve to hurt her even more. That, unlike my answer, I was sure I could not bear to see.

Saki POV

As he turned his back toward me, I felt like saying something, but the words got stuck in my throat. I wanted to move up, to stop him from leaving, maybe even give him an embrace from behind, but my feet refused to move.

I had, after all, forced those words past my lips, and he complied. Part of me wanted to take it back, but I knew it was the right move. For the both of us.

The light bang of the door on its frame as it closed opened the floodgates. My thoughts began to overwhelm me.

I was afraid. He hadn't reciprocated my feelings for him, and if I made any moves, I was scared that this would be the last time we could spend time like this. I didn't want to lose whatever we had between us at the moment, even if it was tenuous. He was willing to interact with me despite what had happened, for which I was glad. I thought I had lost it all. I know that this won't last, that this isn't sustainable, and every memory I make with him will only serve to deepen my pain when the inevitable end comes. No matter how many times I try, I just can't let go of him. Not now. Not ever.

Hikigaya is like a drug to me, and I fear for the day that I can no longer live without him. I mean, even my sleeping self hasn't been able to forget about him, and he was appearing way too often in my dreams. It certainly didn't help that every time I enter my room, I'm reminded of the events that transpired that night. And now he has given me that bear to adorn my room with. I just know that I would hug it to sleep thinking of him. I know myself too well.

This whole thing was a bottomless abyss, and I already am getting sucked into it. Too far in to stop myself, too far in to save myself.

My thoughts were broken in the silent corridor by a certain younger brother of mine.

"Onee-chan, I'm hungry, what's for dinner today?"

All you know is to eat. Everything is about food. I hope one day you choke to death on your food, Taishi. Attempting (and failing) to push those thoughts to the back of my mind, I pick up the groceries he had left on the corridor and headed into the kitchen, making sure to wipe away the moisture that had collected in the corner of my eyes.

This was going to be a long and terrible night, and it had only just begun.

I had to put an end to this. For him. For me. For us.

Love is such a painful thing.

Hachiman POV

Through the sounds of the water rushing past my ears, I heard the door outside slide open.

"Onii-chan, I put your clothes and towel outside… Take your time, okay?" Komachi was helpful as always, and for that I'm extremely thankful. That was the one thing the gods had blessed me with.

Did she hear me slam the wall? She certainly did… Oh no. It looks like I wasn't going to look her in the face for a while. Her words still rang within my head though.

"You never do this with any of the other friends you have, no matter how little they number."

I couldn't think of a rational reason why I did what I did. I wanted to seek answers, but all could find was even more questions. To resolve this, the only way forward was to spend more time with her, right? No. that's just looking for an excuse to see her. But why?

Spending time with her was just… pleasant. When she smiled and giggled in joy, when she gave me that look while hugging the bear… I felt… happy. I felt an urge to preserve and protect that smile of hers, and her happiness that came with it. Did I finally feel something… genuine? I cringed slightly at the cheesiness.

Realising that I should not be wasting water, despite Komachi's kind words, I decided to get out of the shower. I was still a responsible member of society after all, and water is precious.

Recusing myself to the refuge that was my bed, I fished out my phone from my bag and found myself staring at it. I had several notifications.

"y did u go off without me? :(("

"Whr r u Hikki? Yukinon went looking for you…"

Not bothering to read the rest of Yuigahama's texts, I dispensed them with a tap. I found myself staring at the message history between Kawasaki and I.

Why am I doing this again?

I couldn't leave things hanging between us. Not after how it ended. It left a foul taste in my mouth, and my chest clenched in response. If I let this slide, I don't think I would ever find the courage to speak up again. But… I was afraid of hurting her again.

It wasn't that I wanted to talk to her, it just felt right doing it this way. Something I've never known existed within me until today had surfaced, and those were the cause of my actions. I was no longer acting logically.

No way. I couldn't do this. What do I even plan to do anyway?

I put my phone down on the bed.

That was when disaster struck.

You see, being the filial and frugal son that I was, I never insisted on upgrading my phone that often. As long as it still worked and I could play my trashy gacha games, I was perfectly happy with it. However, the screen was beginning to show its age, and would register phantom touches, even if I'm not touching it. This happens more commonly after I leave my fingers on the screen for too long. Normally it was when I'm playing a game, but I had left my fingers pressing hard on the screen just now, hesitating and deliberating on my actions…

It sent a single word.


