OMG Pterodactyls is back baby! And have I got a story for y'all! Ok, not really but I hope y'all enjoy it nonetheless. As per frikkin usual, I don't own Darkisders, thanks goes to detrametal, and I still enjoy large amounts of cupcakes. Enjoy!

She was driving home from work, minding her own business and singing along to the music that was blasting out of the speakers at an almost deafening volume, when it appeared. The monster, for that is what it looked to be, appeared in front of her car in a flash of light and a crash of thunder.

Momentarily blinded by light, she swerved her car but not enough to miss the thing standing on the road which she still hadn't really noticed. By the time she regained her sight, she barely had enough time to slam her foot on the brake pedal and brace for impact before she crashed into the monster. She felt the moment her vehicle went from sixty to zero as she was thrown forward but caught by her seatbelt. Then… nothing.

She came to only a second later to feel something wet and warm dripping down her face and a ringing in her ears. Not again…What the Hells was that?

She didn't get the chance to find out right then as she blacked out again to the sound of tearing metal as the car door was ripped off and a deep voice saying, "This one will do nicely."

Those who gave their testimony later of the events that transpired would describe an impossible scene. They would say a giant orange monster with upside-down wings and a long tail appeared out of nowhere and stopped the car with one clawed hand. It went to the driver's side of the car before ripping the door off, cutting the seatbelt, and pulling the unconscious woman out. Then, with her cradled in one arm, it disappeared in another flash of light and crash of thunder.


She woke up an unknown time later with a splitting headache and something cold around her wrists, ankles, and throat.

"Ugh… what happened?" she wondered aloud, reaching up to put a hand to her aching head. When she did this, she noticed a few things. One: she seemed to be under a fuzzy blanket. Two: there was broken glass in her hair. Three: there seemed to be something metallic dangling from her wrist.

Am I in the hospital? How long was I out? You'd think they'd at least get some of this glass off me…

She soon realized this was not the case, however, when she failed to hear the normal sounds of a hospital. There was no beeping of machines and no chatting of hospital staff. She also seriously doubted that they would just leave her alone like this after what seemed to her like such a serious crash. So where was she then?

She slowly opened her eyes, trying to keep from blinding herself with any sudden light and make her headache even worse. Though, it didn't take her long for her to start wishing that she'd kept them closed. She appeared to be in a unfamiliar bedroom with red painted walls, ebony furniture pushed up against the walls, black marble floor, and steel doors directly in front of her and on the wall to her left. The thing she felt on her wrist turned out to be a manacle made out of some black metal with a few links of chain dangling from it. She guessed this was what was around her other limbs as well.

"What the bloody Hells?" she said aloud, feeling panic rise in her throat. She swallowed the feeling back down. Panicking wasn't going to do her any good now.

She slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position, pushing off the black fur cover as she did so. Where was she? What was she doing here? What happened after she blacked out? What was that thing she crashed into anyway? She had so many questions and none of them seemed like they were going to be answered any time soon. So she would have to go and try to find some answers herself.

Keeping to the slow and steady way, she found that she was right in that there were almost identical manacles around her other wrist and ankles. What were they doing there and how they got there in the first place, she still didn't know. They were too tight to have been slipped over her hands and she didn't see any way that they could have been opened. Deciding to ignore them for now, she made her way across the room to the door in front of her bed. When she got closer, she noticed that it didn't have a handle on it. She tried pushing it open but it wouldn't budge. She also tried digging her nails into the crack between the door and the wall to pry it open but got the same result along with a broken nail or three.

Coming to the conclusion that she wasn't going to be able to open it at this moment, she moved on to the next one on the left side of the room. This door did have a handle on it and she turned it to find…

Well, that's kinda unexpected.

It was a bathroom with the same red walls, black floor, and black amenities. Black stone sink with a silver faucet, black claw-foot tub, black stone shower with a black cloth curtain, black stone toilet, and even an ebony cabinet.

Whoever's house this it, they really like black…

With that thought, she made her way over to the sink to look at the mirror mounted on the wall above it. What she saw was pretty much what she expected, plus one or two surprises. Her face was partially covered in dried blood, some of it from small cuts and some from a broken nose – probably caused by the airbag – which seemed to be no longer broken. In fact, she couldn't see any injuries at all and yet there was still blood on her face and glass in her hair. That was surprise number one. Surprise number two was a metal collar around her neck with a metal pendant that resembled a demonic face.

