Naruto Mikaelson the Original Tribrid

Shawn129 gave me permission to use his writings in Naruto the Original Hybrid.

Chapter 1: Origins and Marseilles

1001 AD

Niklaus Mikaelson snarled as he grabbed a girl of the village and tore into her throat feeding on her blood until she died.

Niklaus sighed as he tossed the body away and was about to hunt for the next unfortunate soul to cross his path, when he felt a change within himself.

Suddenly, his knee snapped inwards causing him to scream in pain, and fall to said knee as it realigned itself, "Niklaus!" Elijah yelled rushing to his little brothers screams but his father got there first and stopped him.

"What is happening to me?!" Niklaus yelled before his ribs broke causing him to grunt in pain, "Father! Help me!"

Mikael made no move to help Niklaus whose arms broke before they realigned themselves when Niklaus suddenly snarled with a new set of fangs and glowing amber yellow eyes.

"He's a beast! An abomination!" Mikael yelled glaring at Niklaus as a bestial growl left his lips.

"Says the man who forced this curse onto his own family!" Niklaus shouted uncharacteristically at Mikael.

"Mind your tongue, or I'll remove it!" Mikael glared as Niklaus got to his feet, his eyes still glowing amber yellow and flashed a bright red for a split second.

Niklaus spat blood at Mikael's feet, and sped from the clearing, "Niklaus!" Elijah yelled, about to rush after Klaus.

"Leave him!" Mikael said grabbing Elijah's arm, "Come. I need to have words with your mother."

Elijah looked at Mikael, who began to leave, and turned to where Klaus had ran off too, "Come boy!" Mikael yelled, causing Elijah to reluctantly follow him.

With Niklaus

Klaus came to a stream and saw his glowing yellow eyes before he took off his vest, and shirt and began to wash the blood from his face and clothes, but he paused and turned around as he heard whispering. He noticed a spiral birthmark of some kind on his torso bathed in the moonlight.

"At last." a voice whispered, causing Klaus to turn around and see his reflection in the water, only his reflection had glowing red eyes.

"I'm going mad." Niklaus said shaking his head.

The reflection smirked and said, "Not yet, you aren't. I mean am I in your head? Yes, but I assure you that I am indeed real. The name is Naruto."

"Naruto?" Niklaus asked confused.

"It's a name more in common with the people to the East of this land you call home."

"Why are you in my head?"

"I was given a new life here by the gods of my world after my old one ended, and was reborn as you, but something went wrong, probably because you hadn't yet awakened your true self as a werewolf. The awakening of your wolf gene altered some of your mental patterns and with the moon overhead, I can finally contact you."

"Well what do you want?"

"It's time for us to merge. We should do it quickly and get away from these people." Naruto said.

"You want me to leave my family? No." Klaus said defiantly.

"I have no attachment to these people. Especially that whore of a mother and bastard of a step father you have." Naruto said.

"Don't talk about my mother that way!" Klaus shouted glaring at Naruto.

"She can't be trusted kid. Step into the water and we can get started," Naruto smirked.

"Go away!" Klaus shouted and sped away as Naruto sighed.

"Poor kid, he has no idea just how enhanced his bloodlust has gotten, but he'll find out." Naruto said and vanished from the waters reflective surface.

Niklaus put on his shirt and was about to go home when he caught the scent of blood, his new impulses and heightened craving for blood fully took over and he sped forward into the clearing where a group of fathers were teaching their sons sword play.

Next Morning

Niklaus sat in the forest, naked, covered in blood, and surrounded by the dismembered corpses of several men that he killed while he was transformed into a wolf.

Elijah arrived and looked at him with sympathy as Klaus struggled to hold back his tears, "Brother?" Elijah asked handing Klaus fresh clothed, which Klaus took from him, but he otherwise didn't move to get dressed. Instead, he just became even more overwhelmed by everything that had just occurred.

"What am I...?" Niklaus asked putting on the pants, "How many...?"

"... Fifteen." Elijah said causing Klaus to cover his face with his hands in horror and disgust at himself, before he saw Naruto sitting on a tree branch watching him. Only Klaus could see and hear Naruto. "You slaughtered fifteen villagers, brother. You tore them apart as though they were nothing at all."

Elijah helped Klaus to his feet, "Brother, what have I become?" Klaus asked

"The ultimate predator, you should be proud. Your even stronger than Mikael now." Naruto called out but was ignored.

"You seem like the wolves in the village, cursed to turn when the moon is full." Elijah said before he pulled Klaus into a comforting hug and paused a moment before continuing, "Listen to me. Father is beside himself with rage. It seems this... affliction... can only be passed by a certain kind of conception-"

Klaus sniffled, "And do our siblings share this affliction? Do you share this affliction?" he asked.

Elijah once again hesitated for a moment before ultimately shaking his head, "No. I don't."

"He is not my father, is he?" Klaus asked devasted.

"Told you he was your stepfather." Naruto said as he jumped from the tree.

Elijah looked heartbrokenly at Klaus before placing his hand on the back of Klaus' head to force him to look him in the eye, "You listen to me. This changes nothing. For any of us. We are here for you, as we shall be always."

Klaus looked as though he was about to cry. Suddenly, the two heard the sound of someone approaching them, and looked to see that it was Tatia, the love of their life who had chosen Elijah.

