Were back with some video game action in this here story about Genm. I'm just stalling because I got nothing to say for Author's Note so let's just go.


Level 6: The Past is in the Past

Vile sat in the Talon Breakroom, yes for a terrorist organisation they have a breakroom, playing darts.

"This blows, I thought we were going after those Riders by now." He grumbled, throwing another dart. "Reaper said we could go kill em!"

"Calm yourself Vile." Graphite said as he entered the breakroom and grabbed one of the darts. "We're leaving as soon as we can find where they're going next."

"Can't we just hunt them down? That'd be so much more fun that lounging around here." Vile complained and relaxed his head back.

"Patience is a virtue. Trust me, I know how it feels to be impatient." Graphite threw the dart and shattered the dartboard on impact. "That's bullseye right?"

"You broke our dartboard!"

From outside the room, Sombra listened to their conversation with a worried look.

Mine and Genji's blades clashed as this was our weekly weapon training. Ever since he joined the cyborg ninja offered to help me with handling weapons like my Gashacon Sword or Breaker in blade mode because…I won't sugar coat it I sucked with them. I know how to throw my punches just not my slashes.

I was in my base form with my Breaker in sword mode deflecting some of his slashes. Genji had his smaller sword in a reverse grip as he marched up to me, forcing me to back away while trying to maintain a stance. The cyborg dashed forward and slammed the handle of his blade into my stomach, making me keel over and gasp for breath.

"Okay, that's enough time out please!" I coughed. "Am I getting better?"

"Only if little." He offered me his hand and helped me up. "Your stance is strong, but your executions are lacking." Genji sheathed his blade.



My armour dissolved and I messaged my arm with a hiss. "I don't see why I gotta learn all this, I can defend myself fine with my own fists and my Magnum."

"It is always valuable for one to learn the honourable path of the sword." Genji said wisely with his arms crossed.

"Sure, whatever you say." I sighed and headed to the door, the ninja following after. "It's been weeks now, when are we gonna get our next mission?"

"Patience Xander, one will come in time." Does this guy always gotta be so vague?

"Could all Agents please report to the briefing room. Repeat; all Agents please report to the briefing room." Athena said over the com.

"Well, ask and we shall receive." I shrugged as the two of us headed to said room. Inside were only Winston and Angela as I'm guessing the others were on their way now. "Alright what's the deal guys?"

"Oi, wait till we're in at least!" Lena said as she blinked in next to me, Fareeha and Hana running in and catching their breath.

"Lena…..please…..wait next time!" Hana panted before she planted herself on a chair.

"Where is Asuna?" Winston asked as he looked over the room.

"Here." I turned around to see Asuna walk in, bags under her eyes and overall mood looking gloomy. "What's up?"

"Hey are you alright? You don't look so good." I said as she walked over and stood by the table.

"I'm fine, don't worry about it." She waved off.

"Anyway, our mission today has been asked of us from the Mexican Government, for aid in taking care of a local gangs." Winston told us as the holograms on the table showed a town I'm all too familiar with. "The gang is known for being self-proclaimed revolutionaries that hate the Mexican Government."

"Los Muertos." I spoke up, getting everyone's attention.

"You know them?" Fareeha asked me.

"Yeah, they've cause Dorado and my family problems for a lot of years now."

"Why your family specifically?" Angela questioned me.

I sighed awkwardly. "Because my family are their rival gang, El Fantasma."

[Talon Base]

Graphite walked through the base's corridors as he entered the hanger, looking for the ship Reaper told him about.

"All of them look the same." He growled.

"Feeling a little lost, Señor Lagarto?" Graphite sighed as Sombra suddenly un-clocked beside him. "You know for some big, powerful warrior, you aren't brainy are ya?"

"And you are a very annoying mouse that need a trap snapped on it's neck." He retorted.

"Ooh, spicy." Sombra giggled.

"Sombra, that's enough." Reaper walked past the two. "Load up and get ready, Graphite, come with me." The hacker merely shrugged and teleported away. "Now, I take it you have your own agenda in this mission?"

"Yes. The new Genm has something I want, something that can turn the tides in your favour." That made Reaper hum and put cup his chin in thought.

