A/N: Hey guys! Welp… I'm making something quite bizarre. I feel like I've seen too many LL x JoJo memes and now its affecting me. Alright, I got a few things to say real quick before we dive in. First, if a stand idea or OC seems like someone else's or like a stand or character in Jojo, it is coincidental. The second is that, this is based in the LL universe and no Jojo characters are going to appear in it, although Jojo concepts and tendencies like stands and random fabulous posing (I'll try and make them as descriptive as possible) will be present. The third is that this is centered around Aqours and that it might get a bit brutal (though I'll try not to write out too many details ) and μ's won't really be present much. The fourth is that I will be exaggerating various character traits of the characters to the point where they might seem like completely different people, but I promise that by the end they'll start "acting" like themselves. The fifth is that this fanfic will not have a constant release date for each chapter. I'm still recovering from a two year writer's block and working on chapters on a weekly schedule is not possible for me. So chapter releases will be erratic, I could update in three day or in three months so don't expect them to be fixed xD. So yeah. Anyway, I'mma just start now xD.

Chapter 1: Chika Takami Wants to Shine! Part 1

Numazu; the city of fish and the sea. It is an industrial city and a regional financial center with its port known as a major center of the Shizuoka prefecture's fishery industry. Located at the northern end of the Izu Peninsula, it is a city inside within Shizuoka prefecture in the Chūbu region known for the Senbonhama seaside, being a gateway to Mt. Fuji, it's hot springs, the Numazu Imperial Villa Memorial Park, Toda, and it's two aquariums: Mito Sea Paradise and Awashima Marine Park. Numazu currently has a population of 191,600 and a land area of 186.96 km^2. While the city of Numazu may be where most of the story takes place, it is not where the story begins.

The story begins in Tokyo, Japan with an orange haired girl chasing a runaway flyer. This girl's name was Chika Takami. Chika had medium length, orange hair that barely touched her shoulders, and crimson red eyes. Beside her left ear was a braid that was tied with a yellow bow. On the top of her head was a small ahoge that no matter what she did, would not go away. Clipped on the right side of her hair was a small, green, clover-shaped hair clip. Chika was also 157 cm tall. She wore a white uniform shirt and a gray skirt with two white lines lining near the bottom edge. Attached to the shirt was a gray neckerchief with a red necktie tied with it. She also wore black knee-length stockings and a pair of black penny loafers. This was her school uniform that was issued by her all-girls school Uranohoshi Girls' high school.

By the time the wind had stopped blowing the runaway flyer, it and the girl chasing it stopped in front of a large building, the Akiba Dome, that had a giant, digital billboard attached to the front of it. After picking up the flyer, Chika turned to leave but not without catching a glimpse of what was showing on the large billboard. On it, something was shining brilliantly. As if forced to look back by an unseeable force, Chika turned back around and stared right at the billboard.

The second her eyes landed on the giant billboard, her fate had been laid out in front of her. There, shining in an unimaginable glory, was a nine person group; performing a song through dance and voice. The nine girls each looked different yet normal and generic; people Chika would see on the street and not spare a second thought about, but something about them compelled Chika. Almost as if they were glowing lights and Chika was a bug mesmerized by them.

All of her life Chika was a person who lacked desire. She never had a desire to try new things and for the things she had already tried, seemed lackluster. Swimming to her was about lying in the water hoping to drown. Art was about painting colors over each other and counting how many strokes until they turned brown. Writing was about writing out random assortment of letters then looking up if they were actually words. Studying was about memorizing something, putting it on a test, then sleeping it out of her memory. Romance, wealth, hobbies, friends, occupations, all of these things that most people have a desire, she had none. They all seemed like a waste of time.

She did enjoy things and did have her own personal tastes and preferences but never felt a strong desire for those she had a positive preference for. Because of her lack of desire, she never had any long-lasting friends and was cast off as a weird "faker" whom nobody could trust and build a "meaningful" relationship with, not even her family. Being alone for most of her life, she had lots of time to herself. She usually spent this time loitering about. What she did was random and most times was just her having short bursts of thought about random things. At some point, you could say she became antisocial. After all, it was better to not say anything when people don't even care.

These random things she would stumble upon and do led to her trying out many different things. Sports, art, acting, cooking, collecting, writing, socializing, all of them, left her bored and uninterested. She would never stay and do one thing and "devote" to them. It was as if she herself didn't have a desire to care.

Chika, of course, realized how abnormal her lack of desire was. She knew that it was a flaw that would lead down into a rabbit hole of ruin. Maybe it was because of this thought of ruin that she had perhaps gained a bit of desire or rather, realized she did have desire the entire time, even if it was small. Maybe she did care. Why else would she go out of her way to try out different things? Maybe her desire was to find something that she would be willing to "devote" her time and energy to achieving.

On that billboard that glistened with radiance, Chika felt a small nagging. Maybe it was nothing. Something comparable to a feeling of hunger after not eating for a day. A moment had passed and then another, the nagging was growing stronger. No, it was not nothing. The nagging had grew into a feeling that tugged at Chika and told her to do something about it, to satisfy it. This was the first time she had ever experienced such an intense feeling, more intense than her desire for something to do in her life.

As the nine girls on screen continued to perform, their shine grew. Everything about each of them, the colors of their dresses, the echoes of their voices, the glistening of their sweat, their genuine expressions of happiness and energy, everything was shining. In the crowd, you could see a sea of little rectangles dancing as if motivated by the nine girls.

As Chika continued to view the performance, the intense feeling had lit a fire in her. For the first time in her life, she wanted something "conventional." For the first time in her life, she wanted to try something. For the first time in her life, she wanted to "devote" to something. For the first time in her life, she wanted to achieve something.

As the performance ended, she had realized what she felt such a strong desire for. She wanted to shine. She wanted to shine just as bright- No. She wanted to shine brighter than those nine girls. And she was willing to do anything to achieve that shine.

That night, holed up in her room, Chika looked up and researched the group that had introduced her to her desire. Remembering the name that appeared after the performance she had seen earlier that day, she typed it into the search engine. Her heart pounded with curiosity and an unexplainable anxiety.

"U's…" she mumbled to herself as she typed it out. It was quite a weird name. It was only two letters and an apostrophe, but Chika decided it was at least somewhat unique and left it at that. Billions of results loaded before Chika; and through dozens of links and dozens of searches, her world had intertwined with the worlds of Love Live and idols.

