"So what do you think?" I ask Kirishima. I have just given him a tour of the house.

"This is great," he replies looking around our living room. "I know you guys definitely needed the space." I nod in agreement as we go sit down on the new U shaped sofa Todoroki and I purchased last month.

"Yes," I reply. "Todoroki did his best to purchase space that we could grow into but well you know how that went." I got pregnant with triplets on the day I mated Todoroki after the whole Mirio thing. We have two boys and one girl. Jaehyun, Dejun and Gyuri. Jaehyun has my green curls and blue eyes. Dejun has freckles my green eyes and red hair. Gyuri has red curl hair and grey eyes. They just turned 2 last month and their personalities are very well known.

Jaehyun and Dejun are very close. They like to laugh a lot. They seem to have their own language. Gyuri is closer with her older sister Hani but can certainly hold her own against her brothers. I have a feeling she is going to be a mini Momo from Todoroki class. She loves playing dress up and with dolls so far.

"At least we moved in before it got really cold," I add. "I'm thinking of putting the Holiday tree up over there in the corner by the window. It's the best spot to hold all the presents."

"That is a good idea," says Kirishima. "I can't believe you have a 12 bedroom home!"

"Not an easy achievement," I blush. I worked my way up to being the number 1 hero. I am officially the new symbol of peace. The crime rates have dropped and stayed low. I only get involved if I must nowadays. Todoroki slowed down during the time I was working. Todoroki is still a number 4 with Hawks being number 3, Bakugou is number 2. He is still claiming he will beat me to number 1 one day. He knows he can't but still likes to say he will. Hawks dropped down in the ranks due to his own pregnancy. He refused to be a hero for a little while. He had no problem showing off his 4 little boys he gave birth to. They even have their own social media pages.

"How is it going with Minhyun and Bella?" asked Kirishima. "I know it must have been difficult moving with the adjustments they had to make."

"It's not so bad," I reply crossing my legs. "Todoroki does a little bit of training with them 3 days a week. Nothing like his father." Minhyun can move things with his mind. It reminds me of my mom quirk except times 10. A lot of people thought since he has two tone hair he would have a quirk like his father. Bella can control lava. Finding that out was beyond horrible.

"Bakugou won't admit it but he is counting down to when the girls will present their quirks," he replies. "I don't mind them not having a quirk like my own. I want my children to have their own identity." I nod agreeing. I'm secretly hoping all of our children will get quirks. I don't want our child to go through what I went through being quirkless. If they are, I can certainly show them they can still be a hero. We will work with their strengths! "Todoroki is working today?"

"He is," I reply. "I think with your mate. He said something about a meeting."

"Oh right," says Kirishima. "I think they are working on something in secret. Kind of like that secret rescue mission with Mirio, you and I in high school."

"Ah," I reply. I get a little nervous but I have to know. I calm down my fidgeting a little. "Um….how is he?" Kirishima gives me a small smile. I never mention Mirio around Todoroki, it is for the best. It upsets Todoroki to even hear his name. I followed through with my promise and we don't talk anymore. Mirio did this to himself when he crossed that line.

"Not so well," Kirishima replies. "Tamaki is trying to get full custody over their daughter."

"Seriously?" I question. "Why?" Mirio may have gone about things beyond wrong with Tamaki but I know he loves their daughter. Kirishima rolls his eyes.

"So not manly," he replies. "I think Tamaki is still bitter. Like he hasn't been the same since everything happened between them." I don't speak to Tamaki. I tried but it was clear deep down he blames me for what happened between him and Mirio. Makes me super glad we don't work together anymore.

"It's been a couple of years," I reply with a sigh. I shake my head. "I'm going to help myself to a glass of wine, you want?"

"Hell yes," replies Kirishima. I walk into the huge kitchen we have. With all the kids we have we need the space to handle meals better. We have two ovens as oppose to one, 5 burner gas stove, dishwasher, double sink, and a really big island that can seat 6 people. The dark cherry wood is beautiful with the tan marble counter tops. I go into the wine holder opening a new bottle. I got heavily into wine last year. I bring a glass over to Kirishima as Ji-Yoon comes up crying.

"What's wrong baby?" he asks.

"Ji-Hyun," she cries.

"It's okay, no need to cry," says Kirishima. He stands up. "Show me where she is?" The twins talk but have moments where their words are choppy. Kirishima is working with them on their language skills. I sip from my wine feeling my phone buzz. I see it is Todoroki texting me.

Todoroki: Hey beautiful, can you cook my favorite pot roast tonight for dinner

Midoriya: Anything for you

I smile walking back into the kitchen pulling out everything I need for the pot roast. I am just glad that I had the meat down.