Tatia saw Klaus covered in blood and surrounded by bodies and quickly looked terrific so much that she immediately ran away. Elijah, flustered, chased after her to explain.

"Tatia! Tatia? Tatia!" Elijah yelled disappearing.

"Well, that's not going to end well." Naruto said as he walked up behind Klaus.

"Ready to merge yet kid?" Naruto asked as Klaus looked up to him, "You can't stay with those two you call parents. They'll lead you to ruin."

"And you won't?"

"Before I was reincarnated, I spent 5 years traveling the land of my dead world. It was destroyed in a war that left me as the only surviving human. If I seem a tad bit uncaring towards your plight, it is because I'm not as selfless and naïve as I once was. Yet, I've been with you your entire life, just never able to speak with you until now. Your whore mother is a liar and allows your stepfather to abuse you, yet with her magic she could've stopped him easily. Think about how much you suffered under Mikael, and that was when he thought you were his son. Now you're the son of some wolf, the same beast that killed poor Henrik. The fault of his death will be placed on you, and Mikael will let loose. Merge with me, and you will no longer have to cower in fear from some old man who can't satisfy his whore wife or anyone ever again."

Klaus looked at Naruto who extended a hand, and slowly he was about to reach forward and take the hand before Mikeal appeared and snapped Klaus' neck.

Mikael looked at the bastard child and grabbed his leg before proceeding to drag him somewhere to be locked up till the ritual could begin.


Klaus groaned as he returned to life, and felt himself being bound to a cross, looking up his eye widened seeing Mikael bind him to a cross as Esther prepared a spell, with Elijah standing off to the back.

Quickly Klaus got his free arm lose as Mikael tried to shackle it and tried to undo his other arm but Mikael grabbed it, "Elijah! Elijah, hold him down!" Mikael yelled.

"Brother, please! Don't let them do this to me!" Klaus yelled fighting against Mikael.

"Do it now, boy! Now!" Mikael demanded before Elijah walked forward and helped Mikael.

"Help me!" Klaus pleaded and watched in shock as Elijah looked away.

Esther walked forward with a heated moonstone soaked in Tatia's blood, "Anima marcam. Iskoristi vuka." she chanted as Mikael and Elijah backed away.

"Mother, please don't!" Klaus yelled struggling, but Esther said nothing and without an expression used the moonstone and branded Niklaus who screamed in pain causing Elijah to flinch, while Naruto took that as his cue and forced the merge aka the takeover to happen.

Klaus screamed in pain as his forehead sizzled from the heated moonstone digging into it, and his soul being manipulated before he collapsed as he passed out.

Esther stepped back with the brand, "Is it done?" Mikael asked.

"Yes." Esther nodded about to turn away but paused as black energy began to come off of Niklaus like smoke before his hair changed gaining a bright blonde color and spiking in a wild mane like fashion, his body grew more muscular, he grew whisker marks, and his skin turned a bit darker.

"What is happening?" Elijah asked.

"I don't know. Take him to his quarters, I'll consult with Ayana." Esther said getting a nod from Elijah who quickly unbound Niklaus.

Day Light

The being known as Niklaus opened his eyes. He sat up and flexed his hands, " Ah, feels good to have a body again. Shame about Niklaus, but this was meant to be my body in the first place." Which revealed that it was Naruto and not Niklaus. When the merge had happened, Naruto had absorbed Klaus's personality, and Naruto remained the dominant of the two.

'Perhaps if I had not been so selfless in my first life, I could have killed Sasuke, stopped the war, and had everything I desired, that I deserved. This time, I'm gonna be more selfish and do whatever I want.' He thought to himself.

"Time to leave." he said as he got up and grabbed his clothes, putting on a black tunic, pants and boots. Naruto began to pack some essentials for his trip, and slung the bag over his back before he walked out of the room.

"Well look whose up." Kol said seeing his elder brother up causing everyone to look at Naruto who ignored them and continued for the door.

"Niklaus?" Esther asked, only to be ignored as Naruto opened the door and slammed it behind him. Immediately Esther rushed after him followed by the children.

"Brother?" Elijah asked as Naruto headed off toward the exit of the village.

"Niklaus. Stop right now!" Esther shouted causing Naruto to stop with a sigh, and look back at the Mikaelson family, "W-where are you going?"

"Away from you." Naruto glared, the pain, and anger of Niklaus shining through, and the lack of attachment Naruto had also shining bright.

"My so-"

"Shut. Your. Mouth. Whatever lie you wish to tell Esther, choke on it. You and that bastard you call a husband can burn in Musphelhiem for all I care." Naruto said.

"Boy." Mikael said, walking forward into the village as he prepared to vent his rage tonight, "Back into the house."

"No." Naruto glared causing Mikael to return the glare.

"You dare defy me, bastard?" Mikael asked, growling before he rushed Naruto grabbing him by the throat and slamming him into the house, "You are lucky to still be living!"

Naruto roared as he vamped out before he grabbed Mikael's arms and forced them off of him, before he jabbed Mikael in the neck.

Mikael gagged as he stumbled back before he gave a sloppy swing at Naruto who raised a hand and slapped Mikael's bicep and backhanded him with the same hand, before punching Mikael in the chest.

Stumbling back, Mikael unsheathed a stake and stabbed at Naruto who moved out of the way, and punched Mikael in the spine sending him stumbling forward.

With an enraged shout, Mikael swung the stake at Naruto who threw up an arm blocking the strike before he punched Mikael in the jaw, and gave a sharp jab to his liver.

