Last time on Total Drama Clash! We were introduced to the 24 heroes and villains that would compete in the latest season of heroes and villains. Some came prepared to win, while others just seemed eager to compete. With the teams split into heroes and villains will the heroes manage to stay heroic? How long until a villain backstabs another villain. What challenge could await them on their first day? Find out all this and more right now on Total Drama Clash!

The theme song begins with several cameras popping out of various locations. A cue card signals the start of transitioning through the island and past Chris

(Dear Mom and Dad I'm doin' fine)

The camera goes past several trees and up the island's large cliff.

(You guys are on my mind)

View transitions to underwater where Ariel is swimming. She leaps out of the water splashing water around.

(You asked me what I wanted to be and now I think the answer is plain to see)

The water from Ariel's splash drenches Sherlock and Frollo who were reading books on a nearby boat.

(I wanna be Famous)

Sherlock and Frollo begin to dry themselves off annoyed, but accidentally crash their boat into a second boat where Super Macho Man was tanning and flexing. The two boats begin to sink.

(I wanna live close to the sun)

In the forest, Adora and Celica are sword fighting. Puss watches them eagerly gripping his sword to challenge the victor. Rouge flies by carrying a stolen gem, and Puss chases after her.

(Well pack your bags cause I've already won)

Their chase goes throughout the forest. They pass by Klavier failing to flirt with Silver, and Hans failing to flirt with Weiss. The two girls walk away annoyed with the two guys.

(Everything to prove nothing in my way)

Outside near the cabins, Jack is relaxing. Harley approaches him, and pulls a prank on him. She runs off and passes outside the Mess Hall.

(I'll get there one day)

Outside the Mess Hall, Allura is watching Leaf play with her Pokemon. The two laugh together.

(Cause I wanna be famous)

Inside the Mess Hall, King Dedede is eating several plates of food. Next to him Yzma is trying out new potions on her unwilling test subject 2D.

(Na nananana nananana nananana)

On the beach, Jotaro is relaxing on a chair. He's napping with his hat covering his face. In the distance Stain is watching him closely, and gripping his knife firmly.

(I wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be famous)

Palpatine and Mystique meet on the docks. The two shake hands, and walk away both smirking at their deal. Palpatine shoots a bolt of lightning at the camera knocking it down and transitioning the sky from day to night.

(I wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be famous)

At night the contestants are all gathered around the campfire. The view gets filled with static, and turns black. Sombra is shown in the camera room smirking as she had hacked the footage. Cut to black and the title shows up.

With the contestants fully introduced and plenty of time before the first challenge, everyone was moving into their cabins. The heroes walked into the right cabin while the villains were in the left. Each cabin was separated so the girls could be on one side, and the boys would be on the other. As each team consisted of six guys and six girls, each cabin came with three bunk beds.

"So how do you want to pick the beds?" Klavier asked the other heroes.

"I don't really care how the rest of you choose to sleep, but I'm taking a top bunk." Jack said.

"HOLD IT!" Klavier shouted out. "That hardly seems fair to the rest of us when there's only three top bunks. Surely there's a better way to pick beds than just calling them." He said.

Jack shook his head and put his suitcase on the nearest top bunk. "You snooze you lose I always say." He told Klavier.

"I'll take the bed under his." Jotaro simply said before moving to rest under Jack's bunk.

Puss looked at the next bunk, and quickly climbed to the top. "I'll take this one." He said. "Perhaps it would be wise for the king to bunk under myself." He added motioning over to King Dedede.

"Well I wanted a top one, but I can take rooming under yours." King Dedede said.

Klavier and Sherlock both looked at the last remaining bunk bed. "Well Herr Holmes would you care for the first pick?" Klavier asked him.

Sherlock analyzed the beds closely before moving to take the bottom bed. "I'm probably going to wake up earlier than you so it'd be much more inconvenient to take the top. Aside from that, the angle at which this bed sits looks to offer a more relaxing sleeping position compared to the top one." He said.

Klavier chuckled and tossed his suitcase up onto the top bunk. "Looks like that was easier than expected. I doubt the villains had it as easy as we did." He said.

Sure enough Klavier was right, and at the villain cabin it was endless arguing over where people would end up sleeping.

"I already told you I'm getting a top one. Only losers sleep on the bottom." Super Macho Man said.

"And I already told you that these cheaply made beds will break from all your muscle weight." Hans said.

"You saying a weigh a lot scrawny?" Super Macho Man asked picking Hans up by his vest.

Stain stepped over, and gripped his knife towards Super Macho Man. "If you threaten another person here I'll make sure you won't ever step into a boxing ring again." He warned.

