"Honestly, I've only heard one of your songs,"

Miran set down her teacup and gasped dramatically with her hand clutching her heart in mock pain. Haruhi sipped her tea quietly and daintily, hiding a small smile behind the small cup.

"Ouch, I'm quite hurt, Haruhi," Miran teased with a smile. "How could you? I thought we were friends,"

"We are," Haruhi hummed. "But I don't really care much about idols,"

"Aish, so mean," Miran pouted as she went to take another sip from her tea. "But, in all honesty, I don't care much for idols either,"

Haruhi raised an eyebrow. "But you're an idol?"

"Situational irony, my dear Haruhi, situational irony," Miran waved her off dismissively, suddenly keenly aware of the not-so-far lingering eyes on her and Haruhi. "Anyways, which song?"

"Which song?"

"Which song did you hear?" Miran clarified as she tilted her head curiously.

"Ah, I know the song, but I don't know the song's name," Haruhi sheepishly admitted. Miran grinned. 'So cute!'

"Then how about you sing it for me?"Miran suggested, giggling innocently as she unknowingly set off a ticking time bomb.


And just like that, the peaceful music room burst into life.

"Haruhi is going to sing?"

"I want to hear!"

"I bet he sounds cute!"


Haruhi and Miran deadpanned. 'Ah, that's right. We're still here,'

"Hikaru! Kaoru!" Tamaki snapped his fingers. Hikaru and Kaoru appeared at his command like soldiers ready for combat. "Bring a microphone!"

"Yes, Boss!"

Haruhi and Miran watched helplessly as the twins ran off to bring a microphone.

"They can't be serious," Miran watched Mori haul a huge speaker in front of a sleek grand piano.

Haruhi looked exasperated as she watched Kyoya adjust the settings on the microphone. "They are,"

"Haruhi, I am so sorry," Miran solemnly apologized.

"It's fine," Haruhi sighed. "They're always like this,"

"'This' as in... overly-enthusiastic?" Miran watched as Tamaki elegantly stepped in front of the piano. Girls gather around the grand piano, whispering among each other and giggling with excitement.

Haruhi huffed. "No, 'this' as in overly-idiotic,"

"Well, I guess that's one way of putting it," Miran sweatdropped. She noted how Tamaki looked almost angelic in the white glow that reflected off the piano. With just a touch, the piano hummed in content. 'If anything, I'd say that it seems they're passionate about things they really care about. Like Haruhi,'

However, the spell was broken the moment Haruhi was suddenly shoved towards the microphone stand.

"I'm not singing!"

"But Haruhi!" Tamaki led a sea of whining girls and Hosts.

"I don't even know the lyrics," Haruhi protested as she pushed away from the microphone that was being pushed to her face.

"We could simply find them online," Kyoya typed away at his computer, glasses flashing dangerously as if to warn her against upsetting the guests.

"But I don't even know the song," Haruhi argued, looking around for some sort of help.

"We could simply ask Miss Kagamine,"


Her eyes landed on Miran who gazed at the piano almost wistfully with twitching fingers, and, suddenly, she knew what to do.

'Sorry, Miran,'

"Actually," Haruhi began hesitantly, eyes shifting timidly to the ground. She peeked at the crowd almost shyly before admitting. "I'd like you ladies to listen to Miran's song from Miran herself,"

And just like that, Haruhi switched the tides of attention to Miran.

Miran, like a deer caught in the headlights, froze.

"Oh! It's Mira Mira!"

"Ah, I think my brother is a fan of hers,"

"I've never heard her songs before,"

"If Haruhi likes it, then I like it,"

"Do you think my father will disown me for listening to commoner music?"

Miran twitched as she smiled politely. 'Don't let it get to you,'

"I know you ladies want to hear me sing, but," Haruhi gazed into the crowd with a soft smile.

The whispers went quiet.

Everyone gazed at her.

"I'd like to dedicate this song to you,"





A few girls sprawled onto a couch, fanning themselves.

Tamaki covered his tomato-esque face with his hand.

The twins clutched their hearts.

The Host Club, in general, looked very attacked by Haruhi's unintentional cuteness.