Mikael coughed up blood as he swung his fist at Naruto who caught it away while simultaneously back handing Mikael as he released Mikael's hand and punched him in the jaw with a straight jab, and then followed it with a blow to Mikael's torso causing him to release his grip on the stake as he wobbled on his feet before a hook sent Mikael flying through a tree causing it to tumble

With a groan Mikael was about to get up but shouted in pain as his sword was drove through his back, piercing his heart. "Who's the weakling now?" Naruto as he snapped Mikael's neck.

Naruto stood up as he pulled the sword out, "That felt good." he sighed before he walked to his knapsack while flicking the blood off Mikael's, now his, sword.

"Niklaus." Esther said as she tried to stop him but when she touched him, he grabbed her hand, breaking it and roared at her while vamped out. While he did this, a red glow appeared on his hands, and Esther felt her magic painfully drain away. He stopped after a moment and snarled before picking up his knapsack and speeding away, while everyone looked at Naruto in shock as in less than a minute, he had defeated their father.

That Night

Naruto was at the village of werewolves, learning about their ways and history. Night had fallen when Naruto smelt blood and quickly raced to the source only to find Ansel, the alpha of the werewolves impaled on a spike, causing his eyes to widen.

Naruto looked over Ansel and saw the resemblance between Niklaus and the man. With a growl he sped out of the clearing toward his old home.

Mikaelson Cottage

The Mikaelson children all had left as Mikael had returned covered in blood and proceeded to yell at their mother. "You made me think that whelp was mine! You've betrayed me and because of you Henrik is dead!"

"You can't put that on me! What happened with Henrik was an accident!" Esther yelled only to be slapped by Mikael.

"An accident! The bastard took him from us, and when I find him. I will rip his head off!" Mikael yelled before he turned to leave but heard a gurgle and turned to see that Naruto had arrived and was choking Esther with one outstretched hand, glaring at him.

"You murdered my birthfather." Naruto growled having actually looked forward to meeting Ansel.

"Release her!" Mikael yelled rushing forward with the stake extended forward but Naruto moved Esther in the path of the strike, so that Mikael stabbed his wife in the heart causing the couple to go wide eyed.

"Now, you lost someone too." Naruto said, speeding off as Mikael cradled Esther's corpse.

Next Day

Naruto was far away from the village. At a stream getting ready for his journey, "Brother."

Naruto looked over his shoulder to see Elijah, and Rebekah looking devastated, "Far from home, aren't you?" Naruto asked standing up.

"Father has killed mother." Rebekah said launching herself into Naruto and crying as he frowned.

"He's run off in a rage, he may be looking for you." Elijah said walking up.

"Why are you two here?" Naruto asked.

"We made a vow, Always and Forever." Rebekah said holding Elijah's hand and the two holding their free hand to Naruto, "We stick together."

Naruto nodded and took Elijah's and Rebekah's hands.


1002 AD

On a road that cut through a wooded area, a man drove a horse-drawn carriage with several other people in tow. The man driving the carriage stopped his horse and hopped down from the cart when he saw a wooden cart abandoned on the side of the road. He walked toward it to investigate what is going on. The man slowly approached the cart and peeks inside. As he looked at the cart, he found that the far corner is stained with quite a bit of blood.

Suddenly, the man was yanked away from the cart at vampire speed. Moments later, a long-haired Elijah, who is in the middle of hiding the man's carriage with tree branches amidst the slurping sounds around him.

"Kol, are you quite done?" Elijah asked Kol impatiently.

Kol was feeding deeply on the man on the ground a few feet away. He groaned in exasperation and sat up. Behind him, Rebekah, Naruto, and Finn had just finished feeding on the driver's companions and were dragging their bodies toward the cart.

"Oh, bother, Elijah! Is all of this truly necessary?"

"Brother, the road is a major thoroughfare- if the bodies are found, word of our presence will spread to Mikael." Elijah asked.

"We have run through autumn and winter, through sleet and snow... Are we cursed to forever live in fear of our father?" Rebekah asked in annoyance.

"I should say yes, sadly." Finn said.

"Finn, please. Niklaus—" Elijah looked over at Naruto, who is petting the carriage driver's horse, for backup in their argument.

He turned to Elijah and rebuked, "I told you all to stop addressing me by that name." Naruto had officially changed his name from Niklaus to Naruto some months back. Niklaus's family, or rather HIS family, were having a hard time accepting that.

"You'll always be Niklaus to us, Nik," Rebekah said before she turned back to Elijah with no amusement, "Do we have any idea where we're running to next?"

Kol finished his meal and walked up to his siblings, saying "Why not just do what we've all thought of doing? Split up!"

"We swore a vow, brother." Elijah said.

"Your vows haunt me more than Father himself!" Kol shouted, "At least he can't chase us all. I say we take our chances."

Finn hesitated a bit before saying, "Perhaps Kol is right—"

Kol was relieved to hear that and said, "Thank you, Finn! Yeah, I've always said, "Oldest is the most intelligent-"

Finn cut him off by saying "Stop talking," He then turned to Elijah and said, "I take no joy in our assent, but I do wish to sleep in a bed. To bathe in a bath, to feed of proper food. If we divide…"

"No, Elijah is right. We made a vow." Naruto interjected. He looks at Kol and Finn for a moment before moving so he's standing in the middle of his siblings.

