Because Harry's fond of Malfoy's white peacocks and Gardens


"Can I ask you a personal question Mr. Black-Snape?" Asks Skeeter. Sirius sighs. Skeeter's personal questions are usually very personal but Lucius requested him to do this. He wants people to know that he'll no longer fight for the dark lord. He doesn't want anyone to punish Draco for his decisions.

So, Sirius sighs, "Yes."

"From what I know, your friends and you used to despise Lucius Malfoy at Hogwarts because he was a death eater. Would you like to tell our readers why Mr. Malfoy decided to forsake you-know-who's cause?"

Sirius grins. Skeeter frowns and Sirius smiles some more. He would never forget that day, that day when his little godson turned Lucius's life upside down the man became a prey to Harry's doe-eyed looks.

"Ah! Yes. I would certainly like to share the tale with everyone. This happened a month ago. It was a Sunday morning...

Harry was never like normal kids. But then Sirius had never expected that, not with James as his father and Lily as his mother. James had always been a master manipulator. He could charm the pants off anyone. Lily had always been very righteous, what with the way she always stood up for Severus when they teased him. Harry turned out to be a very naughty yet a very adorable and decent five year old baby.

Around three and a half years have passed since James and Lily died and Harry became the boy-who-lived. When Sirius had seen James's dead body, he had realized that Peter had betrayed them. He had gone inside Harry's room to check if Lily was still alive only to find her dead body sprawled on the floor. He had been so enraged at that moment that he had decided to find Peter and kill him.

But, then Harry's soft sobs had reached his ears and the fact that his godson was still alive had registered in his mind. He had turned his eyes towards the crib in which Harry was standing with his hands on the bars. He was crying and his huge green eyes were staring at him. Sirius had stood up and gone to his godson. It was like the child was calling him although he could only cry and stare at him at that time.

Sirius had levitated James's body and placed it near Lily's and had sat beside the corpses with Harry in his arms. Severus had come few moments later and together they had buried Harry's parents and raised Harry. Remus had disappeared soon after the funeral. He had said that he couldn't look at Harry and not remember James and Lily.

After all these years, Remus has still not returned.

"Uncle Siiiirius." His five year old godson's soft voice brings him back from his musings and he blinks his damp eyes. Intelligent and adorable green eyes are looking at him. His lower lip is sticking out in a pout and his hands are joined in front of him.

"Yes, Harry." Sirius says, already knowing what the child wants.

"I want to visit the Mawfoys." Harry's the picture of innocence with his doe-eyed look and polite voice.

"Ma-l-foys." Sirius says. Harry still makes the error sometimes and Malfoy would be offended if Harry were to make this error in front of the blonde. Not that Sirius's going to take Harry to visit the manor.

"But you don't even like their son. Why do you want to visit?" Sirius asks politely. He knows that Severus's hidden somewhere. He doesn't want to deal with an adorable Harry Potter wanting to visit the manor of the right-hand man of Voldemort.

Harry's tongue peaks out of his lips and his eyes become huge for a moment as if he's just realizing the loop-hole in his plan.

"I do like him." He says quietly.

"You said something else the other day when you came back from the zoo." Sirius murmurs. Harry and Severus had fallen upon Malfoy and his son and Harry taken an instant dislike to the small boy. Again, he hadn't yelled and thrown a fit like a normal child. No. He had only told Sirius that he hated Draco and he would never talk to him again and that he would never be his friend because Draco wouldn't show his broom to him and because Draco made fun of his hair.

He had gone on and on for an hour after returning from the zoo and then again before sleeping. For someone who hated Draco Malfoy and didn't want to be his friend, Harry surely talked a lot about him. But Sirius hadn't complained, not even once. He had nodded and Ohed and Aahed at the right places.

The green eyed child becomes silent at Sirius's argument. It's very interesting to watch Harry think about another excuse. His eyes narrow in intense concentration for just a moment before he focuses back on Sirius.

"I like their white peacocks and gardens. Pwease. Pretty pwease, uncle Sirius."

Sirius considers denying. Malfoy won't take kindly to the intrusion. But Harry's eyes become really huge and his lower lip trembles and Sirius realizes that he simply can't deny his godson. Severus would glare at him if he were but he isn't because he can't resist giving in to Harry's request.

"Lucius'll never agree. He could even hurt Harry." Severus some out of nowhere. Sirius turns around and glares at the man who's avoiding Harry's adorable eyes. It's quite obvious that Severus was only waiting for Sirius to deny his godson so that he himself won't have to do it.

"No-one can hurt Harry." Sirius says.

"I won't have you imprisoned for-"

Sirius rolls his eyes before interrupting his husband of two years, "I'm not talking about maiming your old friend. I don't think he would hurt a child for wanting to visit his peacocks and gardens. I should have known this would happen. Harry saw those moving pictures in the daily Prophet."

"Will we go, uncle Severus?" Asks little Harry and this time his wraps his little fingers around Severus's. Severus's staring resolutely at Sirius. He loves the little boy and Sirius loves Severus for his forgiveness. Harry looks a lot like James whom Severus had despised with a passion.

"Are you mad at me, uncle Severus? I read that book you gave to me." Harry asks, his face tilted up and his small hand still wrapped around Severus's larger one.

