To Hell with Handsome Men

Chapter I: Lions Inside

Breathing was a struggle as she was mid walk on the aisle; while, all the other young women finished their strut down the open floor. She stood back straining herself to continue, the other women balanced a book on their heads. However, her father had strictly told the instructor to make her balance five.

The instructor bent her cane and used it as a tool of correction. She'd receive a nudge at her spine, a tap on her heel, and a smack on her chest. All to become the perfect daughter.

Etiquette was no strange task in the life of a Hyuga. As an influential family stationed in high society, grace partnered with class was a must. She had learned the graces at a young age. She was able to read people like books, dabble in every skill from taekwondo to cooking, and performing insignificant tasks like eating with poise. These feats however, were fruitless according to her father. She had yet to master one skill….

the art of confidence.

Now she finds herself here in a modeling class, learning to walk, talk, and move without a hint of doubt in her efforts.

Sometimes she asks herself while wearing uncomfortable heels and feeling the pinching of skin if this is all worth it. Not really she supposed but if it meant gaining her father's favor then this is something can she can manage. She knows that she is in the running to claim the title of heir, but her place in this race is set back almost 100 yards when compared to her cousin Neji and younger sister. So, if making good pace meant giving up her pride as a lady, and indulging in an act that her father thinks of as vulgar then, so be it.

"Ms. Hyuga please lead the class in the next walk." The instructor Tsunade drew her out of her thoughts.

The busty blonde woman glanced at the raven haired girl and awaited a response.

"Hai." Her voice broke out quietly. She stood straight with perfect posture in front of the wall of mirrors. Hinata tensed as her eyes took in all the other stares of her peers. From olive to ebony hues none compared to the pearl pools of the Hyuga, none were as hauntingly beautiful.

At Tsunade's clapping hands the radio blasted another of the top 10 hits. One step, two steps, turn, and hand on hip.

All the women followed the pale eyed girl's movements. Until, her ankles wobbled and her stance fell.

"Hyuga move to the back and continue practicing. Sakura please take her place in the front." Hinata felt her cheeks flare and her ears burn. This was the third time she has embarrassed herself in this twelve day course.

Hinata picked herself upwards along with her fallen books. Sakura a pink haired beauty queen in the making moved towards the fallen heiress. The girl's peach colored locks were curled to perfection and bounced with every move she made. However, her emerald eyes were the real attention grabbers. They shone with the spotlights above, but no matter how heavenly their color, malevolence still lingered.

In the back Hinata began to practice the movements while another classmate stood doing the same. Tenten the girl who stood beside Hinata had no books on her head and just glared intensely at the girl's waltzing around the studio.

With a light clearing of her throat Hinata caught Tenten's attention. The two were once childhood friends until they moved to different schools. Now as young adults they have met up at this camp by coincidence, so they have recently been catching up just like the old times.

"I just can't stand most of them Hina…. My mother said I could participate in the Judo competition only if I signed up for this class." The tall brunette complained over the music blasting from the radio.

Tenten continued to huff and puff about the uselessness of these girly etiquette classes as Hinata listened intently. After the young women's rant she looked over at her friend with some guilt in her eyes.

An hour later had passed and the girls spread around the locker room to change. Tenten went from frilly dance clothes to her sweats and bid Hinata farewell. Many girls had already left leaving behind her and two others. Hinata removed her heels and leotard in exchange for a frilled white blouse, knee length skirt, and low heels. She grabbed her old gym bag but was pulled back suddenly.

"For someone who is swimming in money you sure don't dress like it." Sakura yanked the gym bag from her arms and stared in disgust.

"Doesn't your Daddy buy you the latest things? Because my boyfriend sure does." The pinkette held up a designer bag and matching stilettos while tossing the old bag into Hinata's chest.

The impact didn't hurt but her heart clenched at Sakura's statement. Suddenly, a tall blonde man with blue eyes came into her mind, Naruto, the governor's son, Sakura's boyfriend, and Hinata's…


Sakura continued her tirade but it all fell on deaf ears. Hinata didn't care for harsh words, she heard enough from her father, sister, and cousin. What did it matter if it came from someone that she didn't care about, it meant nothing.

"Hey I'm talking to you." Sakura snapped her fingers right at Hinata's nose and shook her from her quite stupor.

"Cut it out before I make you." A tall blonde woman grabbed Sakura's forearm and gripped it with ease. The two women had a stare down before emerald eyes glanced away.

"Tch..I'm leaving. Goodbye freak, and Goodbye man hands." Sakura rushed out with a false confidence and an imaginary tail between her legs.

It was silent. Hinata looked up and her lips quivered slightly. She reached out for the other woman's hand.

"Thank you. You didn't have to stick up for me, but you did and I really appreciate it."

The other woman's crystal green eyes softened and she smiled.

"My name is Temari and no thanks needed." She firmly took a hold of Hinata's offered hand and shook it then let go.

"I'm pathetic aren't I, I can't even stand up for myself."

Temari lifted Hinata's chin and spoke with elegant authority.

"You are not pathetic. We all got lions inside, ready to roar, yours just needs a little awakening that's all." Temari paused and smiled. She grabbed a business card from her own bag and held it up to Hinata.

"I'm no etiquette instructor but I am a business woman, I see potential everywhere and I see potential in you. Call me if you ever need me." Temari said briefly and walked out with a hand waving goodbye.

Hinata stood alone in the locker room with a modeling agency card in her hand.

V- IDLE Magazine & Modeling Agency

Sabaku Co.

3989 Complex A, Tokyo
