Hello all Storm here with a new chapter! Here we'll be seeing the Genin Test Kamina has in store for Naruto, Akame, and Ochaco along with the training he has in store for the team. So, without further ado.

I own nothing

Naruto entered Training Ground Thirteen seeing Akame and Ochaco already present, with Akame sitting under a tree sharpening her sword and Ochako looked nervous of what kind of test their sensei will give them.

"Hey Akame-chan, Ochaco-chan." Naruto greeted with a smile and two finger salute

"Hey Naruto-kun." Returned Ochaco

"Hey." Akame said not looking up from her sword

Walking over Naruto jumped and sat on a branch above Akame.

"So, what do you think Kamina-sensei's test will be?" Naruto asked curious to see if they had any ideas for what their sensei had in store for them

"I'm not sure, though I doubt it'll be easy. I just hope it isn't something to difficult like having to beat him in a fight." Ochaco said since none of them knew what Kamina's skills were and considering he's a Jonin he's likely stronger than all three of them

"Something unexpected since he seems rather crazy." Stated Akame in her usual brutal and honest tone

Naruto and Ochaco had to admit that is true, from what little they saw of their sensei he seemed rather dramatic.

"Look out below!" Shouted Kamina, confusing the three students before they looked up

'What the hell?' The three thought seeing Kamina freefalling from the sky

Just before Kamina hit the ground he flipped in midair landing in a crouched position before rising to his full height.

"The Might Kamina has arrived!" Kamina declared, making the Genin sweatdrop that he said the same thing when he crashed through the window yesterday

Yeah he's definitely crazy.

'Uh, Rias-chan any thoughts.' Naruto asked mentally wondering if Rias had anything to say

Rias meanwhile was torn between worrying about Kamina's presence, yet another character that doesn't belong in the Elemental Nations and fangirling at seeing one of the most manly characters in all of anime/manga along with being one of her many childhood idols for his "never give up" attitude.

'Fangirl, worry, fangirl, worry, fangirl, worry… really a tough decision.' Rias thought taking a moment to compose herself

"Just be weary and alert, you don't know what he can do. Also don't use the Rasengan." Said Rias seriously knowing if Naruto used to the Rasengan it'd cause to many people to ask questions of how Naruto knew a Jutsu he shouldn't even know exists

Nodding slowly Naruto and teammates directed their attention to Kamina who set a timer on one of the three training posts.

"Now then you three your test is rather simple. All you have to do is take this pebble from me." Said Kamina picking up a pebble off the ground, while the Genin looked confused at the objective

"But there's only one pebble and three of us." Ochaco pointed out

"Yep, doesn't matter who gets the pebble as long as you can take it from me, you'll just have to work together to get it. You have exactly one hour to get the pebble." Said Kamina before giving them all a serious expression

"But if you fail all three of you will be sent back to Academy." Kamina stated, shocking the three before they gained determined expressions making Kamina nod with a smirk

"Alright then, ready set go!" Said Kamina jumping over them as the timer started

"Akame, Ochaco let's go!" Said Naruto as they ran after him


Chasing Kamina back into the village the three saw him jumping across rooftops and looked back to them.

"Keep up kids!" Said Kamina jumping away

"Ochaco try and get ahead of him to block his path, Akame seeing if you can slow him down long enough for Ochaco to get ahead." Naruto said, both girls nodding before jumping ahead

'Where'd they go?' Kamina wondered not seeing his would-be students chasing him

Did they give up or are they planning something, thought Kamina

Without looking Kamina held his sheathed sword behind his head blocking a slash from Akame

"Nice try Akame, but you'll never be able to hit me with such telegraphed attacks." Said Kamina raising his other arm to block a kick from the girl

Spinning in the air Akame planted her hands on the roof and kicked both her legs out hitting Kamina in the chest making him skid back a little.

'Ouch, I actually felt that. She's definitely stronger than she looks.' Thought Kamina smirking as Akame jumped at him with her sword raised over her head

Kamina blocked each of her attacks with his smirk still in place, though he noticed she seemed to be pushing him back.

'Hm, is this part of their plan?' Thought Kamina before feeling he reached the edge of the roof

Jumping back onto what he expected to be another roof to resume the chase, Kamina was surprised when he felt himself hit a wall.

"Woah!" Kamina said reaching to grab a ledge

Looking Kamina saw he had grabbed onto a floating crate.

"What's this?" Muttered Kamina seeing several crates, boulders, and planks of wood floating in the air

He then spotted Ochaco with her hands clasped together and seemed to be under some strain.

