Hi there ! So that chapter was reaaaally hard to write because I'm not used to write Romance at all ! (Actually it's the first time). I hope you'll like it though. Good read !

Chapter 30 - Fear the unknown.

Awkward was a rather appropriate word to describe the atmosphere in the guest room this night. Marie and Alex had prepared the bed for them and left straight away to give them some privacy, not before teasing them though.

"Good night les amoureux !" Marie winked and exited the room, Hippolyte babbling in her arms.

"If you guys are planning to do something do it fast. We have a lot on our plate tomorrow." Alex added with a smile full of double-entendre. He left before any of them could reply, closing the door behind him.

Newt and Tina nervously stood rooted to the spot, avoiding each other gaze. "That muppet." Newt tried to ease the mood, "I uh, I'll leave you some privacy to change." He abruptly opened his case and went down to settle his creatures for the night. They were on edge lastly, as if they knew others creatures were around.

Tina frowned. "It's okay I - " She suddenly stopped mid sentence then resumed it the more naturally she could manage to, "I won't be long anyway." She smiled awkwardly at him and Newt returned it, oblivious, before fully going into the case. Tina sighed with relief, she almost betrayed herself. She had actually decided this very afternoon she wouldn't take her concealing potion anymore for she believed she was fine but her biggest reason was that she felt rather powerless without magic. She couldn't even transfigured into her pajama and it got on her nerves, really. She waved her wand toward herself, changed and folded her clothes before putting them in her case. It was so good to feel the magic going through her veins again ! She had never noticed before how magic was in fact very important to her. Without it she was like incomplete, as if a very big part of herself was missing. Then she put her wand back in her suitcase at the exact same spot it used to be. Newt was a very oblivious man but he also was extremely observant so she needed to be careful to leave any clues. Once done, she climbed on the bed and slipped between the sheets, making herself comfortable. When Newt came back, she was lying down on the side, back to him so he couldn't see she was strained. It was the first time they'll be sharing a bed and that mere fact was enough to tense her. She always used to sleep alone. She might have slept with Queenie the year following her parents' death but until then she always had been alone so all of that was new to her. She was brave but still, she feared the unknown like most of people.

Newt, as for him, took longer to come back from the case for he was as nervous as his dear Auror. He had absolutely no practical experience with women and, despite Tina being very different from other, he couldn't help but feel bewildered by the situation. A lot of questions came tumbling out his mind: Should they just sleep ? If so, in what position ? Cuddling or not ? Or maybe he should try something ? Until now they always had been interrupted in their intimacy to his great regret so he thought now was a good occasion to try and go further. Still, he had finished his task and wasn't sure about what he had to do yet. He considered asking Dougal or Pickett but renounced because firstly, it would be embarrassing given the fact he saw himself as their "mum" in a way and secondly because the humans relationships couldn't be compared to the Bowtruckles or Demiguises' one for they were too much different. He felt a little relieved to notice she was already in the bed when he climbed back up, her back to him and seemingly asleep. He took his wand and waved it to change in his turn, unaware Tina had been doing the same not so long ago. he went into bed and turned the light off with his wand before putting it on the bedside table. Ill-at-ease, he stared at the sailing despite being unable to see through the darkness. Then, he closed his eyes and began mentally citing all the creature he knew. He had reached the flobberworm when he heard a low, long sigh coming from his Dulcinea and he realised she was totally awake. It surprised him, he believed she was sound asleep since they were in bed for thirty minutes already. He opened his mouth and hesitated before talking.

"Tina ?" He whispered, "You sleeping Love ?"

Some moments passed without Tina reacting. She was frozen, unable to know if she should reply or not. Newt thought she was sleeping like a log after all when she finally answered him with a slight wobble in her voice, evidently nervous.

"No." She murmured without moving an inch, "I can't get to sleep."

"Oh." He searched for something to say before replying softly, "Is something wrong ?"

