Chapter 1: The Gate
Author's note: There's a Gate x Terran and a Gate x Zerg fanfic, so I decided to make one for the protoss. This is inspired by "Gate: Thus the Dominion Fought There" by TheWatcher2785. I try to update every week, but no promises.
Disclaimer: Starcraft is the property of Blizzard and Gate is the property of Takumi Yanai. I own neither.
Hierarch Artanis looked out upon Aiur from his perch on the Citadel Archives. The tallest building on Aiur, it stood well over the height of a normal Nexus, offering an unparalleled view over the recently rebuilt city of Aldera, and served as its glorious city hall. Having claimed total victory over the dark god Amon 2 years ago, the Protoss, as well as the Terrans and the Zerg, had begun to rebuild.
The Zerg, now under Queen Zagara, had returned to Char. Under the guidance of their new queen, they had laid claim to all surrounding systems and, for the most part, they stayed within their territory. So long as that was and continues to be the case, it was fine.
With Valerian leading the Dominion, a golden age of peace and prosperity was ushered throughout Terran controlled space. Unlike his father, he was proving to be a better man; a benevolent ruler who had the best interest of his people as his highest priority. He had put into motion a great many plans to this end, but one of his biggest changes was the alliance he had forged with the Protoss, guaranteeing peace between the two civilizations. Though their first encounter wasn't ideal and many were skeptical of this new arrangement, it was for the best in the long run.
The Protoss had returned to their homeworld and began rebuilding, intent on restoring Aiur to its former glory, as a beacon of hope and renewal for its people. Though two years was but a drop in a bucket of the Protoss' long lives, they had accomplished more than they thought possible in centuries. Hundreds of shining buildings rising to meet the sky, the roads and airspace bustling with traffic.
Having gathered the shattered Protoss fractions from all across the sector, Artanis had decided to completely abandon the old ways of the Protoss, shedding themselves of the Khala and the caste system. Though a difficult transition, he now understood and respected the value of individuality and difference. Under this new ideal, true unity was possible as the Khalai, Nerazim, and Purifiers came back together again. Though some Tal'darim had also joined, the majority still opted not to. Artanis understood their point of view but had kept the offer open for any who would accept it.
Even as he watched from his perch, a rift opened in the city, ready to warp in a new structure. Though the rift seemed different from the ones the Protoss usually employed, Artanis was unworried. After the war, despite the peace, the phase-smiths were hard at work developing new technologies in case they were called to war again. Artanis couldn't help but smile (mentally) about the new inventions that the phase-smiths had come up with. Just a few weeks ago, Karax had shown him the results of their labor.
3 weeks ago
"Why have you called me here?" Artanis asked as he entered the solar forge on the Protoss Arkship, the Spear of Adun.
Karax, Phase-Smith of the Purifiers, turned to face him, replied, "Greetings, Hierarch. My phase-smiths have been developing new technology for our arsenal. I have invited you here to showcase the results."
Artanis frowned, "We are not at war."
"That is true, but we feel that it would be wise to be prepared. Furthermore, most of us are not developing weapons," Karax replied, without missing a beat.
"It is wise to be ready," Artanis agreed, "Carry on with your report."
"Very well, Hierarch. First, we have developed a vessel that can rebuild both organic tissue and inorganic material rapidly. It is based on the Spear of Adun's reconstruction beams, but more compact and mobile. I call it the Reconstructor. It can be produced in a robotics bay. The prototype has proven to be effective at healing anything at range, but can only heal one at a time and has a lengthy target acquisition time as it scans each target to maximize reconstruction efficiency." As he spoke, Karax pulled up the schematics for the Reconstructor. It was a fully automated machine, which looked like a tank without treads," This machine has the potential to save many lives."
"The second is a modification to the Observer. Instead of scanners, we have equipped the Projector with holoprojectors similar to those on the sentry. These projectors are designed to cloak or disguise a small number of Zealots or other forces on the ground. They can be made to look like Terran or Zerg forces for infiltration. Like the Observer, it is clocked and produced at a robotics bay."
"Our last creation is an enhanced shield generator. Unlike the usual plasma shields, these can be temporarily overcharged safely. This results in an increased shielding of up to 300% more than the average shields, but drains the user's psionic power extremely quickly."
"Impressive work, Karax. You and your phase-smiths are truly to be commended, " Artanis told them, having gotten a good look at the new technology.
"You honor us with your words, Hierarch. We will continue our work. En Taro Tassandar."
"En Taro Tassandar."
Only now did Artanis understand that even the Protoss, firstborn of the Xel'Naga, had much to learn from the other races. The Terrans, despite their relative youth, had impressive healing abilities in the form of their Medics and Medivacs. The Reconstructor was likely adapted from, or at least inspired by, the Terrans, who placed the lives of their soldiers in high regard. The Zerg, adaptive as they were, also provided a wealth of knowledge, incorporated into the Projector.