"Family above all." Elijah said. "Always and forever."

Two days later

Naruto stopped feeding on his meal and tossed the corpse away, licking the blood off his lips. After a moment, Kol came up behind him and smacked him playfully on the shoulder. "Who's ready for the next course?" Kol asked.

Behind them, Finn looked at them and shook his head exasperatedly. "You are all filthy gluttons!"

"And you remain ever the dullard." Kol countered.

The victims the family killed this time appeared to be wealthy and of high status, as opposed to the commoners they had been feeding on. Rebekah stroked the dress of her victim longingly before pulling back. "Such pretty clothes. What a shame they'll go to waste."

Elijah sighs and said, "Rebekah, we have discussed this—"

"You discussed this! None of us had any say in the matter!" Rebekah countered, "This lot were traveling somewhere- their cart is full of silks and finery. Five of them, five of us. Wherever they were off to, why could we not simply go in their stead? "

"Masquerade as nobles from a land we do not know and whose customs we cannot begin to understand? Ridiculous!" Elijah scoffed.

Rebekah scoffs in turn. "You saw the castle down the road! It was practically a gala! If this bunch were headed there—"

She gestured at the bodies strewn across the ground around the five of them. "Look at them! They're not any better than we are. We could live as they do! At least for a time. "Think of it! Elijah, we can hide in plain sight. We could live ordinary lives—"

Suddenly Naruto hears something and holds up his hand, "All of you, stop talking."

Elijah focuses his hearing and realizes what Naruto realized; there was someone nearby whose heart is still beating. He walked over the victims cart and pulled away a blanket, revealing a young, dark-haired man, who was terrified to see them. He jumped out of the cart and attempted to flee, but Kol and Rebekah vamp-speed in front of him and blocked his way.

"Well, aren't you a handsome one?" Rebekah said with a smile.

"Looks like dessert to me..." Kol said in his bloodlust. Kol stalked toward the man, who immediately raises his hands in a non-threatening manner and attempts to stop him.

"Wait, wait, wait! I can help you!" The man stuttered in terror. Rebekah looks at him curiously, and the man nervously continues, "Now, I am- I am the personal servant to the Count de Martel, and the barriers that you just mentioned...? I was sent to escort these guests to his home for a lengthy stay. I know their customs, as well as the Count's habits. If you mean to pose as the family you've slaughtered here, then you'll need my help to carry out your ruse." Rebekah perked up at that.

"Please, can we keep him?" Rebekah said hopefully to Elijah.

"Rebekah, no! What is our most important rule?" Elijah asked.

Rebekah rolls her eye and responds, "Never leave alive anyone-", the others join in, "-Who has seen what we are."

"Thank you very much. A practice that has served us very well indeed." Elijah walked forward to end the mans life but Finn grabs Elijah by the shoulder and holds him back before he can kill the man.

"She has a point! He may be of use." Finn said.

"Ah, a proper family squabble!" Kol said excitedly.

Naruto raises his hand to silence Kol and addresses his family, "Let's put it to a vote. All those in favor of letting him live?"

Rebekah and Finn raise their hands.

"Those inclined to gut him?" Kol asked.

Kol and Elijah raise their hands.

"Well, Nik. What shall it be?"

Naruto looks at the terrified Lucien with a smirk.


Naruto had ultimately decided to let Lucien live and they arrived at the castle in the fine clothes of their earlier victims, where some sort of celebration is underway. All of the newcomers except Naruto looked nervous as they take in the grand interior of the castle, and Lucien fills them in on the details they need to know to blend in effectively.

"There. See the Count de Martel?" Lucien mentioned, "You address him as "Your Grace." All the other nobles as "my lord." And, when you speak to the Count, you should certainly speak of hunting. He loves his horse and his hounds."

He respectfully looked sideways at Rebekah, who is so anxious she looks as though she may throw up.

"And, uhm, bow deep, Lady Rebekah. The Count relishes a... healthy cleavage." Lucien said hesitantly, so as to not offend her.

Rebekah nods, gulping nervously and when Lucien sees Finn, Kol, and Elijah looking above them at the ceiling, he becomes even more worried.

"And, for God's sake, stop looking up!"

Lucien quickly pushes away a stray hair that has fallen from Kol's ponytail and anxiously leads them toward the Count's throne. Behind him, Kol leans forward to smile and whisper in Lucien's ear.

"Touch me again, and I'll tear your arm straight off." Kol growls.

Naruto clasps Kol's shoulder tightly and pulls him back, "Behave, Kol, because if we get caught, I'll rip all of your teeth."

"This isn't going to work, is it?" Rebekah asked pale.

"Just speak as we practiced... And know that you look lovely, my lady. " Lucien smiled causing Rebekah to smile at him in appreciation as Naruto turned to whisper to Elijah.

"You are concerned, brother?" Naruto asked.

"We're placing our lives in the hands of a stranger, Niklaus." Elijah said as the group finally made it to the throne of Count de Martel, and Lucien bowed dramatically in front of him before making introductions.

"Lucien, you were sent to fetch the Count de Guise!" The Count frowned.

"Indisposed, my Grace." Lucien said before he paused awkwardly "Gout." he added before he gestured to the Mikaelson siblings behind him before stepping aside so they can come forward.