As Chika waited for all of the songs she downloaded to finish, Chika stumbled upon a link to a news article. Chika would have normally passed the article but the headline caught her eye: "Police shuts down Love Live competition in hopes to end School Idol Murders." What was this? What Chika found most odd about the article was not the murders but the Love Live competition being shut down. Earlier in Chika's search, she stumbled upon the Love Live official website which had an announcement about how the Love Live competition was about to start in the summer of the current year. How could something that was shut down still be going on? Curious, Chika clicked the link.

The site loaded and Chika immediately located the date the article was made; three years ago, two years after μ's officially disbanded. Chika skimmed through the article picking out key phrases and sentences. "... one year since police discovered the first victim of the school idol murders… a reported forty-one people found dead since then all over Japan, all high school girls from the ages of 15-18 with the exception of a few males who had been identified as major school idol fans… Last week police had appealed to have Love Live shut down in hopes that if school idols as a trend stopped, the murders would too… Two days ago on October thirteenth, Love Live sent an official announcement on the home page of their website that they will be shutting down... "

This was news to Chika. She had never heard of these "School Idol Murders" before. Though it wasn't that much a surprise to Chika as she had lived as a modern-day hermit her entire life. No one wanted to talk to her after all and she didn't want to talk to anyone either. The murders did surprise her though. Why did they occur? Why were all of the victims chosen for the murders connected to school idols? Perhaps it was some sick person's fetish? Maybe they were all coincidental? Other than the mystery of the murder victims being related to school idols, Chika initial question of how Love Live was still operating was left unanswered.

As Chika pondered about the article, she noticed her downloads were finished. Eager to put them on her phone, Chika decided that since the article was made three years ago, the police had captured the murderer or murderers and permitted Love Live to continue and left it at that. Chika would continue to delve into the world of school idols until she fell asleep against her will.

Chika had woke up with beams of light stabbing her unprepared eyes and loud idol music blasting her sore ears. Squinting and removing the earphones from her ears, she got up with a slight ache from grogginess. It probably wasn't a good idea for her to spend the entire night downloading everything μ's. She looked at her alarm clock to find she had forgot to set the alarm and that she was ten minutes past the time she was supposed to wake up. Any other person would probably freak out and rush through morning routines, but Chika laid back down on her bed wishing she was a beetle hiding underground with the freedom of being able to sleep whenever it wants.

Catching herself right before she slipped back into sleep, she lifted her body, and like a rag doll given consciousness and movement, hobbled out of bed. With uneven eyes, Chika went about freshening up. As she became more presentable, she became more aware of her surroundings. Waking up, she remembered about her desire to shine. The feeling was not as magical as it was the day prior. She still felt motivated enough to pursue it but it was more "meh" to her now. Perhaps she was too tired to be excited and lively like the nine girls. The growing migraine behind her left eye didn't help much either.

After freshening up and getting ready school, she headed to the living room of her home. On her way there, she glanced into the small crack provided by the slightly opened door leading into a room which had a restaurant-y kitchen feel to it and saw her dad there cooking and working. This was rare. Usually the door to the kitchen would be closed like a finishing touch to an insane asylum. The only times when the door was open was when food ordered by guests of her family ryokan was finished and needed to be delivered. The few times Chika was able to peek inside, she would only see her father's back. She had never seen her dad's face before, even when he was facing in her direction. It was always covered up by some sort of shadow. Chika never really questioned it or cared to know why her father had this strange phenomenon hanging over him, but then again, maybe it was something that happened to boys when they become fathers. For all Chika knew, that could actually be true. After all, she never saw anyone else's father. But then why do boys gain a shadow over their face when they become dads? Chika paused. Did she just question it? It was almost like she wanted to know despite supposedly not caring.

Before Chika could pursue it any further, the voice of her older sister, Mito, called out to her. "You know… At this rate, you might as well become a NEET." Chika looked at her sister in response. Mito sighed at the silence and walked briskly over and tugged at her arm to move. "You can eat some bread on the RUN to school. Oh and you better run too. School starts in fifteen minutes and unless you want to make up for repeated tardiness, which is not fun, I would run."

After being dragged into the living room and having two slices of bread stuffed into her mouth, she was shoved out with the twentieth reminder to run from her sister. Chika lazily chewed the bread in her mouth as she glanced back at her family ryokan before walking down the road. She didn't finish her third step before she was hit with something from the back of her head and her twenty-first reminder to "RUN!"

Chika squinted her eyes from her increased migraine and looked back at the irritated expression of her sister. Chika glanced down on the floor of what had been thrown at her to find a single tangerine. She picked it up with reluctance and looked at her sister. "Shima told me to give it to you." In the background, Chika's other older sister waved at her.

Chika's left eye twitched. She didn't like tangerines. Despite her dislike for tangerines, she turned around with the tangerine in hand. She didn't want to bother with telling them that. After all, Mito would probably just tell her to eat it anyway and that its good for her. Despite the banshee screeching at her to run, Chika walked to school. Along the way, she threw the tangerine into a trash can.

Along the way to school, whilst Chika was listening to music, she thought about what she should do to attain the shine that μ's had. Well from her research, most school idols seem to be in groups or at the very least, pairs. Chika groaned. She actually had to socialize and work with others. In hindsight, it wasn't that bad. Despite Chika being "antisocial" and not wanting to speak much, she wouldn't have that much problem with actually socializing. She wasn't nervous around people per say. Even so, it was a pain. What if those people decide they don't really care or think she's weird and just leave? What if no one joins? What if she didn't exist? What if the reason why people seem to not care about her was actually just because she didn't exist? In fact, what does it even mean to exist? Does it mean to shine? Speaking of which, those μ's people shone, but what does that really mean? Maybe this entire time, those people were just dancing on a really shiny stage illuminated by god knows how many stage lights. And this entire time, Chika was just mistaken about them being "shiny." Maybe all Chika needed to do is be on a stage with lots of lights on her. To Chika, that was probably better than doing idol things with other people. In fact, Chika should abandon her dream of being an idol and just be a part of stage tech, where her true desire- In that instant, Chika was headbutted in the back of her head.

The headbutt wasn't exactly hard nor was it painful but the surprise of being struck randomly made Chika yelp and jump like she was an amateur huntsman about to hunt his first rabbit that suddenly just jumped on his hand. In the middle of the jump, she knocked her earphones out of her ears and onto the floor. When Chika landed and turned to see who or what had struck her, she found a gray haired girl trying her hardest to not fall from the awkward position she and her bike were in.