Below that, the words that sealed my fate in more ways than one appeared.

The sending turned into received.

It meant that I could not delete the message without her knowing. It would appear as message deleted. Which would be incredibly suspect.

I knew this for a fact, as I once received a random text from a classmate from my middle school. Before the excited me could read the contents of said message, it turned into those two words. "That was meant for someone else," she then claimed. It was a repressed memory from dark times, but it reminded me about how these apps worked.

I also knew that there was a read function, and luckily that had not appeared beneath that singular word.

It meant that Kawasaki was still busy with something. Either she was still feeding that fat pig of a brother or she was taking a shower….

Ignoring the floating imagery of black lace and blue towels that were floating about in my mind, I forced myself to come up with a solution.

I hastily typed something and pressed send, before throwing my phone onto the bed.

It was time to replace this piece of junk.


"Hikigaya. Come find me after school." Sensei had knocked me out of my daze with her boisterous voice. Normally I would be more alert in lessons, especially hers. After all, I was not a masochist, and certainly not a fan of her punches. Not those that landed on me anyways. If she could land one square on the face of Taishi, however….

I just didn't care anymore.

I gave a slight nod in reply, before slouching even further onto my desk. The cause of my current mood was across the classroom, and from what I can see, she was trying her best to keep her eyes drilled onto the blackboard.

She… she didn't reply to my message last night.

She did, however, read it.

She was intentionally ignoring me, and not for the first time in recent memories.

Not finding any damns to give for sensei's lesson, I put my book over my head and fell asleep. I just couldn't find it in me to care anymore. Not with what happened yesterday hanging over my head.

I was awoken with a bang. Literally. Sensei had decided to use the spine of my textbook as her weapon of choice today, and the poor victim was the back of my head.

I looked up to see sensei with a pile of books in one hand, and my textbook in another. Her eyes were looking at mine with a tinge of… concern? I would have expected anger.

"Come, let's go."

Settling into the teachers' lounge that was becoming way too familiar to me, sensei finally revealed what she dragged me here for.

"So… where were you yesterday?"

Oh shit.

She knew. But how much did she know?

I decided to try my luck.

"I wasn't feeling well yesterday, so I went home early." Well, that wasn't entirely wrong, although I didn't feel well for entirely different reasons.

"Hikigaya, mind raising those blinds near the window? It's a bit dark in here." That was weird, we never did this while in here, and I definitely felt that the lighting was more than sufficient. Nevertheless, I followed her instructions anyway.

I cursed internally when I raised the blinds.

"Hikigaya, would you mind telling me what is it you see out of the window?"

"The front gate."

"And else what do you see to the left of the gate?"

I gulped.

"The bike stand." In fact, I could see Kawasaki unlocking her bike, which was still right next to mine.

"Good. Would you like to guess what I saw while airing out this room after taking a smoke break right after school?"

Oh no.

"W…. What did you see yesterday, sensei?"

"I saw a certain someone waiting at the bike stands for a girl with a long blue ponytail. Sounds familiar to you?"

Before I could say anything, sensei continued.

"I bumped into Yukinoshita yesterday too, the poor girl was looking for you… and it appears that the club had recently received a new request that I was not aware of? As the teacher in charge, I need to remain accountable for the club, you know?"

Sensei stood between me and the door, and so she had literally cut off my avenues of escape. Maybe I'll jump out of the window. The second floor wasn't that high anyway. Images surfacing in my mind of a crying Komachi beside me in a hospital bed persuaded me otherwise.

"So… what was it you were doing with Kawasaki, and what was the request that Yukinoshita said that you should be the one who should inform me? She was quite insistent on that too."

I slunk into the sofa and took a deep breath. This was going to be a long day.

"As far as I know… the two of you no longer need to pick up your younger siblings, right?"

I nodded in submission.

For the second time this week, I opened up my heart and let the words flow, this time more unwillingly then the previous time.

"Goddamn it Hikigaya, I know your language abilities are way beyond this. Tell me again. What do you call it when a guy and girl as you insist, 'hang out' with no one else?"

"I know that you know it. Say it out loud, Hikigaya. Stop lying to yourself."

"A… a date."

"That's right. How smart of you." Sensei gave me one of her smirks.

"She didn't reply your text. So what? You have that mouth of yours you always use to retort me, so why not use that properly for once? Or do you need to communicate using senyrus on strips of paper? Stop giving yourself excuses, Hikigaya. You are better than this… I've seen what you can do if you set your mind to it. This isn't all that you can do."