'I don't blame them,' Miran willed her racing heart to calm down as she held a hand over it. 'Even I feel attacked. By the dedication of my own song! How?!'

As everyone attempted to regain their composure (or life), Miran watched Haruhi glanced around in confusion, completely unaware of the number of deaths she nearly caused.

"Haruhi Fujioka, you are one dangerous weapon," Miran stage-whispered to Haruhi. Haruhi glanced back at her looking more confused than exasperated.

"What do you mean?"

Miran shook her head disapprovingly and sighed. "Please, never become an idol. You'd kill off your fans,"

"...What?" Haruhi looked even more lost.

Miran simply laughed. "Nevermind that. Just tell me which song to sing and I'll do it,"

"Oh, right!" Haruhi's eyes flashed in remembrance. "Sorry I put you up for it without asking you first,"

Miran waved dismissively. "No worries, no worries. I caused this problem in the first place. Anyways. Do you remember the title?"

'Imagine she was just lying. Maybe she didn't even care to listen to your music,' She sang teasingly in the back of her head.

"Ah, I don't remember the name..." Haruhi's eyebrows furrowed in thought.

Miran's smile twitch. "Not even a line?" 'See? Why would she waste her tim––'

"Oh!" Haruhi stamped a small fist into the palm of her hand in remembrance. "Something about love not being over..?"

Miran's heart unintentionally clenched as Miran inwardly let out a sigh of relief. Nevertheless, she smiled. "Ah, that's actually the title, you know?"

"Really?" Haruhi blink, before smiling softly. "It's a great song, Miran,"

Miran couldn't stop herself from grinning. 'She liked it,'

"Well, I guess I'll get started then," Miran hummed, bringing the microphone stand next to the piano.

"Right now?" Haruhi asked, glancing back to the room of still recovering soldiers.

Miran nodded.

"But they're still... dead? Shouldn't you wait until they pay attention?"

Miran flashed Haruhi a confident smile. "An artist doesn't wait for the limelight, Haruhi,"

And she began.

| § |

"All I can do is watch you as your silhouette fades from sight,"

Kanako Kasugazaki sat alone in the motionless teacup, waiting for the one who was supposed to be next to her.

"Time follows you, along with the flowing of the long night,"

Where has the time gone? What had happened? Why weren't they like they used to be when they were kids?

"Why, you're far away, why?"

He's going off, isn't he?

"So far that my heart can't reach you,"

Why is he going? Why Europe?

"Tell me why, farther away, why?"

Why can't he stay here with her?

"Do I just not exist in your eyes anymore, oh!"

He hasn't even spoken to her about it! She's his fiance! Doesn't she have the right to know?!

"Loving is pain, so much pain, so much pain, yeah,"

Oh god, she loves him so much... So much...

"Saying goodbye is no less pain, but hurts even more instead,"

Will he even say goodbye? What if–?!

"Tell me how do I go on if you're not here,"

What is she supposed to do while he's gone for who knows how long?!

"Give me your love, give me your love,"

He stopped loving her, didn't he?

"Come back into my lonely arms,"

How will I get him to fall in love with me again?

"Loving is pain, so much pain, so much pain, yeah,"

He didn't care. He didn't care which boy it was.

"Saying goodbye is no less pain, but hurts even more instead,"

He hasn't said anything about anything!

"Tell me how do I go on if you're not here,"

I'm running out of time. What do I do?!

"Give me your love, give me your love,"

They're nothing compared to you.

"Come back into my lonely arms,"

Why can't you just be mine? Why? Why are you leaving? Why don't you love me? Our love can't be ov–

"Love is not over, over, over,"

She paused.

"Love is not over, over, over,"

She peered over her shoulder and past all the other beautiful teacups.

"Love is not over, over, over,"

Past the boys he didn't care for.

"Love is not over, over, over,"

She hasn't tried Haruhi yet.

'Maybe this isn't the end,'

| § |

'Ah, it's coming to an end,'

"Loving is pain, so much pain, so much pain, yeah,"

Miran's finger softly fluttered across the keys, leaving butterfly kisses at each note.

"Saying goodbye is no less pain,"

Miran gently lingered before concluding.

"But hurts even more instead..."

The piano lulled the notes to silence as Miran let them go.

