Chapter Three: Training

His unusual luck interfered again.

The battle inside the Department of Mysteries had been a trap fueled by fear of the vision feed to him by Voldemort.

It was foolish. He should have known better.

A trap. Voldemort used the vision to ensnare Harry. His friends dragged into a battle which they could not win. Hermione warned him about jumping in without stopping to thinking. It led to them being ambushed by the Death Eaters and cornered, forced to fight for their lives and defend the object from Voldemort's grasp.

Ron knocked into those strange brain things, everyone else held hostage by the Death Eaters forced to submit.

It was luck alone that saved them. The Order arrived taking on the Death Eaters Sirius showing up (angrily) urging him to get to safety, protecting him from Bellatrix. He vehemently wanting him to escape leaving the fight to the Order.

Harry did not want to risk leaving Sirius behind. He had lost much already.

Fate proved to be a cruel master Bellatrix ruthlessly attacked Sirius in murderous glee attempting a final move flinging a spell.

Harry flung himself forwards pushing his godfather out of the way feeling his body jerk backwards from the spell falling backwards into the veil losing all sense of recollection. He remembered a hand reaching out trying to grab onto Sirius. His vision blurred and well into darkness. Harry's consciousness went dark.

He remembered falling. Falling backwards not knowing or understanding what was happening, he could not think during that point just feel. The strong arms holding him close, jolting his nerves awake. There had been fumbling about barely capable of opening his eyes yet glimpsing a dark shirt with a giant S symbol on the chest. Harry's vision gave out unable to keep conscious while hearing voices echoed in snippets, unfortunately, unable to focus enough to understand. He could tell that had been people one female, the rest male. Jarring movements, angry noises similar to a vacuum, irritating him enough and stirred him awake, discovering to be in a strange purple, metallic room laying on a chair.

A girl cursing herself murmuring and thinking aloud to herself about this 'Mister Twister'. The image of the screen revealed the red robot with a vacuum sound. He caught the boy in black another with red hair and googles a third boy with blonde hair and a red shirt and lastly a younger boy with a jacket. Together they were fighting against the attacker and seemed to have little to no success.

Maybe that's why Harry had to help… wanted to help fight to return the favour.

The plan had been a simple one. Distracting the enemy long enough to disburse among themselves gathering ground out of sight, allowing each of them to target at different points to throw off the enemy's sense and ability to manoeuvre allowing them to take out this Mister Twister. Once the details of the plan relayed to the rest (Thanks to M'gann's telepathy) all of them set things in motion and pulled off without a hitch.

Unfortunately, the Justice League arrived less than thrilled.

These adults wearing strange costumes stood before them carrying themselves with confidence, eyeing him with wariness and disapproval from the man in the cowl throwing a look at the boy in the jacket (Robin). From what he could tell the Justice League were apparently rather high and respected individuals.

Harry did not fathom why anyone would wear underwear on the outside while wearing spandex.

There had been a man wearing a similar insignia as Superboy, whose eyes lit with genuine happiness immediately dashed once the man turned away deliberately ignoring him. His eyes narrowed at the man with the cape.

The sheer magnitude of charisma that Batman wielded had been impressive. Immediately subduing the group into obeying without raising his voice or talking down, a firmness crept in his tone that held no room for argument and lead them towards a hallway leading into a conference room. Immediately upon arrival instructed to wait outside until further noticed and left them for what felt like the longest five minutes. Harry had not been in the mood being blinded sided by a bunch of adults parading around in costumes and putting him on trial. Inwardly gathering his courage preparing for the bombarded of questions.

Harry refused to play into their hands.

Once entering the conference room there had been a bizarre pause. Taking the moment to familiarize himself with the faces around him and noticed the rather outlandish costumes each of them donned, while robes might not be normal in the muggle world he somehow doubted that their costumes were any better. And the interrogation went from there.

The trial went on for a good half-hour to a full hour bantering back and forth with these various people, answering their questions to the best of his ability though kept several details to himself. The questions darting back and forth held points which were indisputable, the man with the insignia as Superboy, now known as Superman, desperately seemed to want to pin him as a threat. While not able to blame the man for disbelieving, his words and mannerisms were laughable unable to take the man seriously, though admittedly his opinion on the man was rather low even the dismissive attitude Superman showed to his new friend and felt the sudden desire to reciprocate the attitude. It might have been childish, even petulant from others despite that Harry felt a slight surge of vindication for Superboy and earned a glare from Superman.

Harry felt rather smug about getting beneath the man's skin.

That had been when things took for a strange turn. The man with the blue cape who held a similar appearance to M'gann suggested entering his mind revealing the events which occurred. His body stiffened at the thought the very idea of someone going into his mind searching through his memories and sharing them with a bunch of strangers was not something he wished to do.

Thankfully, the man curbed any insecurities outright refusing to enter his mind without his consent and comfort.

It made him trust the man. Slightly.

Harry did not like the thought of someone entering his mind. After Voldemort and Snape's so-called lessons, the discomfort at letting in another person was paramount despite that to prove his innocence (rather, the fact he was trustworthy) Martian Manhunter had to enter his mind. Preparing himself, he allowed the man and revealed what transpired prior to meeting Superboy and the others. The images forming around them revealing the battle in the Department of Mysteries, the attack and the Death Eaters that captured his friends, he answered the questions that each of them had providing clarity. It felt strange. Explaining stuff always fell to Hermione and now suddenly thrust into her role, giving short but direct explanations of what was happening, what Death Eaters were and their twisted ideology, the Order of the Phoenix, everything right down the basics.

The man in all red with the lightning bolt symbol seemed especially angry.

Once over and down with, the League dismissed him leaving the conference room though felt a pair of eyes at the back of his head. Superboy and the others were waiting idly near the sides instantly snapping their heads as the doors behind him closed and rushed towards him.

"So, how'd it go?" Wally asked eagerly. "Did they say you are good to go?"

"They weren't too hard on you, were they?" M'gann added. "I know Uncle J'ohnn can be scary but he's nice."

"I'm alive. There's that," Harry quipped with a dry smile. Though without a doubt there had been someone in that room who probably would not mind him dead.

Robin leaped from the steps and straightened his posture. "You don't honestly believe that the League would do that. Do you?"

"In my experiences back home, whenever something appears that is different or strange the adults have a nasty habit of giving in to their hatred of the unknown and trying to subjugate what doesn't fit into their narrative," Harry answered quietly. It had not meant to antagonize or callously believe the worst of the Justice League, given their reaction towards him did not bolster his confidence.

"I understand that you came from a world where differences are unaccepted," Aqualad started gently. "But allow us to assure you that the League will not do that to you."

Wally nodded sharply. "Yeah! They're the good guys."

"Even if they did, we'd stand in their way," Superboy remarked and slammed his fist into his hand.

"I'd hate fighting against Uncle J'ohnn, I can't see him being the type to hurt you, but I wouldn't stand for someone being discriminated against." M'gann wrapped arms around her body before she raised her head. "It's not right."

This had been rather unexpected and overwhelming surprised by the sudden support. In honesty how was he supposed to react? The display both touched him and made him feel self-cautious proceeding to shuffle beneath their gazes.

Harry shook his head. "You barely know me."

"So?" Robin prompted, smiling. "Do you need a reason to help someone?"

"Far as we are all concerned you are one of us," Aqualad said warmly.

Wally grinned. "You're stuck with us now!"

"The more the merrier," M'gann declared. "Even if you are another boy," she giggled with a playful wink.

Harry tilted his head and smiled kindly. "Sorry, can't help it."

"That's okay but promise the next teammate we end up getting is a girl. I need someone on my side," M'gann teased.

"Dude, we definitely need more girls on the team," Wally agreed.

Aqualad hummed. "A diversified team would be great both in skill and as individuals."

"I'm all for the diversity of the team!" Wally agreed with a cracking a grin.

Robin tapped his foot impatiently and focused on the door. "When do you think they will finish? I'm getting kinda whelmed here."

"Hopefully not too much longer," M'gann remarked.

Superboy snorted. "Let them talk long as they'd like. We've already made our decision."

"That's right." Aqualad strolled forwards. "Harry is a member of our team. No matter what the rest of the League says, we look after our own. No matter what."