"My favour…..I do like the sound of it. You have my permission, but Vile has to be with you. You still aren't entirely trusted." The edge lord walked over to the ship.

"Good." Graphite boarded the ship and looked around at the passengers. Reaper was in the cockpit ready to fly. Widow Maker was checking her grapple with her sniper rifle beside her. Sombra was typing on her holographic screens. And Vile was loading in canisters into his grenade launcher. Graphite walked over and sat next to him.

"Tell me, what kind of weapon is that?" He questioned as he looked over the gun.

"This? It's my M32 Rotary Grenade Launcher, specially modified to fire special gas filled grenades that I concocted myself. I call it, my Toxic Storm." He shut the barrel and spun it. "What have you got?"

Graphite reached behind his back and pulled out his fanged staff. "This staff has saved me from many a battles, my trusted blades have never failed me."

"Cool. You're a force to be reckoned with." Vile playfully punched Graphite's shoulder. The Bugster in response fully punched Vile, causing him to fall over.

"Ugh, boys." Widow scoffed and shook her head.

[With Overwatch]

The flight to Dorado was a quiet one. Poppy slept most of the way, Winston, Mercy and Tracer were piloting, Genji was meditating, Pharah was doing maintenance on her weapon, and D Va and I were playing some card games.

"Uno." I placed my second to last card on the pile, the last one being a red four. "I'm gonna win next turn and you know it."

"Oh yeah?" She asked with a malicious smirk that all Uno players should know. "Pickup two cards, pickup two again, plus four, reverse back to you, reverse back to me, plus four, skip a turn, Uno, and pickup two."

I just dropped the card in my hand and crossed my arms.

"Pequeña Mierda." She only laughed in response. "No wonder all the Plus cards were rare."

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Oh the look on your face was priceless!" D Va laughed. "Wanna go again?"

"No." I sternly said.

"You won't have time for another, for we have reached Dorado. Arriba!" Tracer yelled from the cockpit. I leaned out of my chair and raised an eyebrow at her. "Sorry."

We landed on one of the beaches and headed to the two entrance, as we got closer I could hear the festival music of my home town as well as see fireworks blaze into the sky.

"Wow, is there a festival going on?" D Va asked as we looked into the street, people were dancing around in masks and stalls were giving out food.

"It's hard to believe a place like this would be ridden with gangs." Pharah said as she looked over the crowd of dancers.

"It's a mask to try keep the people calm. There are plenty of police officers disguised, in case Los Muertos tries anything." I looked at some of the undercover officers. "So what do we do Winston?"

"Watch the crowds, if you see anything suspicious call it. And Xander," He looked at me in the eyes. "Be careful."

The eight of us split up and spread through the town square. Mercy and Pharah went to the high grounds while the rest of us went into the crowd, we all split up with Poppy and I heading to the stands.

"So this is where you lived." Poppy said as she looked at all the colours of the town.

"Yeah, home sweet home I guess." I handed the vendor some cash. "Two churros please."

"Why leave? It seems like such a nice place." The vendor handed us the snacks and we looked into the crowd.

"Family problems, it drove us apart." I nibbled on my churro. "I was fed up with all the gang shit and decided I wanted to do something better with my life, that's why I applied for med school."

"Oh, I see." Poppy bit her lip.

"Oi, oi look what we have here boys." Shit, of course it's now of all time. I turned to my right and saw three old 'friends' of mine. The first was Rico, a guy with a green mohawk with a black vest and jeans. The second was Reggie, an Omnic with painted on sunglasses wearing a grey jacket and blue trousers. The last was Ryan, lemme say this this guy is an ass, he's one of those 'tough guys' that don't wear a shirt anywhere and only has tight jeans.

"Oh why now of all times?" I groaned as the three of them stood up in front of us.

"Xander freaking Ramon. How long has been, five years?" Rico crossed his arms.

"Five years and I still remember your ugly mug Rico." I responded. "How's your Mamá?"

Rico scowled at me. "You have a lot of nerve showing your face around here ya know. El Jefe's gonna go loco when they hear you're around."

"I'd be happy to see them again, try it I dare you." I got close and personal with Rico. He slapped the churro out of my hand and we glared daggers at each other.