Super Macho Man huffed and threw Hans against the wall. Hans shook off the pain from hitting the wall and stepped over to offer Stain a handshake. "I can't thank you enough." Hans said.

Stain ignored the handshake and hopped onto a top bunk. "We'd be at a disadvantage if we kept up the infighting. I didn't do it for your sake." He said.

"We'll be lucky if we win at all. A team of villains is asking for nothing but betrayal and treachery. Why was I put on a team with such heathens?" Frollo complained.

Emperor Palpatine laughed sinisterly and turned to Frollo. "You underestimate the power the Dark Side holds." He said.

"I am a sanctimonious man. I do not deal with darkness, and I certainly will not sully myself for this mere game." Frollo said.

"I'm not a fan of being on the villain team either you know." Hans told Frollo. "I've always done what's best for my kingdom, but somehow that makes me a villain in the eyes of those behind this show. Luckily thanks to the new Karma Points you and I only have to survive on the villain team long enough to earn five positive points." He said.


"I'm serious about making it to the hero team as fast as I can. All of the best choices for bachelorette are on the hero team, and as long as they see me as a villain I won't be able to charm them so easily." Hans said.


"So umm... We should probably finish picking our beds." 2D nervously said.


"I don't know what I could've done to land myself on the villain team, but they terrify me to no end. Maybe getting eliminated early isn't that bad of an idea." 2D said.


"Alright let's get this over with. Macho, Frollo, and Palpatine can take the bottom bunks since getting to the top is harder on them. Stain, myself, and 2D can take a bunk over them." Hans suggested.

The team begrudgingly agreed to this layout, and began to unpack their luggage. As for the female villains, they dealt with some issues but not as many compared to what the male villains did.

"Why can't I have the top bed?" Yzma asked the other girls.

"For the last time, you're old and will take forever climbing up there each night." Rogue said.

"Well how come I ain't getting top bed?" Harley asked.

"That's simply because you were too slow. Rogue, Mystique, and myself claimed them first." Silver said as she set up her bed.

"Just take the bed and deal with it. You don't see me complaining." Sombra said.

Harley and Yzma both continued to complain as they set up their beds.

Finally, the female heroes had the easiest time out of everyone setting up their sleeping arrangements. They merely pulled straws to see who would sleep where. Adora had a top bed over Ariel, Celica had a top bed over Allura, and Weiss had a top bed over Leaf. As they were all unpacking Leaf took a look around and sighed deeply.

"Something bothering you?" Allura asked Leaf.

Leaf tilted her head away from then and nodded. "It's just that you're all princesses so I don't really belong here." She said.

"That's nonsense, I'm not a princess." Weiss said.

"And I'm only an honorary princess. Without my sword I'm no different from you." Adora added.

Celica approached Leaf and put her hand on Leaf's shoulder comfortingly. "I may be a queen now, but I once lived at a church, and before that in a small village. If I've learned anything it's that the common person can often be stronger than any royal or mobility." She said.

Ariel nodded also helping cheer Leaf up. "I still have a lot to learn about the surface world, but every day I'm surprised by how amazing the people up here are." She said.

Leaf lifted her head up and smiled. "Thanks for the support. I'm used to being surrounded by people better than me. Two of my childhood friends have even gone on to become champion trainers. I wasn't sure how well I'd do, but as long as we're all together we'll get though the game just fine." She said.

"We should probably go head over to the Mess Hall for something to eat before our first challenge." Allura said.

Ariel eagerly clapped her hands together. "That's a great idea. I can't wait to see what kind of food we'll be served." She said.

At the Mess Hall, everyone was seated except for the female heroes who just arrived. When they entered Klavier stood up and waved to get their attention. They sat with the other heroes, and the villains sat together across the room.

"It's about time you Fräuleins made it here." Klavier told them.

"Some of us like to take our time unpacking." Adora said. "Besides, what's the big rush?" She asked.

"I think the angry and impatient Chef is the big rush." Hans answered from across the room.

Sure enough, in the kitchen Chef stood angrily looking at the contestants. "About time you arrived!" He yelled at the female heroes. "Now that everyone's here I won't have to repeat myself. There's three rules in my kitchen." Chef said as he held a meat cleaver and pounded it into his hand. "Number one I make the food. Number two you eat the food. And number three, you all sit down and shut up about the food." He yelled. "Now get in line and get your food."

One by one the contestants picked up their food tray and received the days meal. Their reaction to the food was a mix of surprise and disappointment. When Sherlock got his plate, he immediately turned to Chef dissatisfied.

"Are we expected to be well nourished on this sloppy grovel?" Sherlock asked Chef.

Chef growled and pointed his meat cleaver at Sherlock. "Were you not listening to my rules? What didn't you understand?" He asked.