"May I present his children? The Lords Finn, Niklaus, Elijah, and Kol." Lucien pointed to each of the men in turn, who bowed their heads respectfully to him, before Lucien turned to introduce Rebekah, "Also, the lovely Lady Rebekah."

The Count looked at the Mikaelson suspiciously and stood to his feet as he approached them "Your father never mentioned you to me in all our dealings." he said

The siblings looked nervously at each other for a moment before Elijah finally got his bearings and stepped forward to address him "Yes, Your Grace, do forgive us. Father was forever distant with his travels, and, uh, we were largely raised by servants. However, I do know that Father would consider it a glorious honor that we should be introduced to society by your noble hand, Your Grace." he said with a bow as a more confident Naruto stepped forward.

"Your Grace, I look forward to hearing tales of your hunting escapades!" Naruto said before he turned and gestured to Rebekah "May I present our sister?"

Rebekah gulped anxiously and stepped forward, smiling as widely as her nerves would allow "Rebekah de Guise de Rockfort Francais." Rebekah introduced before she bowed so deeply that the Count got a very good look at her bosom, which satisfied him quite a bit "Charmed."

Realizing that they have successfully made their way into the castle, Naruto smiled and looked over at Lucien, who looked relieved.

Later, at the party, Lucien was standing at the side of the room when Naruto approached him to talk.

"You've proven to be an immense help to us, Lucien." Naruto said.

"Oh. Of course, my lord." Lucien said bashfully.

"Although I could not help but notice that you don't seem at all disturbed about leading us into your master's home." Naruto noted.

Lucien sighs nervously and looks over at Count de Martel, who was across the room talking to Elijah.

"My master is a cruel drunkard who torments his minions for sport. Beggars who seek supper. Vassals who cannot pay a debt... like my own father." Lucien said in low anger.

Naruto nodded in understanding as Lucien becomes angrier, "All these gentile folk, behind their silks and their jewels, are slavers. Killers. Whatever evil you are, you walk among greater evil still. What do I care if you kill the lot of them?"

Suddenly, the attendants of the party began to whisper amongst themselves as a man and a woman enter the room. Naruto turned to see what everyone was talking about and was immediately taken by the beauty of the woman before turning back to Lucien. The woman had green eyes and straight red hair with thin eyebrows and a wide smile that was quite endearing. She looked quite youthful, with her slim features and bone structure.

He asked Lucien, "Who are those two?"

The man and woman walk across the room to greet the Count.

Lucien seemed to notice who Naruto was talking about and said "Oh, the Count's children- the Lord Tristan and the Lady Aurora."

"She is exquisite." Naruto said. Her beauty and her hair reminded him a bit of his mother, Kushina, though Kushina had violet eyes. Her eyes reminded him of Sakura, though Aurora's were a few shades darker than Sakura's. It was like the best of both worlds all wrapped into one.

Aurora caught Naruto's eye and smiled, which did not escape Lucien's notice. Both Naruto and Lucien continue to stare intently at her as she greeted various nobles throughout the room with Tristan.

"Ah, yes. Um, as her brother is wicked, might I suggest that you avoid them completely?" Lucien said though it was also because he was not comfortable with Naruto staring at Aurora. Naruto didn't seem to notice and if he did, he didn't care.

"But would she really be a threat to one like me?" Naruto pondered.

"The Lady Aurora doesn't need teeth to tear a man's soul out- one only need stare in her eyes to be lost." Lucien says longingly but Naruto didn't notice or did not care.

8 months later

A celebration of some kind was being held outside the Count de Martel's castle, where the entire court had gathered in the yard. Music was being played on instruments nearby, and guests mingled at the various stations. There were tables laden with fruit, bread, and cheese set up next to a practice field, where several women, including Aurora, were kneeling in the grass together. The women watch with interest as Elijah and Tristan practice throwing axes at wooden targets propped up several meters away, clapping in amusement when their axe hit the target. Near one of the tables, Naruto was sitting in a chair, whittling away on a wolf head figurine with an exquisite soldier-on-horseback figure near his feet.

During the last 8 months, when he wasn't trying to build stronger family ties with his new siblings and exploring his romance with Aurora, Naruto was experimenting with their powers. He had begun meditating and was close to unlocking the deeper secrets that lesser vampires would have access to when the reach the age 500 years old. He was close to unlocking them. He also found out that their blood could heal many injuries and if someone died with their blood in their system, they would come back to life in a transition state, where they had to feed on human blood to complete the transition from human to vampire. If they didn't drink within 24 hours, they died. He hadn't let any of his experiments live yet. He had also discovered that through direct eye contact and exertion of will power, he could make humans and lesser vampires do his bidding, though he had discovered that he could not force his fellow Originals to do his bidding. He called this ability compulsion.

He took advantage of this by using his compulsion to compel the local blacksmith and goldsmith to teach him how to work metal and gold.

He also discovered that he could read minds, cast illusions and manipulate dreams, though he had to be touching them in order to do that. Which really made the ability a lot less useful than it could be.

He had also come across a witch and figured out what he did to his mother when he killed the witch by accidently draining her of all her magic. He found a couple more and practiced until he could siphon magic at will and then killed them and took their grimoires, so he could practice magic. Turns out, that when he came to this world, he lost his chakra but gained Siphoning instead. Which meant that he could now practice magic, ultimately making him a Tribrid, though he preferred to be called the Original Hybrid because it rolls off the tongue better.