The unison of nods circling around the group threw Harry for a loop. Far too surreal for him to accept as reality and yet here he was feeling the atmosphere of protection, there were no words which convey in the description of how he felt at that moment. Hands curled slightly followed by a quiet, tight swallow and raised his head nodding sharply.

Harry would ensure to standby them just as they did with him.

The doors opened watching as Superman strolled outwards with anger in his step pausing mid-stride with a narrowed stare. It did not take a genius to figure what exactly what the man had been thinking and feeling the sensation of distrust, anger and almost hatred directed towards him, similar looks back home given from home thus felt unmoved. His confusion with the man stemmed from his almost childish and vehement reaction towards him acting out almost cartoon-like, obviously, Harry had to give credit where it was due since Superman remained on the opposition sticking to it. He could not blame Superman for taking a stance against him, however, the manner displayed had been less than professional. Frankly, Harry could not for the life of him understand why Superboy felt enamoured by the man thought that was none of his business he had seen enough to make his own opinion.

Superman sharply turned away from them heading through the portal vanishing in an array of light as the computerized voice beeped.

"I don't think he likes me too much," Harry remarked dryly.

Robin snorted. "That's an understatement if I ever heard one."

"Ignore him." Wally straight his posture with a narrowed glanced. "That's his problem. Not yours."

"Did…" Superboy hesitated briefly. "Did he say anything?"

"Other than you guys should not trust me and implying that I'm a danger? Not much," Harry answered truthfully.

"He seriously thinks you're a threat?" Robin repeated stunned. "No offence but given what he's capable of? That's a real laugh!"

"That is enough. We do not know what is going through Superman's head or what he must deal with, for now, let us give him space In the meantime. However, we shall not allow him to speak ill or be around Harry without one of us," Aqualad whispered with a firm tone leaving no room for argument.

"I'm not fragile." Harry frowned and almost bristled.

"Nothing against you, Har but…." Wally shot a nervous look. "Superman's powerful. One of the strongest members of the League. Trust me staying out of his way might be a good idea."

"He's ah…. Known throughout the universe. Even on my home planet," M'gann added. "Especially what he's capable of."

Harry pressed his lips taking a moment to count backward from ten. "Okay. I'll keep out of his way."

The doors opened once again accompanied by the stomps of the League gaining their attention shifting towards them. Each of them circled around him forming a protective shield. Tensions raised around them with subtle glances towards the exit, not that Harry believed in success.

Thankfully, their worries proved unfounded. The League allowed him to stay and not worrying about being thrown out he'd have to train. The thought of being trained formed two separate thoughts in his mind being successful and becoming stronger because of that or being so beaten down to where he could not move; Harry inwardly grimaced.

Would he be able to keep him? Survive their training or would he fail and prove their efforts worthless?

"We shall give a room next to Miss Martian and Superboy," Red Tornado remarked. "I shall lead you towards the lodgings so you may become comfortable with your surroundings."

Harry snapped out of his thoughts. "Oh. Okay."

"Come on!" M'gann beamed. "I'll lead the way. You'll love it!"

There was not much which needed allowing himself practically being dragged away. He felt the push of encouragement from Aqualad following behind the cheerful M'gann, not that was anywhere to go let alone do. Silently tagging along with the rest flagging somewhat between the middle and the end.

"You all right?" Superboy whispered.

Harry shrugged carelessly. "Would you believe me if I said yes?"


"Didn't think so." He sighed lowly hoping that the rest would not hear. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For being down. You guys… it's not even been a day and you've all done a lot for me already," Harry answered. "I'm sorry for being so negative about it."

"Don't be." Superboy's head shook and graced with a gentle smile. "You have a right to be sad."

Harry blinked startled slightly by his words and then smiled faintly. "Thanks."

"Hey!" Robin's voice echoed. "You guys better catch up otherwise Miss Martian's will pick out wallpaper and paint colours!"

Harry and Superboy exchanged a quick look before promptly increasing their pace catching up with the rest of the group. It might not have been a big deal, the little talk with the other boy helped boost his mood and feel slightly at ease with living in Mount Justice if for the moment.

His first night in Mount Justice had been…. Less than pleasant.

Everyone helped to make him feel welcome a linger a sense of sorrow. Harry found himself stranded in another world different than his own, seemingly no chance of returning home. Not knowing what happened to Sirius or where his godfather ended up. Worse, the fact he left behind his friends with Voldemort doing who knew what, the horrors that must have happened since disappearing. His stomach plummeted at the thought of Voldemort launching his take over. The Order proved ineffective against the Death Eaters focusing the majority on gathering intel opposed to acting on the front lines.

None of them proved there was any reason to trust in anything they could do except keep secrets. He gave them credit showing up, unfortunately; the distrust settled in.

Harry could only hope that his friends were safe and out of harm's way. None of them would leave each other behind, Hermione and Ron could be reckless he had faith they could protect each other plus everyone else. All he could focus on was trying to find somehow back home and work with the League.

"Looks like Bats wants to talk with us," Wally spoke flipping a chip into his mouth.

M'gann brows furrowed. "Batman wants to talk to us? About what?"

"A mission!" Robin declared eagerly. "What are we waiting for? let's go!"

"This soon?" Harry felt surprised. That had been unexpected given the adamant stance they League took against him.

"About time." Superboy stood abruptly. "I was getting bored waiting."

"Yesh, someone doesn't know how to relax," Wally quipped dryly.

"Please, like you aren't excited?" Robin countered.

Wally paused in contemplation and threw his hands up. "Fine, fine. I'm excited too. You happy now?"

"Almost." The cheeky smile from Robin gained an eye roll from Wally.

Harry glanced between the two tilted head slightly, whispering. "Are they always like this?"

"They can be. Yes," Aqualad answered bemused. "Wally and Robin have known each other for a long time. Starting out together as original sidekicks to The Flash and Batman respectively, They've been at this far longer than most, even I could learn a lot from them."

"That long, huh?" Harry murmured quietly.

Superboy shrugged. "Don't worry too much about it."

"You, me and Superboy are all new at this," M'gann said with a smile. "We'll figure out this whole sidekick thing together."

His brow cocked bemused. "Do I really qualify as a sidekick?"

"Eh, the League will probably give you someone to work under," Wally remarked. "Now c'mon are we going to sit here or are we going to see what Bats what's?"

"All right, right we're coming. Slow down there a little, will ya?" Robin sighed exasperated following nonchalantly.

The group gathered with Batman standing in the middle of the hall; he turned and pulled up screens. Details regarding the mission appeared. The venom being manufactured and distributed proved dangerous, lethal and illegal. Possibilities of side effects that might come with using such a drug soared through in his mind, similar to Potions the results and after-effect could be deadly. Unfortunately, that had not been what caught the team's attention. In fact, there was a little detail during the debriefing that earned the wrath from the others.

Robin frowned disgruntled. "We will not leave Harry behind!"

"He has not trained or diligent as the rest of you. Superboy aside—the rest of you have adequately trained and honed your skills in combat, Miss Martian has turned under J'onn for years prior to arrival which makes her an ideal candidate and your ability to fly the Bio-Ship make her an ideal candidate for this mission. Kid Flash's speed to survey the surrounding areas and around him, large groups, Superboy's enhance senses and strengths, your ability to analyze and decipher codes and Aqualad's cool head and perseverance the five of you make an ideal choice for this team. Putting him on this mission would place him and the mission at risk. Until we can fully explore what his magic is capable of he will not join the mission," Batman answered. His gaze leered on the teens as eyes narrowed beneath the cowl. "Unless their area any objections?"

Harry heard the challenge of them trying to defy his authority using logic to thwart the desire to remain as a group rather than separate, the fact the five stood up for him despite not knowing him that well had been amazing. A strange feeling, while appreciated, found himself unable to deny what Batman was saying. The inexperience and lack of knowledge of how this world worked left him at a huge disadvantage; accompanied by the thought of possibly placing his new friends in danger made his stomach twisted painfully. The memory of the Department of Mysteries remained fresh, the injuries sustained by his friends back home and dragged into danger because of his irrationality, the fear of losing Sirius and Voldemort ruthlessly peering into his mind-destroying his sense of control, that paranoia drove him to rush into a trap without stopping and listening to Hermione.

It had been his own stupidity, his arrogance that resulted in them getting hurt. Being separated and Sirius falling through the feel trying to grab onto him falling through himself and ending up who knew where? It was his fault. Everything had been his fault. All Harry could do now had been to take Batman's words to heart, learning to slow down and take to training his magic seriously.

