Hiccup and his crew were sailing towards the Reverse Mountain so they could enter into the Grand Line, but before that he had gathered everyone into the cabin to go over the final details.

"Take a look," said Hiccup as he placed the map of the Reverse Mountain on the table. "As you can see from this map, as unimaginable as it may seem, the entrance of the Grand Line is a mountain."

"You've got making this stuff up," said Snotlout.

"I didn't believe it, but the map is clear," said Fishlegs. "The mountain appears to be riddled with small can now so we might have to go up and over it."

"What are you talking about?" Toothless frowned. "Even if there are canals ship can't climb up a mountain."

"Look my father told me one or two things about entering the Grand Line before he left me in East Blue," said Hiccup. "It is the only viable way of entering the Grand Line."

"But we can easily avoid the mountain if we just sail into the Grand Line," said Snotlout pointing at the map.

"Not unless you want to be killed," said Fishlegs. "Easy for some unknown reason there is no wind on the edge of the Grand Line, which makes sailing inside it impossible. That's why they call that the Calm Belt."

"Can't we just row all the way through it?" Ragnar asked.

"We could, but the Calm Belt is also home to massive Seakings and we are in no position to deal with them," said Hiccup folding his arms.

"So you're saying that entering the Mountain is our only choice?" said Astrid.

Snotlout then frowned. "Uh, guys the rudder is stuck."

Hiccup looked at the twins. "You to give him a hand."

"Okay," said Ruffnut.

"We're on it," said Tuffnut.

The twins then made their way to the rudder to assist Snotlout, only to discover they couldn't move it.

"Does this current seem a bit too strong to anyone else?" Snotlout asked.

Fishlegs looked up. "What you just say?"

"And asking if any of you have noticed the insane strength of this current?" Snotlout asked.

"The current?" Hiccup blinked.

Fishlegs' eyes widened. "Then that means."

"What is it?" Astrid asked.

"The canals do go up the mountain," said Fishlegs.

"How could that possibly work?" Toothless asked.

"Look right here," said Fishlegs pointing at the map. "You see the guiding light was directing us to this spot on the Red Line. Notice how it's labelled here, 'Reverse Mountain'? These lines here represent canals, or artificial waterways, if major currents from all four oceans flow towards this mountain what you think is going to happen?"

Hiccup nodded. "The currents would force the water at these canals and collide at the top. They will then flow straight down into the Grand Line."

Fishlegs nodded. "Reverse Mountain is a winter mountain so that means it's cold which means any currents that don't flow up the canal will be forced down as the cool and anything riding those currents will be pulled down as well. If we mess up and miss the entrance of the now, the Going Tiger will collide into the Red Line's rockface and likely be destroyed. Both ship and crew will be sucked down into the sea."

"So what you mean is we've only got one shot," Astrid simplified.

"You got it, but so long as we stain this current we shouldn't have any problems getting to the summit of Reverse Mountain," said Fishlegs. "The only thing that would hurt us now is if something went wrong with the rudder."

"I've heard a few stories, but about half the people that make their way to the Grand Line died before they even get there," said Ragnar folding his arms. "Whatever we find isn't going to be easy."

The big problem was the fact that they were still sailing in that massive storm and everyone had to work double hard to keep the boat straight.

"Ragnar get the sail," Hiccup ordered.

"Got it," said Ragnar. "Toothless give me a hand."

Both Ragnar and Toothless then began to unfurl the sails.

Hiccup and Fishlegs looked up towards the horizon and they could see the Red Line coming into view.

"And there's the Reverse Mountain," said Hiccup and the others quickly joined him to get a good look.

"That is insanely huge," said Snotlout.

"So that's the entrance of the Grand Line," said Astrid.

Reverse Mountain had to be the biggest mountain in the world, it was so large in fact that they can even see the top.

"I can't see the top, it even taller than the clouds," Snotlout gasped.

Then suddenly the ship shook violently and they immediately were pulled into a very strong current.

"We're being pulled in!" Hiccup yelled and he quickly turned to Snotlout and the twins. "Keep the rudder steady!"

"We're on it!" the three of them yelled.

"Fishlegs, we're going to need that entrance very soon!" said Hiccup. "If we keep this heading we're going to crash into the rocks!"

Fishlegs was looking for any sign of the canal and then suddenly he saw a gap within the rocks.

