Chapter 6

"The New Normal"

Brooklyn, evening...

A group of masked thugs are in a dark alley behind a jewelry store. One of them is using a power drill on the wall to enter the store. Another one of the thugs said "C'mon, man! How much longer?"

The one with the drill said "Take it easy, pal. Once I'm through this wall all that swag will be ours for the taking."

Out of nowhere, a web line snatches the power drill right out of his hand.

"What the!?"

They see Spider-Man sticking to the wall behind him. Spider-Man quipped "Nice drill. I always wanted one of those."

The three thugs immediately pull out their guns and open fire. Warned by his spider sense the costumed hero dodged the bullets as if it were nothing. From Spider-Man's perspective it was as if he were moving normally while the rest of the world was moving in super slo-mo. He immediately landed on top of two of them, knocking them out. The third one came at him with a crowbar. He swung it, but Spider-Man easily evaded it with a backflip.

"Careful with that, pal. You could hurt someone."

The thug is about to swing the crowbar again when Spider-Man fires another web line, using it to snatch the crowbar right out of the thugs hand.

The thug growled "You goddamn, motherf#%$in'..."

Spider-Man joked "Language. Someone needs to take a time out."

With that, he punched the last thug unconscious.

A short time later police arrived on the scene, having been alerted by an annonymous tip. The thugs were webbed up while Spider-Man was already gone. One cop saw a note stuck to the web and took it. It read "Courtesy of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man".

Meanwhile, at a luxury condo in Queens...

Norman Osborn was in his study when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

In came his son, Harry.

"Hey, Dad."

Norman curtly asked "What do you want?"

Harry said "I was wondering if you wanted to come out and watch some TV. You've been in there all day."

Norman hissed "Unlike you, I have work to do."

Harry said "Come on, Dad. When's the last time we spent time together?"

Norman said "I've more important things to do than waste time with a lazy teenager."

Dejected, Harry said "Sorry, Dad. I just thought you'd wanna take a break, that's all."

With not one shred of sincerity in his voice, Norman said "Thank's for the offer. Could you please go back to whatever time wasting thing you were doing? I have real work to do."

Dejected, Harry left his father's study. He wasn't surprised by the exchange, however. His father was a workaholic. What Harry didn't like about his homelife was how lonely it was. His mother died of cancer a few years earlier. Norman was never one to show affection to anyone. He was all business, all the time. What Harry really didn't like was his father's treatment of him. Harry was at best ignored and at worst made to feel like his father saw him as nothing but a distraction. Indeed, Harry's misbehavior as prep school was a cry for attention. All his father did after he was kicked out, however, was bribe all the society columns to make no mention of it. When Harry finally went too far and got expelled, Norman berated Harry for being nothing but a disgrace. A brief stint in military school followed before Norman decided to put Harry in public school instead. That was done just to save money. At least, by then, Harry had given up on having his father's attention or approval and has kept his nose clean ever since. Midtown High wasn't even all that bad. Harry made his first friend when he met Peter Parker. True, Peter was a total geek but he was also a true friend. Harry even got into some of the things Peter was into. He was amazed when through Peter he made his second friend, Mary Jane Watson, who was the most popular girl in school. He had a brief crush on her but got over it when it was clear that she only liked him as a friend. There was also the fact that Peter clearly had a crush on her. He soon noticed that MJ had a thing for Peter as well. He'd been playing yenta for his two friends ever since.

Meanwhile, Norman was in his study. He looked at his computer. On the monitor were images of Spider-Man.

How? Norman thought to himself, How did some masked vigilante gain the abilities he has. If we could study him in the lab we just might come up with a workable Super Soldier Formula.

Parker residence, morning...

Peter was having breakfast with Aunt May. She noticed how tired her nephew was.

"Peter, did you sneak out and go partying last night?"

Peter froze. The truth was he did sneak out the night before. He didn't sneak out to party, though, just to be Spider-Man. May smiled and winked.

"Relax, Peter. I'm kidding."

Peter was beyond relieved.

May asked "Seriously, though, why are you so tired?"