Todoroki: Thank you. I will be bringing Bakugou with me. Make sure Kirishima doesn't leave.

Midoriya: No problem.

Todoroki: Wonderful, I love you

I grin sitting my phone down. I begin to wash the carrots as Kirishima comes back into the kitchen.

"I don't know how you can handle having 9 children," he replies.

"We adjusted," I reply. "Plus it helps that our parents are very involved in their lives. Todoroki and I getting our reproductive taken care of." We discovered Hatsume device did work but only for a few months. It was like our inner beings knew what we were trying to do and overpowered the device. Todoroki and I know we don't want or need any further children. I had my reproductive system pretty much removed. I still go into heat and Todoroki still knots me. The sex is still addicting.

"I'm thinking about having that done," says Kirishima. "However, Bakugou actually wants to try for a boy."

"I bet he does!" I exclaim. Bakugou has made it very clear how much he wants a boy. Kirishima rolls his eyes.

"I'm not trying to end up like you," he says. "I don't want more than 3 kids and we already have 2." I chuckle.

"It is just a risk you are going to take," I reply. "I mean I said the same thing, but I wouldn't take back any of my little babies." I continue with prepping the meat.

"At least you can leave your kids alone for a little while," he replies. "I'm scared to take my eyes off our girls. That Ji-Hyun is something else."

"I still check on my kids," I reply. "Bella and Ren are our problem children. They strike me as the type that would jump out of plane with no gear." Kirishima chuckles.

"I'm sure my two would be right there with them!" he replies. "Did you need any help?"

"No I got it," I replied. "Bakugou and Todoroki are coming straight here when they are done with their meeting."

"Um hm," says Kirishima. "God, I need Bakugou to hurry up so I can get a relaxion day. Like I want to get a massage from head to toe."

"You know damn well he's not going for that!" I exclaim.

"I'm going to try!" says Kirishima. I get the meat going in three crock pots before getting comfortable in the living room.

"Wait, let me go check on the kids," I reply. I take a sip of my wine before heading upstairs to the kid's playroom. I can hear the laughter and noise from inside the room.

"I get to be dad," I hear Minhyun say.

"Why do you get to be dad?" asked Bella sounding annoyed.

"He does look just like him," giggles Ji-Yoon. I can hear Bella huff.

"He doesn't have the same quirk," says Bella. "I want to play dad!"

"Can you guys hurry up?" asks Ji-Hyun. "Like how are we suppose to play heroes and villains when you guys keep fighting." It is so weird to hear them talking to each other. They almost sound grown but their little child like voices remind me otherwise. I knock on the door walking into the room.

"How is everything going in here?" I ask smiling.

"Good," says Aron who sitting with Yuri and their 3 youngest siblings. They are playing with a toy house I purchases for Christmas last year. They love the hell out of that toy set. Gyuri is playing with her baby doll.

"Um hm," I reply knowing they were just having a disagreement. "Your father will be home in a couple of hours. Ji-Yoon and Ji-Hyun will be staying for dinner. Mr. Bakugou will be joining us." The girls start smiling. They love staying over here.

"Think we can spend the night?" asked Ji-Yoon. "Sleepover."

"I can ask your mom for you," I reply. "I think it will be better coming from you."

"Awww…." pouts Ji-Yoon.

"Stop being a baby," says Ji-hyun. "It's just mommy, it's not like we're asking daddy." I hold in a chuckle.

"I'm going to get back to cooking," I reply. "Keep an eye out on your little brothers and sister. I will let you all know when dinner is ready. Aron and Yuri if you want to bring your siblings downstairs let me know." They nod. They probably won't. They love being big brother and big sister. I head out the room with Ji-Yoon behind.

"Mr. Todoroki," she says softly. "How do you deal with annoying sisters?" I laugh.

"I was an only child," I reply. "Don't worry it's a part of being a family. Lots of love and other times….mmm….irritating." She giggles. "We love each other and that is what matters at the end of the day." I walk into the living room with Ji-Yoon running past me to Kirishima.

"No running," says Kirishima. "Where's the fire."

"Mommy can we stay the night?" she asks shyly. She is looking down at her feet.

"Ji-Yoon, I told you to make eye contact when speaking," replies Kirishima. She looks up at him. "There's my girl." She smiles.

"We want a sleepover," she says. Kirishima smiles.

"Sure, I know your father would be okay with that," Kirishima replies.

"Yes," exclaims Ji-Yoon before running back to the stairs.

"Walk!" yells Kirishima after her. I chuckle grabbing my wine glass. "God Bakugou is going to be glad to know they are staying the night."

