Blood Tears 20 - Goodbyes & Endings

Gino Romero grinned at the car pulling up outside their base. "Look at the body on that one, whoee Angelus can pull the babes!"

"Sure can," Al Travis licked his lip, "wonder if we'll get a taste?"

The two vampires watched avidly as the car's driver, a shapely brunette slid out of the car dragging a pretty but terrified-looking red-head behind her. "Stop struggling you little bitch," the raven-haired beauty growled before turning to them and fluttering her long eyelashes. "Hello boys," she purred, "room inside for a lost and lonely gal?"

"We've got some trouble heading our way so everybody's welcome." Gino leered. "Particularly a body as fine as yours," the vampire glanced across at the frightened red-head. "Who's she?"

"Well now, coming to meet an important vampire like Angelus without a present would be rude," the brunette explained before pouting. "What about you, do you want your present?"

Gino's eyes widened. This gorgeous, sexy vampiress of incredible power was offering herself to him, a lowly newbie of only three decades? Gathering his senses, he grinned and nodded. "Well sure."

The vampiress smirked, grabbed him round the neck and pulled him towards her. "By the way, the name's Faith." Gino's eyes widened in shocked recognition. He opened his mouth to shout only for his world to obliterate when the woman slammed a stake into his heart.

* * *

Faith spun round to Willow only to find the Wicca had turned her adversary to dust with a fire spell. "You okay Red?" She hadn't liked Giles' plan of her and the Wicca driving to the doors of Angelus' base and distracting and dealing with the guards. Unfortunately Willow was the only logical choice, the vampires would have almost certainly recognised Kendra or Buffy as Slayers, and Xander as their escaped prisoner, and after them, Red was the most powerful.

"Fine," the Wicca bobbed her head enthusiastically. "The spell worked better than I thought it would."

"Better than you thought?" Faith's eyes narrowed. "You mean you hadn't -." The vampiress stopped and counted to ten, it was moments like this she was glad she'd never have to worry about having kids. "Never mind. Call the others on the mobile." On the other hand one thing she hated about being a vampire was learning new technology.

* * *

"So everybody knows their jobs. Kendra and Buffy, you'll take care of Angelus and Spike. Faith, you and Xander," Giles looked at the expressionless youth with disdain, "will take out the minions. We will cover the exits and deal with any attempting to escape." The Watcher glanced at a pale-faced but determined looking Willow, Oz, Cordelier, Jonathan, and Miss Calendar. "Good luck everybody."

"Just be careful with those crossbows," Xander glanced meaningfully at the Englishman. "We wouldn't want any accidents."

Giles smiled coldly back. "Oh no we wouldn't want any accidents."

Faith glanced from Xander to Giles in confusion. Clearly something had transpired between the two men, she could sense the animosity coming off both of them. She just hoped Xander wasn't alienating his friends. She dropped her eyes when Xander looked in her direction. She couldn't cope with the hatred she saw in his eyes.

She felt a tug on her arm. She looked across at an understanding looking Buffy. "He's not the Xander you loved anymore," the Slayer whispered softly. "Xander wouldn't treat you like that. Forget about him."

Faith nodded slowly. She knew the Slayer was right. Either the demon inside him, what he'd done, or what he'd discovered about her had changed Xander. But that didn't stop her from loving him. "Let's get this over with," she whispered. After Angelus was finished, that was it for her, she would leave. She couldn't handle being that close to him but not with him.

Buffy nodded, walking over to the door, she kicked it open before turning to the others. "Let's get it on!"

* * *

Faith moved smoothly under the vampire's wild swing and thrust a stake into its chest. Now this was more like it, some vampires to work her aggression out on.

Leaping into the air, she smashed a spin kick into the jaw of an advancing vampiress, knocking her to the ground. Before her opponent had chance to regain her feet, Faith was on her, thrusting a stake deep into the vampiress' chest.

Standing, she was rocked backwards by a left hook to her nose that shattered the bone. Blinded by tears of pain, she barely saw the right cross that smashed into her forehead, knocking her to the dusty floor. Dazed, she stared up at the grinning vampire above her. "Thought you were meant to be tough?"