Peter said "I haven't been sleeping well lately." and hoped his aunt didn't press for details.

May said "I understand, dear. Ever since..." she choked back the urge to cry, "...what happened to Uncle Ben I've been losing sleep as well. You really miss him, don't you."

Peter said "Yeah."

May said "You know, you don't have to mope around all the time. Why don't you hang out with Harry?"

Peter said "I do. But I sometimes feel overwhelmed by his father."

May said "I can understand that. You know, if you ever want to take Mary Jane out sometime I'll happily spring for it. She likes you, I can tell."

Peter said "Of course she likes me, we're friends."

With a knowing smile, May said "She likes you as more than a friend, I can tell."

Peter said "Um...okay...I guess."

May said "Peter, it's so obvious you two are falling for each other. Why don't you ask her out?"

Peter said "Her other friends think I'm a weirdo and a loser."

May asked "Does that matter? MJ clearly feels otherwise."

Peter looked at his watch.

"I gotta go, see ya, Aunt May."

As he leaves May looks at him with a knowing grin.

Peter and MJ remind me so much of Ben and I when we started dating.

Outside, a minute later...

Peter was walking from the house to go to school when he heard it. The shouting coming from the Watson's place next door.










At this point, a teary eyed MJ runs out of the house with her backpack. She notices Peter and hurriedly wipes away the tears and puts on a brave face.

"Hey, Peter." she said, trying her damndest to sound like nothing's wrong.

Peter asked "Are you okay?"

Nervous, MJ asked "Were you listening to that?"

Equally nervous, Peter said "No...I's just."

Taking the pressure off, she said "I guess you can always hear us."

As they began to walk to school, Peter said "I'm sorry. You know, it's nothing to be embarrassed about."

Feeling the need to vent, MJ said "Easy for you to say. Your home life is perfect."

Peter said "What's going on, if you don't mind me asking?"

MJ said "My father treats me and my mom like crap."

Peter said "I overheard some of the things he called you. They're not true. You aren't worthless."

Feeling better, MJ said "Thanks, Peter."

Peter said "It's true. You're the most wonderful person I know."

MJ said "You're the remarkable one, Pete. I wish my other friends were like you."

Peter said "MJ, I'm just a science geek."

MJ said "So? You're a nice guy. We always have fun when we hang out and I can tell you anything. Remember that time I peed my pants in first grade?"

Peter said "Yeah. I remember seeing you with a huge wet spot on the crotch of your jeans and totally freaking out about it."

MJ said "Remember what you did?"

Peter said "Hard to forget that. I swapped pants with you and made everyone else think it was me who'd peed myself."

MJ asked "How many other people would take that kind of humiliation for a friend?"

Peter said "Remember when Brad Feldman beat me up and took my lunch money in third grade?"

MJ said "I remember. I walked right up to him and gave him a bloody nose for that."

MJ now completely forgot about the fight back home. She said "Remember in fifth grade when we kissed each other just to find out what it was like."

Peter nodded as he remembered an eleven year old MJ and himself giving each other a quick peck on the lips and being grossed out by it.

"MJ," he said.

"Yeah, Peter."

Peter nervously said "You wanna come over after school. There''s something I wanna tell you."

MJ said "Why don't you tell me now?"

Peter said "It's...well...It's kind of a big deal. I'd just feel more comfortable telling you at my place."

MJ thought This is it. He's finally going to tell me he's Spider-Man, isn't he?

Excited, she said "Sure thing, Pete."

Peter's heart nearly leapt out of his chest when she said that.

Midtown High, later that day...

Peter and Harry are having lunch in the cafeteria. Harry said "What's up, Pete?"

Peter said "Not much, Harry. You?"

Harry said "Nothing. Except my dad's been really weird lately."

Peter said "That's nothing new."

Peter had met Norman a few times over the years and didn't like him. He always seemed really cold and a little creepy.

Harry said "Yeah, well lately he's been worse than usual. He spends all his free time obsessing over Spider-Man in his study. I get that this Spider-Man's kinda cool and all, but it's not like he's Tony Stark."

