A/N: And alas we come to the not quite end of the story. It is the end of Tom and Hermione's but there will be an alternate ending, a theomione ending, posted within the next few weeks. Thank you to everyone that has read and commented and supported this little story that got way out of control haha. To Riverwriter for being the best alpha/beta/best friend ever and to quitethesardonic for whom this fic is a gift, i love you everyday a little more babycakes.
"Please tell me that you're not planning to go into heat at this wedding?" Draco teases and Hermione glances at him sharply.
"Not funny."
He simply smirks and adjusts his grip on her waist. After a few minutes he asks, "did he ever explain himself?" Hermione shrugs and Draco's eyebrows furrow. "Seriously?"
"Draco," She sighs, "I barely remember what happened at your wedding." Draco stops and Hermione quickly flicks her gaze to the people glancing at them. He's stopped them in the middle of the dance floor. Hardly the most inconspicuous place for them to have this conversation.
"Tell me you're joking. Did he at least apologise?"
Hermione shifts on her feet and purposefully avoids his gaze. "It's really not a big deal."
Dracos nostrils flare and Hermione rolls her eyes when he says, "I'm going to fucking kill him." She watches him storm off then turns on her heel and steps out onto the patio where more than half the wedding party are enjoying the summer air and where, when she left him, Tom was labouring under the attentions of the brides mother and her friends, all of whom have taken Hermione into their hearts as of she were their own daughter. They see it as their right to torture Tom into making an honest woman out of her as a result and since Hermione left her engagement ring at home (no need to draw any attention away from Daphne and Harry's big day) she saw no reason to rescue him.
Fortunately, he's managed to escape and is standing by the bar when she spots him, though her eyes narrow when she realises just who he's talking to. She approaches slowly so as not to alert either of them to her presence and wraps her hand around Tom's bicep. Now she wishes she was wearing her engagement ring because maybe then Ginny Weasley would get a goddamned clue. "Hi." She steps into Tom's embrace when he lifts his arm to wrap around her bare shoulders and smiles thinly at the redhead. "What are we talking about?"
"Nothing important," Tom says dismissively and Hermione bites the inside of her cheek in an effort not to laugh at the way Ginny's jaw drops. Tom grips her waist tight and presses a kiss to her hair. "Where were you?"
"With Draco," she replies, lifting Tom's scotch to her lips and taking an easy sip as she watches Ginny Weasley storm off. "He's looking for you by the way. He wants to know why you haven't explained or apologised for the way you acted with me at his wedding." She says all this without looking at him, instead she toys with the lapels of his suit jacket. She never told him how much what happened at Draco's wedding, when he tried to Alpha her, bothered her.
She watches, from the corner of her eye, as Tom's eyebrows furrow and his lips curl into a frown before his eyes widen dramatically and flick to her face. "Oh."
Hermione hums. "Want to do it now?"
"Not really," he sighs, taking his glass from Hermione's hand and draining the rest. "But I'm not really looking forward to Malfoy hitting me either, so let's sit down."
He leads her to their table in the corner and tugs her onto his lap. "You're so beautiful you know," he murmurs, tracing her lips with the pad of his thumb. She swallows and looks away, nodding, but he angles her chin and tilts her head back to meet her eye. "I'm serious. I've always thought so and that day-" He trails off and scrubs a hand over his face before meeting her eye again. "I could smell Nott on you. Malfoy too, given the way you were draped over him." Hermione blushes but she's not embarrassed. Draco has been her very best friend for so long now and she wonders if she'd have ever made it through those first few months after she found out about Tom and Harry if he hadn't looked after her. "And then Harry was there and you were suddenly in heat and just. I couldn't stand it," he shrugs. "Knowing that half of them had helped you before when it should only ever have been me?"
"None of them had during a he-"
"I know. But they still knew what you looked like. How you tasted. How you felt wrapped around them. And that's my fault. And when I knew that they might get to do so again I just. I wanted you for myself. It's probably the moment I realised I'd been a fucking idiot about everything."