"Fine." Wally crossed his arms angrily. "But we're not happy about it."

Superboy glared fiercely. "I'm not happy. What makes you think we're just going to leave him behind just because you told us?"

"Do you have anything to refute my points?" Batman countered coolly.

Angry flashed in Superboy's eyes shifting his posture threateningly before averting his gaze realizing that there was nothing which could deny the truth.

"Maybe he can stay on the ship!" M'gann offered and beamed. "That way he can look after the Bio-Ship while we're on the mission and come get us if we're in trouble –"

"You can communicate with the Bio-ship from afar and it can act upon its own will," Batman interrupted sharply.

Aqualad shook his head, sadly. "I do not believe we will make any arguments for our favour. Painful as it is for me to say, we must leave Harry behind."

"Are you serious?" Superboy asked angrily nearly shouting.

Robin got in-between creating a gap. "That's enough. Batman's already decided. There's nothing we can do at this point."

"It's fine." Harry noticed the stares and ignored them. "I can't deny the fact that I'm behind the ears for this… hero thing, there's a lot I don't know and don't know how to do. I might have my magic but you can't always rely on it. Training might be the best for now until I can catch up with the rest of you. I don't want to be a burden on these missions."

"Give yourself credit. You aren't a burden," Robin said reassuringly. "I mean you helped take out Mister Twister!"

Harry smiled sardonically. "That was because M'gann figured out he was a robot."

"But you helped devise the plan to take him out," M'gann pointed out. "It wasn't all me. It was both of us!"

"Touching as this moment is the team will leave shortly to their destination. I suggest using the camouflaged technology that we've supplied," Batman remarked sharply. "You'll leave in an hour. Best be ready. As for Harry…."

The man in green, Hal, waved happily. "You'll be training under me kid. Don't worry I know exactly what I'm doing."

Silence instantly fell upon the room filling with doubt and uncertainty.

"Oh c'mon." Hal pouted. "Doesn't anyone have faith in me?"

Black Canary smiled wryly. "Don't be like that Hal. You know we have faith in you."

"You could say something," Hal grumbled and folded his arms. Head shaking rather dramatically before falling to his thigh and cracked a grin. "Get ready for a training session from hell, kid. I will not be going easy on you!"

"Can we really trust this guy?" Superboy murmured dubiously.

Robin shrugged uncertainly. "He's a Green Lantern and one of the best but…"

"Have faith. I'm sure he wouldn't have gotten chosen unless the League had been certain of his skills," Aqualad said decisively. "Let us place our trust in him."

"Green Lantern?" Harry asked bewildered, recalling him from the other day. The only one who seemed to be willing to stand up for him against Superman's odd vendetta against him, apparently the rest of the League did not seem to hold the brunet in high regard noting Black Canary's sparing glances and the cold indifference from Batman.

"Space police," M'gann pipped up informatively. "They protect the universe from threats using their Power Rings."

Hal smiled. "That's right little lady. We Lanterns use Power Rings to channel our powers drawing from the Emotional Spectrum. The Green Lantern Corps use Willpower as their means of channelling the power through their Rings."


"Kinda like determination and concentration," Robin supplied offhandedly. "If you break concentration or Willpower, the ring ceases to function."


"Concentration is invaluable to the Green Lantern Corps. With it, they can construction and form different structures for combat and allow themselves to fly whether through the planet or off-planet," Batman added stoically. "You'll find that there is no one that is more stubborn, annoyingly positive and downright arrogant in himself than Hal."

Hal squinted. "Are you just going to insult me?"

"However," Batman continued ignoring him. "You'll find that he is also the type that will never give up even when there's no chance and not afraid to stand up for someone when they can't, as I'm sure you know."

"What's the supposed to mean?" Wally asked confused.

"Awww Bats! You're gonna make me blush," Hal teased warmly. "Here I thought you were nothing more than cold and stone."

Batman grunted continuing to ignore Hal. "He'll be a good mentor. Even if he has a habit of going off the rails, I'm sure you'll prevent him from doing anything stupid."

"Says the guy that goes off on his own at the drop of a hat," Hal quipped and shrugged. "You ready to start your training or are we just gonna shot the breeze?"

"Shoot the breeze?" Harry asked brows furrowed.

"It means chatting," Robin answered. "Or talking about nothing."

Harry blinked. "Oh. Why didn't he say that?"

"Yesh, I keep on forgetting how proper you British are," Hal remarked not unkindly. "Don't worry, I'll have you talking like a real American soon enough."

"Thanks," Harry drawled dryly.

"Why do you want to change him to make Harry sound American?" Superboy asked, bewildered. "He's fine as is."

"He's teasing," Aqualad informed bemused. "My king has told me about his humour. Think nothing of it."

"That aside everyone, get ready before you all head off," Black Canary spoke. "It will be a long trip and all of you will need to prepare for the flight."

Robin swung arms around his neck. "Better pack I guess."

"Good," Batman remarked sharply. "In the meantime, Harry will begin his training. Dismissed."

It would be weird remaining in Mount Justice with none of the others surrounded by the League which Harry knew nothing about seeing that their initial meeting had been less than pleasant, doubt grew side-eyeing the three adults warily. Hal might have stood up for him during the interrogation and protected him from Superman's verbal attack. The horrible distrust twisted in his stomach. The feeling was horrible and knew that unfortunately the experiences with many adults in his life proved time and time again the only person Harry could truly trust had been himself or his friends but even that could go so far. The League was giving him a chance to prove himself and help catch up to the rest to help them combat threats that plagued innocent people all over the world learning things that he'd probably never be able to back home even with their own misgivings and wariness of him despite it all they were giving him a chance.

A sign of trust and faith. Something which Harry planned on never abusing.

"You good?" Superboy murmured closely, shooting a glare at Batman.

His head shook. "It's fine. It's not like I couldn't use the training."

"One of us could stay behind and act as your sparring partner," Wally offered, tossed his bag into the bin.

"Much as I'd like that I doubt big and scowling over there would let that happen," Harry said, mouth twitched faintly.

"We could always change through the Comm. Link!" M'gann pointed out. "That way we can keep in touch."

Aqualad nodded. "And, we can get progress notes from Harry too. I would like to know how things are going while we are on a mission."

"Keep us posted!" Robin held a thumbs up and beamed.

Superboy gave a tiny, faint smile of encouragement.

"Hey, hey now!" Hal floated over. "Let me and my trainee get to know each other. You five got a mission now shoo!"

Wally rolled his eyes. "Good luck Harry."

"Think you're gonna need it!" Robin added afterwards.

M'gann smiled sweetly and turned to received nods from Superboy and Aqualad together vanishing from sight with her gathering their gear for the night. Once they were no longer in sight, his shoulders slumped and felt the overwhelming feeling of loneliness crawling up his spine, awkwardness settled in before turning to face an oddly cheerful Hal.

"All right, kid! You ready to go one on one with me?"

His breathing had been sharp, wheezing as the muscles from his body began to scream falling to the ground. He came in contact with the cold ground with his hand feeling the cool sensation tingle through his skin and let out a quiet sigh of relief, then swallowed and pushed off of the ground centreing himself. The training that Hal and the rest of the League wanted to do started out simple in the beginning testing his overall physical assessment; running, throwing, reaction, flexibility, sight. Harry believed given what he remembered back from his primary years. Hogwarts had no such programs due to the lack of any physical sports outside of Quidditch outside of that and scaling the stairs and hallways to class there was nothing that kept them in shape. Wood and Angelina were harsh with their training regiment wanting the team to do their best on and off the Quidditch field.

This? This proved to be far worse. The test shifted straight into overdrive. Being attacked by flying balls and boomerangs from the machine at a sped-up rate following him to his every move, to an obstacle course filled with areas that designated out of bounds.

His mind raced analyzing what had been before using the rail to launch him through the air and kicked off of the board to gain momentum reaching out and gripped the edge of the wall. Pressure from his fingers trying to hold on and felt the loosening of his grip, legs kicking scrapping against the board, teeth gritted together and snarled. The strain from the hold could feel through his biceps. Harry ignored the pain and focused on the goal. With a might growl channelling what strength held inside curled his leg against his chest and slammed against the board pulling him on top and over landing on the ground. Harry whirled around, darting past the bridge firing small little darts hurtling toward him bending down and jerking his body away to avoid being hit, the rope at the end was in sight. Leaping toward the room swinging to the other side landing on the platform and run.