"Well yes I did hear them, but clearly you are the one not understanding." Sherlock said. "Your little act of intimidation might work on the teenagers you typically work with but it's pointless on us. It's especially futile considering the vast number of super human contestants that you pose no threat to." He explained.

"The guys right, even Arkham serves better food than this." Harley said.

Super Macho Man approached Chef and threw his plate on the ground. "You trying to sabotage my image by ruining my workout diet?" He asked Chef.

Chef began to nervously sweat seeing the growing number of angry looks, especially from the villains. "You'll to take any complaints to Chris. He's the one who makes me cook this slop." Chef said before heading back to his kitchen.


"As if working with those kids wasn't bad enough now I've got to deal with super-powered freaks and villains. I am not getting paid enough for this." Chef complained.


Chris walked into the Mess Hall not long after and was greeted by the angry glares of several contestants. "What's the matter with all of you?" He asked them.

"What's the matter with us is the pathetic excuse for food that you're trying to serve us." Jack said holding up his plate.

"Well it wouldn't be Total Drama if you weren't dealing with Chef's cooking." Chris said laughing sadistically.

Super Macho Man marched over and stared down Chris. "You better give us some real food if you know what's good little man." He threatened.

"No can do, you all signed the contract including the food section." Chris said.

"OBJECTION!" Klavier yelled out. "There's no food section in the contract. I should know I read it thoroughly." He said.

"Well maybe not a food section, but you all did sign a contract warning below average living condition. That includes poor food." He said.

Klavier slammed the wall behind him in frustration. "He's right about that. We did sign it so there's no use in complaining." He said.

"So what you honestly expect us to eat this drivel?" Frollo asked.

"I do not think this food is even cat friendly." Puss in Boots pointed out.

The Mess Hall erupted into chaotic arguing about Chef's cooking and the food. Chris yawned in boredom, and looked at his watch to see how long the arguing would continue. Eventually, Jotaro broke up the chaos with a loud yell.

"Will everyone just shut up and eat the damn food already!" He yelled at them.


"I don't know what all the arguing was about, I loved the food." King Dedede said eating another plate of food.


Jotaro tipped his hat forward and ate his meal in peace. Weiss looked at him disgusted. "You can't honestly be enjoying that." She told Jotaro.

"Sorry this isn't up to your prissy little standards, but in case you haven't noticed it's all we've got." Jotaro told Weiss.

Weiss gasped at the comment. "What did you just say to me?' She angrily asked him.

"You heard me just fine, now shut up and eat." Jotaro said.


"The nerve of him saying I have prissy standards. Who does he think he is. Not to mention the way he yells at everyone. I doubt it'll be long before he goes to the villain team." Weiss said.


As everyone reluctantly ate through their plate Chris walked to the center of the Mess Hall. "Now that you've all accepted your eating quality for the game, get ready for your first challenge. Meet me at the beach in thirty minutes and be prepared for our first Clash!" He said.

"Wonder what the first challenge will be." Allura said as she finished up her plate of food.

"Whatever it is, don't expect to see a victory today." Sombra told her.

Allura chuckled and shook her head. "What makes you so sure that you're going to be winning today?" She asked.

"Your team might have the better co-operation, but it's clear the villains have the stronger players." Sombra said.

"Well you'd better bring your A-game, because the Harrowing Hydrangeas are winning today." Adora taunted.


"Those heroes seem to be so sure of themselves, but I doubt any of them are even fit to be called a hero. I'll crush them until nothing remains." Stain said putting his knife up to his mouth.


At the beach, everyone gathered eager to see what the first challenge could possibly be. The Harrowing Hydrangeas stood at the right of Chris while the Scheming Sassafras were at his left. Chris held his megaphone up and yelled into it.

"I hope you're all ready because for the heroes and villains to Clash!" Chris yelled.

"Will you get on with the challenge already?" Silver complained.

"Sheesh, always so impatient." Chris responded. "Now then as this is a heroes vs villains game and as the show's title suggests this season challenges are going to be mostly made up of clashes between the teams. What better way to start then with a little one-on-one combat." Chris explained.

Sherlock analyzed the beach, and noticed a stage platform built in the center. "Let me guess, the stage is for the fights to be held, and the winner is whoever can knock the opponent off the stage." He guessed.

Chris laughed and shook his head. "That'd be too easy. The stage is just to make the fights easier to watch, but the fight doesn't end until someone is unconscious, or they give up. There will be 12 random fights and whoever wins the most wins the challenge." He explained.

"What happens in the event of a tie where both teams win 6 fights?" Allura asked.

"We'll have a special tiebreaker fight with each team sending in their best fighter." He explained.