Chika stared at the girl as her face slowly contorted to a more violent strain. The surprise of being struck vanished when Chika had seen the scene and her first instinct was to start massaging near her left eye where the migraine had grown stronger. Just when it started to die down too thanks to Chika's peaceful walk. Chika ran the girl's order of events in her head as she hypothesized what they were. The girl was probably riding her bike, decided that it was a good idea to shout at Chika who was listening to loud idol music to move instead of move herself, saw that Chika wasn't moving, and braked right before impact which caused the girl to jut forward. To Chika, this person deserved to at least fall after a desperate attempt to not. Chika clicked her tongue as she picked her earphones off the dirty ground.

Still massaging her left eye, she watched as the person continued to struggle. At some point, the person noticed Chika looking at her and breathed out "Help. I need help. Please." The girl put on an embarrassed and friendly smile. This made Chika consider helping her. Helping her to the ground with her foot. Chika decided against it though as the girl somehow inched her way to a more stable position. So much for asking for help. Disappointed, Chika turned and started walking away. She didn't bother sticking around any longer, after all, there was no point to it.

Chika's migraine didn't get any better but she hoped it would on her way to school. "Um, are you ok?" Chika's migraine got worse when those words registered in her brain. Maybe she should have taken Mito's advice and ran to school. Chika turned to look at the girl whose blue eyes stared at Chika intently. In response to the person's question, Chika flashed a small semi-smile and nodded.

"Oh no. You're mad aren't you?" The girl averted her eyes. Chika wanted to leave. "Mmmm, hey that's a Uranohoshi uniform right? Are you late too? As an apology, I can let you ride on my bike there."

Being the antisocial person that was totally capable of being social, Chika internally panicked and frantically shook her head no. Apparently when you stop interacting with people, you forget how to. With the shake of her head, Chika turned and started walking away. "Ah wait!" Chika glanced behind her as the girl started jogging up to Chika with her bike. Being the obviously rational person Chika is at judging what to do in situations that might harm her, Chika decided to start running away. Apparently when you are tired and have a migraine, running becomes a task.

To say the girl caught up to Chika in a moment is an understatement. Even with the handicap of running with the bike, Chika was like a slug. "Hey, sorry to keep bothering you but I just realized, aren't you the person that helped me pass out those flyers yesterday?"

Chika stopped running. No wonder this girl is so persistent. She's the same girl who asked her to pass out of the flyers randomly. "I didn't get to say it yesterday since you left so quick but thanks for help. No one wanted to help me and instead kept saying I should just leave it to some random lonely girl. So I actually really appreciate it."

Yesterday, randomly at the end of the school day, a girl approached Chika with a huge stack of flyers asking her to help her out. Chika declined but the girl kept bugging her. It had probably been a solid thirty minutes before Chika managed to escape but then one of the teachers stopped her and asked her to help the girl out. Chika of course declined that as well but then the teacher replied with "That was a rhetorical question Takami." To say the girl was happy that Chika "relented" was as much of an understatement as the girl being just a "faster runner" than her. That day, Chika contemplated just throwing her share of the flyers in the trash and then going home, but for some reason, Chika decided to go through the effort of passing them out. Though Chika was only able to "pass out" the flyers by slapping them into people's faces then jogging away.

"Oh I should introduce myself. I'm You Watanabe, second year. Someday I want to become the captain of a ferry like my dad. Mmm, the reason I want to is probably because of how my dad gets to say "Yousoro!" all the time." The girl gave a small salute with her introduction. Chika did not like where this was going. It was like the girl was trying to force Chika into being her friend like when fish get caught by fishermen and they grapple the fish and whisper to them, "You and me are gonna be the best of friends." In fact, that was probably what she was actually trying to do. "What's your name?" Scratch that, definitely trying to do.

Chika pressed her lips together and stared at You. Should she speak? Wait, what type of question is that? Speaking isn't that much of a chore and in this situation, there is no possible, conceivable way she could screw up. Plus the girl seems like she cares so-

"I'm sorry."


"I should have realized. You're mute right?"

Chika stopped walking as her migraine suddenly flared. Who comes to those type of conclusions this early? As Chika massaged near her left eye, You asked about it. Chika stopped massaging it the second she asked and tried to escape again by walking ahead of her. You was by her side once again before Chika could even blink. Chika expected the girl to bug her about her eye more and the mute thing but instead pulled out her phone.

"Oh crap! I'm actually gonna be really late. Ugh, I knew I shouldn't have gone for an extra lap up the mountain this morning!" Chika's mind was stuck on the fact she runs up a mountain in the mornings. Wait, but if she runs, why does she just have a bike with her? "Hey hop on." Chika looked up at her to see that she was about ready to start pedaling. "Don't worry about me. I can still go really, really fast even with two people."

Chika started to shake her head no but upon seeing You start to open her mouth again, Chika relented. At this point, it's better to let You carry them to school in less time than having to put up with You trying to talk to her while walking. Chika did not know what type of performance enhancing drugs You was on, but they had arrived at the school a full minute before class started.

Chika sighed to herself when You entered into the same classroom as Chika. Chika never noticed before but apparently they were in the same class. When they entered the classroom, You glanced back at Chika and with a "It's nice to meet you." headed toward her seat. Despite how annoying You was, to Chika, she seemed like a good person. Not once did it seem like You was judging her and, as much as she didn't want to admit it, Chika appreciated You's tenacity.

Chika didn't know why she did it. Maybe it was because You didn't judge her. Maybe it was because Chika felt a bit guilty. Maybe it was because of fate. Maybe it was because You proved Chika exists. But as You turned to walk toward her desk, Chika spoke her first words for the day. "Chika Takami."

You turned her head back in response and after a moment, smiled. "It's nice to meet you Chika Takami." After that, she sat down at her desk.

Chika pressed her lips together and looked down at the floor as she walked toward her own desk. The bell rang as Chika sat down and a minute later, the day's lecture began. As Chika sat there, doodling in her notebook, a thought came to her. You never scolded her for not moving out of the way. Despite herself, Chika smiled as she doodled idol things. Her migraine had also gotten better.

Chika didn't notice the bell ringing as she doodled microphones on a piece of notebook paper. Chika did notice, however, that someone pulled up a chair in front of her desk and sat down with a lunch box. Chika could feel her migraine coming back but it vanished when Chika saw who it was.

"Ohaiyousoro!" You greeted with a salute. Chika pressed her lips together and stared in greeting. "And here I thought you were gonna start talking more…" You sank her head to the desk dramatically.

Chika did not know whether she should take offense. "Anyway, it's lunch!" Chika showed no reaction as You clapped and opened her lunch box. Without mercy, the food was devoured before Chika's eyes. It was then that it occured to Chika that her sister forgot to give make her lunch. Gloom overtook Chika's entire being as she watched You happily consume the pieces of precious nourishment.