The buzz echoed the moment Harry passed through the finish line.

The course had been the easiest of the assessments that the League put him through. It put everything to work from his body, to his mind, reaction and his attention near the beginning the course took him by surprise getting knocked out by the surprise punch machine springing out from the wall. It was difficult and there were surprises at each end but motivated him to well and finish.

His head cocked towards the control centre where the League observed from above.

'Guess I'll find out when it's said and down,' Harry thought bending his knees and exhaled.

A buzz echoed and out came Batman's voice. "You may take a five-minute break."

His brows furrowed, squinting his eyes. That had been far too little time to relax wisely keeping his mouth shut followed by a curt nod. Wandered over towards the bench and sat, Harry forgot how good it felt to sit down. The rest seemed to do his body wonders despite the throbbing pain he felt there was a sense of accomplishment.

Harry was in pain. It was weird.

"Hey, kid!"

Harry cocked his head and felt his eyes widen hand shooting up catching a bottle of water. Hal floated grinning ear to ear hovering towards him and parked himself right next to him.

"Erm. Thank you?" Harry blinked bewildered.

"Figured you could use it. You sure broke a sweat, so grabbed water for ya. Help cool you down," Hal informed nonchalantly. "Gotta say you did well."

Harry uncapped the bottle and took a sip. "I'm not so sure."

"I think you did." Hal leaned forward. "The obstacle course was something that Bats cooked up. Wanted to see how you'd react to potential scenarios or whatever's going through his head."

"Not a bad idea," Harry quipped. One never knew what might occur during an attack being prepared for what might appear and reacting properly, avoiding injuries not only to themselves but to those around him. Villains did not particularly care about who got hurt merely wanting to cause suffering for whatever petty reason they had. "Could have been better. Got a bit too focused."

Hal snorted and crossed arms. "We all get like that, you aren't the first to lose yourself trying to do something. It happens to us more than we'd like to admit, you aren't anything special."

"Comforting," Harry drawled dryly and gave a tiny smile.

"Don't worry kid, I'll look after ya." Hal smirked then reached out ruffling his head.


"C'mon. There's more test to come, can't have you taking a breather forever. Don't want Bats to give you the evil glare."

Harry resisted the urge to eye roll. "I think I can take whatever you have to throw at me."

"Famous last words, kiddo. You will be in for a special treat," Hal said sympathetically. "Don't say that I didn't warn you. Ah, well. You'll be okay. She won't hurt you too badly, well physically. Can't say the same for your pride."


"He means me."

Black Canary stood hands on hips smiling. "I'll be your combat instructor. Now, shall we get started?"


The slam of his back-flipped over onto the ground earned a painful cry and grunted sharply with a sharp hiss of pain. Forcing himself to stand as the pain subsided feeling his legs started to shake wildly beneath him throwing a sharp gaze, Black Canary stood passively arms crossed. Discard her jacket to the side watching him carefully.

"On the battlefield when fighting against an opponent you learn their movements and how to react properly to the situation. Ensure that you make them react to you," Black Canary said coolly. "Do not allow yourself to fall into a trap. Villains will attempt to use whatever underhanded method to get you to react, whether threw threats or psychological warfare. Others will attempt to use their strength to dominate. You can use that to your advantage. Hesitation too can also leave an opening and exploited during a battle, they won't hesitate and neither should you." She strolled backward and twisted her position. "I want you to do that again. This time, don't hesitate and try to dictate the fight."

He hesitated during the start. She was far more experienced than himself in combat and could not see anyway which he could beat her. That probably had been the point. His emotions guided him during his fights from the beginning through his confrontations with Malfoy, to hunting down Sirius back when he believed his godfather killed his parents and during the fights with Voldemort; sometimes they proved worthwhile others not as much. Flash of memories of the Department of Mysteries surfaced recollecting the shouts, the screams and cries from his friends, when attacked by Death Eaters, lured to the location because of his heightened emotions of fear, anger and worry because of the nightmarish vision prompting to react thus leading his friends into a battle that could not win. The guilt twisted in his stomach. Her words stung deep reminding him of his failure to save his godfather and protect his friends, all because of rushing off and refusing to stop and think.

Hermione's warning ran through his head and almost flinched. He should have listened. Should have stopped and considered what she had to say, now that had been far too late.

That could not happen again.

"You seem fired up," Black Canary said casually, mouth twitched before hardening. "Challenge that and show me what you can do."

His posture straightened carefully and inhaled quietly. The stance felt and looked wobbly compared to her stance almost tipping over despite that remained firm in his place observing her movements, there was no doubt in his mind that she'd be able to wipe the floor with him. There was something she had that Harry knew could use in his favour.

At that moment he rushed.

Black Canary stood unfazed and spun around aiming to kick his head.

The attack came nearly brandishing the side of his face jerking his body back slightly and lowered downward. Using the back of his foot to push forward he reached out grabbing on to her leg trying in vain at trying to throw her off balance, unfortunately, that did not seem to go through. Once realizing that he lacked the strength to commit through his plan. That gap allowed her to use that moment of stupor using the force of her leg to pick him up off the ground and slam. He met the cold concrete once more and groaned painfully, his hands slide down to her ankles trying to hold on. Swallowing thickly while meeting her gaze.

Harry immediately got up from the floor breathing haggardly.

"You dodged my kick. Impressive, but not good enough. You lack the physical facilities necessary to pull off such a move, I commend for that idea. Sadly, I've grown accustomed trying to grab my leg when trying to kick," Black Canary said calmly. "Your speed and reaction this time is better the second time around."

"I thought I should use your own weight against you," Harry spoke. "Thought using my small stature could be used to my advantage. You have a longer reach than I do. Figured that trying to use that would be useful."

Black Canary crossed arms. "You aren't wrong. Being tall does not mean it can be helpful in a fight. Sometimes being small could be considerably helpful. You were right in trying to use my reach and your own height, but do not do that too often. Your opponents will react to the pattern of your own fighting style and analyze it to combat it. You will do well to remember that."

"Wait." His brows furrowed confused. "You mainly use hand-to-hand combat, right? Doesn't that mean you have their own fighting style?"

"That's a good question. I'm not just a fighting specialist, I have a motorcycle and I have something else."

"Something… else?" He repeated warily.

Black Canary motioned over and gazed at the board from the obstacle course. "Watch. Oh, and cover your ears."

Curious Harry cocked his head towards the board standing idly at the end of the room.

What exactly did the board have anything to do with it? There did not seem to be anything special about it. Other than being a pain in the arse to climb over. The click of her heels as she strolled beside him preparing to open his mouth to ask than Black Canary's jaw opened, his hands flew to his ears hearing the harsh piercing noise blasting loudly. Instinctively bending downwards covering himself though that proved in vain as the sound continue to burst. His eyes shut because of the sheer volume feeling the ground beneath him starting to tremble about almost tipping him over. The sound suddenly came to a spot instantly as the noise began.

Carefully, Harry removed his hands and opened. His jaw unclenched gazing in amazement.

The entire wall, the board and the ground demolished forming a crater straight towards where the board used to be. Scattered across the floor were shards of the crater and the wall had a crater. It went deep almost as though hit by a wrecking ball.

Black Canary smirked proudly.

"That is what I'm capable of."

The stiffness of the chair against his back felt awkward and ridged, squirming left and right trying to fit with discomfort on his features. His training with Black Canary finished. He was then lead to an empty of the room with a board that made Harry feel back in school. With the way the guy in the red costume, and Batman was standing with chalk in one hand with a pile of books in another. That thought was not too far off. They planned on surprising him with a quiz. Any knowledge that most kids had outside of magic was nil, having little to do with the non-magical world. Since meeting Hagrid all those years ago, entering the wizarding world the sheer thought of continuing his non-magical education never crossed his mind. Now that decision had come around and began to bite him in the arse. Practical exams were where Harry shined the most applying the theory into life whereas paper tests could be better.

Harry groaned. The desire for the ground to swallow him whole. sinking into his desk catching the murmurs here and there from the two in front of him, whatever they were discussing did nothing to put him at ease. It made him feel rather bad. The League was helping him, and now this.