Super Macho Man laughed and flexed his muscles. "This challenge was made for me. The rest of you sit back and watch how a champ wins." He boasted.

"Let's get on with the first fight." Chris said. He spun two wheels one with the heroes faces on it, and the other with the villains faces on it. When the wheels stopped spinning, the first match up was Klavier Gavin vs 2D.


"Just my luck that I'm the first one to go. I'd better find some way to beat that German lawyer, or I'm done for." 2D said swearing nervously.


Klavier and 2D stepped onto the stage and looked at each other as the fight began.

"Achtung Baby, I'm not much of a fighter, but don't think that means you'll get easy win." Klavier said playing an air guitar.

2D gulped, and took a cautious stance as he approached Klavier. "I don't think a lawyer could ever handle the roaring crowd of a Gorillaz concert." He said.

"OBJECTION! I may not know what a Gorillaz concert is like, but I've faced my own roaring crowd of adoring fans at plenty of Gavinner concerts." Klavier told him playing another air guitar.

"You play in a band?" 2D asked.

Klavier shook his head and smiled. "I don't just play, I'm the lead guitar and lead singer for the Gavinners. Where do you think the name comes from?" He asked.


"So he's charming, German, he's a lawyer, and he's the head of his own band. I wonder if there's any openings in his band." 2D sighed.


Klavier held his guard up as 2D approached him. 2D charged forward, but seeing an opportunity Klavier extended his foot to trip 2D. 2D tumbled off the stage having lost his balance, and collapsed on the beach below.

"Well it looks like Klavier wins, but since he won with a dirty tactic, that'll give him a negative Karma Point." Chris said.


"Ouch, barley the first challenge and already a negative Karma Point. This system really does favour the villains." Klavier said shaking his head.


"Moving on to our second match we have Harley Quinn vs King Dedede." Chris announced.

Harley and King Dedede made their way onto the stage ready to fight.

"You don't scare me, I've fought things bigger, dumber, and uglier than you." Harley told him.

"Well I've fought things smaller, smarter, and cuter than you." Dedede argued back.

King Dedede pulled out his hammer while Harley pulled out her mallet.

"Where did they get those from?" 2D asked to no real answer.

Harley and King Dedede exchanged blows laughing heartedly as they did.

"You ain't so bad with that thing Kingy." Harley told King Dedede.

"Same to you Harley." King Dedede said. "Too bad I've got to end this." He said.

King Dedede began to inhale sucking Harley close to him. Harley planted her mallet into the ground in an attempt to fight King Dedede's strong inhaling. Her plan worked for a bit, but soon she began to lose her grip on her mallet.

"I wanted to save this for later, but I guess it's time." Harley said. She grabbed a pie that she had and threw it at King Dedede. He inhaled the pie entirely, and once he did an explosion went off in his stomach knocking him out.

Chris grinned in amazement. "What just happened there?" He asked.

"Exploding pie. I wanted to save it for later in the game, but Kingy was tough." Harley said.


"Kingy put up a good fight, and that hammer of his was just as nice as my mallet. Maybe the heroes aren't all lame brains after all." Harley said.


"With one win each, let's move onto round three featuring Jotaro vs Super Macho Man." Chris announced.

Super Macho Man flexed his muscles as he walked up the stage. Jotaro put his hands in his pockets as he walked to the fight.


"Good grief, out of everyone I could have fought I had to get stuck with the loudmouth muscle head. I don't normally use my stand against people who aren't stand users, but it looks like be making a few exceptions here." Jotaro said.


"You'd better give up now if you like your face the way it is." Super Macho Man told Jotaro.

Jotaro took his hands out of his pocket and walked towards Super Macho Man. "Good grief, do you ever shut up?" Jotaro asked him.

"You won't be talking so tough after I..." Super Macho Man started to say before he was thrown back by a strong invisible punch. He took a step forward, but was punched again. Soon a volley of punches were thrown at Super Macho Man each as invisible as the last.

The contestants watching looked in shock and confusion as Jotaro seemed to be fighting Super Macho Man without even moving.

"I'm not too sure what Jotaro is doing, but Herr Muscles seems to be in over his head." Klavier said.

"It serves him right for talking so much and not being able to back it up." Silver said.

Super Macho Man growled in frustration, and slammed the ground shaking the arena. "Enough with your cheap tricks. Fight me like a real man." He yelled at Jotaro.

"You're not worth my time." Jotaro said turning around. As Super Macho Man angrily charged at him, he was punched fiercely once more causing him to stagger backwards and collapse unconscious.


Super Macho Man sat in the confessional bruised and battered from the fight. "That punk cheated. In a fair fight I'd have clobbered him. I might hate that runt Mac, but at least he puts up a fair fight." He complained.


