The next scene opened up to a room, built like a prison cell, in a mental hospital. The walls, floor and ceiling were all white while the windows in her room were covered in chain link fencing and white-painted bars.

The bed that was inside had been turned over; mattress against the door and the fram against the wall as the room's occupant was performing pull-ups. The occupant, a women in her late twenties, had red hair cut to her shoulders. She was rather fit, but also held a curvy figure, her face was scrunched into a grimace as she worked out.

Much like when they saw Garnet, the four were in shock.



Steven watched in awe, as even though she wasn't his mom, it was Rose all the same.

Pearl wasn't to happy, however. "W-Why is Rose in a Mental Hospital!?"

"You will understand soon enough." Crystal Ball answered.

Rose felt the strain of the many pull-ups get to her and stopped. When she did, she heard the muffled footfalls of many people approached her room.

Outside in the hallway, a group of people, young doctors of sorts, were being led by, of all people, Bill Dewey. "Now this one a personal favorite of mine. I've had her case for years now. Basic schizophrenia, hallucinations, delusions…"

"What's a, skips-a-friend-yeah?" Amethyst asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that causes humans to become separated from their reality, become trapped inside delusions of their own creation." Pearl said.

"It's like Corruption, but only in the mind." Steven said.

"Well, not exactly, but close enough. I honestly know little about psychology, my only brush was with Connie's studies."

"Her delusions are...detailed to say the least." Bill continued on as the group turned a corner. "She says she was attack by a robot called The Terminator, that it's mission was to kill her. Of course, it looked human." He said the last statement like he thought it was funny, and it seemed to spark some chuckles from his audience. "She goes on and on about how the father of her child was sent back in time by her son, who's the leader of a human resistance force in the year, oh, 2029."

The audience tried to process the information given.

"So Garnet is evil." Steven said in a sad tone.

"And from the what Bill said about what your mother claimed, I'm after either her or you." Garnet said, upset that she was the villain of the story.

"And I guess when she tried to warn people and get help, they just threw her into the loony bin." Amethyst said sourly.

"Humans." Pearl agreed.

Bill finally reached the door Rose was behind, pulling back a metal cover that revealed the window in the door. Rose herself was facing away from the group. Bill pressed a button on the doors, activating an intercom in the door. "Good morning, Rose."

The women finally turned around, her face covered in sweat and her hair damp. However, she had a cocky, almost sadistic look on her face. "Good morning Dr. Dewey, how's the knee?"

Pearl shivered, not from fright, no, from the exhilaration of not only seeing Rose again, but Dangerous Rose as well. Amethyst elbowed her, gaining her attention, only to see the purple gem tap her fists together, making Pearl squawk.

Dewey loses his confidence a bit and replies "Fine, Rose." And lets go of the intercom. "She stabbed me with my pen a few weeks back in an escape attempt."

"Damn! Rose doesn't pull her punches here!" Amethyst cackled, thinking about how strange it would be for Rose to use a pen against something like a Corruption.

Dewey continued to talk on about Rose, but because of the thick material inside the door, Rose herself could not hear the conversation. She turns away from the door, still trying to catch her breath from her morning workout.

When she turned back, she saw the group of young psychiatrists walk up individually to the window and stare at her like an animal. "Take a picture. It'll last longer."

"She's a bit feisty, too." Garnet couldn't help but smirk. If she was trying to hunt her down, Rose would definitely give her a run for her money.

Dewey then pulled aside a male nurse with blonde hair and thick rimmed glasses. "I don't like it when my patients disrupts their rooms like this. Make sure she gets her medication."

"Yes Dr. Dewey." The nurse said.

"Is that guy supposed to be Ronaldo?" Steven asked. "Never thought I'd see him with such smooth hair."

"He seems even creepier than ours." Amethyst said, and the other two gem ladies didn't correct her.

Ronaldo and a second male nurse came into Rose's room, holding black nitesticks and in Ronaldo's other hand, a small paper cup. "Time to take your meds, Quartz."

"That can't be good for her at all!" Pearl said. "That medication is designed for people who are really suffering from a mental illness. Given to someone who isn't sick could be counter productive in terms of helping her."

Rose on screen seemed to agree with Pearl. "You take 'em." She said as she backed up towards a corner of the room.

"Now I can't let you do that. You've got to be good 'cause you're up for review this afternoon."

"Look, Ronnie, I don't want any trouble."

