Chapter 1: The Crocodiles
Zuri walked twords the river to get a good look at her reflection she needed to see it in order to look her best.
Zuri was a young lioness cub who was best friends with the princess of the Pride Lands Kiara.
She just got done spending a day with her and her other friend Tiffu and decided to head for the river for a makeover.
"Hmm maybe I should sharpen my claws a little more.", she said to herself. Zuri loved to look her best it felt like representing yourself and who you are.
She was about to go find a rock when she heard a nearby laugh in the distance that sounded familiar.
"Ha! Did you see the way Janja ran away?", said the voice. It sounded like a boys voice and the mention of Janja also caught her attention. "Yeah we saw!", said another voice but this time it was a girl.
"Maybe this will teach him not to come back for a while?", said another boys voice. Zuri started to figure out these voices.
It was the Lion Guard who protected the Pride Lands and was led by Kiara's younger brother Kion.
Zuri and Kion usually didnt see eye to eye and it would lead to the both of them ultimately disliking eachother.
Automatically Zuri frowned she knew that she wouldn't get any peace and quiet with them around.
Zuri didn't hate the Lion Guard she just hated the trouble that followed them but she thought some of the members were annoying.
"There's no way Im going to be able to sharpen my claws if their around", Zuri said, " I should go find somewhere else."
Maybe she could go to Pride Rock and do it. However just as she got up to leave she heard a loud noise. BOOOM!
Zuri jumped out of fear and looked in the noise's direction. "What was that!?", she thought.
But it was to late to figure it out because she then felt the ground begin to vibrate and out of knowhere she was swollowed by water.
Panicking Zuri held her breath and tried her best to swim up to the surface. She shot out of the water and noticed that she was being swept away.
"HELP SOMEONE!" ,she called out. By then Zuri looked behind her and saw a pionty boulder in the water. "I could hang there for safety ,and wait for somebody to help", she thought.
As she floated over to the rock she used her sharpened claws to latch on the rock and started climbing. "I should be safe here for now.", Zuri thought.
But as she was thinking multiple crocodiles started swimming twords her.
The Lion Guard soon arrived at the scene trying to figure out what the loud noise was. "
Huh! Where did all this water come from?", Fuli asked. Ono the egret and keenest of sight of the Guard flew over to investgate.
Kion looked around in shock he had never seen this much flooding. "Ono whats going on?", he asked.
"A landslide has blocked the waterfall!", exclaimed Ono. "The rivers overflowing and its bringing crocodiles with it!", he said.
Kion looked around a saw that Ono was right there were crocodiles swimming everywhere. "This isnt good the animals of the Pride Lands are in danger!", he exclaimed.
Suddenly Beshte gasped "Kion look!", the hippo said. "Its Zuri your sister Kiara's friend!", he said with a panicked tone. Kion looked over and indeed saw Zuri.
She was hanging on to the boulder sticking out of the water while trying to bat off crocodiles with her claws. "Get away from me you creeps!", Zuri shouted.
"Luckily thay cant reach her from that rock...for now.", Kion said. "Eventually she will slip and be crocodile food so we gotta think of something.", Kion thought.
"We have to save her.", Ono said. Kion knew that Ono was right but he has to think carefully about this or else this could all go wrong.
"I'll go have a word with the crocodile leader Makuu.", he said. Kion and Bunga went over to try and talk to Makuu. "Makuu!", Bunga shouted. Makuu turned around and looked at both of them.
"Your breaking the rules every animal spieces must stay in its own territory.", Kion explained.
This just caused Makuu to put a sinister smile on his face "Right you are Kion ,and our territory is wherever there's water HA HA!", he said with a mocking tone.
Bunga soon suggested that Kion should use the roar but if he did then Zuri would get hurt.
"Right then we got to find a way to rescue her.", Fuli said with a confident smile. "That won't be necessary Fuli! We should just get rid of the crocodiles.", Beshte suggested.
They were both good plans ,but Kion had to choose the right one because Zuri's life was at stake.