"There's rumours." Quickly pulling a stake out of her pocket she threw it upwards and into the surprised vampire's chest. Faith smirked at the surprised look on the vampire's face before it exploded into dust.

Still grinning, she tensed her legs to spring to her feet. And let out an anguished screamed when a scowling vampire stomped on her right knee shattering the bone. "You killed my brother, bitch!" Faith could only watch helplessly as the vampire raised a sword.

* * *

Out of the corner of his eye Xander saw a vampire standing over a helpless looking Faith raise a sword. Suddenly his world stopped, despite all the insults he'd thrown her way, he knew he still loved her. Bellowing in fury and terror, he grabbed the vampire he was fighting and flung him into the air before racing towards the prone vampiress and her assailant.

His eyes widened in horror as he saw the blade begin to descend. Screaming, he dived between Faith and the falling blade. Even as the blade tore through his side, splintering ribs, he thrust a stake through the vampire's heart. He hit the ground with a thud, letting out a howl of pure agony as sledge-hammer pain reverberated through his body. A second later he felt a pair of tender yet strong hands on his shoulder, easing him over.

"Xander," it was Faith, her face drawn with pain from her own injury but also filled with happiness. "You saved me."

"Love you too much to let you go," he replied, his voice haggard with pain. "I'm sor -." Suddenly his world plunged into darkness.

* * *

Angelus hid his worry behind a cocksure smile. His entire army obliterated; centuries of work gone in one afternoon. And yet it wasn't all bad. He hadn't joined in the fighting, allowing Spike to lead the minions into battle. As a result, his favoured childe had died at the hands of the second Slayer but in the process severely injuring her, the two traitors were incapacitated too, and the blonde Slayer was also injured. Not as badly as the others but enough to give him an advantage.

Angelus' grin grew wider. It was a shame this bitch was a Slayer, he'd have enjoyed some time torturing her before turning her, she had the looks to even compete with his Darla, although not with the whore he'd honoured with the privilege of making his first childe. "So Slayer," he purred, "how does it feel, your body bruised and battered, and knowing that you are all that stands between your friends and death? After all you are the Slayer who downed both the Master and Kaiktosis, if you were uninjured then I would be very worried indeed. But now.."

He smiled at the flicker of fear he saw in the Slayer's eyes. Within a split-second it was gone; by the gods she had spirit, he'd have enjoyed hearing her scream and beg for mercy. "What it is with you Master Vamps, you're never direct always try and talk a girl to death."

Laughing, he gave a courtly bow. "I've never been one to refuse a lady, even an American version of one, en garde!"

The vampire lunged forward, the point of his blade slashing across the blonde's chest ripping a bloody furrow. The blonde let out a grunt before darting backwards. A grin on his face, Angelus followed her, jabbing at her legs, meaning to cripple her before finally killing her. Perhaps he could have a little fun before killing her and the others.

Instead the Slayer leapt into the air, launching herself into a crescent kick that connected squarely with his jaw, staggering him backwards. Wincing at the pain, he lashed wildly at the blonde who slid smoothly under his attack, coming up within his defences with a slash at his head that he only just managed to block.

Back-pedalling furiously, he slashed at the advancing blonde's throat only for her to sway away from his attack and retaliate with a stab that tore a bloody furrow across the bicep of his sword-arm sending a lancing pain up his arm. Grimacing at the agony he decided to play dirty and spat in his adversary's face, momentarily blinding her. A grin on his face, the vampire sent a thrust at the Slayer's unprotected heart. Somehow, the Slayer's sword flickered upwards, parrying his attack and locking their swords together in a deadly embrace. Smiling, he pressed his weight against the woman's slighter frame. "I've enjoyed our battle my dear," he raised an eyebrow, "but all good things must come to an end. It's just a shame it has to be a quick and relatively painless one. I could have done such work with your magnificent body and spirit."

"Talk, talk, that's all you vampires do, I know you're immortal and everything, but long-winded much?" The Slayer sent a knee hurtling up at his groin that he deflected on his thigh but even as he did so the Slayer smashed her forehead into his face.