'Hermione. I wish you were here right now.'

"The name's the Flash, and you know Bats over here," Flash beamed and gestured to the stoic man. "As you can see, the two of us are carrying books."

Batman's gaze held. "Each book contains important parts of the history of this world. You will do well to remember each detail. Myself, The Flash and Captain Atomic will be your instructors. We will also expect you to learn of the various villains that you'll come across, their abilities and their weaknesses. Since you will be a part of a covert team we do not expect you to be in full combat. However, one will never know how the tide of a mission will go or when a fight breaks out. Knowing your enemy is vital."

"Erm, what Bat is trying to say is we just want to make sure you're caught up and know things about this world," Flash elaborated. "Neither of us—or Captain Atomic are expecting you to be a 100% perfect on these. Just enough for you to immerse yourself into this world with no problems."

"I am," Batman retorted.

Flash's stare lingered before shaking his head. "A-anyway. Figured instead of bombarding you with boring details we could have a bit of a chat!"

"And the paper?" Harry asked.

Flash blinked and held the sheet up. "This thing? Some stuff to write–"

"It's your overall assessment. The Flash and I will take down notes regarding today's lesson, from there we can properly figure out a lesson plan to get you integrated into society. Earth is known for taking in refugees from other plants, beings from other worlds arriving on earth willingly or not and trying to find a better place to live. Other times they cannot go home and try making a living on earth. You are not the first, and you will not be the last," Batman stated in quiet firmness with an intense gaze. "Our experiences have taught us that teaching new arrivals help them immensely, avoiding them being possibly exposed or even hunted down. Superman's cousin, Supergirl is a prime example."

Harry stilled in his seat. "Supergirl?"

"Yeah, there isn't just Superman and Superboy. There's Supergirl too!" Flash answered. "She's Superman's and Superboy's cousin. She isn't nearly as hard-headed as Superman. Stubborn but a good kid overall, you'll end up meeting her eventually, don't worry you'll like her."

It took a bit of restraint to bite his tongue. While Harry and Superboy got along fairly well his meeting with Superman was unimpressive by his attitude towards him and the dismissiveness shown towards Superboy, so far the man had to do nothing to earn his respect or even his trust. Regardless Harry had been willing to give Supergirl the benefit of a doubt and pushed that thought aside.

Supergirl and Superman did not mean sharing the same views. They were two different people. Deciding to give her a chance.

Batman approached and handed him a pen with paper.

"On this sheet is a list of questions. Simple ones that everyday people should know," Batman said calmly. "Once you are down answering we'll move on to the next part of the lesson. You will have 30 minutes to complete the test."

Harry grimaced. "There is a test."

"Sorry." Flash shrugged carelessly with a glowing smile. "Look at this way. This isn't for marks and it isn't like we'll be holding anything against you, think of this as our ways of trying to figure out where to teach and what to teach."

"Fantastic," Harry said with a long drawl. The inevitable failure on the sheet already played in his mind gazing at the twenty questions that entered his vision. Each question was a mixture of long and short answers, with a multiple choice of definition and a short essay at the very bottom of the page, taking his time reading each of them carefully and think on how properly to answer them, hand wrapped around the pen before beginning to answer.

"You can cross out the answer if you think your original one is wrong! You won't be penalized for it!" Flash announced.

Batman remained silent his gaze lingered.

It had been hard to take a test. Harder since these two watched him the entire time.

"And don't forget you have no reason to rush."

"We'd prefer you at least finished before time's up," Batman interjected coolly.

There was pressure. Ignoring the look of disapproval Flash sent at Batman.

Harry hated tests. They became barely because of Hermione's study lesson plans her way of explaining things to Ron and him made understanding the material better helped with the practical part of exams and tests for Defence although he significantly started to do much better in Charms and Transfiguration because of the DA. Herbology fell under practicality because of Sprout's tests being forced on handling the planets in question; the history surrounding them and where to find them, however, no one could ever beat Neville in that department. His friend was far ahead of the others in Herbology was involved, Ron did significantly well in Divination (Not that was hard) and seemed to do good in Transfiguration steadily trailed behind Neville in defence, given that he and Hermione had been with him since the start, it came to no surprise that his long-time friend improved vastly during the DA lessons.

That had been neither nor there, resuming attention back on the sheet and swallowed.

With a shake of his head, hand slide against his cheek placing the pen on the sheet before starting to answer.

"Remember! If you don't know the answer to a question, you can skip and go back to it later!"

"Must you yell like that?" Batman asked flatly.

Flash sniffed offended. "I didn't yell. I'm trying to be encouraging."

"Then stop. It's not helping."

"I'm trying to relieve the kid's stress," Flash countered coolly.


He really wished the two would stop talking but lacked the desire to voice his thoughts pouring his focus back on the test gazing with confusion and bewilderment. There several questions that made sense about the country, it's founding's and history but then there were questions regards to Superheroing that made were far too out there too even think.

Lips curled thinly uncertain at the answers which Harry had been writing, there had been no time to prepare or a chance to glance through the material to gain some idea of what was correct using his instincts to guide him. There was little that he knew, with being in this strange new world different from his own there had been no telling what significant things might have differed from his own. A low sigh passed through his lips shaking his head as a sense of defeat poured over him. The struggle at finishing the test whispered maliciously through his years, confidence crumbling beneath the weight of each question jotting down what Harry could.

Tests, Harry learned were bias towards the teacher's favour, Umbridge and Lockhart were notorious for making tests that reflected their bias though the latter had been full of himself. Not that there was much for him to go on with Flash and Batman, subtly raising his eyes and gained a look from the capped man than resumed the test.

His stomach twisted and flip-flopped around through the remaining questions before handing the test in.

"Not bad kid!" Flash grinned. "You finished in an hour!"

Batman pressed expressionlessly. "Next time, we expect you to be quicker and better."

"He did his best Bats," Flash reprimanded. "We're gauging his knowledge."

"True. That doesn't mean we should be too soft on him," Batman countered calmly. "Don't go getting the wrong idea. This test was never meant to put you in a corner, the fact remains that we will need to get you caught up on common things that exist in this world. Having any discrepancies in your knowledge would be foolish. Accepting as people are the fact remains not everyone will welcome or be understanding."

Harry did not bother denying that.

"Right. Got it," He said with a short nod. "I'll try my best to get caught up."

"If you need help. That's what we're here for, or you know, could ask the rest of your team for help," Flash offered.

"Uh… thanks?" What else could be said for that offer? It was rather nice of the man offering help, doubtful that he'd ever take him up on it. "Erm is there anything else?"

"You've done the obstacle course. Combat training. And the tests," Batman listed. "We'll be moving onto computer skills. In this day and age technology has made a vast improvement over the years, the world has become reliant and uses best to its capabilities through daily life. Even to fight crime. You will undergo these training sessions and you will understand the basics."

Harry's brows furrowed together. "Reliant…?"

"Yeah, civilization has made some great leaps over the past several decades!" Flash suddenly started getting excited. "Science has helped the rest of the world to –"

Batman cocked his head. "Flash."

"Oh. Whoops," Flash composed himself. "Nearly went on a tangent there."

"You may take a rest. Your next lesson will be with Red Tornado. Do not be late," Batman announced sternly.

Silently turned and exited the room leaving Flash and Harry together. The dramatic flair had been unexpected, yet the stern exit made an impression and felt the dread, the desire and the need to rise to the challenge presented. Harry's pride would not allow him to fail.

Flash sighed. "Sorry about Batman. He's a good guy, just… standoff-ish."

"I've had worse," Harry assured calmly and shrugged carelessly. "I don't take it personally. But I'm not sure I should be around computers. My magic doesn't really interact well with them?"

"Let's just see. If something happens, we'll try to find an alternative," Flash said thoughtfully. "Magic that meddles with technology, huh? As a man of science, I honestly shouldn't be believing in magic. That said, I've been a hero for a long time and seen things that logic and science can't really explain, I can't say I'm an expert on the subject. I still believe that Zatara will help or even Wonder Woman. You know, in case something happens."

His eyes narrowed slightly and curled lips. "You think it will be okay?"

"We're about to find out. C'mon, keep your chin up. I'm sure things will be fine!"

