Elena's POV

I woke up the next morning in Damon's arms. I didn't wake Damon up I wanted to remember this moment for as long as I could. It was so serene feeling that level of safety and comfort. I haven't woken up feeling this secure since before my parent's accident. I wished I could stay with him forever but I knew that was a stupid dream. It was depressing most girls my age dreamt of getting into colleges, going on vacations and traveling but me? I just want to have a day where I'm not scared to death to be in my own home.

"Elena?" Damon said, blinking his eyes open.

"Good morning handsome." I smiled and kissed his cheek. He made me so happy.

He smiled back. "What a nice way to wake up." Damon sat up, stretching.

"What's on today's agenda?" I asked him, he shrugged.

"I'm going to go grab a shower." Damon got out of bed. "Make yourself at home. In the bottom drawer I have clothes that are too small if you want to change." He offered before he walked into the bathroom.

I grabbed my phone and was relieved not to have any messages. I sat up and felt the pain of my injuries. I went through my bag looking for the oxy. I took one in hopes to ease the pain like I did yesterday. I guess there's one good thing about having a drug addicted brother. I stood up and went through his drawer looking for something to wear. I found a pair of black sweatpants that had a string so I could adjust them. I looked desperately for a long sleeved shirt but I couldn't find anything but a white t-shirt. I took one of his hoodies out of his closet. It'll do. I changed into the sweatpants and it surprisingly fit decently. I removed my dirty shirt and before I could put the t-shirt on I heard the door open. My eye widened.

Stefan stood there in shock, looking at my body. "Get out!" I shouted, he snapped back into reality and shut the door.

I felt sick to my stomach. I quickly pulled the t-shirt on and the hoodie on top of that. I didn't know what to do about Stefan seeing me naked. I knew he saw the bruises. All the things he could do played out in my mind. I feared he would say something to Damon. I couldn't let that happen.

Damon came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. "Is everything okay?" He asked me with concern after hearing my shouting.

I nodded, anxiety filled me. "Yeah everything's fine. I found something to wear." I changed the subject.

He smirked. "You look cute in my clothes."

I blushed. "Look at you." I stood up and placed a kiss on lips.

Damon's POV

It was nice having Elena here with me. She brightened my morning. It was great how comfortable we've gotten with each other. This was a first for me. I went downstairs after getting dressed to find us the take out menus. I figured I would order a pizza for us and leave some out for my brother. I walked into the kitchen and saw Stefan.

"You're up early." I said surprised to see my little brother wake before me.

"Yeah I didn't sleep well." Stefan sat down at the table, biting into an apple.

I raised my eyebrow. "Why what's going on? Did something happened?" I asked with concern, he never lets anything interrupt his sleep.

"I'm fine but are you?" He questioned me, in a cocky tone.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked in confusion, opening the kitchen drawer to grab the menu.

"Oh I don't know maybe I should ask the girl in your room this morning." Stefan said casually.

I was caught off guard. "It's Elena. I told you we've seeing each other." I turned to my brother, holding the menu in my hand.

"Yeah but dude she's younger than you. You've been out one date with her and she's already spending the night." Stefan looked at me all kinds of judgement in his eyes.

"I didn't sleep with her if that's what you're asking." I said sternly. I was irritated with the tone in his voice.

"Be careful." Stefan said with concern before leaving the room.

I didn't like my brother looking at me like that. I have grown as a person so much and he knew that but he was acting like I was the old me again. I was so confused by his behavior. Why was he so angry that Elena and I were getting close fast. I've seen him treat girls like objects all the time and he has a problem with Elena and I? I knew that I treated her right. Things weren't adding up.

I went back up to my room and ordered the pizza.

"My brother was acting so strange." I said casually as we searched for a movie to watch with our food.

Elena gluped. "Really? Did he say way?"

"Nope." I looked over at her, she seemed worried. "It's fine. He was actually worried about the way I was treating you for some odd reason." I rolled my eyes, looking back at the tv.

"I mean that's good right?" Elena asked.

"Sure but I don't know the way he said it was like he knew something I didn't." The doorbell rang and I went downstair to get the food.

We ate and watched a movie. Elena and I spent the rest of the day together in bed. The way she made me forget about all anxiety was wonderful. Today was one of the best days I've had in a long time.

Elena's POV

It was time for me to go home. I didn't want to. I had so much fun with Damon last night and today. We could talk for hours and never get tired of each other. I loved being around him and in his world. I got to escape my life for awhile. It wasn't something I was ready to leave but I had to. He dropped me off around ten.

"I had an amazing time with you Damon." I blushed, placing a kiss on Damon's cheek.

He ran his finger through my hair. "As did I." Damon kissed my lips, softly. "Sleep tight baby."

I smiled, my heart melted. I got out of his car and waved bye, I walked to my doorstep before he took off.

I took another oxy before I went inside as the one from this morning was wearing off. I went inside and straight up to my room avoiding John. Jeremy was waiting for me.

"Hi? What are you doing in my room?" I asked in confusion.

He was angry. "I got home and went through my bag and noticed a few things missing." My older brother folded his arms.

I sighed. "I'm sorry." I avoided his glare. My stomach sunk once I realized he was here for his pills.

"Where is it?" He grabbed my purse.

"Hey!" I yelled, I pulled on my purse strap. "Hand it back!"

He ignored me. "You only have four left?" Jeremy looked at me with shock on his face once he found the bag of oxy.

I folded my arms. "So?" I grabbed my purse.

"Where is the other ones?" He questioned me.

"I took them." I admitted.

He laughed. "There's no way."

"I did!" I sat on my bed.

Jeremy's eye widened. "Are you crazy? Elena you're fifteen. Oxy is not something to mess with." He said, unsure how he let this happen.

"You're joking right? You're a drug addict." I looked at Jeremy with anger. "Who are you to tell me what to do?" He looked disappointed in me.

"I know I am but I don't want you to become one." He looked at me with concern I haven't seen from him in awhile.

"Why do you care so much?" I questioned him, my eyes watered with anger. "You don't care about me. You haven't cared in a long time." Tears fell from my face.

"I'm sorry Elena. I don't want it to be like this." He sighed.

"Then don't let it be this way." I looked at my brother. "Get some help. You're no good like this."

He stood up, wiping away my tears. "I do care." Jeremy walked to my door. "I promise." He left my room.

I sat there terrified of the pain I'll be in when I wake up tomorrow morning. I'm scared. It wasn't going to be easy.

Author's Note:

This will be the last chapter if i'm not getting feedback. I see the views are a lot higher than the reviews.