Suddenly hooligan cheers and woos were heard with the roar of engines approaching. Breaking through the big window door of the town square's door was three big armoured cars painted with skulls and crossbones. This caused the festivities to stop as members of Los Muertos stepped out of the cars.

"HEY, since when did we say you could party on our turf huh?" The Leader of the group said as the members spread out, taking out a plethora of weapons.

"But, it's Dorado tradition to have this festival, we've been doing it for years now." One of the civilians said.

The leader merely chuckled punched the person so hard that their mask cracked and he fell.

"Do I look like I give a shit about tradition?! HUH!" He kicked the person's stomach. "Clear off!"

Slowly the party started to disband, the gang members going around and trashing the decorations.

"Stop it!" I ran over to the nearest one and shoved him down.

"Oh ho, ho. If it isn't the one and only lost boy of El Fantasma." The leader walked up as the others gathered around.

"I'm sorry, do I know you? It's just you look like every other member of Los Muertos." I crossed my arms.

"You have a lot of nerve showing your face around here." The members pulled out chains, crowbars, knives and even bats. "I bet we can have a real fun time beating your sorry ass. Without mommy and daddy you're all alone."

"He's not alone." Tracer blinked next to me and Poppy stepped up. Pharah an Mercy flew above us with Genji dropping from a roof and Winston and D Va, in her mech, joining also.

"So you with Overwatch now? Alright….get them!"

The gang members ran us, weapons ready and pretty angry. The leader tried to stab at me with the knife in his hand, I narrowly backstepped just as it came close. I jabbed at his chin and landed a hit across his cheek and then his gut.

He held the knife in a reverse grip and went for a downward stab, even jumping me and pinning me to the ground.

"Eres hombre muerto!" He snarled at me. I held back the arm with the knife, struggling.

"I'd like to see you try." I head butted him, making him fall back as I got on top and flung his blade away. He tried to guard his face against my punches as I just kept on going. Another member ran up behind me and wrapped an arm around my neck and tried to pull me off.

I managed to grab his arm and throw him off me before turning back to the leader, who picked up his knife again and sneered.

"I'm gonna bring in your head." He chucked the blade from hand to hand.

"Oh are you now?"


My Magnum appeared in my hand and I blasted a shot right into his knee. "Never bring a knife to a gun fight, ya bitch!"

The leader shakenly stood up as he and the other members scrambled to their cars, driving away.

"Yeah, and don't come back, que pequeños coños!" I yelled as they drove off. "Ha-ah! Man I sorta miss these kinda things."

Just as we were about to regroup, a LOT of people sprung out from cracks and corners of the town square aiming rifles at us.

"Oh shit…" I sighed and raised my hands, as did the others. "Hey fellas, long time no see."

The armed gang members of El Fantasma led us from the middle of town to the richer area, more specifically, my old family mansion. Never thought I'd see this place again.

"You lived here?!" Tracer gasped as she looked over the building. "It's beautiful."

"It's a lie that's what it is." I grumbled as we got the front door in front of a pair of guards. "Hey Daniel, still here huh?" He only grunted in response. "Yeah screw you too pal."

They opened the door as we were forced inside.

"Senorita Spectre! You need to come see this." Reggie called out to the last person I wanted to see.

"Oh what is it now Senior Reggie?" Coming down the stairs was one of the head honchos of El Fantasma, one of the cruellest people you'll ever meet, a soul of pure EVIL.



















My mother.

She looked closely to me, her eyes widening in shock and she put a hand over her mouth.

"Oh Xander mi bebé niño!" She ran off the stairs and towards me, wrapping me in a hug and planting kisses on my face. "Oh it's been so long Xander, how have you been? How was England? Are you eating well? Are you healthy?"

"Mamá please, stop. You're embarrassing me." I groaned.

"Am I not allowed to love my own son?" She gave me one last big squeeze. "It's been so long."

"This is your mom?" D Va asked. "By the way you described her I would've thought she was the devil incarnate."

"You described me as the Diablo?!" She grabbed my ear and pulled it hard. "After all I did for you, you describe me as such an evil thing!"