"There isn't any trouble." He said, only to slam his nitestick into Rose's midsection.

"I'M GOING TO TEAR HIM APART!" Pearl cried out as she summoned two spears and threw them at the screen, only for them to faze through.

Crystal Ball had a deadpan exasperation on her face. "Could you refrain from attacking the screen? Besides, he gets what's coming to him later."

The scene shifts to another white room, a little bigger than Rose's, with a table, chairs, a mirror and a television. In the room, both Rose and Dewey sat as they watched the television. On said T.V. was a younger Rose Quartz, hair longer and frizzy from the panicked state she appeared to be in.

"Strobe lights, burning right into my eyes." Young Rose said. "I can still see...Oh god."

"She really must have gone through a lot." Steven said in a somber tone.

Garnet agrees, her fist that contains her Ruby gem clenching tightly.

The present-time Rose was now standing, revealing to be in a medical gown and holding a cigarette losely between her fingers.

"Jasper I could get, but Rose and Cigarettes?" Amethyst said with a bewildered look.

Magnetite spoke up. "Cigarettes, while not at all healthy, were not considered as such during the time this story takes place, and were given to people to reduce stress."

"Wait, when does this take place, then?" Steven asked.

"In the mid 80's." Crystal Ball replied.

"Huh, 80's action movie. I can dig this." Amethyst said with a smile.

"You know the dream's the same every night. Why do we have to-"

"Please keep going." Dewey replies offscreen.

Rose, still curled up on the table collects herself again. "Children look like burnt paper. And then the blast wave hits them."

"I remember when The Diamonds unleashing the power that made the Corruption. I was unfused for months because Sapphire's future vision had manifested itself into horrible hallucinations. Thankfully, Ruby convinced Sapphire to share her visions with Ruby, and have had little to no problem since." Garnet supplied to the group. Steven gave the square mom a hug, causing her to smile.

"It's not a dream. It's...real." Rose said. She became more animated as she started to rise from her seat. "I know the day it happens."

"I'm sure it feels real to you."

"On August 29, 1997, it's going to feel pretty real to you, too. Anyone not wearing two million sunblock is going to have a bad day, do you get it!"

Steven, and by extension, the rest of the Crystal Gems, became very afraid. This was a side of Rose few ever saw. One of desperation and anguish. Of little to no hope.

"You think your saving lives!? Your dead! He's dead! Everybody is dead!" She cried out, about to lunge by was restrained by a male nurse. "This whole place is going burned to the fu-." The speech cut off as Dewey paused the tape.

The only response to the scene was a low whistle from Amethyst.

Rose, after taking one last drag of her cigarette, sat down at the table, looking at herself many months ago with a snarling face frozen on the screen. "So what do you think, Doctor? I've shown improvement, haven't I?"

"I'll say. She understands the situation she's in." Pearl said.

"What do you mean?" Asked Steven.

"Well, we know that Rose is sane, so the only way to convince people that she is, is to act in a way the convinces them that she has recovered."

"Well here's the problem, Rose. I know how smart you are. And your just telling me what I want to here." Dewey said as Rose became rather pale at the statement.

"Oh no." Amethyst said.

"I believe that if I put you under minimum security you'll try and escape again."

The shot slowly zooms in on Rose as she breathes a shuttered breath. "You have to let me see my son." She says only above a whisper.

The statement struck a cord in Steven that had never been plucked. It was the the need of a mother for her child, and Steven very desperately wanted to comfort her.

The three other Gems, seeing the young boy's distress, comforted him with a lopsided hug.

"Please. He's naked without me. And if I could make a phone call-."

"I can't let that happen. Not for a while. I have no choice but to recommend to the review board that you remain here for another six months." Dewey said in an almost board tone.

Pearl was furious "That slimy, filthy little-."

"You Son of a Bitch!" Rose roared as she climbed across the table and grabbed Dewey by the collar.

The Gems were in shock.

"Did Rose just-."

"Yes, I think she did, Amethyst. I think she did."

"I sedatives, stat!" Dewey shouted as a nurses ran to-and-from while male nurses pinned Rose to the table.

Rose, still struggling, leaned down and pressed her face into the table, picking up a paperclip in her teeth and putting it into her mouth.

As a group of nurses busted in with restraints, Dewey turned towards the camera hidden behind the mirror. "Model citizen." He wheezes.

As the scene ends, Pearl couldn't help but throw another spear at the screen. "I really hate that man."