"That day. You and Theo were arguing? Why?"
"Yeah. I don't think he knew until after you and Malfoy showed up that we were mates, but he knew there was something between us. He was intentionally winding me up."
Hermione picks at his tie. "What. Were you defending my honour or something?"
His mouth quirks up and he tucks an errant curl carefully behind her ear. "Or something." Hermione nods and bites her lip. Tom groans and presses his mouth to hers, tugging her bottom lip between his teeth then quickly laving it with his tongue.
"God do you two ever stop?"
Tom groans and Hermione pulls back with a laugh to see Astoria Malfoy waddling her way towards them, Draco trailing not far behind. Hermione jumps up and helps settle Astoria before she meets Draco. "Calm down," she mutters. "I know that you're used to defending my honour and all that other bullshit but I'm a big girl. I can handle him. And he's apologised."
"You shouldn't have had to ask-"
"I know," she insists, smoothing her hand down his jacket lapel. "But it's done now."
His eyes meet hers and flick across her face for one second then two, before he huffs a breath and nods, acquiescing. "Fine."
"Problem?" Tom asks with a smirk as they both rejoin him and Astoria. Hermione resists the urge to whack him for his posturing and instead settles back onto his lap.
"You two are gross," Astoria declares, wrinkling her nose at their obvious affection.
Hermione snorts and reaches forward to swipe an hors d'oeuvre from Tom's plate. "Yes, and you're the Virgin Mary."
"Are you saying I'm God, Granger?" Malfoy taunts, leaning forward to wrap his arm around Astoria who glares at his hand when it rests on her bare shoulder. Both she and Hermione had served as bridesmaids alongside Daphne's childhood best friend Pansy who had the role of maid of honour.
"God awful," Tom murmurs beneath his breath and Hermione smirks.
"He's never touching me again that's for sure," Astoria says, flicking Draco's hand from her body.
"Thanks," he sighs dramatically.
They all laugh.
"How are you enjoying your wedding day, ?"
Harry smirks at her as they move around the dance floor. The night is winding down and this is one of the last songs the DJ will play.
Hermione can feel Tom's eyes on her back as Harry sweeps her across the room.
"Did you know that that's what my mum calls my dad when they're having sex?"
Hermione trips and Harry laughs as she stares up at him in horror. Her eyes flick to his parents standing in the corner talking to Harry's godfather. "Why would you tell me that?" She hisses, thumping him in the shoulder. "I'll never be able to look at them in the face again.
"Oh please," he smirks. "I've slept with mister cheerful over there," he nudges his head in Tom's direction and Hermione bites back a smile at the scowl on his face. "I know what he likes." Hermione hums noncommittally and shakes her head with a laugh. "How is that going anyway?" He asks.
Hermione would like to think that all her friends are happy for her now that she's settled in with Tom. She knows she's happier and way more content than she was, but she's been so wrapped up in their new relationship that she's barely seen any of them and she knows that to some people it might seem a little fast. She dreads to think what some of them will think of their decision to get engaged so quickly, and she doubts any of them realise she's already moved into his flat because it's twice as big as hers. But then she looks at Harry, and she spots Draco and Astoria from the corner of her eye, and wonders if this is simply the nature of mated Alpha and Omega pairs. If the biological need to procreate, that urge which every day has been getting louder and louder in the back of her mind, is what drives them all into becoming mature adults.
"It's perfect."
Harry nods. "Good. I'm so relieved," he pulls her close and presses a kiss to her forehead. "You look so happy now."
Hermione swallows. "What about Daphne? Are you happy with how everything turned out? She ammmm," Hermione clears her throat and averts her gaze once again. "She told me that she saw Theo last week."
He nods. "He wanted to say good luck. And to tell her he's going to Italy to work. He has a business contact out there and," Harry trails off with a shrug. "I guess that's just where he wants to be."
"I'm sorry. I know this can't have been easy for you. Any of it."