Harry bowed his head unable to look directly in Flash's eyes. The sentiment appreciated, magic and technology did not mix back in his world, however, perhaps in this new world; his magic could work. It seemed foolhardy not taking his warning into consideration, the confidence the red-suited man seemed to have done nothing to banish the weariness he felt. He did not feel any different after passing through the veil and knew that his magic remained the same which meant that technology would be one of his major weaknesses.

"I'll give it a shot," Harry said resigning.

Flash beamed. "See? That's the spirit. C'mon, it's this way. I'm sure you'll be a whizz in no time. What could go wrong?"

Famous last words.

The lesson had been simple. Easy. Starting from the initial basics on how to turn on the computer, setting things up and having the machine run. Once the screen turned out, Harry met with the strangest screen image with strange little icons aligned to the side with weird names that flew over his head.

It was far different from the computer that Dudley used back home!

Everything proved different. Rather than being blocky, humongous and uninspired, the screen was very slick with a moderate size with decent width stretch slightly for viewing. The mouse no longer had a wire attached and could move around without getting caught in the keyboard or snaking around an object. It felt fluid and easy. The sound of the mouse clicking danced in his ears. It was not nearly as annoying as the one back home. The technological differences were steadily starting to hit him. Pausing briefly in the mouse's movement, taking everything in.

"Is there something wrong?" Red Tornado inquired.

Harry glanced and averted with a headshake. "I'm fine."

It was a lie. Had Red Tornado picked up on that?

"I see. If all's well, then let us continue," Red Tornado commented nonchalantly unfazed. The android maneuvered around him leaning slightly forward gesturing towards the icon and cocked his head. "I would like you to begin by opening up the internet browser. You will see the icon that represents that browser in blue."

'So far so good,' Harry thought.

It had been simple. Looking around at the various programs that laid before him and went to the strange square icon at the bottom corner of the screen revealing a giant bar. Listed in alphabetical order were the programs with no idea what was what or what they were for. Harry wisely stated away focusing on the internet browser which opened spreading across the screen. It loaded instantly with a strange and somewhat empty site with merely a name and a search bar. His brows furrowed together confused, pondering whether he opened something else by accident, not even half-way through the lesson with already making a mistake.

"Why are you closing the browser?"

Harry paused and almost shrunk. "Erm… is this the browser?"

"It is a search engine that many people use worldwide, yes," Red Tornado answered. "It is a popular site which many civilians use daily around the world to search for various things. From shopping needs to questions, for help and even then, some. It has proven to be a useful tool that even the League uses occasionally. However, our connection is solemnly from the League and heavily encrypted, thus no one knows of its existence."

"Because… people, aware of it could use the connection to find out where or who you all are?" Harry asked uncertain.

To his surprise, Red Tornado nodded. "Many villains also have used the internet in the past to commit crimes or lure in unsuspecting victims. Keep in mind that the League does not monitor or invades the privacy of others. If a crime surfaces that have links that prove the Internet as a tool to commit such acts or social media, we do thorough investigations of that individual alone. Batman has proven to have a 100% success factor in that area."

"… Social media?"

"A lesson for another time. Now let us choose a site to go to. Please type in the following site," Red Tornado began handing him a slip.

Harry eyed the slip before shrugging. "Okay?"

And his finger met with the key.


"You okay, kid?"

Harry groaned, raising his back slightly from the bed and winced. His ears rung loudly, shaking head to rid himself of the sound. "Me? Oh yeah, I'm fine. I've had worse than this."

"You kinda gave us a bit of a scare," Hal's voice broke through leaning forward. "Lucky that you didn't get too injured in the blast. Good thing that we were all nearby to carry you straight to the infirmary!"

"W-what happened? I remember Red Tornado teaching me how to use the computer," Harry trailed off. It was a vague memory until recalling the incident and felt his cheeks starting to flush, realization settling in. His face buried into his hands, groaning. "Ugh, I caused the computer to explode!"

Hal smiled wryly. "Yeah. Took out the entire desk too, in fact."

"Great," Harry groaned. "Why did that have to happen?"

"Kid. It isn't a big deal, trust me. The League ended up demolishing a lot of things over the years by accident or not paying much attention, you aren't the first. You will not be the last, I could tell you a bunch of incidents I caused when starting out. Hell, even before then I did a lot of crap by accident." Hal reassured and leant forward. "So, don't think too much about it. Got it?"

"You make things sound so easy. I-I warned Flash about my Magic and what could happen, back home—magic and technology don't mix. Period." Harry averted his gaze, shaking with disgust. "I learned that the hard way when my friend and I drive a flying car."

Hal perked up. "Flying car?"

"Yeah." Harry hesitated. "My friend's dad is really interested in muggles. Since he's a Pureblood wizard and all. He finds machines and vehicles interesting, during my second year, he got his hands on a car and enchanted it; so, the car could fly."

"Guess that didn't end well?"

"That is one way of putting things," Harry answered, vaguely.

"A flying car. Personally, I'd prefer a flying motorcycle!" Hal remarked and grinned.

"Is the rest of the League mad?" Harry deflected, immediately. Images of Sirius and his godfather's motorcycle surfaced before being stomped down and pushed aside. His hands gripped the edges of his pants changing the subject keeping focused on the subject at hand. "I mean, it is my fault for blowing up the computer. Is there any way I can fix it or clean up?"

"You worry too much." Hal waved dismissively. "Kid, we've all caused property damage or blown up or destroyed things here, there even left some things in space. Not like we can't cover the damage don't want to brag but I have a solid job."

"Is that really something to be bragging openly about?"

"C'mon kid, let me have a moment to show off a bit would ya?" Hal grinned wider. "I'm a respectable adult! Even if the others say otherwise. Don't go believing them."

Harry felt his lips curl trying not to laugh and felt the end of his mouth twitching at the corners. "I'll try not too. I respect you as an adult."

"At least someone finally does. Now, you ready to get back to training?"

"What else do I need to train in?"

"Let's see you did that test with Flash and Bats, tried to do computer lessons with Red Tornado and did the obstacle course with combat training with Black Canary." Hal's hand helped to lower a finger with each exercise done. "Which leaves learning how to use vehicles. Which means you get to have training with me!"

Harry blinked dumbfounded. "Vehicles?"

"Yeah! You know cars, motorcycles and the aircraft—Although with Ms. Martian's Bio-ship that probably won't be necessary," Hal mused thoughtfully.

"I don't have a license. Not to mention I'm not technically an American citizen," Harry pointed out.

"Details, details. Leave everything to me. I'll come up with something no problem!"

The sheer confidence did nothing to assure him. Harry did not know much about travelling to another country fully knew of the consequences of entering a country without a passport or a green card, the lack of identification would prove troublesome potentially putting him in legal trouble with the government. Harry did not want to jump through hoops or paint a target on his back.

"Kid. Relax," Hal said. "Batman knows exactly what's he's doing. Yeah sure he can be spooky but deep down he's a good guy. In a bat costume."

"Did he design it himself or was he just given it?"

"Don't know but between you and me personally I think the Bats is skilled in the sewing department," Hal remarked. "Kinda makes me envious. I can barely sew my jacket when I tear it work would save me a bundle if I learned…" His head shook. "Anyway, that all aside and all, I think it's time to get you on a vehicle and don't worry I'll be beside you the entire time."

"You will?"

"I'm your mentor, right? It's my job to teach you!" Hal declared. "Black Canary and Bats taught you combat and all that, but this time I can teach you to stuff. You ready to break out of here?"


Harry spent a significant portion of his school years spent beneath the treatment of Madam Pomfrey during and adventure whatever adventure was going on. Harry got enough treatment to feel comfortable and relax, the itch to move around doing whatever that crossed his mind rather than lay in the bed getting poked, probed and pushed into taking medicine. Despising being restrained under a critical eye unable to do anything and being alone with his own thoughts, going with Hal was similar except for moving around and keeping himself occupied rather than drowning in the whispers emerging from the corners of his mind.

Harry wasted no time leaping out of the bed ignoring the tingle of pain that shot up his arm.

"You all right?"

"I'm fine." A lie. But that wasn't anything new. "Can we get going?"

"Sure, sure kid. C'mon I'll lead the way!" The green glow flashed and formed an arm opening the door while Hal gestured. "Shall we?"

"That's… the Power Ring right?"