'Hm, this must be her Kekkei Genkai, Gravity Manipulation, though from the way she's struggling I'd say there's a limit to how much she can lift.' Thought Kamina pulling himself onto the crate while Akame jumped onto a wooden plank making Ochaco wince under the increased weight.

"Akame, I don't know how much longer I can hold this, hurry and grab the pebble!" Said Ochaco struggling to keep the objects floating

"Right." Akame said jumping across the objects towards Kamina

"I'll admit this is impressive, throw me off by using Ochaco's Kekkei Genkai. But…" Kamina said kicking off the crate and knocking away the rock Akame was about to jump on making the girl fall to the ground

"… You also throw yourself off." Said Kamina landing on an adjacent roof while looking around for his final student

'Not to the left, not the right, and not below. So that leaves…' Kamina thought

"Orb of Tornami!" Said Naruto above Kamina

"Orb of what- woah!" Said Kamina as a large torrent of water shot out towards him

Thinking quickly Kamina kicked up one of the planks of wood and jumped on it surfing along the water. Taking a quick look back Kamina saw Naruto had the same idea as him and the Jonin also noticed he was holding a glass ball.

'What is that thing?' Wondered Kamina jumping into archway as Naruto landed across from him

"Nice trick Naruto, but still not good enough." Kamina said smirking, while Naruto growled in frustration holding his orb

"Orb of Tornami: Ice!" Said Naruto this time a beam of ice shot out of the orb

Ducking under the beam, Kamina saw he wasn't the target and instead his hand holding the pebble was frozen in a block of ice. Rather than look concerned Kamina held his frozen hand under his feet and skated away.

Soon Kamina arrived back at Training Ground Thirteen. Jumping he kick his frozen hand freeing it and tossing the pebble to his other hand.

"Sorry Naruto, but still no dice or should I say no ice." Kamina said chuckling at his own joke before sighing with his eyes closed

Suddenly Naruto, Akame, and Ochaco all jumped out of hiding going towards Kamina from both sides and above leaving no room for him to escape. But before they could reach him, Kamina dissolved into a puddle of mud causing the Genin's eyes to widened.

Unable to stop themselves the Genin crashed into each other before falling into the mud left behind by Kamina's mud clone. Kamina meanwhile jumped down and sat cross legged beside his failed students.

"We… lost." Naruto said as he and the girls looked down at having failed the test

"Ah come on, there's still one tactic you three haven't tried." Said Kamina

Hearing this the three exchanged looks before looking to their sensei.

"Could we please have the pebble?" The three asked holding out their hands

"Sure." Kamina said handing the pebble to Naruto just as the timer went off

"I'm confused, if you were just going to give us the pebble then why make us go through all of that?" Naruto asked as he and his teammates looked at Kamina questioningly

"Two reasons, one it was funny." Kamina said smiling widely

'True.' Rias thought

"And two, it was to teach you three an important lesson. There will come times where you can't go at enemies head on, and you'll have to try something unexpected. Like during our little chase, you three surprised me with your skills and abilities, but I was able to adapt to them and keep you from getting the pebble." Kamina explained, with the Genin nodding in understanding of his words.

"By the way Naruto what was that orb thing you had, I don't think I ever seen a weapon like that." Said Kamina curious of what the orb was exactly, Ochaco and Akame were also curious not knowing Naruto had something like in his possession

"It's actually something I made. The Orb of Tornami has seals on it that when you channel Chakra into it, it takes the Chakra and the water in the air and unleashes it in a torrent of water or a beam of ice." Naruto explained getting impressed looks from his teammates and sensei, the latter whistling in amazement

"And you made that? That's pretty impressive." Complimented Kamina, Naruto scratching the back of his head sheepishly

"Thanks, I'm actually working on other weapons that have other special abilities." Naruto said having come up with different ideas for weapons and armor to create with seals

"Huh, cool. Anyway as of this moment we are officially Team Thirteen! You three are free for the rest of the day while I go report to the Hokage. Later!" Kamina said using an earth Shunshin

"Alright we're officially Genin!" Naruto cheered while Akame and Ochaco smiled alongside him

"Come on, let's go to Ichiraku's to celebrate, my treat." Naruto offered

"Okay let's go!" Ochaco agreed

"Agreed." Said Akame drooling a little at the thought of getting free food

*Hokage's Office*

Sarutobi rubbed his temples as each of the Jonin declared whether their teams passed or failed their tests. It was rather disappointing that majority of teams failed with only a few having passed.