She reached up to touch the new, mysterious, and, frankly, unwanted accessory but got an electric shock when her fingers got too close.

The Hells?

Deciding to ignore it for now – after all, this was a dream, right? – she turned on the water, splashed some on her face, and scrubbed with her hands until she got all the blood off. When that was done, she carefully picked the pieces of glass out of her hair and stacked them in a neat pile beside the sink.

Cleanup done, she stared at the mirror and into her grey eyes, "Ok, I'm not sure what happened after the crash or even what caused it in the first place but right now I'm probably at the hospital and just in a coma and this is all a dream. Yeah, that makes sense." She said, nodding to her reflection. "Makes more sense that anything else right now…"

She heard what sounded like a door clicking open in the next room and hurried out of the bathroom to see who it was. Dream or not, she wanted to know what was going on. As soon as she stepped through the doorway, she instantly regretted it. Now standing in the middle of the bedroom was… a demon. It was huge with horns that almost touched the ceiling, purple skin, stunted wings, hoofed feet, and a thick tail. It was also carrying a stone bowl with a rag draped over the side in one hand and what looked like clothes in the other.

She couldn't help but scream before rushing back into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her, and getting as far away from it as she could. Which meant that she was now on crouched on the other side of the bathtub and peeking over it at the door. The only real barrier between her and the monster outside.

Forget dream, this is a fucking nightmare!

She crouched there trying to stay as quiet as possible as she listened to the creature in the other room clop around. She heard it growl out something that almost resembled words and a clack as it set the bowl down. She thought it had left when there came a sudden knock on the door. She waited for something else, some other sound, but nothing came. The thing on the other side seemed to be waiting patiently for her reply.

"Wh-who is it?" she asked hesitantly. It was the first thing that came to mind.

It growled out something indecipherable.


In response, it cracked open the door before speaking again, "Master Samael sent me to help you get cleaned up."

Who is Samael? And what is this… thing? This is definitely the weirdest dream I've ever had.

"I'm… I'm ok. I've already gotten all the blood off." She decided to say.

"Then I brought a change of clothes and I am to take you to see the master once you are more presentable."

"More presentable"? Excuse you, I was just in a car wreck. This is about as "presentable" as I'm going to get!

"Uh… ok." She said instead.

Her answer given, the thing closed the door. She listened as it clopped through the bedroom and heard another faint click as it closed the outer door as well.

Well, that was… strange.

Confident that the monster had left, she cautiously rose from her hiding spot and made her way to the door. Peeking out into the room beyond, she saw that the monster was indeed gone. On the bed now sat a neatly folded pile of clothes that she recognized as the ones the thing was holding when she first saw it. She picked up the top piece to find a dark red V-neck tee and a pair of blue jeans under it.

Well I'm not sure what I was expecting but this is better than that.

Still wary of anyone or thing just being able to barge in, she took her new clothes back to the bathroom to change. She hadn't noticed until then but her grey work shirt and jeans were ripped in various places and had spots of blood all over them. She got changed, dropping her old and ruined clothes in a pile but kept her socks and boots since her… benefactor?... or the dream had failed to provide her with new pairs. But that was okay with her. She liked these boots.

Ok, I've gotten changed, I'm still dreaming, and I'm not sure what to do now. Great. Definitely don't want to go see this "Master"…

But, she guessed it wouldn't hurt, this was a dream after all. Then again, wasn't there something about if you die in a dream you die for real? She suddenly wished she'd listened more to those wild theories her friend kept spouting off. She shrugged her shoulders and shook her head, she could pay more attention when she woke up and got out of the hospital. If she ever woke up. She shook her head again, of course she would wake up!

What to do, what to do?

While she thought about what to do next, she also took a closer look at the room. As she noticed earlier, the walls were painted a deep, blood red and the floor was made of black marble she guessed. There was a large bed pushed up against the middle of the wall farthest from the door and facing it with bedside tables on either side with a chest at the foot. There was also a bookshelf, a desk and chair with a red cushion on it, a vanity with another chair and mirror, a table in the middle of the room, a red couch, a chest of drawers, and finally an armoire. All of which seemed to be made of ebony wood. Needless to say, it was a pretty large room. She didn't really know anything about woodworking but she thought it was all very well made and pretty. Until she noticed the tiny screaming faces and miniature battle scenes carved into each piece.

Who knew I had such an imagination to even think of those tiny carvings. Wait, wasn't I supposed to be thinking of something else?