"There's a cracking that clear," he said quietly. "That must be it."

"Fishface, give us a direction!" Snotlout yelled at the top of his voice.

"Keep bearing straightahead!" Fishlegs ordered.

"Are you crazy?" Snotlout yelled.

"That usually are thing," said Ruffnut.

"Maybe Fishlegs is a long lost brother?" Tuffnut asked.

"Just trust me," said Fishlegs.

"You found the canal entrance?" Hiccup asked.

"I think so," said Fishlegs.

"I've got to be dreaming," said Toothless as he looked at the canal for a spyglass. Through the spyglass Toothless could see a man-made Arches at the entrance of the canal which was rushing up the mountain at incredible speed. "Impossible… the ocean really is flowing up the mountain."

"We have to make our way through those water gates just right or will crash into the Red Line and his smashed to pieces," said Fishlegs.

Hiccup could see that the ship was drifting slightly off course. "We're drifting off course! Move to starboard!"

"What are you on about?" Tuffnut blinked.

"He means right you muttonhead!" Snotlout snapped as the three of them pulled on the rudder.

Then suddenly the rudder snapped much to everyone's horror.

"The rudder!" everyone screamed.

They were still slightly off course and looked as if they were going to crash into one of the gates.

"I'm on it!" Hiccup yelled as he transformed into his hybrid form.

Hiccup then took off and braced himself against the ship using his full might to push it back on course. Everyone clinched themselves were few seconds, but Hiccup succeeded in pushing the ship back on course though he had used a lot of strength.

Just before he fell into the water though, Toothless grabbed his arm. "You all right, Captain?"

"Just fine," Hiccup sighed.

Everyone could now relax as they were making their way up the mountain.

"Now it should be just a straight shot to the summit," said Fishlegs.

"We're already in the clouds," said Astrid as they soon entered the cloud cover.

Since they have broken through the cloud cover they were now free from the storm and now were welcomed by glorious sunshine. They could see the summit and all them just stared at the view, which was beyond description.

"Hard to believe were above the clouds," said Hiccup.

At the very top of the summit they could see water raining down creating a strange sort of sparkle as the sun struck the water droplets.

"It's amazing, we've done it," said Fishlegs. "We've reached the summit!"

They then struck the summit and were lunched into the air causing water to splash and with the cold temperatures it immediately turned to ice and shattered.

However, the seconds later they found themselves falling and struck the canal running down the mountain. They were now shooting straight down the summit at incredible speed and they knew any moment now they would enter the grand line to fulfil their dreams.

'To be the world's greatest swordsman,' said Toothless.

'To find the All Blue,' said Ragnar.

'To draw a map of the entire world,' said Fishlegs.

'To become a brave warrior of the sea,' said Snotlout.

'To cause as much havoc as possible,' said the twins in unison.

'To go on a grand adventure,' Astrid smiled.

"I can see it," said Hiccup as he looked at the most mysterious ocean of them all. "This is the greatest sea in the whole world… the Grand Line. Somewhere out there the One Piece is waiting and we're going to find it. Now let's go!"

Everyone was excited that they were finally going to enter the Grand Line and moments later they re-enter the cloud cover.

"This is great," Ragnar smiled.

Toothless then frowned as he heard a strange noise. "Did you guys get hear something?"

"Huh? What was that?" Astrid asked.

"That groaning sound. Didn't you hear it?"

"It was probably just the wind, at this speed everything sounds distorted."

But then they saw some sort of shadow within the clouds and this time all of them could hear that strange noise.

"What was that?" Snotlout frowned.

"Fishlegs, I see a mountain up ahead!" Ragnar yelled from the close nest, looking for a spyglass.

"But that's impossible?" Fishlegs frowned.

"But it's right there! I can see it!" Ragnar pointed.

"I thought the canal at the entrance of the Grand Line was completely bare?" Hiccup frowned.

"It should be," said Fishlegs. "After we passed the Twin Capes up ahead there should be nothing but open sea."

Then suddenly they broke through the cloud cover and discovered what was blocking their path.

"It's a black wall!" the twins yelled.

"No it's not!" said Hiccup shaking his head.

"Then what is it?" Toothless.

"It's a giant whale!" Fishlegs panicked.

Fishlegs was right blocking their path at the entrance of the canal was the biggest whale they had ever seen. It was sitting upright and they could see some very deep scars on its head, but right now they were concerned about crashing into the thing.