She sighed again but smiled. He really was a nice man. It was late though he was still willing to listen to her repeated lamentations. "I was thinking about Queenie. I'm not used to sleep alone. I mean, obviously I am, but we always were sleeping in the same room in New York." She explained farther when she noticed Newt's quizzical sound. "I miss her a lot." She eventually said, feeling suddenly forsaken. Newt turned on the side and shyly placed himself just behind her like a spoon, embracing her with his arms, against his chest.

"I'm sure she is okay. I - I don't really know her but she's quite tough, I think." He squeezed her in a reassuring gesture, "Besides, I uh might not be your sister but I promise I'll always be at your side."

Tina made a quiet laugh before asking him why was he still awake himself. Newt swallowed hard, reflecting on what type of reply he should give her. The suitable lie or the scandalous truth ?

"See uh - I was hoping - " He stumbled nervously, looking for a way to show his hand, "Well, since we're both awake, I thought uh - Maybe we could..." His words died on his lips but his hands began to busy themselves tickling her hips. While his voice seemed hesitant, his gesture was perfectly mastered and confident. Tina caught his intention straightaway and gasped with surprise, her face turning crimson in a blink of an eye.

"Newt !" She whispered with confusion, "It's not correct ! We're not at your home !"

"Home is where the heart is." He said as he lightly kissed the back of her neck, grinning when he felt her shivering under his inquisitive lips, "Plus, like you Americans use to say, what they don't know won't hurt them anyway."

"But - " She was cut by his seductive hands on her naked belly.

"Tell me you don't want it and I'll stop at once." He waited for any reaction and smirked when he noticed she stayed resolutely quiet without rejecting his advances. He could feel a pleasant heat coming from her body, especially from her face he guessed to be red. "That's what I thought." He held back a chuckle while kissing and nibbling her neck with an amused smile. His hands, decidedly curious, wandered toward her bosom, tickling her ribs on their path. He was pleasantly surprised as he noted she wasn't wearing a brassiere, leaving her breasts naked. She sighed when he began to fondle them softly but not without vigour. His scientific side made him pinch their points, just to see her reaction. She consequently started with a gasp almost immediately before quietly whining. He found that result quite interesting, supposing she was without a doubt sensitive here and noted that kind of sound was rather stimulating for him as well. He resumed his petting, tenderly circling their tips with his thumbs, stirring the passion between them up. However, and despite being able to touch her more intimately than never, he caught himself wanting for more which was really new given the fact some time ago he was sure to be asexual. Tina, on her part, wasn't certain about what to do or not. She felt shared between her desire for this precious man and apprehension although she couldn't really explain why. She was aware he was definitely wanting it as much as her according to his loving caresses. She suddenly noticed, alarmed, that one of his hands was going lower and lower before stopping at the level of her pajama pants' waistband, as if waiting for something to happen. The Magizoologist gave her a last longing kiss before whispering in her ear.

"Tina, did you already tried to...," He mumbled red as a beet, once again struggling to find the right words, "explore your body ?"

" E- Excuse-me ?" She suddenly froze, tensed and mortified, her voice trembling with confusion and her heart beating wildly. "I - I - " She stammered and grimaced with shame. Truth was she had tried, even if it was quite recent and occasional. Actually it began at the same time as the beginning of their first sensual interaction in the case, just after that awful encounter with the Daily Prophet. It wasn't something she was proud of and she feared the man she loved might be disappointed with her, revolted even. But Newt wasn't that kind of man, he was accepting, open-minded and, above all, selfless. He immediately sensed his lover's distress and hastened to reassure her the best he could.

"Tina, Love." He said, squeezing her against him, "There is absolutely nothing wrong with pleasuring yourself, on the contrary. If - if it's okay with you, I'd like you to show me how to do it." He waited, expectant and hopeful.

