Harry was falling...
Harry shut his eyes. Will he die like this?
Yeah yeah, he COULD apparate, but when your free-falling your mind goes totally BLANK, like if Merlin was free-falling he would probably thinking, 'Argh!! I'm free-falling! I'm gonna dieeeeeeee!'.
Harry clutched himself and his wand. After like, A Million hours (well, it felt like that) Harry saw something he shut his eyes and-wham! He fell into bone-chilling water.
Harry looked around. Everything was dark. There seemed to be ghost things floating in the water, pulling him down. "Death is the best" it seemed to be saying. Half of Harry just wanted to sink to the bottom of this water and die-what was the problem of having no worries, after all? And the other half urged him to find land.
So, Harry swam to a surface, which was made out of shattered glass pieces that cut through his skin. "Merlin's pants" he muttered before he fainted.
A few minutes later, Harry came to.
He looked up, and there was a girl with blonde curly hair and was extremely fit. There was another boy who was unconscious. He had ruffled black windswept hair. He was really muscular and slightly tanned. They were both more fit than Harry.
"W-What?" Harry muttered, sitting up. It was extremely hot and humid, and Harry felt his breath getting more raspy by the second.
"Who are you?" He asked. The girl scanned him with her gray eyes. "Annabeth." She replied. 'American,' Harry thought, but there was no time to consider that. "Who's he?" He asked, gesturing to the boy. "He's Percy. Now who are you?". After a minutes of raised eyebrows, Harry considered they were in this together. "I'm Harry. Where are we?".
As Annabeth opened her mouth, the boy, Percy came to.
Annabeth plunged her hand into a lake of FIRE and fed it to him. Harry clutched his stomach, his scar throbbing. "Drink this!" Annabeth shouted, and Harry gulped down the boiling hot fire. He immediately felt better.
Percy suddenly jumped up to his feet and uncapped a pen. It turned into a sword. Harry grabbed his wand and pointed it at Percy. Percy smirked at the sight of his wand. "You monster! Think you can get rid of me with a twig?"
"Stupefy!" Harry shouted, and a red jet of light nearly hit Percy. "Stop, Seaweed brain!" Annabeth shouted. She unsheathed her dagger. "I don't want to fight." Harry said wearily. "Right. What says we can trust you?" Percy had lowered his sword, but still looked suspicious.
"I'll tell you the truth, because you definitely aren't muggles. I'm a wizard." Harry sighed. Percy seemed to believe him. "Wait, you mean real ACTUAL WIZARDS? Like descendants from Hecate?" Annabeth asked, bewildered.
There was a thud behind them. "No time!" Percy shouted, uncapping his pen again. "We have to go, explaining later!"
And done. Did you guys enjoy it? Hope you did! Check out my other stories to!