"What are we going to do?" Snotlout yelled.

"I don't know, but we got to do something fast because our path was blocked!" Astrid yelled.

"Calm down," said Ragnar. "If this creature looks like a giant wall to us, we must be a spectre it."

"That's right," Fishlegs nodded. "It's highly possible that this thing has even aware that we are here."

"We'll run right into it unless we change course!" Toothless pointed out. "Look we can get by on the left! Hard to port!"

"The rudder is broken!" Snotlout reminded them.

"Do something!" Toothless yelled as he rushed towards the cabin. "Anything!"

Tuffnut looked at his sister. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Oh, I hope I'm thinking what you're thinking," said Ruffnut.

"What are you two thinking?" Fishlegs asked.

However, the twins had already made their way below deck leaving Hiccup, Astrid and Fishlegs very concerned.

The others were currently inside the cabin trying to pull on the broken rudder with all their strength, but nothing they did change the direction of the ship.

"The ships not going to turn like this!" Snotlout yelled.

"Don't give up!" said Ragnar through clenched teeth.

"Is this the end?" said Astrid.

Then suddenly a cannonball shot out from the deck below. It in take them long to figure out that the twins had fired the cannon below deck directly at the whale. The sudden recoil did slow down the ship as did the explosion when it struck the whale. They had just slow down enough that the collision only cause the figurehead to snap off.

"That was their plan?" said Astrid in disbelief. "To fire a cannonball at the whale."

"While I can't agree with the method, I can't exactly argue with the result," said Hiccup.

It then occurred to them that they were still directly in front of the whale and that he might not be too pleased with a cannonball striking him. They didn't waste any time in pull out the awesome began to grow themselves to safety.

"Let's get out of here before it's too late!" Toothless yelled.

"Do you mind telling me what's going on?" Snotlout asked.

"It's so big that the cannonball even make it flinch, that or his reaction time is very slow," said Ragnar.

"I don't care either way, so long as we're alive!" Astrid yelled.

The whale then immediately howled and been this close to him that it was a massive strain on the eardrums.

"My ears!" Ragnar yelled.

"Just paddle!" Hiccup ordered.

"Let's get away from here!" said Toothless.

They kept on paddling and thankfully it stopped howling and they began to sail around its large right eye.

Fishlegs then saw the twins had made their way back on deck and they were looking up at the whale.

"Guys?" Fishlegs frowned.

"Hey, Troll!" Tuffnut yelled pulling a face.

Ruffnut stuck out her tongue. "Butt-Elf!"

"Bride of Grendel!"

"What do you two muttonhead think you're doing?" everyone yelled.

"Come on, if he had noticed the cannonball there's no way he's going to notice as calling him names," said Ruffnut.

Unfortunately that theory was immediately shattered when the whale's eye then immediately looked down at them. Then to make matters even more worse it opened its largemouth and the water began to suck into it dragging them along with it.

The current was so strong that it shook everyone up and Hiccup lost his footing and fell over the side.

"Hiccup!" everyone cried.

Hiccup quickly transformed it is hybrid form he was just about to make his way back to the ship when the whale took a deep breath out sending him flying out of the mouth. Astrid and the others on the other hand were not as fortunate and were pulled in. Hiccup attempted to fly back after them but the whale closed its mouth trapping them inside and keeping him out.

With no other choice Hiccup had to land on top of the whale. "This is terrible, everyone's been swallowed up whole. I've got to get them out somehow, but how?"

Unfortunately before he could come with an idea the whale began to sink.

"Not good," Hiccup panicked. "If this thing goes underwater I'll never be able to get them out."

He then began looking around trying to think the way out of this mess and then to his astonishment he found the door on top of the whale's head. Knowing that he had very little time to ponder why a door was on a whales head he immediately opened it up and got inside before it submerged itself.

Astrid and the others meanwhile were utterly confused, because as hard as it was to believe it as if they were outside after being eaten by the whale. They could also see a small island in the very centre of the sea directly in front of them.

"Is this even real?" Ragnar asked. "Because I know exactly what I saw and what I felt. We were swallowed up by that whale."

"Well you're not imagining things, I see the sky as well," said Astrid.

"Is this a dream?" Fishlegs asked.

"Yeah, I say that's a fair guess," said Toothless.

"Okay, so what's with the island and the house?" Snotlout asked.