Before she could remember what it was she was supposed to be thinking of instead of studying the furniture, the door opened back up to allow the monster from earlier back in. She almost failed to resist the urge to hide again.

Why I never! It didn't even knock! The audaciousness!

"Are you ready to go meet Master Samael now?" it growled out. It didn't seem angry or anything so she guessed that was just how it normally talked. Then again, what did she know about her own dream world?

"Uh, y-yeah. I guess."

The thing nodded and turned to lead the way out, "Follow me then. He's just up here."

Up here?

She peeked around the monster to see a set of stairs leading up.

Ah, so I guess this means I'm underground. That would explain why there's no windows. Wait… holy Volcano God, am I in this guy's basement?! This is classis slasher fic kidnapping and torturing in the creepy basement! It is a nice basement though.

Keeping her thoughts to herself, she followed the thing out of the bedroom and up the stairs, all the while continuing to silently tell herself that this was all some fucked up, coma induced dream and that she would definitely wake up soon. Hopefully soon…

She and her escort finally made it to the top of the long staircase and into a blistering hot room. And no wonder it was so hot, there was lava everywhere! The room was larger than large and the walls and floor were made of some carved black stone that definitely wasn't marble. That was all she really had time to notice since as soon as her foot landed on the top step, some invisible force picked her up and pulled her around to face…

Sweet mother of mercy, what the bloody Hells?

It was the thing, the monster, she had crashed into. She had only seen it for a split second but she was sure that this thing was it. Another thing she was sure of was that she was terrified. And angry. Who cared if this was just a dream, she was going to give this thing a piece of her mind! That car was new! Well, new to her. Ok, newish to her.

She opened her mouth to speak but before she could get a word out, the monster smiled at her. She thought it was a smile anyways.

"This is not a dream." It said. Or he said. She guessed it was a he.

"A-wha?" She managed to get out in her dumbfounded state.

"You are thinking this is a dream when it is very much real."

She actually laughed, she couldn't help it, "Of course this is a dream! Or a nightmare one. This can't possibly be real!"

"And why not?" he chuckled as if humoring her silly notion.

"Well… none of this can be real. I'm literally floating in midair and talking to a giant monster-"

"Demon." He corrected.

"Ah, ok, floating in midair talking to a giant demon inside what I assume to be a palace, judging but how huge this room is and the fact you're sitting on what looks like a throne, and has somehow been decorated with large amounts of lava. How could this be anything but a dream?!"

The demon waved his hand and she had no choice but to float closer, "This is not a dream." he said again. "I am the demon prince Samael, this is my palace and my realm, and I have brought you here, little human, to be my… pet." He finished his statement by poking the pendant hanging from her… collar.

She held up a hand, "Whoa there, people stopped keeping, or being able to keep, humans as… pets about a century and a half ago." She was honestly surprised she could remember that.

"Ah yes, but I am not… people."

"Oh… I guess you're right. But you can't keep a person as a pet no matter who or what you are! It's just not right!"

The demon prince leaned closer until their faces were only a few centimeters apart, "Little human, do I look as if I care what is right?"

"A-ah, no…" she muttered, looking down and away from the demon.

Satisfied with her answer, he leaned back, "Let me tell you again, little human, this is not a dream and you are my new pet. Understood?"

She nodded, not trusting her voice now.

Samael waved his hand clawed hand again and the invisible force that was holding her in the air let her go and she dropped to the floor where she landed hard on her hands and knees.

Ow… wait, that hurt. Dreams aren't supposed to hurt… But… this can't be real! None of this can be possible!

"Now let me explain some things to you."

She readjusted herself so that she was sitting cross-legged in front of the demon prince before nodding, her revelation keeping her silent.

"You may go anywhere in the palace that you wish either using one of my servants to carry you or the hidden passages. Your new… accessories, as you call them, will let me know where you are at all times as well as give you a… warning in you leave the palace. If you try to leave this realm, they'll kill you."

She felt the blood drain from her face and nodded again.

"You may go back to your room now. If you require anything let one of the demons know."

Still unable to speak, she stood and started making her way over to the stairs leading to her new room. Which, she noticed, just so happened to be directly under Samael's throne.

"Ah, but before you go, what is it you are called?"

What do you care? She thought to herself, stopping midstride. Going to print it on the back of my tag along with your phone number?

She looked him dead in the eye before answering. If he expected her to cower before him and all that, she wasn't going to give him the pleasure.