"Jotaro you have got to tell us how you did that." Celica said.

Jotaro put his hands in his pocket and kept on walking. "That's not an easy answer. Maybe another time." He said.

"After Jotaro's insane beat down of Super Macho Man, let's have Hans vs Leaf." Chris announced.

Hans smirked as he headed onto the stage, while Leaf trembled from fear and gripped her pokeball tightly. Picking up on the fear Leaf showed Hans grinned.


"Easy Karma Point here I come." Hans said.


"I'm sorry Chris, but I have to concede the fight." Hans said.

"What!" The Scheming Sassafras team members yelled out.

Hans extended his hand out pointing towards Leaf. "A gentleman such as myself could never fight a lady, especially not one as young and afraid as her." He said.

"Well that gives the Harrowing Hydrangeas another point, and it'll also give Hans a positive Karma Point." Chris said.

Hans took his place with his team, and was met with glares from his teammates. "Great job giving them a free point." Sombra sarcastically said.

"Excuse me for believing in chivalry." Hans said. "I told you all from the start I don't belong on the villain team, so don't expect me to act like any of you." He said.

"Hans and Leaf may have had a non-fight, but our next match looks to be a good one. Let's have Adora vs Sombra." Chris announced.

Adora arrived on the stage and held her sword up high. "For the honor of Greyskull!" She shouted. Suddenly, Adora transformed into She-Ra, a giant 8 foot woman with enhanced strength.

"Nice costume change, but that isn't going to help you here." Sombra taunted. She threw a small box across the stage, and suddenly turned invisible.

Adora looked around trying to find where Sombra went, but got pelted in the back with an array of bullets from Sombra's gun. She-Ra turned around hoping to block the bullets with her sword, but Sombra had already moved to shoot from a different angle. Each time that She-Ra figured out where the bullets were coming from, Sombra seemed to move elsewhere at an instant.

"How is Sombra moving faster than Adora can find her?" Allura asked watching the fight.

"It's almost as though Sombra is moving instantly." Celica commented.

She-Ra continued to observe and do the best she could at minimizing the damage dealt to her from Sombra's bullets. Eventually, she had an idea, and threw her sword in the same direction Sombra had previously thrown her box. She-Ra's sword fell to the ground revealing Sombra in the process, and also destroying her teleporter.

"I've got you now." She-Ra said.

"How'd you figure out I was teleporting?" Sombra asked backing up now that she was on the defensive.

"A good friend of mine is a teleporter, and I figured that was the only way you could be moving around so fast. As for how I knew where you were going that was a gamble based on that little box you threw. There was a good chance that was connected to your teleporting and it looks like I was right." She-Ra explained.

Sombra looked around trying to find an opening as She-Ra approached her. Seeing no other option Sombra picked up She-Ra's sword, and instantly recognized it as technology.

"Well, it looks like this sword of yours offers more than meets the eye." Sombra said.

"Good luck getting it to do what you want. The sword of She-Ra only works for me." She-Ra told Sombra.

Sombra smirked and activated a small panel on her glove to hack into She-Ra's sword. By hacking the sword she sent a negative shock directly to She-Ra that not only turned her back into Adora, but rendered her unconscious as well.


"That sword was an interesting piece of tech. I wonder what other technology the people here are hiding for me to use against them." Sombra said.


"I knew that was going to be a good fight." Chris said. "Let's keep things going with Jack Atlas vs Yzma." Chris announced.

Yzma laughed evilly as she went up the stage while Jack just looked at her in disbelief.

"Why did I have to be the one to face the old lady." Jack complained.

Yzma kept laughing evilly and pulled out a purple vial. "You won't be winning as long as I have this." She said pointing at the vial. "First I'll use this to turn you into a cockroach. Then I'll build a bomb shelter and once I'm inside I'll drop a nuclear bomb on you. Of course as a cockroach you'll survive the bomb, but when you least expect it I'll come out of the bomb shelter and smash you with a hammer." She explained laughing harder. "This plan can't fail. It's brilliant brilliant brilliant!" She yelled.

Jack rolled his eyes and strapped his duel disk onto his arm. On it he played a card. "Let's end this Red Dragon Archfiend." Jack said summoning his dragon. The shockwave from the holographic dragon sent Yzma flying back ending the fight.

"Six fights down, six to go with the Harrowing Hydrangeas holding a steady lead." Chris announced. "For fight number seven we have Judge Frollo vs Sherlock Holmes." He said.

Sherlock stood on the stage awaiting his opponent, but Frollo was not moving from his spot with the Scheming Sassafras.

"Perhaps you're heard of hearing, but we are supposed to be having a duel right now." Sherlock told Frollo.

Frollo scoffed and stood in his spot. "I am a righteous and holy man, I do not fight." He said.

