Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha never have never will (the truth hurts so much excuse me while I cry )

Chapter 1:

' Uh I'm so boooored' Thought Kagome. 'Once again we're walking in the forest because of the slave driver Inuyasha. If only I said I didn't want to start walking, it's his ears fault!!!!.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*Flash back~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Early morning........

"Kagome..... Kagome.... Oi Kagome!!!"

Kagome sat while screaming and punching Inuyasha in the face.


" Damn wench you didn't have to hit me!!!"

" O' shut up you big baby"

" Feh"

" Why did you wake me up anyways"

" I was going to ask you blah, blah, blah"

' Awe look at his ears their so cute. I wanna pet them they look so fluffy ' Thought Kagome as she zoned out.

" Kagome are you listening!!!"

" Huh oh Ya sure whatever"

" Good then lets go"

' I wonder what he asked curse those stupid ears, I'll just ask Sango'

" Um Sango what did Inuyasha ask me just now"

" If you wanted to start searching for the shikon jewel shards now."


~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* End Flash back~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

' Curse those ears I hope they shrivel up and fall off his head ' At that thought Kagome busted out laughing picturing Inuyasha screaming as his ears shriveled up.

At this the group just stopped in watched as their once silent companion rolled on the floor laughing like a maniac.

" Um Kagome are you all right" Asked Sango with a terrified look on her face.

"Ya wench what's so funny"

" Nothing.. Ha .. gasp Nothing".

' Few that was close I can't wait till I tell Sango about why I was laughing, ha they probably think that I'm crazy or something.' Thought Kagome as the continued walking.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*A Few hours later~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

'bored. so bored' Thought Kagome as she walked at the end of the group.

Since Kagome wasn't paying attention she didn't realize that everyone in front of her stopped causing her to bump into Miroku.

" Why lady Kagome if you wanted to get close to me all you had to do was ask you didn't have to bump into me even though I enjoy your methods" Said Miroku

Before Kagome could reply Sango punched Miroku in the back of his head knocking him out on the ground. With dazed look upon his face.

" @@"

"Sango that really cant be healthy"

" It's the dumb houshi's own fault he had it coming to him"

" Hey Sango why did we stopped anyways"

"I don't..."

Before Sango could finish answering Kagome's question they heard a loud growl.

" I believe that's Inuyasha" replied the now conscious monk.

" Come on lets go see what he's growling at" Said Sango.

Kagome was the first to get to the clearing where Inuyasha was to see what he was growling at.

'Awe it's just a cute kitty, wait a minute he's going to hurt that poor thing'

" Sit boy!!!!"

"What was that for wench"?

" You leave this poor kitty alone"

The spell had finally wore off so Inuyasha pried himself out of the ground.

" And what happens if I don't"

" Inuyasha if you touch on single hair on this cute cuddly kitty I'll sit " WHAM!!!" you so hard that you won't be able to sit " WHAM AAAAAAAh" straight for a decade. Scratch that you won't even be able to think about being able to sit "AAaAh BAM" Do I make my self clear or do I have to sit " AAAAH SMACK!!!" you until you understand?"

" AACK..... Cough, Cough no I understand" Replied Inuyasha as he was chocking on dirt that got in his mouth. ( eeeew that's nasty)


Hoped you enjoyed the first chapter.

Sesshomaru Insignificant human that was a dumb chapter.

Your just jealous because your not in my fic.

Sesshomaru Your insane.

How do you know. Your not Sesshomaru your a spy from the hospital You can't make me go back AAAAAAAAh

* Pulls out sledge hammer*

You shall go in the closet with the others kUKUKUKUKU

Please R/R

=^.^= ~evilcutekitten