"Team Seven failed." Said Kakashi, none of the Jonin nor the Hokage were surprised at this, since none of Kakashi's teams have ever passed his test.

"Team Nine showed their flames of youth burning brightly and passed!" Might Gai declared with his patented good guy pose complete with sparkling teeth

'Those poor Genin.' Thought the Hokage and Jonin knowing how Gai was about his "flames of youth"

"Team Thirteen passed as well." Kamina said finishing things off as the last Jonin

Nodding the Hokage marked down all the teams that managed to pass this years and their Jonin.

"Very well you all are dismissed except you Kamina. I'd like a word with you." Said the Hokage

Once all the Jonin were gone Kamina stood up straight with a rare serious expression.

"You wanted to speak with me sir." Kamina said, the Hokage nodding

"Yes, I'd like you to tell me your personal opinion of your students." Said Hiruzen wanting to hear what Kamina thought of his students, specifically the former blonde one Naruto

While Hiruzen had zero doubts that Kamina isn't one of the many that hates Naruto because of his condition, he just had to be sure.

"Well they all definitely have potential. Akame could become a master of swordswoman with the right training and might even have the potential to become an Anbu captain. Ochaco, if she gets better control and mastery over her Gravity Manipulation she'd become quite the dangerous opponent for anyone. Finally Naruto…" Kamina paused as he smirked

"Now he's definitely filled with potential and talent, he's already started on the path to becoming a Seal Master, combine that with his near endless Chakra pools and stamina, and you have the makings of someone who will be a real heavy hitter in the future. I'd even say these three have the potential and ability to surpass your own students." Kamina said completely truthfully

Sarutobi gained a thoughtful expression at this, a team that could surpass even the Sannin. That's not an easy claim to back up, but the Hokage knew Kamina well enough when he says something he says it with complete certainty and if he says Team Thirteen have the potential to surpass his own former students then the Hokage believes him.

"Thank you Kamina you can go now." Sarutobi said, Kamina nodded as he returned to his normal exuberant self

"See ya boss man!" Said Kamina as he smashed through the window laughing all the way

The Hokage sighed in resignation slumping in his chair seeing Kamina destroy yet another window.

"Neko." Sarutobi said to one of his hidden Anbu

"She already left Hokage-sama." Said Bird having already sent Neko to get a new window the moment Kamina showed up

All the Anbu knew if Kamina showed up one of them will be sent to get a new window.

'I swear that man will cost me a fortune in replacing windows.' Thought Hiruzen

*Later-With Naruto*

'Is this what the old man feels like whenever he has to pay for me?' Naruto thought depressingly as he looked at his empty wallet

He knew Akame had a big appetite, one that rivalled his own when it came to ramen, but this is ridiculous she had already eaten double his amount when he started on his tenth bowel.

"Just be thankful Teuchi likes you and gave you a discount. And let this be a lesson to not take advantage of others kindness, you never know when it'll come back to bite you." Rias said in a lecturing-tone, making Naruto roll his eyes but nodding

"Hey loser." A female voice called out stopping Naruto in his tracks

'That voice.' Naruto thought recognizing it

Turning Naruto saw a girl with long black hair with a blue tint tied up in a ponytail, porcelain skin, jet black eyes, wearing a navy blue high-collared shirt, a short white skirt with black spandex shorts underneath that went down to just above her legs, and blue Ninja sandals.

This is Satsuki Uchiha an acquaintance of Naruto's. They used to be classmates and rivals until Naruto moved to a different class and graduated before her.

"Oh, hey Satsuki." Naruto said, while Satsuki looked at the headband tied to his forehead

"You passed the Genin Exam." Stated Satsuki, Naruto nodding proudly

"Yep, I'm finally a ninja." Naruto said

Suddenly Satsuki tossed Naruto a scroll which he caught with a confused expression.

"Consider it a reward for graduating early." Satsuki said crossing her arms, Naruto still looking confused though

"Thanks Satsuki-chan." Said Naruto smiling at her, with Satsuki scoffing in response

"Whatever loser, it's only because you'll need all the help you can get after I become a Genin." Satsuki said before walking away, leaving a confused Naruto and highly amused Rias

'If there's one change I'm perfectly fine with, it's Sasuke being born a girl in this world.' Rias thought believing the "Hurricane Chronicles" would have been so much better if Sasuke had been a girl instead of a boy

"Damn, should have asked her what's in the scroll." Naruto muttered to himself pocketing the scroll and heading home

He'll see what it is later.