"I love Daphne." His lips curl up into a smile and Hermione peers over her shoulder to see him watching her with Astoria. "You weren't here when I met her, but God I was a right mess." Hermione laughs and Harry sighs. "But I never expected Theo's reaction to be so devastating, you know."
They dance silently for a few minutes, swaying gently on the spot but then Harry takes a deep breath and Hermione braces herself.
"What is it?"
"Daphne asked him to stay. To give us, me I guess, a chance."
Hermione stops moving and peers up at him."What?"
"Yeah. He said no, obviously. But like, he just left. He never gave me, us, a chance."
Harry shakes his head. "It's fine. He made his decision."
Hermione frowns but says no more. It's really not her place to question his and Daphne's decision to bond without their third especially when she knows how tremulous her and Tom's relationship was in the beginning.
"Well, it's been a lovely day," she says instead, smiling up at him.
"It has."
"Potter." Hermione startles and blushes and Harry smirks and without a word, passes her into Tom's arms. "Thanks. Congratulations again."
"Cheers," Harry grins, his eyes flicking between the two of them pointedly. "I'm sure we'll all be attending another one of these things soon enough."
Hermione rolls her eyes and wraps her arms around Tom's neck. "Fuck off Harry."
"You ready to go?" Tom asks when they're alone once more, moving slowly around the room with no real rhythm.
"In a minute," she sighs, leaning into him and resting her head on his chest. "This was nice."
"The wedding?"
"Yeah. But I meant just being with you without having to worry or stress." She looks up at him. "I can't wait to marry you."
He smirks down at her. "You mean you can't wait to bond," his fingers graze the gland on her neck and she trembles under his touch. "To be mine forever," he whispers hotly into her ear.
She stares up at him and tugs him towards the exit. "Let's go."
Tom grips her thigh tightly with one hand in the back of the taxi on the way back to their hotel, for which Hermione is eternally grateful.
She knows that without his restraint she would have straddled him in a second and rutted him like a bitch in heat.
Which she is not.
Her next heat isn't due till next month and Hermione would be lying if she said she wasn't eager for it.
So eager in fact, that she's already started buying new pillows and blankets - nesting material- for Toms house. He had encouraged her endeavour.
"I want you to have new ones. You're going to be building a nest for us. I don't want you to have any reminders of what was before. I'm always going to take care of you now."
The memory alone of that conversation has Hermione pressing her thighs together and nuzzling into Tom as they drive through the Devonshire countryside to the Manor House B&B that almost every member of the wedding party is staying at.
She doesn't even remember getting out of the taxi or making it into the house. Up the stairs or into their room before she blinks and she's on the bed, dress shoved up over her waist and Tom knelt between her legs two fingers spearing into her wet cunt and his tongue flicking and curling around her clit.
She can't breathe at the suddenness and winds a hand into his hair, panting, "Tom. Tom. Alphaaaa," as she comes.
He doesn't stop though. Hermione hears him tugging at his belt but his fingers are still inside of her, pressing against her front wall relentlessly and slick is pooling beneath her.
Before she can even catch her breath, take a minute to strip her own dress off, Tom is over her once again and pressing his cock into her, alongside his fingers.
"God you're so fucking tight," he hisses, filling her to the hilt. He's bent over her and lifting one of her legs onto his shoulder so that he can bite and nip and kiss her inner thigh. "Still so tight after all the times you've taken my knot."
"God I love fucking you. You look so good baby, knotted on my cock and when you come," his head drops back as he groans and Hermione whines beneath him.
"I'm gonna - whaaaa!"
Tom pulls out, cock and fingers and slaps his cock across her cunt, the broad head pressing down on her clit. "Always so fucking wet," he grunts, slapping her cunt once before before filling her again.
Hermione wraps her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist and nudges him so she can rock on his cock as she sits in his lap.
"I was about to come," she hisses. Tom smirks up at her and says nothing, instead tugging the neckline of her dress down and wrapping his tongue around one pert nipple.
"I'm sorry love," he swipes his tongue over her neck gland and Hermione groans, moving her hands to his shoulders and lifting her hips quicker. "Have at it."