I guess maybe I compartmentalize better than most people.
The line runs through his head as they're on the jet on their way back to Quantico. It's the middle of the night because they had to wait for Reid to get released from the hospital, but finally they're on their way home. Hotch is the only one awake now. Well, that's not entirely true — he thinks Reid is pretending — but either way, the rest of them are still, and he's essentially alone.
He glances over at Prentiss. She's next to JJ and across from Morgan, and it's clear that she's comfortable with them based on the fact that she's out cold with her head resting against the plane's wall, sharing a blanket with JJ.
He doesn't understand why he can't quite trust her like the rest of them do. She's proven that she's eager to work and that she can fit in with the rest of them and that she's good at what they do. He's yet to hear a single complaint from her about anything.
Her comment from earlier runs through his head yet again. I guess maybe I compartmentalize better than most people. What does that mean, anyways? Is she hiding something?