Hey guys! I noticed in my last chapter I kept saying Yule ball. But it is actually the Halloween Costume Ball that they are going to be attending. I am so sorry; I will get around to fixing it eventually! Thanks for the reviews, they really keep me writing to be honest. It can be hard to find time, but I am slowly getting this story out one chapter at a time... -Rex

Hermione spent a good three hours practicing walking in her heels. Finally, she seemed to get the hang of them, only after remembering that there was a charm for it. Her feet hurt and she felt like a ditz. She really needed to get a book on witch centered spells, she just did not usually see them as worth knowing. She barely every wore makeup and ever since she figured out the right routine for her hair, she had not needed to use a hair spell since. People usually paid big money for curls like hers, why would she not rock them? All that was left to do now was some grading before the ball tomorrow. She had finalized her costumed and had even teased Harry, telling him that he might not recognize her. He blushed while telling her he almost did not at the Yule Ball fourth year. Hermione was never going to let him live that down, who doesn't recognize their BEST friend?

Finally, the grading was done, and Hermione started getting ready for bed. The headmistress had given them all day off lessons to celebrate and get ready for the ball and Hermione did not plan to waste it. She had a face mask that you could keep on all night that she was excited to try, curtesy of Luna and her various inventing. Luna had joined Percy and George at their joke shop creating the Wonder Witch line and promoting all-natural beauty products, and they worked too. She was practically famous for it. Hermione secretly thought she had something going on with one of the brothers too, but it was hard to tell which one as they all kind of acted like they were dating. It was a much-debated topic between herself and Pansy whenever they would visit the shop. Pansy thought she had something with both of the men and Hermione, being the somewhat prude, she was, couldn't even fathom a relationship like that. How would it work? Wouldn't one of the men get jealous? She did have to admit that she was rather curious about the whole situation though.

Falling asleep with these thoughts in her head had made for some very interesting dreams. Hermione found herself dreaming of having two lovers and woke up in quite a sweat. She did not usually have sex dreams, so it wasn't very often that she let her hands stray beneath the covers, but that dream had gotten her so worked up that she found herself slowly stroking her clit thinking about how her faceless lovers had kissed her shoulders and breasts. One of her dream lovers had kissed her lips with a passion she could almost still feel, while the other one had taken her small pink nipple in his mouth and sucked on it hungrily. She allowed two fingers to enter her as she thought of how she had sucked on of her faceless lovers' large hard cock while the other had taken her from behind. It was not long before Hermione found herself fisting her sheets as she came with a small moan.

Blushing at the thought of what she had just done, Hermione quickly headed to the shower to clear her mind. Hermione washed her hair quickly because she knew it would take most of the day to get it ready and she still had to meet Luna and Pansy at the gates so that they could come and help her get ready for the ball.

Several hours later, after a couple bottles of wine with her friends and lots of giggling, Hermione looked in the mirror at her costume. She was dressed as Aphrodite; her hair was loose and flowing about her shoulders in long barely curled waves and her skin glowed with silvery sparkles that Luna had insisted on. They matched her dress perfectly and made her look almost otherworldly. Her make up was minimal, just the barest hint of an apple cheek and some mascara, courtesy of Pansy the queen of makeup. Her favorite thing though was the small glittery silver mask that weaved around her eyes to fit with the masquerade them. All of that teasing she had done to Harry and she barley recognized herself. Smiling she had thanked her friends with as much enthusiasm as she could. Telling them that the next lunch date they had was on her before they had departed to use the Headmistresses floo.

At promptly 8 Harry knocked on her chamber door. Harry, dressed as Hercules, was waiting on the other side. When he saw her, he had could not help himself from giving her a small kiss. "Wow, Mione," He said after releasing her. "I am not sure how I got lucky enough to take the most beautiful girl in Britain to this dance".

They headed down to the party, which was already in full swing. Kids were dancing to the wizarding band that had been rented to play and there was a buffet with basically every food and sweet known to man set up on the side. Everybody was in masks, so it was difficult to tell who everybody was. The professors had a spell though that would instantly reveal the identity of any troublemakers. Hermione laughed and danced and had just the best time with Harry as he stumbled over his two left feet. She had not been this happy in a long time and it was hard to believe that she had been with the wrong best friend this whole time.

As the party wound down to a close Hermione and Harry had to split up to make sure that the stragglers had not stowed away in a cove or hidden behind a secret passage. Hermione was just checking the very backs of the library when she felt a strong pair of arms surround her. The windows in front of her told her it was a man with black hair dressed like Hercules. "Harry, you can not sneak up on me like that!" she exclaimed as she turned around. Harry laughed and kissed her as she squirmed in his arms trying to smack him. Little did the couple know that a certain blonde had seen the whole exchange. Malfoy watched the man he hated holding the girl he wanted with narrowed eyes. He realized with a certainty that he needed to make his move soon or he might lose her without ever having her in the first place.

DUN DUN DUN... Well there it is. Another chapter for the masses. Please leave a review if you liked it. I have never written a sexy time moment so that was a first for me! Let me know how I did lol. -Rex