"You were paying attention," Hal said nonchalantly. "Good. That will make explaining the Lantern Corps and their abilities much easier. We use the power of the Emotional Spectrum of the universe compromised of emotions and colours; You already know that I'm a Green Lantern that uses Willpower of the Emotional Spectrum but there are others. And not all of them are good. You know of ROYGBIV right?"

"The colours of the rainbow; Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Indigo, Blue and Violet," Harry listed.

"That's right. Each one comes with its own set of powers and abilities, Red uses anger as their main source of power eventually driving the user insane consumed by their own vengeance and bloodlust. Many barely keep their ability to think, be coherent or even stop themselves from burst into a fight without thinking," Hal said calmly. "IF you see a Red Lantern. Run. Or find me immediately, you are under no circumstances to engage. Got it? Good. Next is Orange Ring; Greed. Simple and straightforward, there's usually one Orange Lantern at a time since their greed won't allow them to share the power and keep it all to themselves. Now we move to the next one; Yellow. The Colour of Fear led by the Sinistro Corps."

"Fear?" Harry frowned confused. "Not cowardice?"

Hal paused mid-stride. "When you think of fear what do you think of?"

"Erm…." What did he think of? Fear was tangible changing for every person. No one truly had the same fear finding something that crumbled the foundation of one's confidence, the cast of doubt over trust and belief leading to the dismantling of one's morals. The grip of fear that Voldemort had over Europe back home was almost the definition of fear; creating chaos, distrust and even the drunkenness of power simply to stay alive. "Something that a person doesn't know or understands taking out anger over what they fear."

"Not entirely wrong. People use fear justifying their own insecurities and ignorance in the usage of violence." Hal nodded shortly. "The Sinistro Corps that use the Fear is lead by a man named Sinestro. Be careful if you ever met him, trust me, you'll know him once you come face to face."

"Red is Anger and Yellow is Fear led by Sinistro." Harry filed that way. "Who leads the Red –"

Hal glanced. "Atrocious. We're moving onto the next Corps; the Blue. They represent Hope on the emotional spectrum and all-around good guys, unlike the rest of the Guardians they need not recharge their ring as their Hope is what fuels their power. If you ever meet one listen to what they have to say, never know what you'll learn from them. All right so we covered Green, Red, Orange, Yellow, and Blue which leaves Indigo and Violet; Compassion and Love." His tone took an acidic turn with disgust crossing his features. "The Compassion Rings by the Indigo Tribe where the Love spectrum is that of the Star Sapphires. Kid, don't trust the Star Sapphires."

"Wait… but why?" His eyebrows furrowed confused. "Isn't love a good thing?"

"Love is good and a wonderful feeling, kiddo. That doesn't mean people can use that to turn something beautiful into something vile and tainted," Hal cautioned quietly.

Harry nearly tripped over himself surprised by the bluntness of Hal. This was the first time he had ever heard someone refer to love being vile, Dumbledore always preached about the power of love; how love would save those and guide those in need to fight against the threats of Voldemort and his army, protecting those that believed in love. The conflicting statement was not something expected to hear gazing bewildered at the man then snapped out of his thoughts and picked his pace up returning to the brunet's side.

"The Indigo Tribe is uniquely different from the other emotional aspects," Hal informed. "I'll tell more about them later. That's the general gist of the Lantern Corps that exists in the universe."

"Green and Blue are the good ones where the others are not great," Harry summarized warily.

"Yeah, yeah. You think it might be a little off-balance with the rest of the spectrum being almost against us but that just livens up the battle." Hal turned flashing a smile. "C'mon kid don't give me that look. Sometimes you need to fight your way through stuff to protect what you love most, besides it's not like I'm alone. I have the rest of the Green Lanterns helping in the fight against the evil forces in the Universe including the Sinistro Corps." His hand reached out tussling Harry's hair with a grin stretching across his face. "And I have the League. You don't have to worry about a thing."

"Who said I'm worried?" Harry asked while straightening his hair, at least trying too anyhow.

"Simple. You got that look in your eye."

"Look? What look?" His eyes squinted.

Hal chuckled. "C'mon. We're going to the docking area. I'm gonna show ya teach you how to drive."

"Are you sure I won't get into trouble?"

"Like I said kid, trust in the Bats. He knows what he's doing worst-case scenario we'll blame it on a villain attack!"

"Why do I have the feeling you've used that excuse more than once?"

"Maybe 'cause I have."

Training with Hal proved to be exciting and rather informative. He took time explaining the different mechanics that went into building certain vehicles. Motorcycles, how the aircraft's work and were gained over the years. Some heroes could fly while there were some that did not thus need a method of transportation. There were others such as the Flash, who used the power of the Speed Force and did not need a vehicle. Unless the fight was in the sky or below water. Batman had a legion of different vehicles for dealing with certain threats that popped up around Gotham; from the Bat Mobile to a motorcycle, to an aircraft and so on; with that amount of time on his hands made the wizard wondered whether Batman was a mechanic or an engineer.

Each had their own method of reaching a crime scene or locating a villain. Although…

Harry questioned about these criminals. Why did they all have themes and wear bizarre costumes? He read up on the attack from a while ago; Mr. Freeze, Captain Cold and Junior. Coordinating together and launched an attack on three different cities at the same time. It was far from coincidence the attacks happened on that day and at that time, something bigger brewed beneath the surface.

The question was what and why?

Even so, Harry found himself becoming a bit too overwhelmed by the information.

"See? This isn't too bad," Hal said pressing the breaks stopping the car. "It's simple and easy. It might take time for you to wrap your head around."

"Erm…" Harry curved his lips nervously. "I've never been behind the wheel before. Kinda."

"Look at this way means you get to start somewhere! We'll start with a recap of how to get the car started, drive and then stop. That way you'll get a nice handle on it," Hal suggested. "You won't get overwhelmed, you'll get your taste of speed!"

Harry eyed the wheel. "Fine. I'll give it a shot, can't promise that I'll be good."

"Who needs to be good when I'm at your side? Have a little faith I've got your back!"

"And yet, that in absolutely no way helps reassure me."

"Ouch. Harsh kid."

Harry could not resist a cheeky grin. "Saying the truth."

"Yeah, yeah," Hal leant back arms folded.

"Why am I being trained during the night?" Harry folded his arms on the dash and glanced. "You guys had all day to train rather than wait the last minute."

Hal straightened his posture. "Honestly? We want you to get comfortable. It's your first day in Mount Justice—with us and the others. Rushing you into training after yesterday in an entirely new environment you'd probably feel more comfortable hanging around the others since they had to go on a mission during the night using that for training was prime opportunity to take. Help take your mind off things and make the day go faster."

"Smart," Harry quipped.

"Did it work?"

His back leaned and gazed at the stars. "… I don't know. I'm still worried about them even if they are more experienced than me, I know I wouldn't be much help in the operation, but I would have liked to at least contribute something."

"You'll get your chance," Hal said. "Don't be so eager to rush into battle. It's better being prepared rather than going in half-cocked."

"Maybe." Harry shook his head. "I feel bad for not going. Being left here while all of them are out fighting."

"Everyone plays their part on the team. The League included. Example? My job. I'm a Green Lantern which means I help scout and deal with forces that come from outside of the solar system. I can be good at investigating, but Batman has everyone else beat in that department. Wonder Woman? Diplomacy and tactics. We all have our strengths, weaknesses and rolls when working with a team. I am sure you will find what role and what you can bring to your team when things happen," Hal reassured gently and placed a hand on his shoulder. "No one is expecting you to be amazing from the get-go. It's going to take time, training and effort before you'll be able to stand on the same level as some of them, but hell they might not catch up to you in other ways. Everyone's different."

It was nice that Hal was trying to cheer him up, putting his anxiety to rest to focus on improving himself keeping his thoughts off the others and how they were handling the mission. Harry was a worrier unable to shake the uncertainty crawling up his spine steadily forming into guilt at choosing to remain behind rather than challenge Batman. That had not been his place. A foreigner in a different world and frankly, a guest. Trying to argue with Batman would have fallen on deafened ears and his argument dismantled.

"What about Captain Marvel?"

Hal sighed. "I will be honest. I… don't know. No one really knows anything about him outside of the League. He's cheerful, energetic and willing to lend a hand to everyone that comes his way; a bit too eager to please. Damn secretive too any time you try asking a question, Marvel will change the subject or tear your attention somewhere else before you even register what happened. His magic isn't something to sneeze at either can almost go to give Superman a run for his money, but Marvel's too in control to allow that to happen. Too good."