As Artanis reflected upon the past two years, a shape slowly formed in the rift that he had noticed. It soon solidified, taking the form of a large stone gate, in the middle of a road. Now, Artanis began to worry. The gate looked to be a simple piece of carved stone, completely unlike any Protoss structure. It had neither any obvious technological parts, neither was it organic, ruling out both of the other races in the sector. So who made it, and what was it doing here?
"Hierarch, your presence is required at the Spear of Adun immediately." The message was short and vague.
"I will be there shortly," Artanis replied, preparing to engage the small warp gate on the building, another result of the phase-smiths work. With a few commands, he felt himself being pulled through space.
"What is the matter?" Artanis asked the moment he fully materialized in the bridge of the arkship. Around him, a dozen Zealots and phase-smiths tapped away at a wall of computers. One of them spoke," Hierarch, we have detected an anomaly in warp space. It is unlike anything we have seen." As he spoke, the Zealot pulled up a screen, displaying the gate that Artanis had noticed earlier. Concerned, Artanis asked," What do we know of this gate?"
"It is bridging two places in space, similar to how our warp gates work. However, we have no idea how it is being powered, neither have we discerned its purpose and origin. Preliminary scans suggest it is made up of basic metals and contains no technology. Observers have been despatched and the Spear of Adun is standing by."
"Excellent work. Alert me wh-"
"Hierarch, a surge of energy has been detected at the gate! Something is coming through," a phase-smith called, interrupting Artanis. While he spoke, he waved a hand, bringing up a real-time image of the area around the gate.
The gate was glowing obviously ready to unload its cargo. It did this in short order, sending a group of bipedal beings marching out. At first glance, they looked like Terran, but this theory was put down upon further investigation. While similar in anatomy, these strangers wore basic leather armor completely unlike the Terrans' standard CMC combat suits and wielded simplistic spears and shields. Some of them also had traits of other creatures, such as claws and fangs. In military formation, waves of them began to move out of the gate.
"Who are they?" Artanis demanded.
"We do not know, Hierarch. While they look like Terrans, their equipment is too primitive even for them. What are your orders?"
"We must prepa-"
Artanis was cut off once again, this time by a commotion near the gate. He took a look to see the strangers unleash their weapons, cutting down the civilians nearby, who immediately panicked and began to scatter. Steadily, the invading force started to spread out, causing all kinds of damage as they ravaged the city. Civilians who were on the streets were either killed or captured. Buildings and property were being destroyed and set ablaze to intimidate. For what wasn't bolted down the invading army pillaged as if it were their right.
"Hierarch! Civilians are under attack! Our forces are ready to warp in at your command."
Thinking quickly, Artanis prepared for battle," Warp in all available infantry immediately. Our priority is to protect as many civilians as possible. If possible, establish a perimeter one kilometer around the gate. What is the status of our robotic forces?"
As the technicians got to work, one of them replied," Our Immortals and Colossi are ready for combat."
"Observers have reached the gate. We have full coverage of the surrounding area," reported another.
"Hierarch, mass recall is ready," a third said.
Artanis gave his orders," Lock on to larger groups of civilians for mass recall. Send in the Immortals, but keep the Colossi at the ready. I do not wish to cause unnecessary damage to our city. Have Warp Prisms evacuate the rest of the civilians."
A group of Zealots was the first to reach the area, where they came across groups of the invaders. Upon first glance at the primitives, the Protoss warriors hesitated. This species, obviously far less developed than the Protoss, would usually be under their protection. To strike them down felt dishonorable.
As the Protoss forces froze, the enemy took this to mean fear. Clanging their swords nosily against their shields, the invaders taunted the Protoss. Due to the latter's' psionic power, the language proved no barrier.
"Look at them covering in fear!"
"You barbarians stand no chance!"
"Attack! Slaughter them!"
But as they charged forward, the Protoss warriors had only one thought: self-defense was an exception.
As one, the Zealots ignited their blades and rushed to meet their foe, who would very soon discover how they earned their name. With almost ten meters between them and the first of the invaders, the Zealots concentrated, dashing forward like lightning, enhanced by their lower exoskeletal armor. Crossing the gap in less than a second, their psi blades cleaved through the primitive armor of their foe. As they cut their way deeper into the army, Stalkers blinked onto higher ground before opening fire upon the defenseless troops.
For the overconfident enemy soldiers who were jeering at their targets just moments ago, their arrogance quickly turned to shock and panic. At least fifty footmen and cavalrymen were killed in seconds by no more than ten enemy fighters. Their blades cleaved entire groups of footmen into pieces, while arrows of light rained upon them. At such a brutal slaughter, the enemy faltered and chatter once again rose among them.
"Were they not sheep running away?! Are they all mages?!"
"What kind of magic was that? I've never seen anything like it!"
"Protect yourselves immediately! Let's show these mongrels the strength of our fighting spirit!"
Rallying, the platoon got into a tortoise formation with their shields surrounding them with their spears sticking out like spikes. They then started to march forward, confident that their defenses could not be breached. But how wrong they were quickly proven.
