*******************************Time Skip******************************

Mr & Mrs Bennett were distraught about their newly crying son Lucas Gabriel Bennett so they took him back to Kingsley to see if he could make their son stop crying. Lucas kicked out at his new daddy while he still cried trying to get out his message of utter distress. 'No Luke no kicking' said a frustrated Robert Gabriel Bennett in a harsh tone that made Luke still, but he continued sobbing and muttering the names of his uncles that he loved so much and had never parted with before.

The separation from his uncles and his papa, as he thought of Robert Bennett as his new daddy was just too much for him to bear, so he cried his little heart out and kicked and threw his tiny fists and little body about until he stopped his temper tantrum, Kingsley told the Bennett's that a visit to his uncles would calm Harry down and they happily agreed since Lucas had tired them out. Kingsley ordered his secretary to bring Mr and Mrs Bennet cups of tea and scooped up little Harry into his arms, he may have been named Lucas but to Kingsley he would always be Harry so he held Harry tighter and both had the uncomfortable feeling of spinning as they entered the floo, Harry didn't like the ash that was assaulting his mouth and nose. Coughing he opened his eyes and knew where he was, the big man Kingsley who took him away from papa and unca moo'ey and unca pa'foo had returned him to the place he loved most, the place he called home, instead of Potter Manor he was at his uncle's house.

Harry looked up at his tall man and beamed a huge smile and said 'tank you king-ley'
he turned around off to find his family he yelled out 'unca mooƩy unca pafoo were r u?'

'Cub' Remus shouted 'Pup' said Sirius excitedly as they ran to engulf Harry in a Hug and they kissed him, holding him in a tight embrace, hoping they wouldn't lose him again.
'We're sorry Pup we failed you, we didn't get to the ministry in time so I couldn't adopt you, you know Moony and I already claim you as family.' said Sirius in an apologetic tone.

Kingsley saw how cherished Harry was by the two men he knew at Hogwarts and felt warmth spread throughout his body; he felt he owed them an explanation. Harry giggled as Remus kissed him again, as he spotted Kingsley he beamed a smile at him and held out his arms in the universal sign of wanting to be picked up that all adults understood. Kingsley complied to picking up Harry and rocked him, he then stopped to tell them about the Bennett's but Harry let out a groan because he thought Kingsley swaying him on his hip was fun and wanted it to continue.