"You do realize if you concede this point to Sherlock that you'll be putting your team at a major disadvantage don't you?" Chris asked him.

"That is no concern to me. I shall win this game without sullying my purity as the common vulgar weak man would." Frollo said.


"Why would he even compete in the game if he isn't going to compete in the challenges?" Silver asked irritated. "At least there's ample fodder if we lose." She said.


Chris shrugged and Sherlock stepped down to rejoin his team. "With Frollo conceding to Sherlock, the Scheming Sassafras are in a tough spot. They have to win every single one of the five remaining fights to win the challenge." He announced. "Let's see how they do with Silver Sable vs Celica." He said.

Silver and Celica looked at each other unsure of what to expect from the fight. Silver made the first move dropping a smoke bomb that hid her from Celica's sight.

"Nice try, but you'll need more than that." Celica said.

Celica lifted her hand up and cast a small wind spell to dispel the smoke Silver had created. Once Silver was in her sight, she followed it up with a powerful fire spell that hit Silver directly. Silver was blown back by the fire spell, and struggled to get up from the blow.

"This isn't over yet." Silver weakly said as she coughed from the smoke and fire. She pulled out a small gun and aimed it at Celica. Celica shot another fire spell at Silver's hand making her drop the gun before she could fire it.

"Concede the fight as I don't want to hurt you more than I already have." Celica said as she pointed her sword in front of Silver.

Silver laughed and shook her head. "You're a powerful warrior, but that compassion of yours is your downfall. You should've finished me when you had the chance." She said. Silver pulled out a taser and shocked Celica with it. As Celica continued to get shocked, Silver extended a baton and beat Celica until she collapsed to the ground.


"I should not have won that fight even after I got the upper hand. Celica doesn't seem like the type to go down from a taser and baton so why would she give me the match?" Silver asked herself."


"A surprise comeback from Silver after Celica's victory seemed certain." Chris said. "With only four fights left let's see who comes out on top between Rogue the Bat and Puss In Boots." He said.

"The victory of the villains ends now as you face Puss In Boots." Puss told Rogue.

Rogue smirked and flew around the stage. "Well have to see if you can catch me first kitty cat." She taunted.


"There's still something so familiar about a cat and a bat flirting with each other as they fight, but I can't figure out why." Harley said.


Puss jumped to try and reach Rogue, but as much as he tried he couldn't reach the flying bat. Rogue swooped down to claw at Puss, and flew back up before he could counter-attack.

"What's the matter kitty cat, I thought you were going to end our winning streak." Rogue taunted from the air.

"The fight has not yet ended señorita, and while you may have the advantage for now victory shall be mine." Puss said.

When Rogue swooped down to slash at Puss again, Puss drew his sword and prepared to slash. Rogue pulled herself back up to avoid getting hit by the sword, but her change in momentum gave Puss the perfect opportunity to pounce on her and take her out of the sky. Puss pinned her on the ground and Rogue struggled to get free.

"Keep her pinned until she concedes." Leaf said cheering on Puss.

"Alright you've got me good Kitty Kat, but there's still one trick I have left." Rogue said.

Rogue adjusted herself in Puss's grip so that her wings would be free. She used the last of her willpower to fly into the air with Puss still grabbing onto her. Once in the air she flew over the ocean. Puss seeing where this was going began to panic.

"You aren't taking us into the ocean are you?" He asked Rogue.

"That's the idea kitty cat. Unless of course you're willing to concede the fight." Rogue said.

Puss looked back at the ocean they were slowly approaching and nodded to Rogue's condition.


"A most dishonorable defeat. I underestimated the treasure hunter." Puss said holding his hat in shame.


"I thought you had that fight for sure." Adora told Puss.

"As did I, but I did not anticipate her being able to fly while in my grip." Puss said.

"Looks like the villains might just pull back the victory after all. Three more fights to go and now it's Emperor Palpatine vs Ariel." Chris said.

As the two fighters arrived on the stage, they had a drastically different expression. Ariel looked concerned about hurting Palpatine, while Palpatine seemed unphased and was chuckling to himself sinisterly.

"I really hope you concede, I don't want to hurt you." Ariel told Palpatine.

Palpatine continued to chuckle sinisterly before extending his hand out. As he did Ariel was pushed off the stage and into the ocean. Landing in the ocean turned her from human form into mermaid form.

"Not the best idea, now she's in her natural element." Allura commented.

Palpatine's sinister chuckle turned into a full evil laugh as he extended both of his hands towards Ariel and fired lightning at her. Since she was in the ocean, and in mermaid form the pain she felt from the electricity was magnified.

"Looks like Palpie's making fish sticks." Harley commented watching as Ariel could only scream in pain.