'But an absence without a goodbye hurts the most...' Miran mused in the silence of the song. 'I should have added that...'

"Bravo! Bravo!"

Miran flinched at the sudden sound of praise and applause. She looked back wide-eyed into the audience. 'Oh god, I forgot I'm still here,'

"That was beautiful!"

"I don't know why I'm crying!"

"Ha-Haruhi! Wahhh!"

"I didn't know commoner music could be so nice!"

Miran smiled timidly and bowed respectfully. "A-ah, thank you..."

"How did you sing so beautifully?" A girl stepped towards her with eyes shining with admiration. "I can never get the notes right!"

Miran took a step back and averted her eyes to the ground. "I practice a lot?" 'But I... one of the notes didn't sound quite right...'

"That song was so sad and, yet, so full of hope! You're amazing!"

Miran bowed. "Thank you..." 'A-amazing?'

"Mira Mira, where can I buy your album?!"

"I want to hear more of your music!"

"When is your next concert?!"

All the bowing and stepping back in the world could not save Miran from being surrounded by girls turned fans. It wasn't long until Miran's uneasy face disappeared in the crowd.

"Shouldn't we help her?" Haruhi asked, sweatdropping as she watched Miran attempted to scribble her way out of the crowd through autographs. Kyoya scribbled into his notebook, apparently calculating an unforeseen fortune.

"It appears Miss Kagamine was quite a hit with the ladies," Kyoya commented idly. "Perhaps we could benefit from this,"

"Mira-chan's really good! She should perform in the ball, Kyo-chan!" Honey suggested, eyes sparkling with excitement. Flowers floated above his head. "Don't you think so, Takeshi?"


Kyoya pushed up his glasses, causing them to glint ominously. "Perhaps if Haruhi puts in a good word for us,"

'Money grubbing devil,' Haruhi deadpanned. "No,"

Honey glomped Haruhi and gave her the biggest puppy eyes he could manage. "Pretty please, Haru-chan?"

Haruhi twitched before giving in. "Fine,"


'I'm so sorry, Miran,' Knowing that the Host club wouldn't give up until they get a yes, Haruhi's shoulders slumped in defeat.

Hikaru and Kaoru rested their arms on both sides of Haruhi's shoulders.

"You know, for someone whose job is to sing in front of people, Miran is surprisingly quite shy," Hikaru observed as Miran timidly accepted the praise of the customers. Kaoru nodded in agreement.

"I honestly expected her to run out on us," Kaoru idly commented, watching Miran awkwardly comfort an emotional customer. "She usually runs away from crowds," 'And us,'

The twins glanced at each other with the same question weighing on their minds.

'Can she even be the model Mom wants her to be?'

Haruhi pensively gazed at Miran as she hastily bowed in appreciation for the praise thrown her way. "Well, she is a bit shy... But…"

Instantly, the image of Miran singing along with the tune of the piano completely absorbed and confident flashed in her mind.

The way she unknowingly captured the attention and eased the room back to a light-hearted reality.

The way she wasn't afraid to sing in front of people who didn't want to give her a chance.

"She is definitely an idol," Haruhi concluded, smiling as she watched Miran sigh in relief after signing the final autograph.

The twins glanced down at Haruhi before looking back at Miran.

'Well… She isn't completely hopeless,'

Miran smiled contently at her newly-converted fans.

"My brother is going to be so jealous!" A girl gleefully said to another. The other girl nodded fervently in agreement.

"We should go to a Mira Mira concert together!"

"Have you followed her on Chitter?"

"Oh my god! Her posts are so cute!"

Miran closed her eyes and smiled in content at the happy noise surrounding her. 'They're so cute... I'm glad they liked my song,'

'It was just one song. What makes you think they'll like your other songs?' She nagged in the depth of her thoughts.

Miran opened her eyes and frowned slightly. A seed of doubt planted in her head.

'Maybe they're only being polite because Haruhi recommended it,'

Her gaze lowered to the ground.

'That's right. They weren't interested in me to begin wi–'


Long arms wrapped around Miran.


All Miran could see was violet fabric.


Tamaki spun Miran around with sparkles flying around him as he sprouted more French praises. Miran felt her sense of direction and stability whirl away. And then he stopped.