"Delusions," said Toothless.

Then suddenly shooting out of the water was a giant squid.

"Uh, that looks like… a Great King Squid!" Fishlegs panicked.

Astrid, Ragnar and Toothless then prepare themselves ready to attack the squid, but before they had a chance the doors of the house opened. A split second later a pool was launched out of nowhere and impaled the squid killing it just like that.

"Looks like someone's home," said Toothless.

"The question is are they friend or foe?" said Astrid.

"We're about to find out," said Ragnar.

"This is all just a little too much," Fishlegs whimpered.

"Where's our no good Captain when you need him?" said Snotlout.

Hiccup was currently inside the whale and he found himself in some hallway and there were lights.

"Okay, since when did whales have doors and lighted hallways?" Hiccup blinked as he tried to make sense of this.

Astrid and the others were watching the house as they saw a figure emerging out of the doorway.

"A ship," said the figure.

"We should open fire right there!" said Snotlout.

"No," said Astrid. "Just hang on for a sec. Someone is coming out."

They then watched as the strange figure began pulling the squid closer towards the island, it was clear that he was the one responsible for firing those harpoons a few moments ago. He then stepped out of the doorway and they discovered that he was an old man wearing a tropical shirt and for some reason he had tropical flower petals in his hair.

"Is there a plant?" Tuffnut blinked.

"No it's a person," said Ragnar.

"You sure?" Ruffnut asked.

"Whoever he is, that old man just killed it King Squid with one shot," Astrid pointed out.

"I want to know why though?" said Ragnar curiously. "Was he trying to save us or is he just fishing?"

They then watched as the old man walked away from the house giving them an intense stare. He then sat down on a deckchair and pulled out a newspaper, as if everything was quite normal.

"You going to say anything?" Ragnar asked.

The old man just looked up at them.

"You want a fight, we'll give you a fight!" Snotlout challenged.

The old man just gave us intense scare that shook them to their very bones. "You tried and someone is going to die."

Fishlegs cringed fearfully and the others just stood firm.

Ragnar had a hand over one of his pistols. "Yeah, and who might that be?"

"Me of course."

"Excuse me?" Ragnar stared in bewilderment.

"Easy, don't let him rattle you," said Astrid gently.

"Maybe you should let me do the talking," Toothless suggested as he stepped up and look to the old man. "There's a couple things we need to know. Where are we? And who are you?"

The old man just continue to give them that intense stare. "You've got some nerve, stranger. It's only polite to introduce yourself before asking a question for someone you just met."

Toothless was slightly taken aback by this, but maintained his composure. "Fair enough. I'll go first, my name is—"

"If you must know," the old man interrupted. "My name is Crocus and I am the lighthouse keeper of the Twin Capes. I'm 70 and a half years old years old… Gemini…"

"I'm going to kill him if he keeps this up," Snotlout snarled.

"Just humour him," said Astrid bluntly.

"You would like to know where we are," said Crocus. "But your rude behaviour leaves me disinclined to accommodate your curiosity except that you are trespassing on my private resort. Besides I think it's pretty obvious seeing as how you were eaten."

"So you're saying that we were swallowed by the whale?" Fishlegs stared. "But since when did Wales stomach clouds and birds in it?"

"When a minute, if we've been eating what's going to happen to us?" Snotlout panicked. "I don't want to be digestive."

Crocus just continued giving them that stare which was now starting to get annoying.

"If he keeps on staring at us like that, I'm going to knock him senseless," said Snotlout.

Astrid then turned towards Crocus. "Can you please tell us if there's a way out of here?"

"The exit is over there!" Crocus pointed.

They all turned into the astonishment they saw a large iron door in the distance.

"Okay, even if I believe whales belly has an exit door, nothing is there but sky," said Snotlout gesturing to the sky above them.

"Wait a minute," said Fishlegs as he looked at the clouds and birds more closely and notice that they were moving. "Look at the sky. Those seagulls… nothings moving. They're painted on! It's a giant mural inside the Wales stomach!"

"Call it the doctor's playful mind," said Crocus.

Ragnar blinked. "I'm guessing he doesn't get much activity out here."

Toothless then looked at Astrid. "Astrid, if that is an exit then we have to get to it."

"Agreed," Astrid nodded.

Then suddenly everything shook around them violently and the sea began to create waves.

"Now what?" Snotlout grumbled.