You stopped her pillage when she noticed that Chika was watching her with dying hope. "Um, did you perhaps forget your lunch?" Chika nodded. You chuckled at the response and looked down at her own lunch to see what was left. "If you want, you can have the rest of mine." Chika's entire demeanor brightened as she reached for the lunch box with wriggling fingers. You held her hands up and leaned back against her chair as Chika creepily stole the lunch box before commencing Armageddon.

You watched as Chika destroyed her lunch box with a smile. "You're gonna choke if you eat that fast." Chika seemed to ignore You but was chewing the food more before swallowing. When Chika finished the lunch, she clapped her hands together and did a small bow before You. You took the lunch box and was going to put it away until she noticed that the two tangerines packed within were left uneaten. "Hey do you want these?" Chika glanced at You before glancing at the tangerines and shook her head.

"Eh? Why not?" Chika shrugged. "Did you save them for me?" Chika paused before nodding. It wasn't the actual reason why but if it will stop You's questioning, it was the actual reason now. "Mmm, thanks for the consideration but you can have them. I don't want you to die from deprivation of food during class."

Chika stared at You as she smiled sweetly. It was like You could read Chika's mind but decided to feign ignorance to mess with her. Chika raised her hands and shook her head with a half-smile. "It's fine. I had big breakfast." Chika leaned back and continued to shake her head. You put the lunch box down and put on a pout. "Wait. Do you not like tangerines?"

Chika paused before pressing her lips together and nodding. "Eh?" Chika stared at You who had her mouth slightly open. "What? How could you not like tangerines? They are like the greatest thing ever!"

Chika leaned back further as You bent over the desk to close the distance between the two of them. Too close. She's too close. Why is she so close? Chika did not know. Was this the work of the tangerines? You stayed where she was as Chika leaned on the verge of tipping over her chair. "You're eating at least one of these." Chika shook her head in refusal. You inched forward even more causing Chika to tip her chair back even more. Now it was approaching the area of "falling like an idiot." However You continued to inch forward and it was here that Chika relented by nodding her head furiously. You smirked and leaned back, allowing Chika her space.

"Here." You held a tangerine out to Chika. Chika scowled as she accepted the lone tangerine. It was like Chika was about to do something she shouldn't like robbing a bank in broad daylight. Chika didn't understand You's devotion to the tangerines. They were gross, and they make your teeth and tongue hurt. Plus the stench of the fruit doesn't come off your hands even if you wash them for an hour.

Chika glanced up at You who was watching intently. It seemed Chika had no choice. Chika slowly placed her thumbs on the tangerine and was slowly pushing in when, as if compelled by an invisible force, Chika looked toward the classroom entrance. Just as Chika did, a girl with long, red hair entered. There was nothing special about the girl but she was the perfect target for Chika's distraction plan. Chika would continue to stare at the girl until You noticed and asked if she was curious about her. Chika nodded and as You talked about the scarce info she had about the girl, Chika stealthily lowered her hand with the tangerine and rolled it on the floor away from her.

"... She came in this morning as a transfer student. I think she's from Tokyo. Oh and her name's Riko Sakurauchi." You turned her head to look at Chika to see if she was paying attention. Chika smiled and nodded. "Anyway, the tangerine." Chika opened her mouth and showed her empty hands before pointing at her mouth. You simply stared at Chika who was cocking her eyebrows as she pointed at her mouth. Suddenly You stood and walked toward the direction Chika threw the tangerine and picked it up. You slowly turned to look at Chika with tangerine in hand. Chika lowered her head as a cold sweat made its way from the top of her temple down her cheek.

Chika could feel the menacing aura radiating from You as she approached. At this rate, You might shove it down Chika's throat, skin and all. As Chika felt You's presence inches away, Chika closed her eyes as a final prayer of how she was done in via betrayal. Then, as if fate had intervened, the bell rung signifying the end of lunch and the resumption of class. Chika's head shot up from her desk as she realized her newfound safety. You clicked her tongue. "Saved by the bell."

Chika watched as You put the tangerine in the lunch box and sealed it with a plastic lid before leaving for her desk. Chika breathed a sigh of relief having survived her first major ordeal of life. As the teacher entered and everyone settled for the lecture of the day, Chika felt a stare on her. Chika glanced toward the general direction and her eyes met the gaze of the red-haired girl. A moment passed before the girl's eyes shifted toward other students. Chika assumed that since she was a transfer, she was just observing how students acted in her new school. Giving it no further thought, Chika took out a new piece of notebook paper and started to doodle.

After school, Chika was the first one out of the classroom. Throughout the school day, Chika had figured that since school idols usually go in groups, she would try and get people to join her. It was perfect. Chika had created a little sign using a pen and with a white sheet of paper attached to it that said "Be a school idol! Join the club!" Yes, Chika had decided that making the group a club would be the easiest way to attain the attention of curious students as well as organize them properly. Plus clubs get their own room which is great for practice sessions. It was totally not because the number one school idol group μ's was also a club. The sign itself was also made to advertise the club for Chika as well. After all if Chika spoke, people would probably not want to join the club as much but if it was a sign advertising it, people might be interested. The sign itself was also the pinnacle of persuasion. Who wouldn't be interested when seeing this masterpiece?

As students started flooding out into the halls, Chika held her glorious sign for all to see with full confidence. In fact, the sign made Chika so confident that she started smiling at people and eyebrowing toward the sign. As Chika made her way through the school, people stopped to stare at the sign. Some people stared at the sign in mild confusion while others laughed at it. The very few people that seemed interested due to the sign would go to approach Chika but as they approached, they would suddenly stop and then run away. This confused Chika. Maybe they were nervous about it and then bailed last second. Yeah, that was probably it.

As Chika exited the school, sign held high, a group of girls saw it and then burst out laughing. Chika glared at them as she internally called them fools for not appreciating the masterpiece that was her sign. At that moment, a strong gust of wind blew through causing Chika to hug her sign to prevent it from flying away. When the wind blew by, Chika stopped shielding her sign and as she returned the sign back to the air, she saw them. Two girls, one with long golden hair and another with red. Chika did not know why, but she felt the urge to approach them. Without thinking, she marched over to them with a smile plastered on her face. The pair noticed her as she approached. The red haired one immediately freaked out and hid behind the golden haired girl. Goldie glanced at her friend before standing her ground before Chika.

When Chika was within arm's distance, before any of the two girls could say a word, she shoved the sign in front of them. The redhead screeched at the sudden movement. "H-H-Hanamaru! What is she doing? A-Are you ok?"