Using these new powers, he even fashioned himself a custom Lapis Lazuli ring, even though he didn't need it, since his witch and werewolf sides negated sunlight damage, though he preferred it.

Naruto almost wished he could compel Kol. His sloppy eating was starting to annoy him and the rest of his siblings since they always had to clean up the messes he made.

Lucien caught Aurora's eye from across the yard and smiled at her. She returns the smile, which did not escape Tristan's notice, and when he turned to see Lucien staring at Aurora, he became visibly annoyed. Aurora does her best to pretend like she wasn't interacting with him before Tristan walked away.

Lucien timidly approached Naruto, and he smiles when he sees what he's making.

"Impressive work, my lord! " Lucien compliments.

"Bah, It is a trifle meant to alleviate my boredom. But, I'll take the praise along with the word of a friend!" Naruto smiled as he put down his work.

Lucien looked both anxious and excited. He said bashfully, "It is as a friend that I come to you now. There is something that I must ask of you."

Naruto gaves him a wary look and watched as Lucien pulls a folded piece of parchment from the satchel attached to his belt and held it out to him.

"For the Lady Aurora. If you would deliver this to her in secret, I would be eternally grateful." Lucien requested.

"Are these declarations of love?" Naruto said curiously with a fake smile. "It's a... bold move..."

Naruto downed the rest of his wine, unable to mask his annoyance at this request. Lucien became even more nervous as he once again looks over at Aurora, who was standing next to Tristan and talking to several other women. Tristan had his arm around Aurora's shoulders, and both are smiling as they socialize.

"Oh, we shared affection for one another as children. But, since then, my station in life has prevented me from declaring my intentions." Lucien said. He was still staring at Aurora, who sees him watching her and smiles at him.

"If she would leave this place with me," Lucien said.

Naruto got up and stopped Lucien midsentence, "Not an idea I would advise. Besides, my family needs you."

Lucien squirmed anxiously and hesitated before he replied, "Well, your family's stay here cannot last much longer anyhow. Not given your brother Kol's... decadence. The local villagers believe they are beset by demons! Soon, you'll need to run. Aurora and I can run with you! Aid you in your endeavors!"

Lucien held out the note again and pleaded, "Niklaus, please- I would give her the note myself, but Tristan's jealousy is tyrannical. I cannot go near her. But you? You need not fear him, or anyone!"

Naruto hesitated since he liked Lucien well enough and wanted to help him but could not for obvious reasons. He sighs and hesitates for a moment before taking the folded note from Lucien.

Later that Night

Naruto did give the note to Aurora secretly but she threw it away after reading as she only saw Lucien as friend. Plus, how exactly do you explain to Lucien that Naruto and Aurora have been in a secret relationship for almost 7 and a half months? Anyway, he told Lucien that Aurora was given the note, but she rebuffed his advances, only seeing Lucien as a friend and Naruto hoped the matter was settled as he did not like the thought of compelling people he considered friends if he did not have to.

Aurora paces around her bedroom, eventually slipping into a small alcove near the door and smiling to herself. After a moment, a man comes up behind her and gently squeezes her shoulder before spinning her around to face him.

Aurora gasps when she sees it is Naruto and smiles as she caresses his cheek with her hand. Naruto then quickly cups the back of her head and kisses her, flipping them so her back's against the nearby wall as they continue to make out.

Unfortunately for the couple, they forgot that Lucien was a hopeless romantic and didn't think that he would seek Aurora out for to hear the answer from her own lips.

Naruto and Aurora were making out even more passionately and just as they were about to tear each other's clothes off and have passionate sex against the wall, Lucien walks into the hall and finds them in the alcove in the middle of their fierce kissing. It's clear by the expression on Lucien's face that he feels betrayed and hurt, and Naruto and Aurora both look guilty, though Naruto wasn't really all that guilty.

"No," Lucien breathed in horror.

"You're not supposed to be here." Naruto said.

Lucien, now furious, rushes toward Naruto and points at him angrily. "I trusted you!"

"You can hardly blame me for you not believing the truth when you heard it. I didn't tell you about this because I knew you would react this way." Naruto said.

Aurora, looking terrified, walked toward Lucien, grabbing Naruto's hand and pulled him along with her, "Quiet! I'm meant to be in prayer! If anyone finds you here…"

Naruto heard the guards approaching with his super hearing, "It's too late. The guards are coming."

"My handmaids must have seen him enter. If the guards know, then Tristan himself will be alerted!" Aurora panicked. She looked at Naruto in horror, but he takes her hands and squeezes them comfortingly.

"Let me deal with them."

Aurora shakes her head, "No. No, Niklaus, he is my brother!"

Lucien was so upset that he has broken down into tears and was still enraged by what he has just seen and turns to Aurora, "Do you think he cares? Do you not know what manner of men you are with? He is a beast!"

Naruto steps in front of Lucien with his back to Aurora so she didn't see his face vamped out. "That's enough out of you, my friend."

Lucien becomes terrified and backs up as much as he can, "We are not friends!"

A still-panicked Aurora desperately grabs Naruto's hand again and tries to pull him away. "Go! Now, please! By the window, the same as you came." She said in panic. Aurora was breathless from fear, and the devastated Lucien collapses onto the floor and sobs as Klaus caresses her cheek one last time before he leaves.

"Lucien, follow me!" Naruto called out but Lucien is too devastated to move.