"It's began," Crocus side.

"Look!" Fishlegs pointed. Everyone turned and saw that the island wasn't in fact an island, but some sort of boat with an iron bottom. "That's no island it some kind of ship. It's made of iron."

"No doubt because we're floating on a sea of gastric acid," said Toothless.

"That means a wooden ship would fail well if it stayed here too long," said Ragnar.

"What's with this freaky whale?" Snotlout demanded directing his question at Crocus. "And semi-old man!"

"He's very angry," said Crocus. "These after-shocks are the result of him hitting his head against the Red Line."

Crocus was right, because the whale was in fact hitting his head against Red Line with all his strength.

"That would explain why he has such deep scars on his forehead, not to mention all the strange howling," said Fishlegs.

"But why is he doing it?" Snotlout asked.

"I think it's because he's suffering," said Astrid folding her arms.

"Guess that makes sense, but what's the old man doing?" Snotlout asked noting that Crocus was now standing on his feet.

"More than likely he's trying to kill the whale from the inside," Astrid theorised.

"It's time," said Crocus.

"What a despicable way of killing something," said Fishlegs.

"Now that we've solved the mystery of the whale, what you say that we try and find a way outside of its belly before we digests us?" Toothless suggested.

"We have no right to judge the old man, nor do we have to save the whale," said Ragnar. "What we need to focus on is how to get out of here."

Unbeknownst to them two figures were actually inside the whale in some sort of canal, both of them holding a pair of bazookas. One was an attractive female with black hair tied in a ponytail and the other was a tall man wearing a golden crown on his head.

Inside the whale's stomach, things were getting a bit choppy with the whale constantly bashing its head against Red Line.

"We're not going to go anywhere so long as the waves keep on surging like this," said Snotlout. "How are we going to escape if we can't even move?"

"Our only choices the paddle," said Toothless. "Take the oars!"

"Whatever it takes, we need to find Hiccup right away," said Astrid.

"He was blown outside and knowing hear me try to find a way to get inside the whale," said Toothless.

Then suddenly Crocus dived into the stomach acid.

"That old guy just jumped in!" Fishlegs pointed.

"Is he insane?" Toothless stared. "The acid will eat him alive."

Hiccup was still making his way down the hallway when they whale began slamming its head against the Red Line. As a result Hiccup kept on constantly hitting against the walls and he was starting to get dizzy.

"I think I'm going to be sick of this carries on," Hiccup groaned clutching his stomach.

He was practically launched out of the corridor and landed into a canal. He sat up rubbing his head trying to regain his bearings when he noticed the canal.

"Okay, so this whale has a door and a hallway, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that it has a canal running through him," said Hiccup.

Then suddenly everything began to tip and Hiccup found himself sliding down the canal as it began pointing up in a ninety degree angle.

Meanwhile the two figures from earlier were just outside the main gate.

"Things are looking up my dear," said the man. "We've been successful so far. Listen carefully, Miss Wednesday, behind these doors lies the beast stomach and that troublesome geezer as well. He must be eliminated before he can interfere again. Remember, it's all for the whale."

Miss Wednesday nodded. "Indeed, Mr 9. This whale is a precious creature and one that holds the sweet promise of life for our town."

Outside Crocus had now climbed out of the stomach acid and was now climbing up the ladder next to the large gate.

"Guys, Crocus just resurfaced," said Fishlegs.

"I could care less about the old guy, I'm more concerned about trying to find a way to open that gate," said Snotlout.

Both Mr 9 and Miss Wednesday were preparing to storm into the stomach with their bazookas at the ready.

"All right, here's the plan baby," said Mr 9. "Three… two… one… Then we kick through the doors."

"Roger that, Mr 9," said Miss Wednesday. "I'm ready at any time."

They then suddenly heard screaming up ahead, much to the confusion.

"What is that voice, Mr 9?" Miss Wednesday frowned.

"I don't know, Miss Wednesday?"

"I can't stop!" Hiccup's voice yelled as he ran down the canal.

Hiccup was still running after the whale had tipped itself upwards and now he was unable to stop. Mr 9 and Miss Wednesday screamed as Hiccup collided into them and soon all three of them found themselves falling in the stomach.

Crocus eyes widened the moment he saw Mr 9 and Miss Wednesday. "Their back?"

"Not good!" Mr 9 yelled. "We're going to fall into gastric acid!"