The goldie, Hanamaru, jerked back when Chika shoved the sign in their direction. "I don't know Ruby. She has this like makeshift fan thing, zura. I-I've never seen anything as horrifying before, not even in books, zura."

"Hanamaru, we should run! She might be a predator. Her facial expression is scary." Chika was taken aback. Did the redhead just say her facial expression was scary? That can't be, she's smiling. Confidently! Who thinks a confident smile is scary? Granted, this was the first time Chika wore a confident smile before but…

"S-Stay back, zura!" Hanamaru backed up as she shouted. "I'm not afraid of a creep like you!" There was no way. They actually thought Chika was a creep. All of the confidence built up inside Chika dispersed as fast as her "smile." Chika let go of the sign as her shoulders slumped to it's usually position. What was she getting all confident for? Some stupid sign with stupid crude drawings on it. How was that gonna recruit anybody? It was probably as weird as she was: devoid of care and desire.

Hanamaru furrowed her eyebrows when she saw Chika take on the posture of someone without drive. It was almost enough to make her relax and even ask what was wrong. Almost. If only Chika didn't decide to start stomping on the sign until it was buried in the dirt. To see her suddenly do that without mercy was enough to make Hanamaru start running while dragging Ruby along. Chika noticed them take off and muttered an "Ah" while reaching a hand out to them. As they got further away from her, Chika could feel her motivation leave her as well. Being an idol is hard.

In that same instant, from the tree next to Chika, a dark blue haired girl fell out of it. She landed on her feet hard but despite that, she still stood. Chika only saw the fall from her peripherals, but she could feel the pain in her legs. The tree girl stood there as if her body didn't know whether it wanted to cry or pass out. Instead, the girl noticed Chika staring at her and gasped before shouting out something intelligible except the words "fallen angel" and "Yoshiko" and "Yohane." Then she ran away… or at least tried to until she fell on her face into a pile of mud. Chika decided then that maybe her life wasn't that bad.

"Ohaiyousoro!" Chika turned to face the voice. There stood You saluting with a smile. In reaction, Chika pressed her lips together and timidly saluted back. You frowned a bit. "You're supposed to say "Ohaiyousoro" back. Ok at least "Yousoro." Chika stared with pressed lips in response.

"You really don't talk much huh? Mmm, well that's fine. There's probably a reason why you don't. Anyway, what're you doing? I saw you rush out of the classroom with some object with a scowl." Chika averted her eyes in embarrassment. Apparently her sign wasn't even a sign and her smile was a scowl. You cocked her head to the side to match where Chika's gaze was going and landed on the sign which was half-buried in dirt. "What's with the burial?"

Chika shrugged in hopes that perhaps You can read minds and know that that was her first method of recruiting members for her school idol club. You shook her head with a clear expression of confusion and doubt. It was here Chika learned that communication was hard without speaking.

"Alright then. How about I just dig it out?" You bent down near the sign and started digging it up before Chika belly flopped onto the sign. You jerked back in response to the sudden movement. Chika did not want You to see her failure. "Um... Are you ok?" Chika turned red as she realized what she had just done. It was then that it occurred to Chika it was better to let her see the sign as opposed to hiding it via a belly flop. With pressed lips, Chika slowly rolled off the sign. "Thanks… I guess…" Chika's migraine started to hurt again.

Chika laid on the ground as You recovered the sign which had broken back into paper and pen. You viewed the pen briefly before looking at the paper. "Oh" was the only thing spoken in response. Chika had no idea what to think of the response. Does she think it was weird that Chika wanted to start a school idol club? What would happen if she did? Maybe You will start ignoring her. Maybe You will hate her. Maybe You will-

"Oh I've heard of school idols. They're like high school students who sing and dance like idols right? There are even competitions too I think. I didn't know you were interested in them. Mmm, but why a club?" You didn't think it was weird. Huzzah! Victory! Wait, she asked a question.

Before Chika could think about it further, she blurted out "Cause U's started out as a club."

"U's? Who's that?" Chika wanted to die. Not only did Chika reveal the wrong reason but she also spoke. Chika squinted as her migraine grew. "I guess I can just look them up later. Anyway, a club is a good idea. It has only been a few weeks since school started so some first years might still be looking for a club to join."

"Eh." Chika looked up at You who was looking at her over the sheet of paper. Chika's migraine started to fade. She understood. She actually understood. What is she? An angel?

"Oh yeah this was a sign right? I guess it's a good improvisation for you not speaking a lot. The sign itself is pretty cute too. I like the little microphones and dresses." You's an angel, a complete and utter angel. It was the only explanation. It all made sense now; why You was so persistent in talking to Chika, why she didn't judge her, why she generously offered her lunch to the dying Chika during lunch, or how she was intelligent enough to understand her works of art. "Earlier I saw you approach some first years. Was it because you wanted to recruit them? They were cute enough to be idols."

What a time it was to be alive! First Chika found something she wanted to do and now she has an angel watching over her, figuratively and literally. "Oh but…" Chika's migraine blew up in intensity. Mass criticism incoming! She's going to say how the message should be more rounded and how I should've bought a real sign or how Chika can't do it because she can barely speak or how Chika was super unathletic or-

"Did you ask the student council president if you could make the club?" Still an angel! Though… Chika completely forgot about having approval. Chika locked eyes with You with pressed lips. "I guess not huh." You breathed out a chuckle. "It's probably a good idea to see if they'll let you start one first before you start recruiting."

Chika nodded in reluctant agreement. What was she gonna do? Chika had only seen the student council president a few times in the halls or during assemblies and each time, she had this aura about her that intimidated everyone around her including Chika. Chika doubted that such an intense person would accept communication through notes especially when talking about establishing a school idol club. Talking was out of the question, the president would probably decline her faster than if Chika tried notes considering how other people reacted. Chika didn't know sign language and she doubted the president did too. What was she gonna do?

As Chika filled with dread, her angel stepped in. "I don't have anything to do right now and since you don't like to talk much, I can help you ask for permission."

Chika didn't realize what she had done until after she was on her feet and grasping You's hands for dear life. Chika felt saved by the holy entity in front of her. You jumped slightly at the sudden movement but smiled when she noticed Chika's eyes sparkling. "Ok let's go before the president leaves. Oh, and here's your pen and sign paper." You handed Chika the items as they turned toward the school. Chika quickly let go of You's hands before timidly taking the items as she turned red. Chika was doing things that made her want to die. Though, as the pair walked toward the student council president's room, Chika's migraine disappeared.

"Oh yeah. About those tangerines…" Chika's migraine returned full force as she walked ahead of You.