Peter said "Probably morbid curiosity."

Harry said "Isn't today your aunt's day to work at the homeless shelter?"

Peter said "Yeah. She's not gonna get home until late."

Harry joked "Party at Peter's."

Peter said "Good one, Harry."

Harry said "Wanna hang out after school?"

Peter said "I can't."

Harry asked "How come?"

Peter nodded toward the popular table where Mary Jane was sitting. Getting his friend's drift, Harry smiled.

"Why you dog? You gotta tell me all about it later."

Peter said "Yeah, right."

Harry said "Come on, dude. You, MJ, alone. I wanna know the dirty details."

Rolling his eyes, Peter said "Sex, is that all you ever think about?"

Harry said "Dude, she totally wants you."

Peter defensively said "Even if she does she's not that kind of girl."

Harry said "If she lets you keep her panties can I see 'em."

Knowing that Harry's just clowning around, Peter laughingly said "Perv."

Parker house, afternoon...

Peter and Mary Jane are sitting in Peter's room. MJ said "So, Pete, what did you wanna talk about?"

Peter said "MJ, what I'm about to tell you is huge. Even Aunt May doesn't know about this."

MJ said "Okay."

Peter said "I'm serious. You absolutely can't tell another living soul what I'm about to tell you. I want this to be strictly between us."

MJ said "No problem, Pete. I can keep a secret."

Peter said "This is a big one. What I'm about to tell you is something we take to the grave."

Rolling her eyes, MJ said "God, Peter, it's not like we've never shared secrets before. Don't you trust me?"

Peter said "I trust you, but I've never had a secret this huge before."

Putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder, MJ said "It's okay, Pete. Whatever it is, you can tell me."

Peter said "Remember that field trip to Osborn Labs?"


"Remember that giant spider that bit me?"

MJ nodded.

Peter said "I think they were doing some kind of freaky experiments on it. After it bit me I went from 98 pound shrimp to a 167 pound stud in a matter of days."

MJ said "So, that's where your new muscles came from."

Peter nodded.

"I think that bite mutated me. I...well...I can now do things no other person can do."

MJ said "I see. What are you saying?" As if I didn't already know.

Peter draws a very deep breath to steel his nerves.

Here goes nothing. "I'm Spider-Man."

MJ's only reaction is to give Peter a warm smile. Peter is a little weirded out since he was expecting either disbelief or a total freak out.

"Questions? Comments? A five alarm freak out?"

MJ said "Peter, I have a little secret too."

Peter said nothing but gave the red head a curious look.

MJ said "I already knew. I've known all along."

Peter's eyes practically popped out and his jaw fell when she said that.

"You Knew!?"

MJ said "Yes. I already knew. I know that you're Spider-Man."


MJ said "When Flash and his buddies jumped you after school I saw you do all of those fancy moves. When two of them chased you I went after them to give them a piece of my mind and make sure you were alright. They didn't see you jump five stories straight up and stick to a wall, but I did. Then, I saw that wrestling match on TV. I saw Spider-Man use all the same moves you did. I put two and two together."

Peter asked "Why didn't you say something?"

MJ said "I wanted you to tell me. What I don't get is why you keep it a secret?"

Peter said "Common sense. I've been using my powers to moonlight as a superhero."


Peter said "And what do you think's gonna happen when the whole world finds out? Best case scenario is I become the center of a media circus. What if every thug out there knows who Spider-Man is, where he lives, where he goes to school, who his friends and family are? If my secret gets out it puts everyone I know at risk. They could go after Aunt May, or Harry, or you, just to get to me."

MJ is visibly touched.

"You keep it a secret to protect us, don't you?"

Peter nodded.

MJ looks at him in awe.

This is why I'm so into him. He cares, he actually cares.

Blushing slightly, MJ said "Since we're exchanging secrets, I...well...I got a pretty big one, too."

Peter said "Okay."

Not it was MJ's turn to be nervous.

"I like you."

Peter said "Well, we have been friends since we were five."