"You have to call off the fight before she's hurt." Hans yelled at Chris.

Chris shrugged and continued to watch the fight. "No can do. It's either she concedes or falls unconscious." He said.

"OBJECTION!" Klavier yelled out. "At this rate she's more likely to die before she falls unconscious." He said.

Chris continued to shrug off the complaints only watching. Palpatine showed no signs of slowing down the amount of lightning he was hitting and Ariel continued to scream out in pain. It seemed to be over for the mermaid when Palpatine's onslaught of lightning abruptly ended. He had been stabbed in the shoulder by Puss in Boots' sword.

"I cannot allow you to harm the señorita any longer." Puss told him.

Palpatine pulled the sword out his shoulder and tossed it on the ground before walking away. The Harrowing Hydrangeas rushed over to make sure Ariel was fine. Though it was faint, she still had a heartbeat.


"It was no concern of mine what happened to her. This was only the start. Soon enough they will all fear the power of the Dark Side." Palpatine said.


"That wasn't a fight, it was a slaughter. The ratings are going to be huge and this is only the beginning." Chris said. Noticing the glares surrounding him from heroes and villains alike he cleared his throat and smiled. "For going to far Palpatine gets a negative Karma Point, and Puss in Boots gets a positive Karma Point for saving his teammate." He said saving face. "Let's take care of the last two fights starting with Weiss vs Stain." Chris announced.

"Weiss we need to be careful. If the villains win the next two they'll have won the challenge." Leaf told Weiss.

Weiss nodded and confidently headed onto the stage. Stain observed her carefully and pulled out his knife.

"Tell me hero, do you find yourself worthy of the title you've been given?" Stain asked Weiss notable spite in his tone when he said the word hero.

"What kind of a question is that?" Weiss asked him. "Let's just get to the fight." She said.

Stain griped his knife and rushed towards Weiss. She fired several rounds of dust from her sword at him, but he dodged all of them. As Stain closed in on Weiss, she created several glyphs and used them to jump away from Stain. Unfortunately for Weiss, Stain jumped after her and slashed her with his knife. He put the knife up to his mouth and when he did Weiss fell to the ground. Stain approached her and brandished his knife dangerously.

"Disappointing, but not unexpected. You don't deserve to be called a hero." Stain said. He put his knife up to Weiss, but turned it and hit her with the blunt half knocking her unconscious.

"These fights keep getting better and better." Chris said. "With the villains managing to take the lead the heroes need a win just to tie things up. Our final fight for the first Clash is Mystique vs Allura." Chris announced.

The final fight looked to be an intense one. As the final fighters faced off Mystique pulled a smoke bomb similar to the one that Silver had used in her fight. She dropped it covering the stage in smoke. While the fight between Allura and Mystique could not be seen, what seemed to be a tough fight was heard. Suddenly, Allura was heard crying out in pain.

"I'll concede, but end the torture!" Allura could be heard shouting. As the smoke dissipated, Allura was unconscious, and Mystique stood over her victorious.

"The Scheming Sassafras win the first challenge!" Chris announced. "Harrowing Hydrangeas I'll see you at elimination." He said.

Allura got up and rejoined her team. "What happened in that last fight fräulein?" Klavier asked Allura.

"I'm not too sure since it was hard to see." Allura answered.


Allura sat in the confessional smirking. "Please end the torture." She sarcastically said. Allura's figure in the confessional began to morph until Mystique sat in her place. "That was almost too easy. A good thing I stole one of those smoke bombs. As long as they remain unaware of my abilities victory is guaranteed." Mystique said.


Before elimination, the Harrowing Hydrangeas gathered outside the cabins to discuss how they would vote.

"Let's not waste any time, who are we voting for?" Jotaro bluntly asked.

Weiss glared at Jotaro. "You could be a bit kinder you know. This loss isn't easy on any of." She told him.

"Jotaro's right, the sooner we decide our vote the sooner we can get ready to win next time." Jack said.

Klavier looked down and slammed his fist against the cabin wall. "We shouldn't have lost, but those villains fought more ruthless than we ever would. As much as I hate to say it voting for someone who lost their match is the best option and that's one of the fräuleins." He said.

"It wasn't just us, King Dedede and Puss also lost their fights." Adora pointed out.

"Pointing fingers isn't going to get us anywhere, and is a waste of time." Sherlock said. "Instead of just looking at who lost their fight let's also pay attention to who it was they were fighting against." He suggested.

Ariel kept her head down and sighed. "You can vote for me. I know I did the worst today." She said.

Klavier shook his head. "After what you want through today fräulein it would be cruel of us to eliminate you." He said.