Maybe it was fate that brought Chika and You together. After all, it was weird that Chika randomly met someone who didn't judge her for being silent especially the day right after Chika had discovered what she had wanted to do. If Chika recalled correctly, she was also on the verge of convincing herself to give up her dream and probably would have if You hadn't randomly appeared on her bike behind her. Chika looked at You. It was the first time Chika was able to silently observe her. Even in class, Chika was too absorbed in not falling asleep and doodling. You had an aura to her that subtly suggested confidence and positivity. The type of aura you would see from someone who knew what they wanted to do and who they were. It really was weird. Why would someone like that continue to associate with someone like Chika who until the day before had no clear ambition and decided it was better not to talk?

"I think we take a right." You pointed to the right of the small intersection. Chika followed as You turned. You glanced back behind her at Chika. "So why do you want to be a school idol?"

Chika opened her mouth to reply but stopped herself. That was close. She stared at You who made a small mouth gesture. Did she just click her tongue? Wait. Was she continuously asking Chika questions not because she kept forgetting Chika doesn't like to speak but to subtly make her open up? What type of sorcery was this? Was You manipulating her? Well even if she was, it wasn't that big of a deal since it was done with good intentions but… What if she's actually a part of a group that's specifically targeting Chika? It would make sense, after all, why would someone like You associate with Chika? Plus You is supposedly an angel but looks so human. Nah, that's ridiculous. That's only fueling Chika's selfishness and pride. You probably wants to honestly be friends with Chika. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea for Chika to let her. You does seem different from other people and if she wanted to judge Chika she already would have, but then again You doesn't know about Chika's lack of desire. Would You even care? If You is okay with being friends with someone who's awkward and doesn't like to talk, would she even care if Chika was a "faker?" Would she even care if Chika might "betray" her? You does seem to trust Chika and not think of her as anything less than others. Maybe Chika can trust her too. It occurred to Chika then that maybe the loneliness had caught up to her and made her desperate. Chika didn't care.

"I… um… Yesterday when I was helping you pass out flyers in Tokyo and I saw this school idol group called U's on one of those digital billboard screens." Chika muttered barely louder than a deep breath from an exhausted man. Chika looked at You for a reaction and saw that You had furrowed her brows in surprise, though she seemed to be trying to keep her face straight. Despite the shivers dancing on Chika's skin threatening her to stop before they make her stutter, Chika continued.

"They were dancing and singing pretty much like regular idols do and when I think about it… There really wasn't anything that special about them. Their singing was meh and the song was just some cheesy song about hopes and dreams and their dance was also really meh. The people themselves were al-also-" Chika wanted to die. She was actually doing well and then she stuttered. Chika cursed the shivers as she shot her eyes to the floor. She couldn't do it. It was impossible. You was definitely gonna laugh. Chika chuckled in her head. So much for "trusting" You.

"The people themselves were also what?" Chika met You's gaze who's facial expression was one of openness and concentration. She wasn't laughing. Chika slapped herself mentally before opening her mouth.

"They were also pretty generic... like the type of people you see on the street while out shopping on a Sunday."

"I see."

"A-Ah but…" Chika stopped. Was she going to say it? Was she about to entrust one of her deeper reasons for something to someone? Chika continued to stare at You for a couple of seconds. Her expression really was that of someone who was open. Despite that though, Chika wasn't sure. She felt scared. It wasn't even that deep a reason to a not so deep question but… Chika felt scared. It was unexplainable and irrational, but it drilled into Chika the more she asked herself if she should trust You. Chika pressed her lips together.

You turned her head away from Chika upon seeing her press her lips together. "You don't have to answer it if you don't want to. I guess I have been a bit pushy huh? Sorry. It's fine if you don't want to. I can kind of get why. People aren't predictable and no matter what you do, they don't see things your way. It doesn't help they seem to want to disprove everything that contradicts their opinions too. It's like people don't- can't change."

Chika stared at You's back as they walked. You was spot on. People are ugly; they only think about themselves. Anything that seems just a little out of place is weird and must be purged. In a way, it was like Chika could predict them. Every time Chika spoke about how something like basketball was terrible and boring, people assume she was some sort of freak who's blind to everything "righteous" in the world. Every time Chika spoke about how a famous book was mediocre, people thought she had bad tastes and needed to be put in a psychiatric hospital. Every time Chika spoke of her lack of desire, people label her as something else. A different race. A different species. A different life form. A different entity. Chika hated it. Why couldn't she do things differently? Why couldn't she like things differently? Why couldn't she dislike things differently? It was like Chika couldn't even explain herself to them. No matter how much she wanted to, they wouldn't listen and they wouldn't care.

An image flashed in Chika's mind then. One single picture. It was of the nine girls on the billboard, performing while the crowd was waving in sync. Shining despite how normal and insignificant they were. It wasn't the stage lights, it wasn't their colorful clothes, it wasn't even the sea of lightsticks in the crowd that made them shine. It was like their bodies were shining. No wait, it was like the entire stage, crowd included, was shining in a light that wasn't natural or artificial.

"It was like there was no negativity." It was the best way Chika could describe it. The light that engulfed the entire room that enticed even the girl with no desire. You didn't respond and kept walking. "Not from them, not from the crowd, not from anywhere in the world. There was no loss of will, sadness, anger, frustration. It was like there was no such thing as ugliness, discrimination, loss, suffering, weird, normal… That no matter what, everything was ok and will be ok."

Chika hadn't realized she had spoken her thoughts out loud until after her last sentence. Even then, Chika wasn't finished. One last thought was racing through her mind. "You don't get it." You stopped in her tracks causing Chika to as well. "People are ugly. They only care about themselves and purge everything that contradicts them. But they can change. Those mediocre girls on that billboard, shined. They shined so strongly that it proved me wrong. If I can be proved wrong, then I know other people can be too. And, I want to be like them because I want to show others that shine. I want to prove others wrong."

Silence filled the hall as they stood there. Chika stared at You as soon as she was done. You made no movements which made Chika start to regret saying anything. The silence didn't help. "How many people have you recruited?"


"How many people have you recruited? For your group."


You paused again before suddenly spinning around with a giant smile. Chika jumped a bit when she saw it. Maybe she was apart of a group targeting Chika and now she was gonna start laughing at her for her stupid explanation. That thought was immediately shattered. "Congrats Chika Takami. I wasn't looking at you but I could feel it. At least to some extent. The shine I mean. I'm not exactly the prettiest girl and I can't sing well and I also may not show up some days due to other club activities but…" You bowed before Chika. "Can I join your school idol group?"