"How long has he been with the League? Captain Marvel sounds like a good person," Harry pointed out curiously.

"He is. Hard to pin down, said he would be here today, but I guess something came up in Fawcett City," Hal admitted and then paused cocking his head. "That's another thing you and I will go over; Geography. You're good with that right?"

Harry froze. "Erm…"

"We'll look into that once we get to that." Hal waved dismissively. "And I believe we agreed on you trying to learn how to drive."

"Let's get this over and done with."

"You'll be fine. You have me here after all!" A greenish shine enveloped the two switching their positions with Harry at the wheel and Hal sitting beside him. "I used my Willpower to ensure that this car will act as a real one with key and all. If something happens, I'll intervene to avoid any damages that way you won't get hurt."

His brows furrowed. "What about you?"

"I'm a pilot. I've been in more crashes and stunts than you can believe," Hal puffed his chest grinning. "A little car accident won't harm me."

"How'd the testing go?"

Wonder Woman cocked her head from the screen observing the image of Hal and Harry on. No sound echoed. Used for security purposes only.

"Not as bad as we thought," Flash piped up.

Batman glanced. "He has basic knowledge. I can't tell whether these answers reflect that of his own world or mere guesswork, unfortunately, I can't call it a pass."

"At least he tried to answer some questions," Flash pointed out. "And didn't leave any blank."

"Perhaps he feared retaliation if leaving a question or two blank," J'onn added.

Flash paused and straightened his posture. "I didn't think of that."

"You men." Hawkgirl remarked flatly. "Wonder Woman and I figured your presence ended up intimidating the kid. You could have waited outside of the room instead of staying with him with a clock in hand, your presence must have traumatized him believing if he didn't do well that both of you would take it out on him."

"I'd never!" Flash snapped.

"I'm critical and expect the best out of the sidekicks. However, not that I would not go out of my way of trying to help them achieve their potential," Batman spoke lowly. "That aside I have no problem with tutoring the boy and helping him get to the level needed for the school year."

J'onn tilted head thoughtfully. "Would that be wise?"

"What do you mean?" Wonder Woman asked curiously.

"Given the circumstances, Harry might take to Batman tutoring him as a means of us not distrusting in him and continuing to view him as a threat. I am certain that despite our suspicious we can agree that he means no harm to us or to the rest of the team, but what of his perspective on us? We cornered him. Tore him away from M'gann and the others, forcing him to remain behind with the rest of the League observing him. With no means of contacting the rest of the Young Justice team. The fact you and Flash remaining in the room during his test might have compromised what little trust we've cultivated," J'onn answered softly. His words held a firm edge, gazing at everyone within the room with a stoic expression. "I do not believe that either of you held any ill-intent or held the desire to intimidate him, but I believe that your presence proved to backfire."

Hawkgirl pushed off the counter. "You really think the kid distrusts us now? Because Batman and Flash were in the same room as him?"

"Aren't you looking a wee bit into it?" Green Arrow prompted skeptically.

"He is a teenage boy. A teenage boy from another world brought to ours seemingly against his will and held practically prisoner with those who are far more powerful and knowledgeable about the world, would you not feel the same?"

Silence dropped like a pin to the floor. Exchange of uncertainty and wariness crept through the back of their spines uncertain how to take the comment, J'onn brought a rather important point which went over their heads gave how little time the League to adjust to everything happening around them from the ice villains attacking their respected cities, the appearance of Superboy and Cadmus's existence and now Harry's arrival things became tense. Far too much piled onto one another quickly where none could truly react and felt the building emotions from inside, each felt frustrated and angry all while trying to keep calm and composed outwardly to the sidekicks and to the outside world to reduce concern. Unfortunately, in doing so the League ended up causing a grave error that Batman himself had not realized until J'onn pointed it out, this miscalculation might have cost them what little trust they had earned from Harry with little chance regaining that trust.

"What about Hal?"

J'onn glanced at Green Arrow. "What about Hal?"

"Hal and the kid seem to get along well," Green Arrow started.

"That doesn't translate into trust," Flash disagreed, head shaking.

"Isn't Hal supposed to be Harry's mentor?" Shayera questioned. "You'd think he'd trust in him. Even if Hal is reckless."

"It's too early to tell," Wonder Woman denied, head shaking.

Green Arrow turned and cocked an eyebrow. "All we can do is wait, huh?"

"Seems like it," Flash answered. "He's a kid. Give him time."

"If he ever trusts us. Harry doesn't seem the type to trust adults easily," Shayera remarked bluntly.

"Isn't that why we're giving him the benefit of the doubt? Trying to get him to trust us?" Green Arrow inquired.

"Do not forget that our young members have created a sense of camaraderie with him. We are putting our trust in them in trusting in Harry, working and training is to establish that sense of trust in our younger members and in Harry, unless you've come up with a full-proof solution to prove that we are trustworthy?"

Green Arrow's jaw instantly shut.

"That's what I thought," J'onn remarked.

"I thought we were helping him because we want to give him a chance?"

The League turned towards the source of the voice startling them had been Captain Marvel floating off the floor before planting his feet. His lingering stare held on them tightly as though observing them preparing for their answers.

"Yesch, Captain Marvel warn us when you pop by!" Green Arrow held his heart dramatically. "Nearly gave us a heart attack!"

Flash glanced. "I think that's just you."

"What Green Arrow meant is that yes we are giving him a chance but we need to gain his trust first before any of us can do more," Wonder Woman answered carefully. "He's still an unknown to us. And there is a lot about him we all need to understand, things that don't entirely add him or the extent of his own abilities."

"Let's keep him away from computers. Until we can find a way to not cause things to explode," Flash suggested.

"Speaking of being alive where were you, today Captain, Marvel? I know that Fawcett can be rather far but all of us have got here in time for training," Wonder Woman changed the subject eyeing him unimpressed. "Did something happen?"

Captain Marvel stilled. "There was a problem in Fawcett that needed my immediate attention. I'm sorry that I didn't call but my hands were tied. All of you were busy, I didn't want to be a bother."

"You aren't a bother. However, make a diligent effort in contacting us whenever a problem that might arise or whenever you need help," J'onn informed coolly. "Even if we are doing something, our job is to protect the world and help each other. Next time I suggest using your communicator if the problem persists and prolongs too long. Understood?"

"Yes sir," Captain Marvel murmured silently. "I'm sorry."

"See that it does not happen again. Understood."

It was not a question rather a firm statement from Martian Manhunter expecting more from the red-caped man who nodded meekly before quietly placing himself in between J'onn and Green Arrow. The screen continued to play in the background with no noise playing reinforcing them as spectators watching from the outside looking in. Not knowing what might have been going on.

"Erm… does anyone know where Batman is?" Flash asked scratching his head.

Captain Marvel pointed. "And I think Hal and Harry need help. That construction is on fire."


The crack of dawn broke through with the light peering through the blinds spreading across the room and enlightening the dark corners. Shadows forming crossed the bedsheets and blankets, noises erupted from the front of the bed with papers scattering across descending to the floor with a sharp grunt heard within its wake.


Shortness of breath filled with exasperation. The chair shuffled beneath the floor as footsteps echoed through the room accompanied with the creaking movement of a door barely shutting, stumbling around reaching and grabbing whatever had been within reach echoing more sounds from the other room before emerging back to the bedroom with a long stretched yawn erupted, drawn-out and loud. Turning towards the closet opening with a pleasant hum and tap fingers against the wood came to an abrupt stop, arms lowered to the side barely tilted head sliding a spare glance behind. Head bowing lowly almost in resignation.

"Figured it was you."

The curtains flew with a dark, stalwart figured covered in darkness.

"Lucas Carr."

Cautiously stepping forward to the light revealing a man in a cowl along with a long black cape that flew in the air.

"It's been a while."

Lucas smiled blithely. "It has been hasn't it, Batman?"

Chapter end.

This chapter was not supposed to take this long! Thanks for everyone for their patience, the chapter ended up becoming far longer than anticipated, hope that the wait had been worth the wait and that you've enjoyed!

The next chapter will come out earlier and won't take several months to finish! Please be on the lookout!

Make sure to leave constructive criticism in your review and those interested in being a beta-reader please DM me!