"If those decisions are painful, it means that you care about it. That's all the more why you need to make a decision. Dragging this on would only hurt you both. You know this, Hikigaya."

"You can't keep on harping on the past. Sure, you learn important lessons from them, but are you sure that you are not blinding yourself by constantly looking back at the past? The only way you can go is forwards, why don't you look towards the future for once? Cherish what you have and what you can have, and don't fear what you can stand to lose, for you might forsake something even greater. You don't have much time left before the winter break. If you let this ferment over the break it would be impossible for you to speak to her normally ever again."

"I think deep down you already know what you really want, but you are just unwilling to accept it. Being determined doesn't mean being stubborn. One can help you get to where you want, the other might harm you instead. At the end of the day, no one will row your boat but you. "

"I know it might sound ridiculous coming from someone whose own relationships never seem to get off the ground, but trust me, Hikigaya. I've seen enough. Don't let this be yet another chapter of regret in your youth. Add a couple more of those and before you know it, you will soon be just like me."

I've said it before and I would say it again… If only Sensei was ten years younger, or that I was ten years older… But not in this world line. Sensei's name wasn't Hina, anyway.

"I think you have heard enough from me now…" She said as she began to stand, and this was the sign for me to leave as well.

"Oh, one more thing. As punishment for sleeping just now, you owe me an essay titled 'The Merits of Listening to Sensei in Class.' It's due before the winter break starts."

"But that's tomorrow!"

"Indeed. You better get started fast."

I groaned in agony as I left the lounge.

I needed more time. Not just for that essay, but to find out what I truly wanted. Problem was that time was running out for both of them. It was already lunchtime on Friday, and it would be the last school day of the year. The long-awaited winter break was finally upon us. Sensei's words echoed in my brain, along with what Komachi had implied. I… I needed to take action. Fast.

I decided to finish that essay that I owed sensei first. I doubt that she would be as generous as she was yesterday. Not with a lonely winter break looming, and the arrival of Christmas reminding her once again her status as an expired Christmas cake…

Now for the second, more major problem. Kawasaki was still acting as she was the previous day. My message left unanswered, our eyes refusing to meet. The bell was going to ring, and I knew I only had one chance. One last chance, for I know this would never be the same again, no matter what I did.

So I decided to take matters into my own hands.

The bell rang.

She began to pack up her belongings, and as she glanced around the classroom for the last time of the year, she found mine looking straight at hers.

For the first time since that… that date, our eyes met.

Shock gave way to an attempt at sternness, but I could feel that it wasn't genuine. She was attempting to scare me away, but by now I had grown used to those eyes of hers and had long since peeled away that facade of hers.

Realising that I was going to approach her, she turned away and began to leave.

My legs were no longer rooted to the ground, and words were flowing out of my mouth.

I wasn't going to let her run away again. Nor would I turn my back on her.

Clamping down on her shoulders to prevent her from escaping, I said, "Christmas Day. 4 pm. At the park near our house."

I could feel her shoulders tense up, but otherwise, she made no other reaction. Not wanting to stay around to feel the inevitable embarrassment that would soon set in, I let go and walked away.

What have I done?

What have you made me do, Kawasaki?

Spending Mondays at home, with no school. Life is great. Winter break is great. I can snuggle in bed all day and spend some precious bonding time with Vita-chan, who has been sorely neglected recently. Or so I thought.

Komachi knocked on the door.

"Onii-chan, would you mind coming along with me to do some Christmas shopping? We can share ideas on what to get papa and mama too~"

She knew I won't say no. Why bother phrasing it like a question then? I hate being given an illusion of a choice. But then I love Komachi too much to tell her that, so I grudgingly got dressed.

So that was how I found myself at a shopping mall at 10 in the morning. My dear Komachi had lied to me, for her main aim this time round was evidently to look for gifts for her friends. I mean, I was in a shop selling unknown stuff, things that were way too foreign to me, and definitely not what either mum or dad would like. I on the other hand, had some idea what my parents would like. Unfortunately, they were not in this store, but I'm not complaining if it means spending more time with Komachi.

Having left that shop with a bag full of pink and glittery stuff, I presumed that none of them were for Taishi, which got me curious.

"So… What are you going to get for Taishi? Are you even getting anything for that thing?"