"Okay..." She answered in a shaky breath eventually, her voice so low he though a moment he had imagined it. She shyly grabbed his hand but stayed still however, as if paralyzed by fear. Not discouraged, Newt just began massaging her breasts again with his other hand, telling himself it was just a matter of time, that he just had to arouse her some more. He leaned to kiss and suck her beating throat, feeling her hearth through it. It was loud and fast like his own and he wondered if it was from fear or arousal, maybe a mix of both. He was now so close behind her she could distinctly appreciate his ardent desire for her and she really liked that effect, that power even, she had on him. She found herself ready to continue and led his hand slowly on her body, under the soft garment. She firstly intimated him to stroke her thighs, muscled by years of Auror training. At last, she hesitantly guided him between them and suddenly felt him being more fervent as he started to rub her clothed crotch nearly instinctively. She knew what he was looking for and helped him finding it, moaning weakly when she felt his fingers experimentally stroking her sweet spot.

"Shh. You have to be quiet Love or someone might found out what's happening here." He whispered, a spark of amusement in his voice while he disloyally stimulated her weak point with fervour "You don't want that to happen now, do you ?"

"Then use a silencing charm..." She closed her eyes tightly in an attempt to hold back another murmur.

"I prefer not. It's much more exciting this way." She was about to tell him he was being unfair but she bit her lower lips instead as she felt her enjoyment growing inside her with his every touch. She noted the sensation was better than when she was doing it herself despite his clumsiness. The Magizoologist, as for him, had a hell of a job keeping control as he began to slightly rub himself against her, unconsciously purchasing his own release. His lover was now panting and gasping, close to the peak and desperately trying to stay silent. She was vaguely aware his kiss had became more voracious though she almost immediately lost the few consciousness left before being overwhelmed once again by a bright, powerful warm in her lower belly. She suddenly heard him gasp, his breathing twitchy.

"Newt ?" She whispered with worry, softly turning her gaze to him, "Are you - "

She didn't finish her sentence and muffled a moan instead as she suddenly reached her climax, a feeling of complete relief throwing through her body. She fisted the sheet of the bed, trembling in her sweetheart's arms with every jolt of pleasure before finally relaxing, slowly panting. It took them some minutes to calm down both mentally and physically.

"Wow," Newt sighed, a look of amazement on his freckled face, "It's been hum - "

"Yeah." Tina replied without hesitation, then she blinked all of a sudden, confused, "Do you need me to... Well, do something ?"

He stared at her quizzically then blushed again when he caught what she meant. "Oh don't worry I'm - I'm good." He hesitated some seconds then shyly smiled, holding her in his arms, "I - I can assure you I enjoyed our uh, exchange as much as you did." He gave her a father like kiss in her neck before nestling his head behind hers. "We should try to sleep. We'll have a lot to do tomorrow." He said eventually, slowly closing his sleepy green eyes. She imitated him and they both fell in the welcomed arms of Morpheus.

The morning after.

When the two lovebirds finally woke up, Marie was already feeding her son in the kitchen, encouraging him to swallow his stewed fruit with some funny train sounds.

"Aller Hippolyte, ouvre la station miam-miam, le train arrive !" The baby opened his mouth and appeared to eat the mixture just to spit it out some seconds later with a laugh. Marie received some on her face, looking half pissed half amused while her child agitated his arms up and down excitedly. "Tu ne fais jamais ça avec papa, pas vrai ?" Then she smiled when she spotted the couple entering the room, already dressed. "Good morning ! Did you two had a good night ?"

"Lovely, thanks." Newt replied innocently, casting a knowing look at Tina who averted her eyes with embarrassment. Fortunately for her, Marie was too busy washing her face with a tissue to notice. They sat and she gave them some coffee and bread just before the arrival of her husband.

"Ton fils a encore craché sa compote sur moi." Marie said, feigning displeasure.

"Il voulait juste partager. Si jeune et déjà altruiste." Alex replied with a shrug before giving his wife a peck. She chuckled with good humor and shook her head with a faked dismayed look. "Hope you two are ready to work, we're tracking those stupid sellers today." He addressed to Newt and Tina who stared at him and silently nodded. "Good, I won't take no for an answer anyway."