T'was the night of New Year's Eve

Ianto was wondering if he should just leave

They were all drunk as skunks

And in that drunk kind of annoying funk


Gwen was sobbing as she wailed for her man

Tosh looked murderous as only a little dragon can

Owen just hoped Gwen didn't mean him

Not too drunk to not remember the trouble he was in


They were counting down to the midnight chime

Everyone loudly yelling the time

Jack moved in to seize Ianto from behind

Not knowing he had given his coat to Tosh to be kind


He swung her up to the air

Then registered the long swinging hair

Turning her around to kiss her with care

Whispering that he was glad she was there


Gwen was after Owen who squealed 'no'

Looking for somewhere he could go

Seizing the nearest person with fear

A lip lock as he yelled "Happy New Year!"


Ianto's eyes widened with shock

Owen caught in a mortal lip lock

Jack's roar filled the hub with noise

Myfanwy screaming at the boys


Ianto the first to break the lock

A fist to a head seemed the best sort of sock

Jack need not take the high ground

But still he yanked the little man around


"Ianto is not for sharing!" he said

Making it clear they only shared one-another's bed

Owen nodded, surprised by the claim

Watching Ianto blush as he whispered Jack's name


"Well everyone I'm off to bed"

Jacks loudly and happily said

Ianto took his hand and slipped out of sight

No need to say their goodnights.