"I never heard of this 'second breakfast.'" Skylar said accepting a plate of sausages and egg courtesy of Sam with a thank you.

"Oh yes, it's our hobbits great tradition. There's also second lunch and dinner! It is most important to a hobbit." Pippin cheered with his plate of food.

"I see I have so much to learn." Skylar laughed.

They all settled down around the fire. That morning the alcove was filled with small chatter and the smell of food as the hobbits and dragonborn talked to one another. Both learning as much as one could.

That lasted until one of Elrond's servant came to the group with news regarding one of their own.

"Lord Elrond wishes me to deliver the news, the young halfling, Mr. Frodo is awake."

A moment of silence passed the group. It was Sam who broke the silence. He jumped up, his plate of food tumbled onto the ground forgotten as he raced into the main house. Merry and Pippin looked at each other before wolfing down their remaining food and giving chase. Skylar sighed with a smile, settling her plate aside and bid the elf servant a quick thank you before following the two hobbits who are long out of sight. However, when she got in though, she saw Merry and Pippin standing in the corridor looking positively lost.

She grinned.

"I am to assume that you two have no idea where Frodo is?" She hummed as they turned around looking sheepish.

"Don't suppose you do, do ya Sky?" Pippin chuckled, rubbing the back of his head.

"I haven't got the slightest idea."

The dragonborn spent most of the mid morning exploring the estate with the duo hobbits whilst trying to find their friend. They found the kitchen but got immediately kicked out by the cooks when they recognised Pippin.

"I'm afraid to ask but what was that about?" Skylar asked, looking at Pippin who was walking beside her.

"In my defence, I thought the food was for guests." He gestured to the other two walking with him. "We are guests. How I am supposed to know there are more guests. They didn't tell me until I was halfway done."

"What did you have?" Merry prodded.

"I don't know. Looked like a chicken or some sort." Merry nodded at his cousin in approval as they continued along.

They continued in the search for their friend whilst checking in every room they passed, knocking of course after they received a long scolding from an elf man who was halfway dressed.

"You two had to open both the doors wide open didn't you." Skylar teased as she walked with the two now red hobbits. She laughed. "Had to show the entire world. Never thought I would get to see it. Now I can't unsee it."

"Wasn't my fault, I was just following Pippin actions." Merry grumbled as kicked a small pebble in front of him.

"Don't blame me, how was I supposed to know." Pippin cried. "He should have locked the door! Who gets changed in the doorway! And you!" He swivelled around pointing at Skylar. "How did you get away from the lecture without him seeing you?"

Skylar winked. "A mage never reveals her secrets."

"I thought we are friends. Friends never keep secrets from each other." Pippin pouted at her. Skylar chuckled and proceeded to ruffle the hobbit's hair.

"In due time, Pippin, in due time, and speaking of friend, I think I see yours?" Skylar squinted, pointing in the distance to the two figures who are walking along the balcony. The cousins followed the direction she was pointing at before recognition lit their faces.

"Frodo!" Merry and Pippin cried before sprinting towards their friend, throwing themselves into a hug. She watched as they exchanged their wishes and pleasantries before Frodo was tugged towards her by the two cousins whilst Sam tagged along further back.

"This is Skylar, the mage! She knows magic too!" Merry exclaimed to Frodo gesturing to Skylar.

"It's finally good put a face to the famous hobbit I have been told about." Skylar greeted bowing slightly. "It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Frodo."

"I heard much about you from Sam too, it's nice to meet you too."

"Show him! Show him what you can do!" Pippin jumped excitedly pulling her closer to the group. Skylar smiled, crouched down and brought forth her hand. The hobbits huddled closer around her in anticipation with curious eyes. Bright white light formed on her palm illuminating the hobbits faces. Skylar grinned before casting the ball of light towards Pippin. He stumbled back in shock when the light hit him and was seemingly floating on him.

"W-what?" He turned in circles looking at the ball following his movements in surprise. Skylar gave a chuckle.

"That's called Magelight. Quite useful if you find yourself in the dark." She laughed with the others as Pippin who was now running around the group trying to lose the ball of light. "Don't worry Pip, it will fade soon."

"I think it suits you Pippin, now we know where you are at all times. Save us some trouble won't it Mr Frodo?" Sam joked placing a hand on Frodo's shoulder snapping him out of his thoughts.

"That was beautiful." He breathed. Beautiful eh? Skylar straightened up.

"You are the first, to call it that. Most of the time, practising magic is shunned upon where I came from." She looked down at the hobbits.