Blushing, MJ said " like you as more than just a friend."

Peter gasped in shock. Despite all the signals he sure didn't see this coming.

" like and GF like me!?"

MJ nodded.

"I've had a huge crush on you for as long as I can remember."

Peter says nothing, but his thoughts are racing.

She likes me. She's into me. I'm more than just a friend to her. This is unbelieveable. I gotta be dreaming.

Unnerved by the silence, MJ said "Peter, please say something."

Peter thought Only one thing to do now. "MJ, have a thing for you too."

Mary Jane smiled wide with excitement.

"You do!"

Peter admitted "I've had the biggest crush on you since, like, ever. I was into you before I was even into girls."

On cloud nine, MJ said "Wanna be my boyfriend?"

Peter said "You're serious!?"

MJ said "Of course."

Peter now looked a little down.

"I don't know if that's such a good idea. I'd like to, but we live in two different worlds. You're the most popular girl in school and I'm a total geek."

MJ said "So. You're the only guy I know who really gets me. I wanna be your girlfriend and I don't care if you aren't one of the popular crowd."

Peter asked "What about Flash, Liz and Betty. Aren't you afraid what they'll think?"

MJ said "Look, Pete, I like you. I wanna go out with you and that's all there is to it. My other friends will just have to accept that."

Peter said "What if they don't?"

MJ said "Then they were never really my friends to begin with."

Peter said "I...I can't believe it."

Smiling, MJ said "Believe it."

They leaned toward each other until their faces were practically touching.

Peter said "I feel like the luckiest guy in the world."

MJ said "Face it, Tiger, you just hit the jackpot."

With that they kissed.

Midtown High, the next day...

Mary Jane is in the cafeteria at the popular table. What's unusual is that Peter is with her. This does not sit well with her other friends. As the two sit down Flash, Liz and Betty give them puzzled looks.

Betty said "MJ, like, what's Parker doing here?"

MJ said "I invited him."

Flash said "You invited this loser!? Is this a joke?"

MJ said "FYI, that 'loser' has been my best friend since I was five years old and now he's my boyfriend."

The whole table went so quiet you could hear a pin drop. The first to find their voices were Flash and Liz, both of whom are totally shocked.

Flash said "Parker!?"

Liz said "Boyfriend!?"

Peter sat in nervous silence as MJ said "Yes, boyfriend. And I'd appreciate it if you were nice to him from now on."

Liz gets up and points to the girls restroom.

"MJ, my office, NOW!"

Girls Restroom, a short time later...

Liz and MJ are alone and having a one on one chat.

"MJ, what the hell!?"

MJ said "Look, Liz, I like him. He's always been there for me."

Liz said "He's the biggest loser in school."

MJ said "What makes him a loser, Liz? What about him gives you, Flash, and everyone else the right to treat him like he's not even human?"

Liz said "Well, let's see. One, he's a total brain. Two, he sucks at sports. Three, he has horrible fashion sense. Four, he's...well...Look, just tell him it was a joke. Maybe you won't be an outcast if everyone thinks you were pranking him."

MJ angrily said "What the hell is your problem, Liz?"

Liz said "What's yours? Dating Peter Parker is social suicide and you know it. Do you want everyone to hate you?"

MJ hissed "Is that a threat?"

Liz said "No, but that's how it goes. We're too popular to date nerds."

MJ spat "Liz, grow up."

Liz said "Do you realize what you're doing? I'm your friend and I'm trying to help you."

MJ said "You can help me by giving my boyfriend a chance."

Liz asked "What do you see in that geek, anyway?"

MJ said "I see. I shouldn't date a guy who's smart, decent, caring and supportive."

Liz said "Not when he's such a loser that just talking to him makes you a social outcast."

MJ said "That has got to be the most childish thing you've ever said. Are you actually saying we're not friends anymore?"

Liz said "What choice do I have, MJ?"

MJ said "You could choose to have my back."

Liz says nothing, which tells MJ everything.

"I see. That's how it is, then."

She angrily starts to walk away.

"Have a nice life, Liz."