"I don't mind," I shrug sitting down. "I mean what is two more heads. Plus Ji-Yoon really brings Yuri out of her shell."

"She still acting like her father?" asked Kirishima with a laugh.

"Yes!" I exclaim. All of children have traits of both me and Todoroki. Some traits are stronger while at times. They have also developed their own habits of course. Kirishima and I relax talking about future plans. We decided since the kids are older we would do a family vacation together next year. We plan that one night during the week each one of us would take all of the kids for one night so we can get in some couple time. I finally hear the door knowing Todoroki and Bakugou arrived.

"I'm starving," says Bakugou walking ahead of Todoroki. Kirishima stands up.

"Well hello to you too," he says. Bakugou rolls his eyes walking over to Kirishima and begins to scent him. I stand up walking over to Todoroki.

"Hey," I say softly.

"Hey," he smiles back at me. He takes my hand leading me into the kitchen. "I think the roast is ready."

"It is," I reply. "Everything okay?"

"We are dealing with some heavy stuff," admits Todoroki. "Don't you worry." He leans down kissing my forehead. "Can I help you with anything?"

"I got it," I reply. "You go shower and I will get everything plated." Todoroki nods. He kisses my cheek before walking away. Bakugou walks into the kitchen.

"Hey nerd, you keeping my kids tonight?" he asks.

"Yup," I reply pulling out paper plates. "Unless you want the girls to go home with you?"

"No, no, this is good," he replies. He runs his hand through his hair.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Not really," he replies. "You got any beer?"

"In the fridge," I reply as I start loading up the plates. I can sense he is really bothered. Makes me wonder what the heck kind of case they are working on. Kirishima walks into the kitchen.

"I can help," he replies.

"Great," I smile. "We can get the kids set up in the dining area since you guys are staying." Todoroki and I have a dining table for 12. In our kitchen we do have a table for 10 for when the kids are eating breakfast. Yodoroki and I will usually sit at the bar. Bakugou goes to say hi to the kids while Kirishima and I get the plates set up.

"I almost regret agreeing to the sleepover," says Kirishima. "Bakugou is going to be all over me tonight." I chuckle.

"It can't be that bad," I replied. "I'm sure if you told him how you felt he would respect your wishes."

"Yeah okay…" says Kirishima making me laugh. "Did you have any dessert for the kids tonight?" I thinkit over, do I really want them to have sugar so late in the evening?

"I would usually say no, but I guess pound cake wouldn't hurt them," I reply.

"Don't worry," says Kirishima. "I will make sure they clean their plates!"

"The veggies are mixed in with the meat," I reply. "I'm sure they will be fine. I am going to go see Todoroki."

"Um hm," says Kirishima folding his arms.

"What?" I question.

"No mating," he replies. "I saw that look in Todoroki eye."

"We won't," I reply. "Besides the kids are here and very much awake." Todoroki and I never mate when the kids are awake. Despite the room having guards we don't want to take any chances. We already have to explain mating to them in another year or two. I am not looking forward to that chat. Todoroki will probably have to do most of the talking. I head upstairs to our room to see my husband standing naked as he is leaning into one of his draws. He chuckles feeling my lust looking at him.

"Maybe later," he says looking over his shoulder.

"Sure…" I say lowly looking at him slide on some briefs before his sweats and a long sleeve tee shirt. He walks over to me smiling hard. My hear flutters as I can feel his sense of happiness looking at me. He palms my face before kissing me softly.

"Mmpphh….." I moan into the kiss. Todoroki slides his tongue inside of my mouth as my hands grab on to his back. "Shouto…." He turns out of the kiss.

"Sorry," he apologizes.

"No need to apologize," I reply kissing his cheek. Todoroki turns to look at me.

"Thank you," he replies softly his arms tighten around my waist. "You have given up so much for our family."

"No more than you have," I replied. "Thank you." Todoroki leans his forehead against mine.

"We have such a beautiful family," he sighs. "I get so happy every time I see us all together. I am reminded of everything we did to get here." I whimper feeling his love.

"It's okay babe….." I say softly. Todoroki chuckles pulling out my arms.

"Yeah, going to need to mate later," he replies. I chuckle grabbing his hand.

"I know," I admit smiling. "Let's go and eat with our family and friends. Bakugou is starving." Todoroki rolls his eyes.

"He's always starving," he replies causing me to giggle. We head out of the room to join our children and friends.

Author's Note: Thank you to everyone who made to the end of this story. I know it was long but I enjoyed writing more adventures of Midoriya & Todoroki with their children. Those who left comments thank you! Sorry I haven't been responding. Work has been…..soul sucking. Anyway hope to see you in my next TodoDeku story.