"Onii-chan is so rude! Taishi-kun is my friend, obviously I'm going to get something for him…"

"I think giving him absolutely nothing is better. That way he can better appreciate your priceless 'friendship'."

"I'm worried for you onii-chan, with such thoughts how can you ever hope to make any friends?"

"Speaking about Taishi… what are you going to get for Kawasaki-san?" Komachi jabbed me in the side with her elbow repeatedly. I should have known when I started this… That she would turn it around on me. Poor me, getting bullied by my beloved Komachi once again.

I attempted to divert attention by shifting the topic of discussion. "Can we go to the bookshop? I know of something that dad would like. He has been eyeing it for a while now..."

The tactic worked. We found our way to the bookshop, and I found the book I was looking for. It was titled Fantastic Glass Buildings and Where to Find Them, a book detailing the architecture and design philosophy behind the tallest and most unique glass buildings around the world. Dad would always glance at it whenever we walked past this section of the bookstore, but the price of the book always put him off. This was the perfect gift for him. It would be a great addition to the book on Aston Martins he so treasured from that Christmas a few years ago. It was a pity that he could not afford a real Aston Martin. Speaking of which, I wondered how sensei could afford hers. Maybe I could convince Sensei to let dad have a go at it once...

On the way to the cashier, I paid a visit to the light novel section. It looked like the isekai series I was following had a special Christmas reprint of the first few volumes. Not unexpected, given the popularity of the series. I took a copy of the first volume, intending to educate a certain someone on the highlight of modern Japanese literature, and convince her that it was not trash.

Komachi gave me a weird look.

"I can understand the first book, but the second? Do you seriously think papa would like that? You already have that series, don't you?"

I ignored her prodding and proceeded to pay for the books, and to have them wrapped separately. Wallet-kun cried out in pain, but such was the societal pressure of spending on gifts during Christmas.

"You wanted to get Mum some accessories or something right? Let's go."

Komachi disappeared into the depths of the shop the moment we arrived. Normally for us, a shopping trip is a family affair, and I would be stuck outside waiting with Dad. But today, I was all alone. Keeping the phone that would bring back terrible memories in my pocket, I decided to take a look at the latest winter fashion. Komachi was bound to take quite some time anyway, and end up with at least two times more things than she had intended to buy.

That was when I spotted it. A pair of smooth, cream-coloured gloves. I was filled with the irrational urge to buy it. And so I did.

It was a large department shop, and so the queues for the cashier were long. It was approaching lunchtime, after all, and all the corporate slaves have come out of the woodwork to squeeze in some time for Christmas shopping.

I felt a tap from behind, only to find a mischievous looking Komachi beaming back at me.

"Ehh, Onii-chan, who is that gift intended for?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out."

"If you say so, onii-chan." Komachi replied with a smirk spread across her face, but thankfully she left some words unspoken. I really couldn't hide anything from her.

As I turned back to face the direction of the queue, Komachi tiptoed from behind me and whispered into my ears.

"Good luck, onii-chan."

My cheeks suddenly felt a lot warmer. And it was not the weather, nor the temperature difference. My precious Komachi was scary.

This was it. The day had arrived. The 25th. A day of destiny.

I checked the bag once more to ensure that both items were in there, before leaving my room and going downstairs.

I got to the main door before I got interrupted by a voice from behind.

"Hachiman going out on Christmas evening? Who are you and what have you done with the real Hachiman?" My mom questioned as she spotted me at the main door.

"It's because Onii-chan has found someone better to spend Christmas with~" Komachi bellowed from the living room, having overheard our mother's comments.

I could imagine Komachi smirking while spreading herself over the sofa. I would have appreciated it if she did not give our mother any more weird thoughts.

I quickly made my escape as I slammed the door behind me, leaving the warm embrace of the home for the outside. I would leave Komachi to entertain our mother instead, for I had somewhere more important to go.

I took a deep breath and exhaled, and the condensation was already forming around my lips. I once again checked the time and location that I had noted down on my phone. If only I got a new phone for Christmas. I needed to make sure I was there on time. After all, I was a high spec gentleman.

I began the trek to the local park in the biting cold. The sun was trying its best to keep us warm, but it was fighting a losing battle against the wind, and it would soon retreat behind the hills.

I met a lonely girl under the Christmas tree, and my fate had already begun to change. Before I could wave my hands to catch her eye, she was already moving towards me. How early was she?