Before Aurora can convince him to leave.. Tristan walks into the room with two armed guards to find his sister holding his hands, and he is stunned and appalled by the sight of them together.

"YOU!" Tristan said in anger before he turned to his guards, "Take him."

Torture Chamber

30 minutes later

Lucien was bound by his wrists in a cellar in the de Martel castle while Tristan viciously whips him across the back, causing Lucien to scream in agony. Lucien gripped the restraints around his wrists as hard as he could to fight through the pain of his back, which is bloodied and raw from the whip. He was also crying tears as Tristan had cut his mouth open from ear to ear.

The sound of his screams drew Naruto and Elijah's attention, and the two brothers eventually enter the cellar to investigate. Elijah is horrified while Naruto maintains a stoic expression at the sight in front of them as Tristan turned to greet them with a smug smile, his face splattered with Lucien's blood.

"Have you two come to watch as Lucien receives his punishment? I fear I'm being a touch lenient, given his intentions for my sister," Tristan smugly said, making no attempt to hide his contempt.

Naruto was not cool with Tristan torturing Lucien for being romantically interested in Aurora and said, "Why torture a loyal servant? I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding."

"One that remains outside your concern. As son of the Count, I may discipline staff as I see fit. Should you take issue, then I'll need to remind you that you are a guest." Tristan coldly reminded.

Elijah is torn between helping Lucien and exposing himself. Tristan goes back to continue whipping Lucien but Naruto grabs his wrist.

"Step away from him! Now." He growled lowly.

Tristan panted for a moment then looked at the two vampires in amusement. "I know what you are. Our house servants speak of demons hunting in the night. I, myself, interviewed one such maiden. Quiet pretty. Thus far, the only survivor of these attacks."

Elijah, upset by this news, closes his eyes and sighs as he considers their next move. Naruto on the other hand is pissed that Kol exposed them and resolved to beat his ass when he saw him next.

Tristan continued, "I asked what manner of creature had hunted her. She said she was certain it was the Lord Kol, but with the face of a beast. Your entire family sought refuge here, claiming to be noblemen, when, in fact, you are fiends. I can only surmise that you are hiding, which means you're afraid. Somewhere out there, something is even more savage than you."

Elijah was anxious but Naruto gripped Tristan in a choke-hold, causing him to gasp in shock and pain as Naruto vamped out.

"This is not going to end well for you," He growled.

Tristan gasps for breath and says, "Do so at your peril. But, should any misfortune befall me, know that I have instructed my fastest riders to spread word of your presence here. Whomever seeks you would most certainly hear the news."

"You arrogant fool!" Naruto said as he broke Tristan's wrist and slammed him against the wall, causing Elijah to become panicked, "You think that you can threaten me!? I was born into pain! My stepfather beat almost daily as I grew up and told me that I was worthless but persevered! I suffered through sleet, snow, and cold, while you grew up as a pampered noble, never having faced a real problem you couldn't solve with your daddies soldiers or money. You are nothing compared to me!"

"And besides, I don't need to kill you protect my families secret." Naruto growled as he began to compel Tristan. "Who else knows about our secret?"

"Just myself and the maiden that escaped your brother," Tristan said as Naruto looked into his mind to see the face of the woman Kol stupidly left alive.

"You're going to forget everything you know about my family and I being monsters. You will instruct your fastest riders that your previous orders are no longer necessary as you were wrong and the poor woman lied to you in an attempt to slander us. If you find any survivors of future attacks, you will disregard any talk of one of my family being monsters and kill them. Also, you are done torturing Lucien as he has been tortured enough. You're also not going to remember this compulsion. Do you understand?"

"Yes," Tristan said robotically, "I will do as you command."

"Then go," Naruto said as he let him go and Tristan walked out.

Elijah was stunned at what he witnessed. "Brother, what-"

"We have many abilities besides physical prowess and immortality, Elijah. I've been experimenting with them and I will share what I have discovered with you and the family soon." Naruto said as he took the goblet of water nearby in one hand. He bit his hand and let some of his blood pour into the cup. "Until then, I need you to follow him and make sure he does what I told him to. I still don't know the full limits of this mind compulsion."

"What are you going to do with young Lucien?" Elijah asked.

"I'm going to heal him." Naruto said and Elijah walked off after a moment.

Naruto released Lucien from the ropes binding his wrists to the walls. The wounds on his back and mouth are still bleeding profusely, and Naruto hands him the goblet of water laced with his blood.

"Here, this will help." Naruto said.

Lucien tried to drink the blood—laced water, but he spits it out as soon as it touches his wounds.

"What did he do to me?" Lucien sobs. He saw his reflection in the water and drops the goblet onto the floor in horror. Naruto, feeling kinda guilty as he should have just compelled the poor kid, pulls Lucien into a gentle hug.

"I'm sorry. I should have been more considerate with you. I should have had Aurora tell you in person. I'm sorry that my decision to try to spare your feelings some led to this, but what I told you was the truth," Naruto said as he compelled Lucien to accept the truth. While he was much more selfish than his first life, he still cared for those he considered friends and family and would not easily abandon them. He bit thumb drawing blood and wiped his bloody thumb against Lucien's dehumanizing cut on his mouth.

It immediately begins to heal. Lucien gasps in shock, and pulls away in surprise. Within moments, the lacerations on Lucien's back have healed themselves as well due to exposure to Naruto's blood.

Lucien, horrified, instantly backs away from Naruto in confusion, "I... am like you?"