"Why is that?" Asked Frodo, eyes full of curiosity. Skylar hummed in response, thoughts drifting back to Skyrim. The ridicule she experienced when she was apart of the College of Winterhold, the hostility from the people when they saw her in her robes or wielding magic. Only the children, purest of hearts didn't view her or any other with hatred or suspicion, only curiosity and wonder.

She shrugged. "They don't trust magic. Well more apprehensive about it really, after all magic is associated with death and destruction."

She expected the hobbits to be wary of her or even scared after hearing about it. But what she got was now four very determined and curious hobbits who shuffled even closer.

"Can you show us?" She bit back a smile. How remarkable.

"Frodo my dear boy, I was just looking for you…" Gandalf paused and did a double take as he approached the group.

The hobbits were in a wide circle playing what seems to be fetch with a large transparent wolf in the middle, taking turns to throw a stick for the creature to catch.

He stammered a little, taking a few cautious steps towards the group when he spotted Skylar. She was at the edge of the group, hands was coloured with the familiar purple for when he first witness her magic.

So this was her doing he thought as he watched them cheer as the ghostly wolf leap up in the air. It snatched the stick mid air before landing in front of Sam who carefully took the stick from it's maw and boldly patted the top of the wolf's head whilst trying to refrain from jumping up and down in giddily excitement.

A smile made its way onto his face as he leaned against his staff watching the hobbits have the time of their lives with the person he summoned from the other realm. One part of him believed he made the right decision, bringing in a stranger into their dire need of reinforcement would surely be a massive advantage in future fights,but a small part of him was sceptical if the mage was to be trusted at all with the vital information.

It will be dangerous if it were to end up in the wrong hands.

He cleared his throat announcing his presence.

"You too Skylar, we must make haste, they will be arriving soon."

With the news of more people arriving, he got the attention of the hobbits and the mage.

"Who?" Frodo asked whilst making his way towards the wizard, while Skylar dispelled the familiar to much of the remaining hobbits disappointment.

"The council of course. They are to decide what happens to the ring. Come." Frodo and Skylar followed the wizard. Skylar noticed with the mention of the ring, Frodo lost his earlier cheerfulness. She watched as he gripped his shirt underneath his collar with a frown on his face and narrowed eyes.

So that's where he's keeping it.

"We coming too!"

Skylar covered up a chuckle as she heard Gandalf gave a groan before turning towards the three hobbits that were left.

"Only Frodo and Skylar are being summoned. The rest of you are to remain here. This is a closed meeting." Gandalf ordered. He stared them down making sure they will not object. A moment of silence has passed and they knew this time, he was serious. He gave a small nod before swiftly turning around and walking off with Frodo and Skylar in tow, completely missing the looks the remaining three hobbits gave to each other.

Skylar was in awe at the estate as they were walking towards their destination for the meeting. She hasn't been to this side of the estate before, it was more elegant and tranquil. The corridor they were walking through was open and had the view of the distant waterfalls, the gardens down below and the surrounding woods.

She was so engrossed in the sights that she didn't hear the approach of a person until she bumped into him who rounded the corner at the same time as her causing her to stumble back.

"Watch where you are going boy." The man growled brushing and straightening his clothes.

"My apologies sir." She quickly apologised bowing slightly. He gave a scoff before storming off in a rush. She eyed his retreating figure. A sword strapped to his hips, shield on his back and leather armour with chain mail underneath.

A soldier, Skylar thought as she straightened up. So these are the ones.

"That was rude of him." Frodo said, his voice snapping her out of her thoughts as she looked down at the hobbit beside her. "You are clearing a woman and he too should have apologised." Frodo grumbled crossing his arms. Skylar gave the young hobbit a smile before ruffling his hair.

"Ah maybe because I have my hood up, people can't tell who I am."

"I like it with your hood down. You have lovely hair." Skylar laughed as Frodo's face grew a few shades of pink.

"With the situation we are going into, I'm going to keep my identity concealed for the time being. I am going in as just Gandalf's apprentice, just the little old unnoticeable me." She smiled as she adjusted her hood.

"Frodo, Skylar, it is time." Gandalf announced. She sensed Frodo tense up beside her. Skylar nodded at Gandalf before placing a reassuring hand on Frodo's shoulder.

"Shall we?"

Apologies that this took me along time. I was mostly busy with work so didnt have time. I want to say a big thank you to all the favourites and followers, shows me that people are interested plus motivates me into writing more XD

The next chapter I think will take me a long time since it is part of the main scene so I will be using that as reference alot so advance apologies.

Thanks for reading!