"... Huh?" Chika was struck by lightning and was left dumbfounded. Chika stood there with You still bowing before her.

You stood from her bow. "I mean I'm not exactly convinced I'm wrong but… I'm curious. If that shine proved you wrong, then I want to see. See if you can make that same shine for me and prove me wrong."

Chika's mind was blank, not even white or black until slowly, You's words echoed in her brain. In various volumes, You's words echoed off the walls of Chika's brain as Chika slowly found the meanings of each word. Then it registered. Chika's hands went cold as her eyes widened. You wasn't a part of a group that targeted Chika. You was a part of a group with Chika. "Yes!"

You put on an even wider smile before lunging herself onto Chika in a hug. Chika stiffened as You's arms wrapped around her. What was she doing? Was this some sort of attack? A wrestling move? Did she want to have a sumo match? "Uh… What're you doing?"

You stiffened up a bit before quickly removing herself. "Sorry." She said with a slight blush. "Got a bit excited for some reason. Had the urge to hug and I just did it. I'm kind of impulsive when it comes to actions."

That was a hug? Chika had only heard of it in books and legends from afar as a gesture of affection and that it was nice to receive one but the fact that Chika would ever receive one was unthinkable. Chika also thought it wasn't that nice to receive as it hurt.

Seeing Chika's poker face on the sudden hug, You pressed her lips together and started walking again. "Anyway… Let's go get approval from the student council president." Chika nodded in agreement before following.

"Ah! Wait!" Chika jumped a bit from the sudden exclamation from You.

"W-What is it?"

"You're talking!"


Chika didn't know if she should've felt betrayed, offended, astonished, or all three at once. "That means we're friends now right?" You spread her arms out in explosive gestures. Chika started leaning back. Maybe Chika had it all wrong about You. She seemed quite eccentric and weird herself. Either that or the ways of the popular girls were very lost on Chika. In response to You's question of friendship, Chika pressed her lips together and shrugged before she started walking again. You paused at Chika's response before composing herself and muttering about how she messed up. Through her pressed lips, Chika smiled.

"Okay. We're here." You pointed at a door in front of Chika to her left. Chika approached the door which separated the duo from the student council president with slow steps. When they were inches away, Chika reached out for the doorknob. "Ah wait. We should probably knock." Chika retracted her hand before knocking on the door three times.

There was a pause before a voice replied, "Come in." Chika opened the door and entered the semi-chilly room. You followed suit.

The room was about half the size of a classroom. Bookshelves lined the walls to the left and right of Chika. Next to the door was a small section of electrical equipment which controlled the school's intercom system. In the middle of the room was a desk with papers neatly assorted on it with a black haired girl seated before it.

The black haired girl was reading one of the papers on the desk with light green eyes. The first thing Chika noticed aside from the black hair and green eyes was the beauty mark under her lower lip. As Chika approached the desk, the president put the paper down onto the desk and rose her head to meet Chika's gaze. You closed the door after her and walked up to Chika's side. Chika felt the hairs on her arms rise as Chika felt the full brunt of the president's pressure.

"How can I help you?" The president asked in a calm, sharp voice.

"U-Uh… I- err… um…" You stuttered out. The president sent her gaze away from Chika and pointed it at You. "W-W-We… We uh…" Chika glanced to her side to see You as stiff as she was. You was probably more nervous than she was. In fact, You was starting to sweat and her bottom jaw was quivering. The cold room really didn't help You's stuttering Chika guessed.

"We'd like to establish a club." Chika was astounded. Did she just speak? Under this immense pressure? Did she just speak? The fact Chika had spoken with no issue so easily irked Chika. She has only interacted with You for a short time yet she was already starting to change. You was not just an angel. You was a powerful angel. Chika felt powerful. Like she could do anything. Even the pressure of the president was nothing as long as You was with Chika.

"What type of club?" The president snapped her gaze at Chika.

"A school idol club." The president narrowed her gaze when Chika finished her statement. Chika could feel the pressure rising. Her heart started beating faster as a cold burn ate at her stomach.

"A school idol club… Are you perhaps planning to start a group?"


"How many people have you recruited?"

"Only me and You."

"You do know you need at least six members to establish a club right?"

"I'm sorry. I wasn't finished. There are four others."


Chika racked her brain for names. Right now she had two of students in her mind: the goldie and the redhead. If Chika is correct, the goldie was named Hanamaru and the redhead was named Ruby. But that would only bring the total to four. Chika remembered the dark blue haired girl. Chika didn't hear what she had said when she fell out of the tree but she did hear "Yohane" and "Yoshiko." As far as Chika knew, those weren't words and were instead names. One of them was probably her actual name. Maybe. It was fifty-fifty chance but perhaps it was Yoshiko? Chika would go with that. That was still only five people total. Who else… who else was there… At this point anything would work. Riko Sakurauchi popped into Chika mind. Wait, whose name was that? Where had she heard it? That's right, during lunch, You pointed out the transfer student. It'll work, that's six people.

"Riko, Hanamaru, Ruby, and Yoshiko." Chika responded. The president kept her narrow gaze locked on Chika.

"Why haven't they joined you here?"

"They were all busy."

"Where are their signatures?"

"Eh?" Chika paused. Signatures? For what?

"The club submission form. You're supposed to have signatures from joining members. Speaking of which, where is it?"

"Club... submission... form?"

The president didn't respond and continued to gaze at Chika. After several moments, the president sighed and leaned back into her chair. "You were lying about the other four weren't you?"

Chika averted her gaze to the floor as she let an "Uhhh…" trail from her mouth. For some reason, Chika's thoughts were preoccupied with how all of the split decision thinking was for nothing.

"Okay, how about this." Chika lifted her gaze. "Since you're desperate enough to lie, that must mean you really want to be a school idol right? Since it doesn't look like we're gonna get that many club submissions this year, I'll consider establishing your club starting with only you two."

Chika brightened as the president spoke. "If you tell me why you want to be one and your plans on how you will succeed." Chika stopped brightening up. Telling her why was easy, telling her the plan was not. After all, Chika didn't think about the plan as much as just doing it. Chika met the president's gaze and it was then that Chika decided to make the plan up on the spot.

"The reason I want to become a school idol is because I was inspired by a performance by the winners of this tournament called Love Live U's. When-"

"Stop." Chika bit her tongue as the president interrupted her. The cold burn eating away at Chika grew as the president's gaze intensified with supposed anger. "What did you just say?"