"If we're looking at the worst performance, I'm still trying to wrap my head around how Celica lost to Silver." Sherlock said. "She dominated the entire fight, yet was defeated by a simple taser and baton?" Sherlock asked them.

"Perhaps Fräulein Silver has more up her sleeve than we're giving her credit for. I doubt her majesty would throw the match." Klavier argued.

"How about Allura, we didn't get to see her fight, and she can't even remember how it went down." King Dedede said.

"If we don't know how the fight went can we really vote for off for losing?" Celica argued.

Jack glanced over at Puss. "For being a supposedly great adventurer Puss got outplayed by that bat." He said.

Puss took of his hat and held it against his chest. "It's true that I failed a match that was in my favor, but allow me to prove my worth in the future." He said.

"We can't eliminate Puss after he helped saved me." Ariel protested.

"You do realize we have to vote for someone. We can't keep defending every person that gets suggested." Jotaro said.

"Well it's not like this is an easy vote. Even the people who lost put up a good fight and have something to offer." Leaf said.

Jotaro pulled on his hat and stood up heading to vote. "Then we'll just vote however we want and let chance choose the loser." He said.


"This is such a hard vote. Hopefully we can win before we need to vote anyone else off." Leaf said.


"I might be wasting my vote, but I'm voting for Jotaro. He's a strong teammate, but his attitude is just unbearable. People say I'm cold, but he takes unsociable to a new level." Weiss said.


"It seems the villains have taken the lead. We'll see how long that lasts because while they may have strength today showed their dysfunction is only beginning." Sherlock said.


At the campfire ceremony, the Harrowing Hydrangeas sat anxious to see who it was that would be eliminated. Chris stood at the front holding 11 marshmallow on a plate.

"Our heroes have fallen, and here they sit ready for elimination. The votes have been cast. If you hear your name called you are safe. If not the you have been eliminated from Total Drama Clash!" Chris announced. "Safe with no votes we have Klavier, Jack, Leaf, Ariel, Weiss, Sherlock, and Puss in Boots." He said.

The 7 contestants that were called without votes stepped forward to pick up their marshmallows.

"Also safe with less than three votes are Jotaro, and King Dedede" Chris announced.

As they received their marshmallows, only three contestants remained.

"We're down to three. Celica you lost a fight that you seemed to be winning. Allura nobody saw what happened in your fight. Adora, you got beat while you were an 8 foot warrior. Each of you has plenty of reason to go. The votes have been cast, and the first person eliminated from Total Drama Clash is...
































Allura." Chris revealed.

Allura hung her head in defeat and stood up ready to accept her elimination.

"I cannot blame any of you for eliminating me. Without seeing the fight I had, and without myself being able to recall its events you had little to judge me on compared to everyone else." Allura said.

Allura walked next to Chris where he pointed her to a strange pad. "Say hello to this seasons elimination method. Stepping on this pad will teleport you off the island and to a secure location you'll be staying at until the game ends." He explained.

"That's not exactly a humiliating or dangerous method of elimination." Sherlock pointed out.

"It isn't, but I wasn't put in charge of eliminations. This thing was donated to us and the producers didn't want it to go to waste." Chris explained.

Allura stepped onto the teleportation pad and in a flash of light she was gone. The Harrowing Hydrangeas walked back to their cabin in silence lamenting their defeat.

"One down and 23 more to go. Will the Harrowing Hydrangeas be able to come back from defeat, or will the Scheming Sassafras continue to dominate. Will Jotaro reveal the secret of his ability, and will Palpatine continue to showcase the power he wields. Find out all this and more on the next Total Drama Clash!" Chris said ending the episode.

Karma Points

6: Puss in Boots

5: Adora, Ariel, Celica, King Dedede, Jack, Jotaro, Leaf, Sherlock, and Weiss

4: Klavier

-4: Hans

-5: Frollo, Mystique, Harley, Rouge, Silver, Stain, Sombra, Super Macho Man, Yzma, and 2D

-6: Emperor Palpatine

Apologies to all fans of Allura. It was hard picking a first elimination since everyone was so good and I had plans for quite a few. In the end Allura is the person I know the least about since I never finished Voltron, and she was also someone I had few plans for.

A/N: I bet you thought this story was dead, but it was just in hibernation. Before I could start writing the story I needed to get the elimination order set and that was a painful task to do. It is no exaggeration when I say I made at least 15 elimination orders, but kept scrapping them being unhappy with how far certain people went compared to others. I chose some great characters for this, and not many are really fodder characters. I want to do so much with so many, but unfortunately some have to be early outs. I think the elimination order I settled on is a good one and now that it's ready I can work on the story at a better place. Sorry for the wait, and I hope you'll continue to follow this clash of heroes and villains.