J 10!

another thing! YAY!

so this time around. I had to binge watch the original Ben 10, alien force, ultimate, and Omniverse, and then I thought "fuck it why not." and you all know how I feel about our resident Remnant underdog.

I have the Ben 10 wiki (omniverse for most of the updated info) on standby, and I have to say, nearly over 1 million aliens to chose from... that's just waiting for Oc material right there. so needless to say, I have some work to do.

I've decided to make this a semi-crossover with Enchanted arms and Lilo and stitch since I can incorporate some of them in here, and the enchanted arms is EXTREMELY underrated.

as with most other Rwby fics I have, this'll be a divergence from Shi16 where Jaune comes across a powerful artifact that's basically the omnitrix from Omniverse. I've seen other fics where they try to have Jaune wield the omnitrix, and (shout out) I really love that concept, however, they just kinda stopped at some point, so I'm gonna try it this time around. now for some key points:

1. the Shinigami will still be around, and unlike the others, this time it'll have most of them instead of the main few. (this means, Adam, Penny, Sun, and Neo are on Jaune's side in this fic.)

2. in here, instead of the "Aliens", jaune and the Omnitrix will classify his transformations as "spirits" a common theme in my fics. also, there will be some additional OC "spirits" and other spirits I like from various mythos to add. here's an Example...

Species: Sainteralux

Codename (Jaune's Name): Ms. Fortune

Gender: Female (100% female only)

Origins: Scanned from Ruby Rose

appearance: similar to Ruby but with a third Eye, wings at the hips, Black cat ears and tail (bad Luck), ladybug antennae and polka-dots (good luck) and instead of a hood, it's a silk like veil.

abilities: luck manipulation (controls good and Bad luck), flight, supersonic screech, minor possession

weaknesses: not very suited for combat, hard time possessing strong minded victims

behavior (optional): timid, but has a short temper

additional info (optional, but recommended): -Can go into ultimate form, which has more wings, glowing eyes, a halo, devil horns, and four floating hands that orbit around her.

- natural predator to humans and lesser demons

- prey to Vampragons and rivals to Vladats (ex. Whampire)

feel free to use this as a template for an Oc "spirit"

3. in here, the Omnitrix was sealed away in the voidtex, but Jaune managed to release and take it when he reset the world, this means that Nobody, Not even Ozpin nor Salem knows about it.

4. the parts for the Semi-crossover with enchanted arms, for those who played the game, is obviously the entire concept of golems, as well as some background parallel with the enchanted arms storyline. as with lilo and stitch, it'll be the concept of new species (experiments) and spirits running amok, you'll have to stay tuned for this to make sense.

wish me luck, and I hope you all like the prologue.

P.s. I'm working on some art for my Fanfics, If you like my stories, and want to submit fanart of them, then send it over to my Deviantart account. my link's on my profile, but be sure to Credit me.


The Boy and the Omnitrix

Waking up from what felt like forever, Jaune looked around from his prone like state. sitting up from what felt like a soft surface (a Bed) he looked around what appeared to be his old bedroom.

"Is this... my old room? I haven't seen this place since... oh." Jaune thought. "god this feels weird now. been a long time since I- what the hell!?"

Finally gazing upon a full body mirror on the far side of the wall, Jaune practically leapt out of the bed, half wobbled over to the thin wall of glass, and looked at himself, or what he looked like now.

"I look like I'm 10 again! what is going on here? I thought the reset would take me back to initiation, not here! and what the heck is on my wrist!?" Jaune ranted, looking at the smaller child body that took his form before gazing at the particular item on his left wrist. the object in question resembles a wrist watch, with a square face-plate, and has a white and gold color scheme (A/N: Jaune's color theme is Yellow/gold, so a minor tweak. sorry to those who'll oppose). The face-plate is black with two golden stripes forming an outline of an hourglass.

"I think it's a wrist watch, but what the hell is it doing on my arm. I don't re-aagh!" a sharp pain came from the back of his mind as he struggled to find within his memory any moment where he might've seen the damn thing. the only thing he can see however were various flashes and visions, each going by every few seconds. the last thing he say before gasping in shock was a pure white heart in a stream like existence being spliced in half.

"w-what was that?!" Jaune half screamed.