"Uh… The reason I want to become a school idol is because I was inspired by a performance by... the winners of this tournament... called Love Live... U's..." The president tapped her right index finger on her desk, each tap getting louder as Chika continued to speak. When Chika reached the end of her sentence, the president stood up and turned to face the window behind her.

"Can it be, that you are talking about… μ's?" The president said in a low voice.

"O-Oh… Was it pronounced "muse?" Chika felt a shiver climb up her body. "U-Um, wow, I thought that you know, it was like a fancy-"


"I'm sorry, yes ma'am."

Chika pressed her lips together as the president turned to face her. The president's facial expression was serene. It was like the ocean before a storm. The feeling deep within Chika, the cold burn eating away, disappeared. It was then replaced with dread. True dread. Nothing like Chika had ever felt before. Something was going to happen. That's what the dread told her. Something was going to happen and it was going to be more severe than being yelled at.

"How dare you. How dare you mistake their name? Huh." The president took a step forward as her expression transformed into, not one of anger or ugliness, but one of serious determination. "In the school idol world, they are legendary. They're the holy ground, the holy scripture, the origin of life equivalent to the universe. And you dare mistake their name! Absolutely ridiculous." The president pointed a finger at Chika as she approached.

"A-Aren't you a bit close?" Chika backed up as the president kept walking toward her.

"I bet you just stumbled upon them randomly, and with your scarce knowledge, thought you'd imitate them? Right?"

"N-No I-"

The president backed away and walked toward her desk. "Then tell me the first song μ's sang as a group of nine?"

"Uh… Um…"

"You're wrong!" The president marched back up to Chika and shoved her finger into Chika's collarbone. "Its "Bokura no Live Kimi to no Life," shortened as "Borarara."

Chika winced as the president twisted her finger before backing off once more. "Next. What stage did μ's and A-RISE choose during the second Love Live Preliminary round?"


"You're wrong!" The president walked toward the window. "The rooftop of Akihabara's UTX High. It was the preliminary round against A-RISE, another legendary group."

"Next. During the Second Love Live finals, what did μ's sing for their encore?"

"Bokura… something…"

"Bokura wa Ima no Naka de." As the president's trivia went on, the feeling of dread within Chika started to subside. It didn't help Chika's dread that the president was starting to smile as she unraveled her endless amounts of μ's trivia to Chika and You. "Also, during the beginning of the song, four of the nine members skipped the beginning song. Those four members were Eli Ayase, Nozomi Tojo, Rin Hoshizora, and Maki Nishikino. This is basic stuff."

However, the dread inside Chika didn't disappear. The president narrowed her gaze as she took a step toward Chika once again. "Tell me… Mmm…"

"Ch-Chika. Chika Takami."

"Tell me Chika Takami." The president took another step toward Chika. Although Chika's eyes were fixed on the president's, from her peripherals, she saw the president extend her left arm beneath the desk. "You want to be a school idol yet you don't know anything about them? I bet you think they are all cute and no effort. Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong."

The president still wore a proud smile as she took something from under the desk and hid in behind her leg. "Tell me. How are you going to make costumes? How are you going to compose songs? How are you going to create choreography that creates the perfect balance between being scenic and high effort while simple enough to not wear you out or compromise your voice? How are you going figure out the patterns of appealing to the audience most?"

"Chika." Chika could hear You from the side call her name followed by timid footsteps that grew more purposeful. The dread which had subsided, grew substantially. Something was wrong.

"Most importantly." The president stopped mere inches before Chika. "Assuming you start becoming famous, how are you going to survive against your competition?"

"By proving them wrong." Chika did not know why she spoke those words or why she spoke at all. The dread within her was overwhelming… yet Chika wasn't scared. For some reason that she did not know, she felt powerful. Like she could do anything. The president's smile had faded but her gaze remained the same.

"I see. Hm. Not a bad answer." The president smirked. "In that case, I have decided help you out."

In that moment, time slowed down. Chika's eyes glanced down toward the president's left hand as it lunged upward. In it, was some sort of tool or weapon. It looked kind of like an arrow with the arrowhead, heading straight for Chika's neck. Chika reached out an arm to intercept it but the second Chika started moving, she knew she was too slow. The arrow was close now, about a foot away from her neck. Then suddenly, Chika was shoved to the side.

Time sped up as Chika landed on the ground. Despite the slight disorientation of not knowing what happened, Chika jumped to her feet. She looked to the spot she was standing previously to see You wrestling the president for the arrow. You's right hand was gripping the president's left arm and was in the middle of retracting her left from after pushing Chika before reaching for the president's right shoulder. Chika took a step toward them before stopping in her tracks. You's left hand passed through the president's shoulder as if the president had become a ghost.

You's eyes widened as the momentum of pushing forward didn't stop at the president's shoulder. In response to stumbling over, You loosened her grip on the president's left arm in preparation for her landing. It was then that the president wriggled free from You's grip, gripped the underside of You's left arm with her right, aimed the arrow head at You's neck, and without mercy, plunging it straight in. You stiffened upon impact.

"You!" Chika shouted in response to the scene. Although Chika wanted to move, she was frozen. Shock grasped Chika's body as she watched You's body quiver. Shock grasped Chika's body as You latched her right hand onto the president's face in a desperate attempt to push her away. Shock grasped Chika's body as the president shifted her body before stabbing the arrow in deeper into You's neck. Shock grasped Chika's body as the life within You's eyes drained as fast as the blood spilling out from the wound. Shock grasped Chika's body as the president wiggled the arrow out of You's neck and tossed her aside. Shock grasped Chika's body as You fell onto the floor with blood gushing out like a mini Niagara Falls. Shock grasped Chika's body when the president turned to look at Chika.

Shock let go of Chika's body as her migraine returned.

-To Be Continued-

A/N: Jesus Christ. I finally finished this chapter. God. I started this back in June of this year and just now I finished it in December, two days before New Year's. I didn't exactly work on this chapter for seven months though. I wrote like the first two pages in June, took a six month break, then started writing it again five days ago. I wasn't lying when I said the updates are coming erratically xD. Anyway, how was the chapter? This was probably the longest chapter I have ever written. Any thoughts are appreciated. While I prefer constructive criticism, regular criticism is welcome xD. Oh yeah, stands next chapter xD. And with stands, expect the after chapter thing to be stand info like appearance, ability, and stats. I would do the first one now since technically Dia's was revealed but… I want the first to be Chika's so sorry xD. Anyway, I'mma wrap this up. Been working since midnight and it's 9 AM now so I'm gonna go catch up on some Zzzz's. See ya guys later xD.

Forgot about the out of context quote of the chapter: "At this rate, You might shove it down Chika's throat, skin and all."