"Mamá I was talking more about Papá. Wait, where is he anyway, I thought he was the Spectre?"

"Bah! That bastard of a man died not long after you left." She let go. "After that I became the Spectre and decided to change things around here. El Fantasma is no longer a criminal gang, we are helping the Dorado community."

"Wait what? You're…..the good guys now? What about Elaine and Monica?"

"They became two of my sub bosses, the other three bosses being the Three Rs that brought you here." She pointed behind us.

"Hold on you're telling me that Rico, Reggie and Ryan are sub bosses?!"

"Hell yeah we are dude!" Rico laughed.

"What made you wanna change?" I asked my mother, who looked at me lovingly.

"The things you said on the day you left." She smiled and began to walk. "Come, come, bring your friends to the dining room."

All the gang members put their guns away and went to do their own things while we just went to join my mom.

The Talon ship hovered above the clouds covering Dorado as a small drone flew into it.

Reaper was at the main control, looking over the footage of the Overwatch team going to the mansion.

"Hmm. Good…" He left the cockpit and walked to the other agents, who were doing their own things. "Our drone has found Overwatch, they're in El Fantasma's family mansion."

"Then now is our time to strike!" Graphite cracked his neck.

"I couldn't agree more!" Vile slipped on his mask.

"Any objections?" No raised their hand, but Reaper noticed that Sombra looked a bit uneased. "Sombra, you look nervous. Normally you would crack a joke or two."

"Huh, oh I'm fine. Just got some stuff on my mind." She brushed some of her hair to the side.

"You need clear head in the battlefield, no time for any personal affairs." Widow Maker huffed.

"I know Widow!" Sombra grabbed her SMG and loaded it. "Let's just get this over with."

Reaper walked over to the cargo door and slammed the red button, making open and wind howl through.

"Wait, are we jumping out?" Graphite asked as he took his Fang Blade off his back.

"Yeah we are!" Vile laughed excitedly and ran jumped out of the jet, followed by Widow then Graphite.

"Sombra?" Reaper looked at the hacker.

"Yeah, yeah I'm going." She sighed and jumped out.

'Hmm, note to self; keep an eye on her.' Reaper thought and the jumped.

"Xander honey, we have so much to catch up on." My mother said as we all finished the food the chefs had made for us. "I'm guessing you ditched med school to join these lot right, the famous Overwatch?"

"Famous?" Tracer perked up.

"Of course. I've heard much about you, your fight against the Omnic Crisis, the battles with Talon. It's a shame about what happened though." She shook her head.

"Um, thank you." Winston adjusted his glasses.

"So I heard from my boys that you had a run in with Los Muertos. Good to know your fighting skills are still top notch Xander." Mom smiled.

"Well I learned from the best." I shrugged and looked at my fellow agents. "By that I mean her." I pointed at mom. "She's a savage."

"I'm not as good as I was in my prime you know." She chuckled.

"So Mrs Ramon, what kind of good do you do now as El Fantasma?" Pharah asked.

"Well we act as an extra branch with the police, trying to help deal with other gangs. But let me just say, it is nice to be in charge."

"How did Papá die?" Mom lost her smile and intertwined her fingers.

"Drug overdose, we all knew it was inevitable, even him." She doesn't really seem that upset about it, but I knew that the two of them weren't on the best of terms. "I'm just happy to see you again."

Suddenly Rico burst through the room's door with his gun drawn and panting. "Senorita Spectre, there's trouble!"

"What kind of trouble?" She stood up and asked.

"Some cloaked guy in a masked with a bunch of other weirdos."

"It's Talon." Winston stood, as did all of us. "Worry not Mrs Ramon, we will handle them. Let's go team." Everyone gathered their weapons as Poppy and I equipped our Drivers.

The lot of us ran outside and saw the attackers. Obviously there was Reaper, along with that humanoid dragon that saved him from Antarctica, I think Poppy said his name was Graphite. But there was also a blue skinned woman with an assault rifle, a guy in all black with a gasmask and a grenade launcher, and a woman in a purple skin tight costume who looks really familiar.

"This time we don't let any of them escape." Winston ordered and took his glasses off, going into Primal Rage and jumped at Reaper. Tracer and Genji went for the blue skinned one. D Va went to attack the familiar person while Pharah when for the all in black guy.