"Hiccup?" Astrid stared.

"Astrid? Is everyone okay?" Hiccup asked. He then noticed the painted sky around him. "What's up with the sky?"

However before anyone could answer his question, he along with Mr 9 and Miss Wednesday fell into the stomach acid.

"Looks like Hiccup's not alone," Fishlegs noted. "Who do you suppose those two weirdos were?"

"And whether that old geezer disappeared to?" Snotlout added.

"Never mind that, let's get them on board the ship before they disintegrate," said Astrid.

Crocus meanwhile was making his way down the canal and the whale was howling. It then slammed its head against the Red Line.

"You've got to stop it, Laboon," said Crocus as he made his way down a side passageway. He entered the room where a large needle was located. "You can't beat yourself up anymore. There's only a tiny amount of sedative left and until I make some more you have two make nice!"

He then injected the needle into the whale's soft tissue and began to pump him with sedative which calmed him an after stopping from slamming his head against the Red Line.

"I've told you before, the wall divides the world's oceans," said Crocus. "It doesn't matter how many times you hit it, it won't break not even someone as mighty as you."

Hiccup had transformed it is hybrid form and grabbed both Mr 9 and Miss Wednesday at the same time that the whale finally calmed down.

"I don't speak whale, but it seems to have calmed down a bit," said Fishlegs.

"Seems that way," Toothless agreed.

Astrid then turned and looked at Mr 9 and Miss Wednesday. "Now… we've saved your lives for the time being, but you had better talk and make it quick."

"Mr 9, these heathens are pirates," Miss Wednesday whispered to her partner.

"Yes, that's painfully obvious, Miss Wednesday," Mr 9 agreed. "But if we speak to the humanity and compassion they should understand our plight… maybe."

"You parasite are still here!" Crocus yelled as he re-entered the stomach. "I grow weary of this and for the last time as long as I draw breath, you will not lay a single harmful finger on Laboon."

"He's back again," said Fishlegs.

"Care to fill me in?" Hiccup asked.

Then both Mr 9 and Miss Wednesday began to laugh and they began to pick themselves up.

"You can't bully us into abandoning our mission," said Miss Wednesday.

"We were sent here to hunt this whale and that's exactly what we're going to do," said Mr 9. "And this time we won't let you interfere." The two of them then immediately lifted their bazookas. "We are about to give this way our new blowhole! Fire, baby!"

They then launched their bazookas directly at the whale's stomach lining. Then to the shock of everyone Crocus immediately jumped into the path of the cannonballs and took them head-on.

"He jumped straight into line of fire?" Snotlout stared in disbelief.

"Was he trying to protect the whale?" Ragnar blinked.

Both Mr 9 and Miss Wednesday then began to laugh.

"Your defiance is pointless," said Miss Wednesday.

"Go ahead, waste your time," said Mr 9. "But make no mistake, that hulking beast will provide food for our town."

They then continue to laugh maniacally and then suddenly, completely out of the blue, Hiccup slams their heads together knocking them out cold.

"What was that for?" Fishlegs asked.

"I just want to hit them," said Hiccup.

Crocus had watched everything from floating on top of the stomach acid.

It didn't take them long to finish crocus out and they parked close to the island.

"I thank you for saving my life," he said as he sat down in his deckchair. "Though I must ask why did you do it?"

"I just didn't like the way those two were acting," Hiccup shrugged.

"I think it's about time that we got some answers," said Astrid and she looked down at Mr 9 and Miss Wednesday who are currently tied up. "For starters who are these guys?" She then looked back at Crocus. "And how do you end up inside this whale?"

"These two thugs from a nearby town looking for whale meat," Crocus explained. "If they caught him, Laboon could feed the townspeople for at least two or three years easy. All they're concerned with is feeling that greedy bellies."

"Laboon?" Hiccup blinked looking at Crocus.

"That's the whale's name. He's a unique as magnificent creature. An island whale, one of the largest species in the world that can only be found in the West Blue. I won't allow them to slaughter him for food. It's a shame that he is stuck here so far away from his domain, you see there's a reason why he keeps on hitting himself on the Red Line and howling up at Reverse Mountain."

"There is?" said Fishlegs.

"Yes," Crocus nodded. "To put it one way, inside Laboon's body beats the heart of the human. He has most impatiently waited and is internally devoted to a certain band of pirates… going on 50 long years now."