Sirius knows what's about to happen. Yet when it does happen, Sirius can't help but smile.

Severus's dark eyes widen in alarm before they meet Sirius's and then the man kneels in front of a five year old Harry Potter.

"No, I'm not mad at you. You're such a good boy. I could never be angry at you."

This scene never fails to astound Sirius. That James's five year old child would bring a proud man like Severus to his knees is as surprising as it was when Harry had turned three and Severus had asked for the boy's permission for marrying Sirius.

Harry with his red cheeks and sparkling green eyes and polite voice has this stern man wrapped around his little finger.

"I want to see Maw-no- Ma-l-foy's white peacocks and gardens. Please take me there." Harry requests Severus very politely but then the boy's always very polite and calm and composed.

Of course, Severus nods just a second later before murmuring, "Of course, I'll take you. Of course."

Sirius shakes his head at his husband and little godson who wraps his small arms around Severus's neck. Severus looks extremely uncomfortable but Sirius smiles at him and so he wraps his arms back around Harry.

Sirius blinks a few times to bring himself back to the present.

"I think you should ask Lucius about the rest of the tale. He's the right person." Sirius mutters and presses his lips together to suppress his grin. He'll never forget that day.

Skeeter's smiling widely. The woman's fond of Harry. Actually, everyone is fond of Harry, everyone except Draco Malfoy of course. The small boy loses no opportunity to tease Harry. It's absolutely hilarious, particularly when Lucius brings his son over, stating that Draco interrupted his meeting to rant about Harry.

"Shall we go right now?" Skeeter asks politely.

"Ah! He must be busy right now but I think that he'll make an exception for me." Sirius says and they apparate in front of the Malfoy manor.

Lucius stares at the two five year olds playing in his garden. That the dark lord could come back and destroy this terrifies him. That he could turn Lucius and Narcissa into his puppets and hurt Draco and Harry makes him tremble although he doesn't allow anyone to witness it, anyone except his oldest friend Severus and new friend Sirius of course. Lucius would like to claim that he's allowing Potter's brat inside his manor because it'll eventually help him. He would also like to say that he hates enigmatic little Harry Potter but it would be a white lie.

With her mothers charming and quiet personality and father's charisma, this child is perfect. He can't help but feel that Draco and Harry will be safe as long as they have each other.

"Will you like your readers to know, Mr. Malfoy?" Asks Skeeter.

"Yes." He says, not just because his son'll benefit from this but because he really wants everyone to know how wonderful and intelligent this child is. It's difficult to decide whether he would land in Gryffindor or in Slytherin.

"This happened a month back, as I am sure Sirius has told you...

Lucius sighs. He really needs to read these files and Draco won't stop ranting about Harry Potter. They had been together for just five minutes. As much as Draco's denying it, Lucius knows that his son wants to befriend Potter's brat. Surely, he doesn't expect Lucius to ask the child on his behalf. That's something Draco would have to do himself.

"Draco-" Lucius starts when his son stops because he would pause only for a moment before starting again. He's playing with blocks and when the doorbell rings, he stands up. Draco's a very active child and so of course, he runs to open the door. Lucius follows his son, shaking his head at the child's antics.

It's Sunday and Lucius deserves a holiday and one child is quite enough, thank you very much so when he opens the door and finds Severus and Black standing in front of him with blank faces and little Harry's green eyes peaking at him from behind Severus's legs, he sighs.

"Father, what's Potter doing here?" Asks Draco, his lips curled in a pout.

"Mr. Mawfoy, I want to see your white peacocks and gardens." Little Harry says with a small pout of his own.

Lucius opens his mouth to deny the request because they don't allow anyone except Draco in the gardens. But then the green-eyed child steps away from Severus and stands in front of him. Lucius stares at him, expecting him to throw a fit like his son does. But the child only stands in front of Lucius with his hands joined in front of his legs and his eyes huge and very very green.

Severus and Black are quiet and even Draco's quiet. He's only staring at Harry. Lucius wants to ask his son about his supposed hatred for 'stupid Potter' and 'stupid Potter's stupid green eyes'.

How can someone be so adorable? Lucius wonders, appalled to realize that he can't refuse this child.

"Pwease, Mr. Maw- no - Mr. Ma-l-foy. Pretty pwease." Requests Harry and then Draco turns to look at him and makes a very politely worded request, "I would ensure that he doesn't hurt the peacocks, father. Can I take him? Father plllleasssee."

"Mr. Malfoy pw- no - p-llleeeaaasse."

He looks up to find Black and Severus snickering at him.

Lucius blinks a couple of times to ensure that this isn't a dream. When he's sure, he looks at the pouting faces of the two five year olds and nods, "Yes. Yes. Go ahead."

"Mr. Malfoy- Mr. Malfoy." Lucius blinks hard and shakes his head to focus on present and looks at the woman.

"Yes." Says Lucius.

Skeeter stares at him, her eyes wide with disbelief before whispering, "So you're saying that you deflected from you-know-who's cause because little Harry Potter is fond of the white peacocks and gardens of the Malfoy manor?"

Sirius bursts out laughing at the words and Lucius smiles while watching the two kids play with the peacocks before answering, "Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying."

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