"I'll tend to the wounded." Mercy said, flying towards any injured Fantasma members.

"We need to stop Graphite." Poppy said, pulling out her Gashat.

"Roger that!" I pulled out mine.



"Grade 0, Henshin!"









Graphite heard our jingles end and turned to us, gripping his weapon tight.

"Poppy…" He growled. "Still allying with humans rather than your own kind I see."

"You're the only one fighting for this selfish cause now! The others decided to join us but you're just so stubborn." She shouted.

"And you," He pointed at me. "I will test you to see if you're worthy of the Rider name!" He leapt towards me and went to attack with his staff. The two of us rolled out the way as Graphite's weapon struck the ground.


My Breaker materialized in my hand as I saw Poppy assaulting with punches. I ran over and slammed my mallet into the back of his head. He turned around to slash at me, but I leaned back and whacked his shoulder, then going for his leg. He blocked my last attack and retaliated with a slash across my chest and followed with a spin kick.

Poppy ran up and socked Graphite across the face, she then delivered fist after fist after fist to his chest. He stumbled back and growled, channelling energy into his blades.

"Dragon Fang of Rage!" Graphite made an X slash and sent it right towards us.

"I got this! Time to try out some new toys!" I threw away my Breaker and my selection screen appeared around me and I punched the one labelled 'NEW'.

Appearing in my hand was a knight shaped shield about the size of my arm coloured red with a silver rim around it. On the inside of the shield was a silver A button and a golden B button.


As the attack got closer and mashed the B button which made the Defender glow. I got in front of Poppy and held the Defender in front, the energy forming into a bigger shield that blocked Graphite's attack and sucked it into it.

"Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about!" I celebrated, prematurely that is. The Defender started to spark and then blew up in my face, sending me into one of the pillars of the mansion, causing it to crumble atop me. "Ow…..shit."


My body pixilated and a CONTINUE pipe appeared behind Graphite and I came out kicking his back.

[LIVES: 92-91]

"Huh, guess the Defender still needs to be worked on." I groaned, rolling my shoulder and picking up my dropped shield. "Let's try this."

I pressed the A Button as blades came out of the edges of Defender.


I threw the Defender at Graphite and as it spun the blades glowed and it dug itself into his chest. Poppy jumped onto his back and punched his head as I ran in and grabbed my shield out and slashed him multiple times with it.

Graphite roared and threw Poppy off his back. He gripped his Fang Staff and went to slash at me, in defence I used the Defender to parry and deflect his attacks. I slammed my shield into his face and swept kick him to the floor.

"Poppy, let's end this guy!" She reluctantly nodded and went to press the B button on her Driver while I went to remove my Gashat.

But suddenly from nowhere, multiple gas canisters fell and released some kinda gas. Poppy grabbed her neck and started coughing and I soon joined in, dropping to our knees, the gas somehow going through our masks. I heard footsteps and saw that all black dressed guy with the gasmask walking up to us, Pharah seemingly defeated in the background.

"Who's the BDSM actor?" I coughed as he and Graphite stood next to each other.

"Hey, name's Vile. I've been eager to meet you Genm." Vile reloaded his grenade launcher, the label on them being a pic of fire. "Graphite, you wanna do the honours?"

"Gladly." The Bugster raised his weapon and was ready to strike me down.

"You're not taking me down that easy…" I struggled to say.


I raised my Bugvisor and aimed directly at Graphite's face.

"Sike!" Vile immediately kicked me in the stomach, making me lose my grip on the Bugvisor as it skidded away. "Surprise!" He went to pick up the Bugvisor while Graphite picked my up by the neck.

"Oh, do you think you'll truly become a Rider? How very delusional of you." Graphite squeezed, making me gasp. "I'll need to borrow this."

His hand went to the Gashat Holder on my waist and stole one of my Gashats. He then threw me back to the ground as Vile came back.

"This the one you wanted?" He handed the Bugvisor to Graphite.

"It sure is. Now end this weakling."

Vile chuckled and put his grenade launcher on his back and pulled out one of his pistols.