Without hesitation, the Zealots jumped forward, slamming straight onto the shields and crashing through the feeble barrier. The spears proved as ineffective as the bent upon contact with each of the Zealots plasma shields, unable to break through. The Zealots, now deep within their foes, began to spin with psi blades extended, becoming whirlwinds of death. Seconds later, the platoon had been wiped out.
Meanwhile, on the Spear of Adun bridge, technicians were filtering data and giving orders to ground troops. Artanis looked over the many screens giving a full view of the battlefield.
"Sector secure. Hold fast until Immortals arrive, then push toward the gate," one technician relayed to a group of infantry.
"Stalkers, take the high ground and support your brethren," said another, highlighting ideal vantage spots.
"Warp Prisms have lifted most of the civilians out of the combat zone. Focus your efforts on containing the army," a third commanded.
"Enemy forces are still arriving through the gate. Air forces have been confirmed," one reported, as men riding winged reptiles appeared.
"Our Stalkers can defeat them, but we should take additional precautions. How quickly can we give our brethren air support?" Artanis asked.
"A nearby Phoenix squadron is already approaching the area. The Spear of Adun also has Void Ray's and Carriers ready to move."
"Send down a Carrier and more ground forces. We will purge these invaders!"
An Immortal faced off against three cavalrymen in a street. The riders were highly confident, reading their lances against the strange metal creature in front of them. Seeing as how the golden four-legged being had no weapons, except maybe for two short protrusions, they felt that their victory would be easy. With a cry, they charged forward.
The Immortal, unimpressed, opened fire with its cannon. The leading rider and his horse were vaporized, their weak flesh no match for antimatter bolts sheathed in pure energy. Undeterred, the others rode on, another getting blasted as the distance between them closed. The last cavalryman, now within striking range, aimed his lance at the Immortal. The lance slammed straight into it, but instead of knocking the Immortal over, the lance bent and crumpled like paper against the Immortal's hardened shield. Despite the unexpected impact the rider managed to stay on his mount, holding his ruined weapon, only to be blasted by unforgiving energy.
The Immortal marched on.
The Daelaam pushed the invaders back easily, one street by one street until they neared the gate. The Zealots and Immortals were doing a thorough job of clearing out the enemy ground forces but were incapable of dealing with the flying riders throwing spears down. Hence, to maintain air superiority, the Phoenix squadron unleashed their twin ions cannons onto them. The deployed Carrier also released its interceptors to help clear the skies. The enemy air forces soon fell, allowing the Protoss ground troops to secure the area.
Artanis was watching the screens when a Zealot spoke," Hierarch, a perimeter has been established and our foes are contained. Should we destroy the gate and end this siege?"
Before he could respond, a phase-smith cut in," That course of action is inadvisable. Our data shows that the gate is unstable. Destroying it could lead to dangerous backlash."
"Alright," Artanis replied, after a brief period of thought, "Push on, secure the gate and keep it monitored. Prevent any more of these invaders from crossing over. Also, capture any remaining ones alive, if possible, but do not take unnecessary risks."
In the streets of Aldera, the Protoss forces pushed forward. Oracles, having just arrived, released their stasis wards, trapping groups of the enemy combatants. Zealots took care to stun their foes, if possible, before Warp Prisms took them away. Relentless, the Daelaam pushed the invaders back to the gate.
"Are they all apostles?! Mages?! Demons?!"
"This must be the wrath of the gods!"
"Retreat! Retreat!"
Enemy morale had completely crumbled. Their formation was staggered as confusion raged through their ranks. The front line was trying to desperately escape the slaughter they faced and the backline was trying to cross through the gate, unaware of what terrors existed on this side.
"We must leave now! Leave the loot and slaves behind!"
"If we stay we will be killed!"
"I will have my vengeance! Mark my words!"
Watching from the screens, the Hierarch of the Daelaam watched the would-be invaders retreat. After the death of thousands of them, as their corpses littered the streets of the city, it was clear that they had foolishly challenged a force far greater than themselves. Although Artanis knew that showing them mercy would more than likely invite trouble later, he still felt conflicted as they were so undeveloped. On the other hand, he had captured a few hundred of them and they should be able to acquire sufficient information from them. Hence, he gave the order, "Hold the gate and let none through. So long as they are retreating we will hold our position so that we can properly assess the situation. No one is to attack unless absolutely necessary. Take care not to damage the gate if you do."
Doing as they were ordered, the Daelaam circled the gate with their weapons at the ready and within clear sight as the enemy retreated with their tails in between the legs. Though there were a few troublemakers, the enemy forces had made a full retreat. Probes would soon arrive, bringing Photon Cannons to reinforce the blockade.
"You have done well, brave warriors. You are encouraged to leave and rest when automated defenses are up, though any who wish to stay and help are welcome," said Artanis, giving his commands," I want a defensive cannon line to be stationed around the gate. Everyone staying is to be on standby until further notice. That shall be all for now. En Taro Tassandar."
Then, to a Zealot," Inform the other leaders to meet me at the Citadel. We have much to discuss."