Disclaimer: Don't own and never will.

AN: After a little poking around, I found that there are no stories on this site dedicated to Mireille Caquet, I thought I'd change that.

Mireille clutched her trophy and shivered. It was cold in this lift and her thin top was not much help.

Of course, it probably wouldn't be so cold if the akuma hadn't just iced over the entrance to the lift.

She shivered once more and wished that she hadn't left her smart phone at home. At least then she could have kept an eye on the situation. Watched as Ladybug and Chat Noir fought the akumatised Aurore. Or at least played a few games to keep her busy.

With yet another shiver, Mireille hugged her trophy harder. She should have gone after Aurore, make sure she was okay before she left. It was obvious really that Aurore would have been upset and prime akuma material. And the host Alec really made things worse with his callous treatment of Aurore after she lost.

Mireille shivered again. She hoped Ladybug and Chat Noir won soon. She had already lost feeling in her fingers and toes and she could feel it getting worse. She idly wondered to herself how long it would take for her to completely freeze.

A wave of Ladybugs swept over the city and Mireille's prison melted away. With a sigh of relief, she stepped out of the lift.