"Guess you're not as much trouble as Reaper made you out to be. Shame, thought you would've been fun." He aimed the pistol at my head and went to pull the trigger, only for the gun to spark out and not work. "What?"

I noticed a distance behind Vile was the familiar looking girl, who finished typing some stuff before she went back to fighting D Va.

'Wait a minute…. Olivia?'

I snapped out of my thoughts and kicked Vile in his stomach. I scrambled for the Defender and threw it into Graphite's face before it returned to my hand.

"Poppy you alright?" I helped her up.

"Yeah I'm fine." She grabbed her head.

Black smoke formed in front of into Reaper who pulled out his shotguns and unloaded at us. We ran to cover as he turned to his team mates.

"Graphite, Vile, do you have the package?" I looked out from my cover and saw Graphite show Reaper the Bugvisor. "Good, let's get out of here. Widow Maker! Sombra! Let's go!"

Reaper and Vile gave covering fire as Widow Maker and Graphite jumped the fence. Sombra ran to fence, and looked at me sadly before she jumped it, Reaper and Vile soon following.

With the battle over, I closed my Driver and deactivated my armour.



I panted as my armour turned to pixels. I looked at the spot where the Talon Agents jumped. 'Could that have actually been her? After so many years…'

"You alright Genm?" I heard Tracer's voice as she stood in front of me, offering me her hand.

"Yeah I'm good, just got a bad feeling." I took her hand and stood up.

"Xander!" Poppy ran up to us, also out of her armour. "What did he take? What did Graphite steal?!"

"He took the Bugvisor from me, as well as one of my Gashats."

"Which one?!" She urged me.

"All I saw was a glimpse of white." I answered. Her eyes widened and she put a hand over her mouth.

"Oh no, no, no, no, no, no." She panicked. "They took Dangerous Zombie! They took a powerful weapon!"

Though the mission was a success, why does this feel like a lose?

After this whole fiasco, Winston took Asuna and any injured agent back to Gibraltar. So Lena, Hana and I decided to stay for a while.

As of now they were staying at my family's place while I was on a walk to a certain place where I'm hoping I'll find a certain person.

Dorado's public park, a place where young and old can just enjoy their time.

I looked around the park, just trying to see if she's here. But my hope was starting to dwindle.

"Maybe I was wrong, it wasn't her." I sighed and was prepared to leave.

"I knew I'd find you here." I was surprised as I turned around and saw that familiar woman, now in more casual clothes. Her eyes and her features just ring so many bells. "It's nice to see you again Xander."

"Oliva, is that really you?" I asked and she smiled. "Oh my god it really is you. I never thought I'd see you again."

"Same." The two of us stood there in awkward silence. "So, you're with Overwatch now?"

"And you're with Talon." She bit her lip. "Why?"

"This is a cruel world Xander, I'm just where I feel I belong." She rubbed her arm. "That armour you got, it's pretty cool. Colour suits you." That caused the two of us to let out a little chuckle.

I then got serious and looked Oliva in the eyes. "Oliva, or Sombra, whatever you're called now. We're friends no matter what, you know that, but we're on opposing sides of a big war. So just to let you know, me and my team will stop Talon, no matter the cost."

"I wouldn't want it any other way." She smiled. The two of us came close and gave each other a hug before pulling apart. She waved before her entire body shimmered away, leaving me alone.

"Goodbye, Oliva." I stuffed my hands into my pockets and walked back to my family's mansion. But not before getting a strange feeling in my stomach, that something really bad is on its way.

A/N: And there we go, the newest Genm chapter. I hoped everyone enjoyed and oh yeah…CHRISTMAS!

Oh this has been a merry one indeed. And as a proper present I'll be doing the winner of the poll, my Chalice fic. Expect that soon.

But now for reviews.

DragonKnight SR: Well not any Riders we'd know.

Lenz012696: No I have something special planned for the Rider Gashats.

Bakusou B-B-Bike: Hey gimme a break, it has been three years since Ex-Aid was out. And actually I meant that Dangerous Zombie is the Gashat that finally SNAPPED/BROKE Kuroto's already twisted mind.

So anyway I'll see you guys next time.

X: "Feliz Navidad y felices fiestas!"