Lucien flees the room, still covered in the blood from his now-healed wounds and gripping the blade left by Tristan. Naruto saw it but decided not to go after him.

Lucien made his way into Aurora's chambers, where Tristan and Aurora are talking with their hands clutching each other. When Aurora sees him, she gasps in shock, and Tristan spins to see what has spooked her. As soon as he sees Lucien, the color runs from his face.

"Tristan!" Aurora shouted in horror.

"How, by all that is damned, are you free?", Tristan asked, having forgotten that he left him in the company of an Original, due to the compulsion on him.

Lucien, furious, lunges for Tristan, but before he can even touch him, one of Tristan's guards stabs him through the chest from behind with his spear. Lucien gasps for breath one last time before collapsing dead to the floor. Tristan does not seem at all upset by this turn of events, but Aurora is clearly upset by the sight of her dear friend being killed in front of her. The guard stabs Lucien in the back one last time to ensure that he's dead and watches as blood spills from his wounds in a puddle around him.

30 minutes later

Naruto and the siblings stood around a pyre for Lucien. They place two gold coins over his eyelids before grabbing two nearby torches. Naruto had gathered them to witness his rebirth but they all thought it was a funeral.

"You are certain that your blood healed him, Nik?" Rebekah asked.

"It did. The wounds closed themselves." Naruto said.

"So then, we... We may only heal the living?" Elijah asked.

"Well, our blood has a peculiar effect on those that die with it in their system." Naruto said, confusing the other four vampires.

"What do you mean, Niklaus?" Finn asked.

"Should happen right about…Now." Naruto said. As if responding to his commands, Lucien bolts upright with a gasp and is overcome by a coughing fit as Naruto's siblings are stunned into speechlessness. After Lucien has recovered, he looks at Naruto in confusion.

"What...?" Lucien said.

Naruto smiled at the sight.

"N-Nik, what is happening?" Rebekah asked.

"All will be explained in moment, dear sister." Naruto said as he turned to the forest. "You can come out now."

A woman, one that Kol had fed on, came into view. It was the same one that got away and told Tristan about Kol. She came up between Naruto and Lucien and stood perfectly still.

"Lucien," Naruto said getting his attention as he compelled his friend, "When I cut her, I want you to drink her blood until she dies, and then stay put. There are some things we all need to discuss and I don't want you running off just yet."

Lucien nods as he stand up and Naruto cuts the side of the girls neck, drawing a little blood, causing his siblings true faces to come out. He pushes the girl Lucien's arms as Lucien slowly inches toward her neck and licks a little blood off. Lucien's vampire face emerges as he completes his transition and bites down hard, draining every drop.

"Now, when he's done feeding, there are a few things we need to discuss. But first," Naruto said as he sped forward and punched Kol in the face sending him flying through tree.

"You stupid, irresponsible, gluttonous moron!" Naruto said as he punched Kol several times in the face, knocking out all of his teeth.

"Niklaus, what are you doing!? Why are you acting like Father?" Rebekah pleaded.

Naruto pulled the in-pain and whimpering Kol up and made him look at Naruto. "Listen to me, I love all of you as any sibling should, but Kol's sloppy eating methods almost exposed us! That woman that Lucien is feeding on was a victim of Kol's that he forgot to kill. She told Tristan about it and he threatened to expose us. Luckily with my mind compulsion, I made him forget, and now Lucien has tied up that loose end."

Lucien came into view as the other siblings were glaring at Kol while his teeth regrew.

"Ahhhh... hahaha!" Lucien breathes in at the euphoric sensations he's feeling from being a newborn.

"I take it your not made at me anymore, Lucien." Naruto asked.

"Uh, no, hahaha. Not anymore! Ah, this change in me... Ahhhh... WOO! I feel as though I have left the fog of winter to enter the most glorious springtime!" Lucien smiles, overwhelmed by the heightened emotions and euphoria of drinking someone's blood.

"Yes. Vampirism is like that for newborns." Naruto said in approval and everyone looked at him.

"Vampirism, Niklaus?" Finn asked in confusion.

"Well, our species does need a name." Naruto shrugged. "I figure since we are the first generation, us Mikaelson's will be called the Original Vampires. While vampires like Lucien and anybody we sire will be just Vampires."

"Now then," Naruto said as he addressed them all, "I'm going to teach you all what I have learned so far, and we are going to be changing some things, like how we feed on humans. This 'feeding until they die' thing isn't sustainable long-term, as Kol proved. Once I'm done teaching you all, I'll show you the new method that I call, Snatch-Eat-Erase."

Chapter End

So, Naruto has taken over Klaus's body and is now the Original Hybrid. He will be called the Original Tribrid later when he undoes the curse.

Naruto WILL NOT be getting chakra so do not ask. Vampires in this universe have more abilities than their weaker Canon counterparts.

I gave Naruto the Siphoner ability so he could use magic, which helps to compensate for no chakra.

Naruto is only called Niklaus by the Mikaelson's and de Martel's. He be refered to as Naruto by others in later chapters.

Also, as you can see, Naruto is responsible for developing vampire culture and we will se more of that in the coming chapters.

I'm still working on my other stories but a week ago, my files on my flashdrive got corrupted and I had to restore an old backup from a month ago, so I basically have to remake everything I had done on those chapters from scratch, so sorry about that.

Also, Happy New Years.