(I'm sorry the past chapters have been rlly short)
Veronica: holy shit, betty.
Betty: what its so late go back to sleep
Veronica: I warned u betty. Y did u sleep with him
Betty: I didn't sleep with Jughead, v
Betty: don't be stupid
Veronica: that's not what everybody else thinks
Betty: what do u mean by that?
Veronica: check ur phone, b
Betty did as she was instructed, and was horrified to find a picture of herself resting her head on Jughead's naked chest. The caption, which emphasized the mortifying effect: serpent king found his serpent slut. She almost screamed, and her shoulders heaved with sobs. She felt her fingernails, which had become bloodied, digging the fresh wounds on her palm. She winced at the pain, but didn't stop.
Betty: how did they get that?
Veronica: I warned u betty its dangerous
Betty: did u and archie do this?
Veronica: god no, id never hurt u
Betty: then who did?
Veronica: toni? She and Jughead seem pretty serious
Betty: but this hurts Jughead too…
The blood from her wounds was streaming onto the screen of her phone, but she didn't care. The pain felt numb to her.
Veronica: im so sorry betty I promise ill catch the bitch who did this
Betty: thanks. Ik thats supposed to make me feel better
Veronica: ur welcome :)
Veronica: I don't mean to probe…
Veronica: but r u at Jughead's house? like rn?
Veronica: Betty?
Betty: yes. I am
Veronica: Why?
Betty: It's a long story…
Veronica: Ive got plenty of time
Betty: you know how there were break ins in my neighborhood?
Veronica: and?
Betty: I thought I was getting to broken into...freaked out
She didn't tell Veronica about her full-blown panic attack. She didn't tell that her heart was pounding in her chest so fast she thought it was going to explode. She didn't tell her about the crescent moon shaped scars that were permanently embedded in her palms due to stress and panic.
Veronica: how does Jughead relate to this?
Betty: I txted him that I freaked out and he offered me to come over…
Betty distinctly remembered when she saw the vehicle that he pulled up in. A motorcycle, it was beautiful, she wouldn't deny that, the shiny mental gleaming underneath the setting sun, but she knew it was a death machine. He smiled at her surprised look. "You asked me to pick you up," he said, smiling. He offered her helmet, and she put it on. Although it was too big, it felt as if it fit perfectly. "Hold on tight." He instructed. She nodded, and wrapped her thin arms around his lightly toned stomach.
Betty: and we jst fell asleep
Betty: nothing else. i swear
Veronica: u know that's not what everybody else is going to think
Veronica: I have so many questions tho
Betty: what?
Veronica: how did he get ur number?
Betty: Toni gave it to him
Vernoica: o wow. He must really love u. u met two days ago, and hes already inviting u over when ur scared.
Betty: shut up
Veronica: betty, did u tell Jughead yet?
Betty: hes still sleeping.
Betty was still crying. Her eyes, which were bloodshot and puffy, kept shedding tears. Who would know she was here? Who would want to leak the photo? Although she was unaware if she possessed any enemies (other than Chuck Clayton and Cheryl), she was sure Jughead Jones, leader of the serpents, had a long and lengthy list. Worries ran through her mind…school tomorrow. She was afraid to face it, yet she still wanted to show her face, to demonstrate that cyber bullying does not scare her. She knew it would be hell, but Betty Cooper is not a coward.
Veronica: u have to tell him, betty.
Betty: y?
Veronica: let him find it out from u, not from others
Betty: I don't want to wake him up he sleeps rlly peacefully
Veronica: u should.
Betty: u promised me u would protect me, rite?
Veronica: of course, b.
Betty: im going to come to school tomorrow. But will u protect me?
Veronica: u don't have to ask. Im sure that kevin, archie, me will protect u
Betty: and jughead
Betty: Who would even know I went to his house?
Veronica: idk
Betty: Im going to tell him. Now. Idc if hes mad at me for waking him up.
Veronica: good luck
"Jughead?" Betty's soft voice rouses him, and he rubs his eyes. It sounds like she has been crying. "Betty?" He whispers. "It's still dark out, go to sleep." "No, Jughead." She chokes out, sobbing. "Betty? What's wrong?" He sits up, and flips the bedside light on. It lights up the room. Betty's cheeks are puffy and red, her eyes bloodshot and teary. "Oh, God, Betty! What's wrong?" He sees her palms, which are gushing with blood. She tries to tell him, but ends up sobbing onto his shoulder instead. "Look at your phone," she says, her voice cracking. He cradles her bloody hands in his, and grabs his phone, which is resting on the mess of his bedside table. Countless push notifications are stacked on his lock screen. Then he sees it. The picture. The caption. "Serpent king found his serpent slut?" He says aloud, wrath creeping into his voice. "Who the fuck did this?" He asks, enraged. Betty shook her head and shed yet another tear. "I don't know," she whispers, looking up at him with red and puffy eyes, giving him a look that makes his heart collapse. "Let's get you cleaned up." He decides, attempting to regain his composure. She nods, tears falling onto his sheets as she does. He runs to the kitchen, and returns with a wet paper towel and Band-Aids. He gently caresses the wounds with the towel, cleaning the blood off of her hands. He lightly presses the Band-Aids onto her palms, and gives her a peck on the cheek. "All better now?" She nods solemnly. "I'll find who did this," he promises her, stroking her palms. "Jughead?" "Yeah?" "D-did Toni do this?" "What! No, no, no! Toni would never try to hurt me-or you." "She's the only one who knew I was here." "So? Some kids were probably snooping around the southside and saw you. No big deal." "It is a big deal, Jughead. I probably shouldn't even come to school tomorrow. Wait for this to blow over. I like being invisible." She told him. "Oh, Betty Cooper. You think you are invisible?" She nodded, wrapping her arms around herself. "I'm sure the entire school knows who you are. You're beautiful, a river vixen, smart, and…sensational. You are the complete opposite of invisible." He smiled sincerely at her, and hugged her bony body as they embraced.