"I don't know!?" another voice behind him said. stiff of fear, Jaune turned around to come face to face with what would've been the most accurate representation of a female twin of himself.

"who are you!? No you!? STOP IT!" both said. opting to poke the unknown trespasser, when their fingers touched, they fell victim to another series of visions and images, this time of the Past life before the reset. the very last vision was once again the white heart splitting in half, but this time, it formed two silhouettes that later formed each other.

"...what... was that?" Jaune asked.

"I don't know... wait." the girl said. "Ozpin said that there will be some... side effects... from the reset."

"you think that this is one of those side effects?"


"Jaune? Rose? ah good, you too are awake." a third voice spoke, startling the two. turning around, both sighed in relief at the sight of a tall blonde woman peering at them through the door. a woman they know all to well.

"Sorry Mom we just woke up." Jaune said. catching on to what he was doing, "Rose" played along.

"I've noticed, that was some fall you two had. here, I'll help you two to the dining room. your friends are worried sick."

"Friends?" Jaune thought. "strange, I don't remember..."

joining their mother, Jaune and Rose entered the dining room, where a few unnoticeable faces gazed upon them. however, Out of all of the unknown people looking at them, the blondes quickly found the familiar albeit younger faces of Adam Taurus, Neo Politan, and Penny Polendina.

"...well shit." what what they both thought.

after a very awkward reunion between all of them (7 in total), the group of Nine opted to go outside to catch up more on what exactly changed in this timeline (aside from the obvious "friends with the former enemies" fiasco). However, one of the kids was more focused on the unknown watch on his wrist than the random conversation between them. the violet haired male, Jet, was the first one to notice this, and decided to call out on it.

"hey Jaune, what're you doing?" he asked, said male finally reacting at his name being called.

"hmm? oh, I', just tinkering with this watch thing."

"...that's a watch?"

"I thought it was a fancy bracelet." the short fox girl, Kamui, added.

"yeah, I don't know much about it my- wait..." jaune paused, finally getting a reaction from the watch as he placed his finger on the faceplate. A gold holographic glowing of a circle appeared above the watch with several symbols placed around half of it.

"sweet! it's a touch screen watch!" the tall male, Sebastian, exclaimed in awe.

"a touch screen? then what the heck are these symbols?" Jaune asked, stopping on one that looks like a mask on fire. when he released the finger on the faceplate, it then opened to reveal a gold and black button that emerged from the watch.

"...this thing is getting weirder by the second." Jet addressed.

"I've got a bad feeling about this..." the ginger haired girl, Penny, warned.

"I'm curious... Push it." Rose said suddenly.

"what?!" Jet, Adam and Penny shouted.

"push the button!" Sebastian and the little girl, Dahlia, chanted.

curiosity winning over caution, Jaune pressed the glowing gold button, and was enveloped in a yellow flash of light.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" was all he thought, as he felt his body morphing. his temperature rose significantly, and he felt his insides and outsides changing drastically.

when the light died down, Jaune was nowhere to be found, and in his place, was a being like no other. right where Jaune was, in his place was a magma-based lifeform whose body was composed of a bright yellow inner magma body covered by a dark reddish brown rocks. the familiar symbol of a gold hourglass was embedded in his chest, but inside the golden hourglass was a pure white symbol of two Arcs in the very center.

"what the!? I'M ON FIRE!"

"OH GOD!" Jet yelled.

"LAVA MAN!" Sebastian, Dahlia, and Penny screamed.

"BEGONE YOU WALKING TALKING FIRE HAZARD!" he then proceeded to pick up the nearest object to him and throw it at the fire man.

"HELP I'M ON FIRE! I'M...I'm... I..." the fire being roared, slowly coming to a realization that he wasn't burning at all. "...i don't feel it?"

"... Jaune?" Rose half asked, awed at the transformation.

"...yeah?" this seemed to stop everyone else from running around like headless chickens. now that they calmed down from the hype fest, they soon began to realize that this was indeed Jaune.

"what... happened?" Jet asked. "Jaune" shrugged in confusion.

"I don't know... all I remember was..." suddenly realizing what had happened, Jaune looked to his wrist, but was slightly confused since the watch wasn't there anymore.

"I think it's on your chest." Adam chimed in, pointing at the hourglass symbol in that area.

"well, since you're now a human torch, can you breath fire?" Sebastian asked out of nowhere.

