*Peter didn't expect to be the size of a spider...*

Happy New Years and Enjoy!~

"Welcome back, Peter." Friday greeted as a lanky, fifteen year old boy strolled into the penthouse with a small smile.

"Thanks, Fri." He replied back.

"Hey, Mister Stark!" Peter called out, throwing his backpack on the ground. Peter walked into the kitchen and saw Mister Stark sipping on a cup of coffee, doing something on his Starkpad. Tony looked up from his electronic and smiled at the kid.

"Hey, kiddo. Good day at school?" He asked, watching the kid open the pantry and take out some goldfish. Every since Peter got bitten by a radioactive spider, his metabolism enhanced greatly and was more hungrier than an average teenage boy.

Tony made sure that his pantry was full of Peter's favorite snacks when he would visit him, which was often.

"It was good!" Peter says while taking a handful of goldfishes in his hands and then stuffing into his mouth. He tried to talk more, but it muffled by the abundant of goldfish that he decided to shove in his so called tiny mouth.

"Maybe finish eating your goldfish and then you can talk to me more about your day," Tony chuckled, looking at the boy grin bashfully and then nod. Peter decided round one wasn't enough for his stomach, so he did a round two. Cramming another handful of goldfish, he put the box away, and then grabbing a bottle of water before chugging it down.

Tony watched in fascination on how Peter could literally eat so fast, as well as drink more than a bottle in less than 10 seconds. He shook his head and smiled at the kid. "Geez, kid. If you were so hungry, I would've ordered pizza before you came." He said, ruffling the boy's hair a bit.

Peter shooed away his mentor's hand from his hair and grinned. "We can still do that."

"Touché, my young intern." Tony smirked when Peter rolled his eyes. "Alright, hey Fri?"

A feminine, robotic voice filled the kitchen. "Yes, sir?"

"Can you order some pizza with...?" He looked at Peter with a raised brow. "Any toppings?"

"Pineapple!" Peter exclaimed happily. Mister Stark rolled his eyes, but complied anyways.

"With pineapple."

There was a moment of silence until Friday spoke up again. "Your order has been confirmed. Should be here in less than 20 minutes, sir."

"Great! In the mean time, why don't we work on your suit? I want to add some upgrades," Tony said, absentmindedly tapping the rim of the cup.


With that, they headed down to the lab, where Tony explained what he wanted to add in Peter's suit.

"So, I'm pretty sure you know Antman right?" Tony asked.

Peter nodded. "He was there in Germany, right? I know him a bit! He has a daughter named Cassie!" Its been awhile since then, but the Avengers have gone to different terms with Tony and remained friends afterwards.

Peter has met Scott and Cassie when they visited the compound and Cassie was just a ray of sunshine. They hung out all day before they had to say goodbye, but he promised the girl that he would visit soon.

Apparently, it was sooner.

He nodded, and grimaced at the memory. Tony shook the thought away and turned to Peter with a grin. "Well, I wanted to see if we could use the same technology, like Scott's suit."

"So, I can shrink?" Peter asked, his eyes widening comically. Tony chuckled and nodded. He then pulled out a hologram of the device that allows Scott to shrink. "This what Scott and his team uses to shrink down. I already called him and asked him if we could some how use it too and he agreed. We decided to meet up next week on Friday to work on it, but I have a very important meeting that day. So," The billionaire looked at Peter and laid a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Your going to help Scott with your suit, alright?"

"M-me?" Peter stuttered. If it weren't for Tony's hand on his shoulder, he would've stumbled back in surprise.


"B-but what if I mess or something?" Peter exclaimed, eyes with wide terror and fear as he looked at his mentor. Tony shook his head, "You won't. I wouldn't have asked you if I didn't trust you. But, I know you can. Your a smart cookie." He said, gaze softening at Peter.

Peter contemplated and looked at Tony who still had his eyes towards him. He took a big breath. "You sure?"

Tony smiled, and squeezed his shoulder. "I know for sure, kid."

Some kind of warmth coursed through Peter's body as he saw his mentor with a determined smile. Peter smiled nervously and nodded, "I'll do it."

Tony's smile widened even more. "See? I know you can do it, kid. Just have confidence in yourself. I do." Peter couldn't help but smile at the sentence. Tony has confidence in him.

He can't let Mister Stark down. Not Ever.

Before Peter could form another word, Friday's voice chipped in eagerly. "Sir, your pizza has arrived."

Tony smiled, squeezing Peter's shoulder one more time and walked behind Peter, as if mentally saying, 'Lets head up and eat some food.'

Peter caught the act and quickly scurried out the lab, watching Tony lock up his workshop. As they walked to the kitchen, Peter mentally chanted in his mind, You can do this. You can do this. You can do this.

Eventually, he went back to doubting again. They were in the cafeteria, where loud noises were to much for anyone to pick up. That's when Peter started rambling, while Ned was listening.

It was Friday, which meant that he was going over to Scott Lang's house.

"Dude, that's so freaking cool!" Ned exclaimed, looking at Peter with excitement jolting through his veins. But, Peter was a nervous wreck.

"Ned! I don't know what to do! What if I mess up?"