She stood out like a blue gem in the midst of an ocean of people.

I gulped, steeling myself for the moment I have been antagonising over for longer than I would admit.

"I…" Before I could continue, Kawasaki cut me off.

"The past week has been terrible. The more I think about it, the more I miss you. I can't stand the thought of us being mere friends. At first, I thought it was just me being overly thankful for what you have done for me earlier in the year, but as time progressed I realised that I had fallen for everything else about you. Every time we met, every moment we shared together, I couldn't forget. Your aloofness when it comes to the masses, how you refuse to be swayed by norms you think are stupid, how caring and selfless you are and how… how handsome you are." Kawasaki looked up at me with teary eyes, her hands wrapped tightly around my back. This must be the longest speech Kawasaki had ever given, but she wasn't done yet.

"I love you, Hikigaya. I really do." Her eyes looked straight at mine, full of resolve… and passion.

She had laid bare her innermost feelings in front of another person. As a fellow loner, I understood how difficult that could be. To be totally vulnerable, to tear away that facade that had been built around you. To let someone into your heart. I decided to respond with what I felt were my true feelings. Finally, I was willing to face them for what they truly were.

"I love you too, Kawasaki."

It was true. Deep down I found a desire to protect her with all my might, and to shower her with all the affection I could give.

I returned her embrace. She nestled her head on my neck, and I felt her warm tears flowing down my neck. Who knew that there was this soft side to Kawasaki. Only I did, I guess. We stayed that way for what felt like an eternity. As her tears ceased to flow, we relaxed our arms and gave each other some breathing space.

Her intoxicating scent at such close proximity was overwhelming. Her stunning eyes were looking straight at me, but something else drew my attention. Her plump, moist lips were there for the taking, and my eyes were involuntarily drawn towards them.

I went for it.

Her lips tasted slightly salty from the tears that she was shedding, but the sensation of her warm, soft lips pushing against mine was pure bliss. I found myself wanting more, and my hands involuntarily cupped the back of her head, pushing her towards me. I felt her arms tightening around my back, holding me closer to her. I didn't want it to end. At that moment, everything felt right. It didn't matter if the whole world was screwed up. As long as I had her, it seemed that everything would be fine.

She pushed me away to catch her breath, looking down and away from me. Her cheeks were flush, and I too felt a warm sensation on my cheeks, as her warmth receded from my lips.

Deciding that this was the opportune moment, I made my move.

"I.. I have a gift for you."

Retrieving the gloves from the paper bag, I handed them over to Kawasaki, whose eyes lit up in surprise.

"This is to keep your hands warm when I'm not around. Merry Christmas, Kawasaki." Wait, why did I say that? That was not what I planned to say at all.

"Does that mean… when you are around…" She looked around anxiously. Realising what I had just implied, I felt my cheeks go flush. As a high-spec gentleman, I guess I have to follow through with what I promised, right?

"I… I guess." I stuttered as I wrapped her hands in mine. "I'll keep you warm." Looking straight into those beautiful eyes of hers, I find a warmth within my heart that I had never felt before. I was looking at my lover, and I knew she loved me back.

"Here's something more." I waved the book in her face. That's right. I was going to convert her into following the same isekai trash that she denounced. She was going to regret making that statement.

"Ha..Hachiman, I didn't get you a gift…" she stammered, looking away shyly. Did she just address me with my first name?

"You have already given me the greatest gift I could ever receive… your… your love and affection. We can get one later anyway." I gulped as the words left my lips, but it was true. For all the material possessions that could be had, none could replace the beautiful girl I had in front of me, for what we had between us was definitely priceless. I never held hope for a long time, but today that unfamiliar feeling was returning once more. Hopes and dreams of a future with her.

I took her hand in mine and we walked off towards the glowing sunset, as the warmth from the sun was replaced by a warmth much closer to our hearts. We were no longer loners in this cruel world.


A/N: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is it. This chapter took slightly longer than expected, but here it is in all its glory. When I began, I never expected the story to be this long (in terms of word count), or to receive such a frankly tremendous response, one that has far exceeded my expectations. Thanks to Brietard and SouBU for the excellent beta, as always. I hope that every single one of you who has read so far would have enjoyed it. Regardless of whether you liked it or not, please do leave feedback if you feel like it :) While this might be the planned end, I might have an epilogue or two, so keep an eye out for that. No promises though.

See you soon?