MJ leaves, practically slamming the door behind her. She sees that Peter is no longer at her table.

"Where's Peter?"

Flash snorted "That geek. We told him to get lost."

One of Flash's buddies added "Yeah, we were gonna kick his ass otherwise."

MJ angrily picks up her tray.

"Nice knowing you, you immature jerks!"

She heads over to the table where Harry is sitting with a visibly upset Peter.

Peter said "I knew this would happen."

MJ sits right next to him.

"Sorry about that."

Harry said "I saw what happened."

MJ said "How could I be so stupid? I thought they'd give Pete a chance if he was with me."

Peter said "It's okay, MJ. So your other friends don't like me, so what."

MJ said "I can't believe I thought those assholes were my friends. Screw 'em."

Harry said "Whoa! You chose Peter over the Barbie and Ken squad! That's pretty cool, MJ."

Smiling, MJ said "Thanks, Harry."


Peter, MJ and Harry turn around. Standing behind them is a girl with long blond hair and blue eyes. She's wearing a Black Flag T-Shirt, shredded jeans, Doc Marten boots and spiked bracelets.

MJ said "You wanna piss on my boyfriend too?"

The girl said "Actually, I wanted to tell you how impressed I am. You're the last person I expected to stand up to those bitches and that neanderthal Thompson. You go, girl!"

MJ smiled at the praise.


The blonde punk rock girl said "Don't mention it." She held out her hand in greeting. "My name's Gwen, by the way. Gwen Stacy."

MJ shook Gwen's hand.

"Mary Jane Watson, but everyone calls me MJ. This is my boyfriend, Peter, and our friend Harry."

Gwen said "Nice to meet you guys."

Harry said "You wanna sit with us?"

Gwen said "Sure thing."

MJ smiled. Sure, she lost her 'cool' friends, but she now has a boyfriend. Also, Gwen seems pretty cool. In a 'leave me alone or I'll f$%& you up' kind of way.

Parker house, evening...

Peter is in his room on the computer. He can't believe what a great day he just had.

I don't believe it. MJ's now my girlfriend, she knows I'm Spider-Man and is totally cool with it. She's so into me she actually told the mean girls and cave men right where to stick it. Top it all off with the fact that we even made a friend who's a total badass.

Just then, he hears a tap on his window. He looks and sees that the window to Mary Jane's room is open and she's signaling to him. He opens his window and they talk.

MJ said "What're you up to,Pete?"

Peter said "I was online looking for a job."

MJ said "You already have a job."

Peter said "I meant one that actually pays. I'd like to take you someplace nice."

Smiling, MJ said "I don't need a fancy restaurant when I have a guy like you."

Peter said "Yeah, but still."

MJ said "Won't that interfere with your...other thing?"

Knowing what she meant, Peter said "Yeah. I'm trying to find something with very flexible hours."

MJ said "You like photography?"

Peter said "Yeah."

MJ said "I have an idea."

She mimicks the web shooting gesture with her hand. Peter gets one of his web shooters. MJ holds up an issue of the Daily Bugle.


She tosses the rolled up newspaper. Peter snags it with a web line.

"Turn to the ad section."

Peter turns to the advertisement page. What he sees makes his eyes go wide...

Cash reward for pictures of Spider-Man in action.

He looks at MJ. She said "I figure if you need money might as well get it in a way that doesn't interfere with the other stuff."

Peter said "MJ, you're a genius."

Blushing, MJ said "Thanks."

At this point, they hear police sirens. Peter looks at MJ, who gives him an encouraging look.

"Go get 'em, Tiger."

Moments later, Spider-Man is off to save the day.

Osborn Condo...

Norman Osborn is looking at another image of Spider-Man on his computer.

Of course. If I can capture Spider-Man, then I can develop a working Super Soldier Formula. And I know just the man for the job.

Norman picks up his phone and dials an international number.

"Hello, Mr. Kravenov..."

To Be Continued...

Next Time

Spider-Man is targeted by Sergei Kravenov, aka Kraven The Hunter.