His friend shook his head, "No you wont't! Tony wouldn't have asked you to do it if you weren't able to."

"I know, I know! I'm just afraid I'll mess up or something. If I accidentally mess up a code or anything! It could literally mess everything up!" Peter cried out, running his hands through his hair.

"You're saying 'mess up' a lot, loser," MJ casually pointed out from behind the book she was reading. Peter and Ned craned their necks to see their other friend sitting far on the other corner.

"MJ!" Peter squeaked. "When did you get here?"

"5 minutes ago," MJ put her book down and shrugged. "So, going over to Antboy's lab to be part of the bug team, huh?"

"MJ!" The boy exclaimed, cheeks burning a bit with red. Michelle smirked, "Don't worry, loser. You'll do fine." It was reassuring to hear someone say that, let alone, MJ say that to Peter. The girl who was never impressed and rarely handed out compliments like this one. (Also the girl who Peter has a huge crush on.)

"See? Even MJ agrees. You'll do amazing, Pete." Ned smiled to Peter.

Peter glanced at Michelle who nodded in agreement before continuing to read her book.

He blew out a breath and nodded.


"Hey, kiddo. You almost there?" Tony asked through his phone. Peter was walking to Scott's house when Mister Stark called him to ask if him if he was there or not. Swallowing the nerves that settled in his throat, Peter nodded.

"Yeah, I should be there in like, 5 minutes." Peter answered.

"Great! Hey listen now, I know your nervous, but if anything comes up, just call me, alright kiddie?"

"Okay, thanks Mister Stark."

"No problem, Pete. I'll call you later to check up on you."


"Bye, kid."

With their conversation concluded, Peter walked onward to his destination. It was few minutes after that he came across the house Scott gave him. He walked to the door and hesitantly, he knocked 3 times.

Peter waited and with his enhanced hearing, he was able to hear a bit of muffling and shuffling from inside the door. Then a door was pushed open, revealing-

"Mr. Lang," Peter greeted with a grin, trying to control his fangirling moment.

"Mr. Peter," Scott imitated, but as well, grinning too.

After a moment, they burst out laughing.

"Oh, kid. Enough with the formalities, call me Scott," He said, opening the door wider for Peter to walk in. "Besides, we're bug friends, right?" Peter snickered and nodded. "Totally."

Peter wasn't even halfway into the hallway, when a ten year old girl leaped in front of Peter who lifted her up and smiled.

"Peter!" Cassie yelled with excitement.

"Cassie!" Peter yelled a bit louder, causing the girl to giggle.

"How you've been, Cassie?" Peter asked, depositing the girl onto her feet. Cassie grinned, "Good! Daddy says I can watch you and him play with your suit."

"Work on it," Scott corrected, smoothing down his daughter's hair. He looked at Peter with an apologetic expression. "Sorry, I told her she could watch, but I didn't ask you if you were okay with that."

Peter gave him a reassuring smile and shook his head. "No, that's totally fine!"

"Are you sure?" Scott asked incredulously.

He nodded once more and grinned at both of them.

Scott nodded, and lifted Cassie onto his hips. "Well Peanut, and Spider-boy. Shall we go into our secret lab?" He dramatically asks Cassie and the teenager. Peter almost forgotten that Cassie knew Peter was Spiderman and her father was Antman.

"Yes!" Cassie threw out her arms. "Onward!"

Scott laughed and pointed to the door.

Scott turned to Peter, "Shall we?"

"We shall," Peter grinned. He was beyond nervous, but seeing that Scott was a mellow person, he felt his nerves die a bit.

When they were going downstairs, Cassie looked behind her father's back and grinned at Peter. "Actually, Spider's aren't part of bugs, they're arachnids!"

Scott stopped and looked at his daughter with a shocked expression. "What?"

"It-It's kind of true..." Peter said slowly.

"And you guys didn't bother to tell me a bit earlier?" Scott deadpanned.

Peter laughed, "Sorry, but we can another 'cool' nickname." he suggested.

"The princesses!" Cassie squealed.

Scott looked at his daughter and then at Peter who was laughing out loud. He the shrugged and continued stepping downstairs. "I guess we're the Princesses then."

Cassie swung her legs back and forth as she watched Peter and her dad toy with some devices, and preparing some tools.

"So, all we need to do is implant this device into your suit, run some codes, maybe tinker a bit, and then we can test it out," Scott explained the plan.

"Okay, sounds pretty simple," Peter said, sliding his backpack off and taking out his Spiderman suit. He placed it on the metal table and let Scott smooth it out, before getting a tool out.

"It should be," Scott says, taking a peek at his daughter, who was giving a thumbs up to her father. He winked at her, and then turned his head towards Peter. "You ready?" He asks.

Peter took a breath and determination settled in his eyes.

"Lets do this."

After a few hours of tinkering, trying to find a place to implant the device, they managed too get it done. All they needed to do is the testing. Peter thought the process was going to be hard, but it wasn't, and eventually, after a few hours, he was somewhat relaxed.

Also, Cassie got bored and so she left.

"Whew, that wasn't so bad, huh?" Scott asked, wiping some sweat off his forehead.