"My nose!" he roared in agony as his nose shattered under the impact. Enraged at the temporary damage to his handsome features, he kicked out with the toe of his steel-capped boots smashing into the blonde's already bleeding side. Angelus grinned as the blonde paled and fell to one knee. He had her. Charging forward he brought his blade down only for the blonde to roll away and spring to her feet. Knocked off balance by the momentum of his own attack, the vampire could only scream his anger as he felt the Slayer's blade cut into his neck.

* * *

"Are you ready Xander?"

Xander sighed; he reached up and squeezed his girlfriend's hand, gaining strength from her closeness. Two weeks had passed since the defeat of Angelus, and they'd used the time to repair their relationship. He knew he'd hurt her terribly, if only he could take away the pain he'd caused her. "I'm sorry."

Faith's lips caressed his cheek before she bit his ear. "Xand honey, shut up. You're really starting to piss me off now. We've been through this a hundred times, we're together that's all that matters."

His face twisted in misery. "Yeah but -."

His lover ended his speech with a long lingering kiss. "But nothing. Maybe you over-reacted but I should have told you everything. You mean more to me than anybody I've ever known and you feel the same about me. Right?"


The vampiress smirked in satisfaction. "Thought so. Nothing says I love you like taking a sword to the ribs."

Xander laughed and stood. "Let's get this over with."

* * *

The atmosphere in the library was muted and everybody in the building turned towards the two vampires. Xander swallowed. This was the hardest thing he'd ever done but he couldn't stay in Sunnydale and risk running into Harmony's parents or worse still Amy; he had to have a fresh start. "Hi everybody. We'll be leaving soon. So," he swallowed again, "I guess this is goodbye."

"Don't go," Willow flung her arms around him. "I can't go on without you."

"Once maybe," Xander hugged his oldest friend. "But you're stronger now and you've got Wolfie, Giles, Buff, and the others to look after for me. Heck, someone's got to keep Cordy in line. I'm relying on you Will."

Next came a tearful Buffy. "It's all my fault, if I hadn't come here -."

"If you hadn't come here," the newly made vampire gently wiped away the blonde's tears. "My Will wouldn't be the confident and out-going person she is now. I wouldn't have met the best dad I've ever had," he nodded towards an embarrassed looking Giles. "Kendra wouldn't have got a chance at a real life. I wouldn't have gained the self-esteem I got from helping you and most importantly I wouldn't have got my Faith. So you want to blame yourself for what happened to me do that, but remember the good stuff do."

"I want to come with you."

Xander smiled sadly before hugging Kendra. "And I want you to come with us. But it wouldn't be fair," he placed a finger across Kendra's opening mouth, cutting off whatever protest the girl was about to make. "For the first time you've got a father, I know Giles will look after you, Mrs Summers loves mothering you, a boyfriend, loads of friends, and a chance to go to school. If you come with us you'll have to give all that up. I won't allow it."

He avoided Giles' out-stretched hand, choosing to envelop the man in an embrace. "Let's have a manly hug, G-Man."

The Watcher spoke, his voice choked with emotion. "I'm going to miss you son."

"You too dad," he whispered in reply, his own voice choking. "Look after them all," he leaned forward and muttered in the Watcher's ear. "Two weeks ago you told me not to be a bloody idiot. Now I'm giving you the same advice, any fool can tell you love Ms. Calendar, swallow your pride."

The youth stepped back towards his girlfriend. "Wolfie," he grinned at Oz. "Look after Will for me. Cordy," he winked at the crying cheerleader. "Keep giving Buff the fashion tips - god knows she needs all the help she can get."

"Look who's talking."

"Jonathan, you've seen how angry Giles can get. Bear that in mind when you're with Kendra, and Miss Calendar, give the G-Man time." He winked at the computer tutor. "For a librarian he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer."

"I say!"

Xander's face turned serious. "It's been a honour knowing you all and I wish I could stay but for a ton of reasons I can't. Look after Amy for me please." He nodded towards the G-Man; he alone had their contact details. All he had to do was ring and they'd return.

"Let's go honey."

Xander turned at his girlfriend's voice and nodded. "Good idea."

The End