*Timeskip-Three Months*

"Alright team today instead of training I have something special planned." Kamina said completely missing the relieved expressions of his students

'Oh thank sweet merciful Kami.' The Genin thought glad they won't be put through their daily torture sessions or as Kamina calls it training

The day after their Genin Test, and every following day of the past three months, had been filled with nothing but pain and agony. Naruto had thought he knew pain from Rias's training sessions, but now he knew everything Rias put him through was a light warm up compared to Kamina's training.

It had started with Kamina going to all their homes at the crack of dawn and dragging them out of bed, not even giving them time to change or have breakfast. Then he took them to a nearby mountain before strapping heavy boulders to their arms and legs and telling them to climb to the top of the mountain and only after all three reached the top could they finally get ready.

When they tried protesting Kamina responded by using Earth Style: Super Weighted Boulder Jutsu to double the weight of the boulders and asked them if they wanted further weight added. That immediately got the three to start climbing, having numerous close calls of falling.

After nearly three hours however they finally reached the top where Kamina let them have breakfast and change into their regular clothes. That was when he said something that to this day still haunted their nightmares.

"Alright now that the warm ups over, time for the real training!"

They then had to climb back down the mountain, with the boulders still strapped to their bodies, and proceed to do five hundred laps around the village while Kamina through blunted kunai and shuriken at them, all while shouting "DODGE!" at them, then a thousand sit ups, pushups, pull ups, and squats all of this with the boulders still strapped to their bodies.

After the physical exercise came personal training with Kamina creating three clones for each of his students to focus on sparring and training in their specialties, Akame being taught Kenjutsu, Taijutsu, and Ninjutsu. Ochaco being taught to better control her Gravity Manipulation, Taijutsu, and Ninjutsu. And Naruto being taught Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and what little Kamina knew of Fuinjutsu that Naruto didn't' already know. All the while Kamina still threw kunai and shuriken at them and shouting "DODGE!", he said it was to keep them alert but the Genin really believed he did it for shits and giggles.

Once the first months had passed Kamina had then began teaching them Elemental Manipulation, starting with showing them their Elemental Affinities.

Akame had a Water and Lightning Affinity.

Ochaco had a Wind and Earth Affinity.

And Naruto had an Affinity for Wind, Water, and Fire.

Kamina was able to help the three with their Fire, Lightning, and Earth Affinities, given those were his elements, and gave them scrolls on how to train their Water and Wind Affinities.

Normally Naruto would just use Shadow Clones to help speed along his training, but after Kamina had learned of that, he expressly forbid Naruto from using Shadow Clones during team training, saying it wouldn't be fair to Akame and Ochaco if he could get farther ahead with a training method they couldn't use. Naruto reluctantly agreed to this, seeing his sensei's point, but still not liking he couldn't exploit using Shadow Clones.

That had been their training for the past three months, get up early for physical training, thankfully they have managed to get up and get ready before Kamina shows up, then afterwards train in their Elemental Affinities and specialties. While Kamina still threw kunai and shuriken at them. It only got worse when he'd increase the weight of the boulders and add on a hundred laps and exercises to their regimens, he'd even begun using real kunai and shuriken as well.

All in all the Genin did see they were improving dramatically, but that didn't change the fact they believed their sensei was a psychotic sadist.

"What're we doing sensei?" Ochaco asked, as Kamina smiled mischievously

"We'll getting missions from the Hokage today." Revealed Kamina, much to the Genin's joy at finally getting to do missions

"Now come on I've already gone ahead and reserved plenty of missions for us. The Hokage will have them ready for us when we get there." Kamina said

"Alright finally missions! Come Akame-chan, Ochaco-chan!" Naruto said as the three ran ahead of their sensei who hadn't lost his smile that had now gained a rather sadistic edge

'Oh those poor brats don't know what they're getting into.' Kamina thought as he started cackling like a madman

His team was about to experience the bane of all new Genin teams.

D-Rank missions.

So, what did you think, good. The Genin Test was inspired by the Xiaolin Showdown between Omi and Dashi from the show "Xiaolin Showdown" along with the Orb of Tornami, which Naruto created along with plans for other weapons and armor (hint hint). Not only that but Naruto has an encounter with his Academy rival Satsuki Uchiha, then following three months of tor- I mean training with Kamina, all ending with the three Genin about to get a very rude wake up call of the "missions" they'll be doing. So, review if you liked go away if you didn't.

Storm out