"excuse me?"

"does it have any powers? it looks cool, so maybe it has cool stuff too."

"... I'm curious too, actually."

"and where did curiosity lead to last time?" Adam chided.

"our friend turning into a talking volcano with legs." Neo added, getting some giggles from the playful insult to the fire man.

"... I guess we can find out." "Jaune" said before outstretching his arm. a stream of fire erupted from his palm and incinerated a tree that was near the group.

"Awesome! you can shoot fire!"

"what else can you do?!" Dahlia asked.

"I don't know. maybe if I-" Jaune was cut off when he performed a jump. that shot him up into the air. like a human sized firework straight into the sky.

"AAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaahhhh... huh?" "jaune screeched. halfway through his screaming. he realized that he was falling, but was still rising.

"how do I- WHOA!" He then tried to bend over to look down, which promptly changed his direction back to the ground. thinking fast, Jaune leaned back, which makes him change direction again. he repeated this several times over until he managed to stop himself...somehow.


"Yeah! you were Blasting heat there JJ!" Rose cheered. picking up from her sentence, Jaune Pondered for a minute.

"Blasting heat... blast heat? no... Heatblast? yeah that'll do..." he murmured.

"what'll do?"

"Heatblast... that's a cool name. from now on, i'll be know as Heatblast!" Jaune declared. a loud beeping noise soon followed after. "hey what's that noise?" at the fifth beep, Heatblast erupted in a red light, just when the light dimmed down, Heatblast was gone, and in his place was Jaune's human form once again.

"aww. it has a time limit?" Rose moaned.

"I knew it was too good to be true." Jaune moaned too, trying to repeat the process he made before turning into Heatblast. the watch however was slowly flashing red as he wasn't able to repeat it.

~Time limit reached, 10 minutes until charge complete. please stand by... recommendation, Increase spirit level.~ a robotic voice played from the watch, startling the group of nine.

"it can talk too!? increase spirit level? what does it mean by that?" Jaune asked, at his unknowing request the watch spoke up again.

~Spirit level will increase through repeated usage. you have 10 Spirit points remaining. would you like to use the points?~

"what? um... yes?"

still flashing red, the watch showed another hologram, instead of the selection ring from before, the screen had the hourglass symbol on it, ten star like points lined up on one side, and four options.





"Whooooaaa!" everyone exclaimed in awe.

"...okay... so.. let's try power?" Jaune half asked. at his voice command, another screen was displayed this time showing three options.

Time (0/10) cost 1

Energy (0/10) cost 1

Function (0/10) cost 1

"I don't know what it means." he said, then some addition text appeared next to each option.

Time: increases the time of the transformation, and slightly decreases time of recharge.

Energy: increased the Omnitrix's power and unlocks more spirits and options

Function: increases the functionality of the Omnitrix as well as the core features' efficiency.

"...so it's voice command too?" Jet asked, getting a shrug from the group.

"well I guess well put 4 points into Time and 1 point for the other two?"

six stars disappeared and the text changed.

Time (3/10) cost 2

Energy (1/10) cost 1

Function (1/10) cost 2

~would you like to save changes?~


the omnitrix went back into its standby state, closing the hologram in the progress.

~save complete. 7 minutes until charge complete. please stand by.~

"Huh. so it does shorten the time... neat." Rose deadpanned.

"Do you know what this means?"


"...wait for seven minutes before we roast marshmallows?" Sebastian said, pulling out a bag of said white treats.

"what? NO." Jaune shouted.

"where the heck did you even get those?" Jet added.

"we could do so much with this thing! who knows what else is inside it."

"well I still think we shouldn't take it too lightly." Adam chided.

"yeah..." several others agreed.

"well, fine, we'll find out more about it later. Right now I'm getting sleepy." Rose yawned. seconds after the rest of the group followed suit.

"I'm definitely going to enjoy this" Jaune thought, eyes, still focused on the gold watch.

Prologue done.

now instead of going straight to the start of beacon, we're starting with the season 1 trailers. here's the line-up:

Red: Ruby and Sebastian

White: Weiss and Jet

Black: Blake and Jaune as *** *****

Yellow: Yang, Rose, and Neo

there's a poll up for whether or not i should make this a whole next chapter, or four chapters. also, like, review, and stay tuned.