"Tell me," His expressive, violet eyes suddenly serious. "How did you write such a beautiful masterpiece?"

Miran swayed from side to side, eyes and head spinning.

"H-hard work?" 'Write. Sing. Dance. Practice,'

"Hard work?"

"A-and inspiration?" 'Everything. Music. Beauty. Everything,'


Miran couldn't form the words.

"M-my fans?" 'All. Everything. For,'

But, somehow, Tamaki understood everything.

"Très bien! Magnifique! Tu es une étoile!"

He spun and spun and spun.

And all Miran could think and think and think was:

'He actually liked it..?'

| § |

'They don't like me,'

A sinking feeling.


she really let herself loose look at that flab


what is she doing? isnt she going to have a comeback soon?


obviously not. idols diet to lose weight for comebacks. all the lazy ass has been doing is get fat


shame i was actually looking forward to a new album


dont even bother. her new songs are trash. i miss the old mira mira ㅠㅠ


she thinks shes all that cuz she goes to that rich kids school


i heard she even gave them a concert FOR FREE


what a bitch


she only cares about the rich kids now

Likes: 3.4M

Miran watched her recently posted a photo of her posing next to roses received more and more comments. She hoped that the likes would exceed the number of hate comments she received.

But the likes never rose over 1,407,000.

'It's okay,' Miran swallowed hard. 'You can fix this. You can fix this,'

"Shion! Wanna see how many sit-ups I can do?"

Miran slid her plate to the side.

| § | HAPPI END | § |

Hi (;;) Sorry I took so long, but I finally got this chapter to work in a way I was satisfied with. ()

Anyways, its summer break and college stuff is over for now, so I'll have more time to write now. ^^

Alsooo, if you haven't noticed by now, the chapter titles are the titles to actual songs (mostly KPop songs for now). In case you want to listen to them, I'll have the name of the artist at the end of each chapter for you to find them with. So far the Photogenic's playlist is:





Love is Not Over-BTS

I'm picking songs that have some sort of meaning towards the chapter. Like:

instagram highlights the problems with social media. Sometimes people are way too unkind to others on social media simply because they can. They don't stop and think about how their comments may affect the owner of the post because all they see is a picture of the life and self the poster is presenting. To Pictogram, Miran is a picture that they can praise or hate. There is no Miran in this chapter because there is no Miran in Pictogram––just a picture.

SOLO demonstrates that you should be true to yourself. While the song is mostly about being sincere and confident after a breakup, I thought that the powerfulness that emanates from this song could demonstrate who Mira Mira is and who Miran yearns to be. As an idol, Miran isn't sincere. Not to herself and not to her fans. And she doesn't want that.

Lonely is pretty self-explanatory. The lyrics and the music itself emphasizes the nature of loneliness and the yearning to want to share these feelings to someone, anyone who'd care. Jonghyun is a genius poet who could make you feel this yearning through one simple, tender, and sincere song. I feel that if Miran were a real-life idol this song is the song she'd probably be listening or humming to herself in the lonely hallway.

Her is sort of a summary of the chapter. Here not only does Miran realizes that Haruhi is a girl but she also plants herself into the world and care of Haruhi. In Her, BTS reflects the fear of being you and rejecting the real you for the fake you as you search to be loved by this Her. Her in this chapter can be the Her that is Haruhi but it can also be the Her in which Miran chooses to care for Haruhi regardless of her gender or status but is also afraid to be completely herself.

Love is Not Over describes how a relationship becomes distant and how one should not give up on their love. This song served as a hint towards the Kanako and the teacup boy problem. I wanted to demonstrate how Miran can inspire people with 'her' music 'cause I can't just write an idol character without making her an actually competent in her profession. Otherwise, Miran would just be a bumbling fool of an idol who logically shouldn't even be the popular idol I'm presenting her as.

So yeah. These are quick explanations that I'll try to leave at the end of each chapter from today onwards. Feel free to recommend some songs to me. If you think that they fit in with Miran or anyone of the Host Club members or part of the story, drop the song! Kpop, Jpop, classical, even country! Drop it! Music is music, and I'd love to hear a song that you hold dear to your heart!

Till next time!