Yang stood on the outskirts of the forest the surrounded the Village of Patch dragging her lilac eyes along the tree line. She wore only a dark green tunic that just bearly reached below her crotch, the cold causing the hairs on the back of her neck to stand on end although it might be the anticipation for what was about to happen. She dug her nails into her palms fighting back her inner wolf that was clawing to escape. The light of the full moon was making it more and more powerful and she knew it was only a matter of time before she couldn't hold it back anymore. She just needed to hold on for a little while longer. Just until it showed up. She had to protect her village from it and she was always more powerful during the first few hours of the full moon.

Suddenly her ears caught the sound of something off in the distance and she scanned the tree line noticing that it had finally shown up. Yang let out a shuddering breath as she unclenched her fist and let out a guttural, animalistic roar as she let her wolf free. As she ran toward the beast that stalked through the tree line she shifted into a wolf. She let out a howl and Yang had to physically hold her wolf back. She needed to keep control. She needed to control her wolf and protect her family.

She charged at the tree line, lowering her head and jumping so that her head collided with the underside of the Alpha causing his jaw to snap closed. He stumbled back mildly disoriented and Yang lunged for his throat only for him to grab her by the scruff of her neck and tossed her a good five feet away. Yang dug her claws into the earth to stop herself and glared up at the Alpha who stalked toward her. Letting out a breath Yang ran at the wolf, aiming for his throat. She managed to latch on and quickly dug her teeth into the flesh the taste of blood filling her mouth. This didn't slow her opponent down much as he shook her off of him and lunged for her throat and she just bearly managed to roll out of the way. His jaws snapped closer to her face then she was comfortable with and Yang scrambled to her paws. She dug her teeth into the back of his neck and digging her claws into his fur. She held on as the Alpha shook his body trying to shake her free but Yang tightened her grip on the back of his neck, digging her claws into his side. He shook his body before ramming his side into a nearby tree. Yang cried out in pain, falling to the ground in a pile. She watched as the alpha retreated to a distance licking his wounds and in a panic, she pushed herself to her paws and rushed at him throwing her body at him. She snapped her jaws at his throat before running into the trees. As she ran Yang glance over her shoulder making sure that she was being followed. She was. She needed to get as far away from Patch as possible. So that even when she inevitably failed it would take this threat longer to get to back to her home. Yang would protect her home to her dying breath.

She came to a stop in a small clearing that would lend itself to much closer combat. Just what Yang had in mind. She skidded to a stop, turning to look at the much larger wolf who stalked toward her threateningly, the blood staining his fur glistening in the light of the full moon. Yang's heart slammed against her ribcage as they began circling each other. They let out low growls and Yang lunged forward dragging her claws across the other wolves face causing him to low, pained growl. He lunged back snapping his jaws at Yang who just bearly managed to duck out of the way of them although he did manage to get the top of her ear. She pressed her ears against her head as she paced around the edge of the clearing a low growl emanating from her throat. Yang lunged forward, bearing her teeth as she aimed for his throat. She latched onto his throat digging into the soft flesh, causing him to cry out in pain, shaking his whole body to try and get her to let go. Yang only dug in deeper, dragging her claws across his side causing him to let out a pained sound and fell to the ground crushing her under his weight.

Yang released her jaws and the Alpha rolled off her but didn't get far enough away before Yang lunged forward again batting at either side of his head with her paws while growling but her attack was cut short when her opponent aimed for her throat. His teeth dug into her throat as he placed a paw on her chest letting out a low growl locking eyes with her. Yang pressed her ears against her head and let out a whimper, her tail finding its way between her legs trying to make herself look as non-threatening as possible. Eventually, he removed his mouth from her throat and backed away leaving Yang laying on the ground as she licked her wounds. She watched, waiting until he had turned his back on her that she stood up and charged at him. She launched herself onto his back, taking his neck in her mouth and crushing it with her jaws. She held on as he tried to shake her free, tightening her grip on his neck until he stopped moving. The Alpha took a few more steps before collapsing to the ground dead.

Yang pushed herself to her paws and began slowly limping away from the body of the lone Alpha. Every step hurt and blood fell from her wounds with each step she took but she kept going. She needed to get back to her village. She needed to let them know that she was safe. That they were safe. Suddenly she realized that she didn't recognize where she was. She didn't recognize the trees or the rocks or any of the other landmarks. She had never been this far into the forest. She wasn't sure which way home was and she was fading fast. Without too much thought, she picked a direction and began walking leaving a trail of blood as she did. Yang walked, and walked, and walked until her legs finally gave out underneath her. She glanced up at the sky, the full moon was obscured by clouds and she really wished she could get one last look at the moon before she died.