Hi again everyone.

Imageveiwer here bringing to you another one of my works that I've recently working on with the inspired help from Ascension of the Predacons and the cover image belonging to Naihaan who made the amazing image the main character is modelled after along with the story it was inspired on.

This is an experimental fic with same attention as my other secondary fic's if not less depending on your reviews.

And finally the cover image is labelled as KTE: Unicron by Naihaan on Deviant art. Check out all of his amazing works if you can.

now without further ado let me give you.

Transformers Prime Return of the Dark lords

Much that we know about the origins of our race is scarce and lost to time with only the common knowledge that all cybertronians know.

Before the decepticons and the Autobots, before the war and before the creation of our race there was cybertron. The great and magnificent home of all transformers but it wasn't populated by our kind but by two being's.

In the beginning two great and powerful titans walked it's surface, their origins unknown but their names and terrible might known. There was primus, creator of the primes and the cybertronian race.

Then there was his counterpart, Unicron the chaos bringer, the destroyer of worlds.

These god-like titans battled upon our world, their fights and skirmishes helped to shape our world, during their endless stalemate's Primus our creator created 13 champions to aid him in his fight against unicron.

These champions were the first of the primes. The 13 original primes, blessed with the powers of their creator they joined his fight and pushed the chaos bringer back.

However Primus wasn't the only one with the ability to create life, Unicron seeing that his bitter enemy had created warriors to aid him in his endless struggle created champions of his own.

13 embodiments of chaos and of destruction, each just as dangerous as the last with the first amongst them being they're leader.

They are known by many titles that reflect their ability and need for chaos and destruction.

These 13 Destroyers of Unicron did battle with the 13 primes of primus and an eon long battle ensured, weapons were created on both sides causing an endless shifting balance of power to continue until finally in one last ditch effort Primus and the 13 primes defeated and banished Unicron into the dark recesses of space.

Without their creator with them, the 13 Dark Lords were captured and seal into specially made prisons before being exiled into worm holes.

Vulcan The first Born of Unicron's champion's was the bane of primes and then enemy of order, his power was second to that of his creator and master.

Arachnida 2nd of the champions and Arkkanis's wife and second in commanded, her cunning matched by her deadly venom that eats through any material it comes into contact with..

The Eternal Devourer and father to the metal eating swarms known as Scraplets, his unquenchable hunger could never be sated.

The Titan of Destruction, a warrior of immeserable strength and power that could shatter worlds with a single blow.

The Toxic master of Plague's who brings with him untold pestilence where ever he walks, Tox-en is said to be life blood.

The Scourge of life, a walking abomination of cybertonic horror with the ablitity to manipulate his own being into whatever he desires.

The Orcistrateor of Insanity. A walking monster of madness that inducing a plague of insanity and unimaginable instability on whom ever he targets.

The Trickster of Deception. A nefarious deceiver with a desire to induce chaos and doubt within her targets.

The Heathen of Truth. A living wretch that sows doubt and mistrust amongst those who listen to her words.

The Sadistic Punisher. A brutish sadist that takes pleasure in the suffering of others.

The Apex Predator. A mindless animal that stalks and mauls it's victims with brutal efficiently and sadistic toying.

The Lord of fear and dread. A beast of untold horror and terror that strikes dread into whomever sees him.

The Faceless Master of Death. A being as nameless as he is faceless with the powers over the dead and the desire to steal the faces of others.

These 13 embodiments have long since been a lingering fear in the sparks and minds of those who dare not to utter their name in fear that they would return as Prophesised by the Ancient who saw their re-ascension from the farthest corner's of the galaxy to answer their maker's command.

I hope you all have enjoyed the Prologue and have a general idea of where this story will go, if not then the next chapter coming shortly will.

On a related note I have to ask you my fans, followers and viewers on what to name the 10 dark lords that truly describes them, also what form should I give them other then these guy's that I already have in mind *The Toxic Master. The Faceless Master of Death And the Eternal Devourer*.

Please review your opinions and idea's on them.