Peter laughed and shook his head. "Nah, think it went well."

"Good! Now it's almost 9pm and I know Cassie will kill me if I'm not there to tuck her in for bed. Shall we test it out?"

Peter nodded, taking his suit and walking to the closet to change.

Scott allowed him to change in the closet, turning around too, just in case if it was too cramped.

A few minutes later, Peter came out with his suit on and his mask on as well. Scott turned around and grinned, "Ready Spiderboy?"

"Yep! Ready as ever!"

"Okay, so turn the button a bit to the size you want to be and then press the button." Scott instructed.

Peter fiddled with the button, deciding to be the size of a thumb. With that, he pressed the button and saw some electric sparking around his body. His body felt like someone was lightly pounding his stomach and intestines into smaller sizes.

Before Peter closed his eyes for a moment and when he opened them, he saw gigantic stuff surrounding him. There was a rumble on the floor and he looked up.

"Well, hey there spider." Scott grinned, bending down a bit, taking a front view of Peter.

"Wow! Its so different here!" Peter exclaimed to the man, but it was more of a squeak to Scott. He looked around and took a step forward. It was a bit louder than he wanted it to be, considering he has super good hearing, and he could anything that was danger, but he would just have to get used it when he's in this formation.

Scott chuckled, "Yep! Welcome to my small world, buddy."

"Literally," He breathed out.

"Alright, lets get you back to normal so you can go home." He straightened and letting his back make some crackling noises.

Peter nodded and turned the button before smacking it, but it did nothing. He turned it again and pressed it more lightly. Nothing.

"Um, Scott? Its not working?"

Scott snapped his head down again and looked at the very small kid with concern. "Do it again." He ordered, looking intently at Peter.

Peter did as he was told, but nothing happened. No sparks, no anything.

"W-what's going on?" Peter asked nervously, repeating it over and over again, anxiety spiking up.

"Calm down, kid. We'll fix this. Do you have anything under your suit?"

Peter shook his head fretfully, taking off his mask. Scott could see the fear in the boy's eyes and also a bit of some tears breaking down. Scott ran a hand through his hair and looked up at the stairs.

"I'll be right back. I think Cassie has some doll clothes you can wear for now. Here I can set you up on the counter," Scott said, holding his palms flat on the ground in front of Peter.

The boy hesitantly stepped forward onto Scott's palm.

He felt the air pass him under as Scott's hand lifted up and settled him onto the table. With that, Scott skipped some steps up. Peter had time to reflect. He looked at his hands. They looked normal, but he was definitely not normal. Or at least in size.

"Oh no, oh crap," Peter muttered.

This was so bad. So very bad.

"What am I supposed to tell Mister Stark?" Peter asked no one in particular. A few moments later, Scott came back with some doll clothes that Peter could wear in the mean time.

Scott placed the doll clothes in front of Peter. "Here, it might be a bit scratchy. Sorry..."

"Its fine," Peter croaked, looking at the still baggy clothes. He picked up some pants and looked up at Scott, who was staring at him.

"Uh, Scott?"

Scott shook away his thoughts and his eyes widened. "Oh shi- um, yeah, I'll turn around." With that, he turned his body and bounced himself on his heels, hearing a small, "Thank you," from Peter.

The doll clothes didn't even fit Peter as he put them on. It just looked like a bag over him.

"I can't believe I'm wearing this," Peter muttered, flattening the wrinkled doll clothes on him. It was scratchy too, and all he wanted to do is scratch everywhere.

"Can I turn around?" Scott asked.

Peter only hummed, but barely made a sound to Scott. "Sorry, what?" He asked again.

Peter sighed, and raised his voice, "Yes, I am done!"

The man turned around and frowned, "The clothes don't even fit you?" he asked, furrowing his brow. He saw Peter shake his head and give an exasperated sigh.

"Hey, I'll fix this. No biggie," Scott reassured the boy by bending down, so Peter could meet the man's eyes.

"What about Mister Stark, and Aunt May? She's working almost all day tomorrow, and I can't do anything this small! I don't want her to be worried just because I'm literally a size of a thumb!" Peter squeaked, running a hand over his hair. Scott shushed him. "Hey kid, don't worry. I'm sure Tony will be fine taking care of you. For now, I'll call Tony and let him know that I'm dropping you off, alright?"

Peter looked down, but mumbled an, "Okay," Before Scott patted his tiny head with his finger.

"Don't worry, kid. I'll fix you up in no time."

Peter nodded, but his head still hung low. But, the pat on the head was much different than a ruffle. He was suddenly hit with a realization that he was freaking small. Anything like a shoe or even a finger could harm him.

Or bugs.

Spiders. Flies. Animals. Anything.

Oh, no. He was screwed. Is this what a spider feels like when its vulnerable, because he certainly feels like he's vulnerable.

Peter just hoped that Mister Stark would understand.

Eyy, I had an idea that somehow Peter shrunk and is the size of a spider or thumb due to an accident. I always imagined Scott and Peter being 'Bug Friends' whenever and Cassie would also be good friends with him. Anywho! I know this chapter isn't surrounded by Tony but I promise next chapter will!

See you soon!~