Who here likes videogames? Answer, everyone! Video games are something that everyone enjoys because it brings us all together. I'm getting to something here just bear with.

Anyway welcome one and all to Genm-Watch. Everyone knows the great MOBA FPS game Overwatch correct? I'm crossing that game with my all time favourite Rider, GENM! That's right the Kami himself, well not exactly Kuroto but he will appear later on. This story will feature an OC that made a cameo in Build a Legend.

But now it's time to play.


Level 1: Intro Cut scene

Some thought of the Riders as nothing but a myth. Heroes of legend that were lost long ago.

Well let me tell you, the Riders were no tale of old. They saved the world from their greatest enemies, the Bugsters.

But a pandemic outbreak caused many of earth's inhabitants to be infected with a new virus, birthing new Bugsters that the Riders couldn't fight against. So desperate times called for desperate measures. The Riders and Bugsters of the past joined forces to combat this new foe.

It wasn't enough.

These new game characters were far more advance than that of the original Bugsters, far more powerful.

But one Rider, no, a God had an ingenious idea that none other could think off! By uploading each Rider's data into their Gashats, the Riders and Bugsters created a prison the hold these new foes, but at a cost.

The Riders and Bugsters disappeared from existence. Their friends wanting not to morn, cut off all ties the Kamen Rider project, even putting to sleep one of the Riders' closes friends.

But time has moved on. The Riders forgotten, and new ways of life made. But with life comes war, war between man and machine. And with war, the prison has dwindled and almost destroyed.

But a new hero shall step out of the past Riders' shadows. HE SHALL BECOME GOD'S PRODIGY!

The year is 2075, thirty years after the Omnic Crisis. Things have gone well since then, Omnics and humans getting along, just not as well as they should be. Omnics aren't allowed the same rights as humans anywhere in the world.

Hi there I'm Xander Ramon. Your typical twenty five year old guy who loves to play videogames.

I live in King's Row, a nice little town in London. I moved from Dorado when the local gangs started to overwhelm the place. I decided I didn't want part of that, so I moved to a nicer place.

I have pure black hair, folding over half of my face. I've got, what most people call, unusual purple eyes. As well as the typical Mexican features and face. Right now I'm wearing a heavy jacket because it's always cold in London, but underneath I got on a purple hoodie with black trousers and black boots.

As of now I'm walking through the streets of King's Row carrying food from the shops for my roommate. I get back to my apartment just as the rain started to die down. I get inside, and sigh in annoyance when the elevator was once again broken. "Dios mio, when are they gonna fix this thing?" I groaned, and made my way up the stairs to the eighth floor.

Five minutes later, I grabbed the keys out of my pocket. Unlocking the door, I hang up my coat on the peg, and enter my living room kitchen hybrid. "Michael? I'm back." I called out to my roommate.

"You fuck!" I hear him yell from his room, seems he's gone into rage quite again. I walk to where his room is and knocked the door. "What the fuck do you want?!" He opened to door, but lost the angered look when he saw me. "Xander, hey buddy."

"Hey Michael, getting gamer rage again?"

"It's cause of this XX_Meka_Gremlin_XX asshole! He keeps camping my spawn points, even if they're at such a low level!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at Michael's yelling. "Do we need to book you anger management for after classes again?"

"No! That Zen guy, or whatever his name was didn't help at all. He just kept talking about some Iris bullshit or something like that."

"Whatever you say. I'll cook dinner round about six, sound good?"

"Yeah, thanks man." There were gunshots heard from his TV screen. "Fuck! He killed me again!" He slammed the door.

I simply smile and get back to the living room to play my own games. Michael is into stuff like COD and Halo, sure they're fun, but I like games with a story and action; like Destiny and Assassin's Creed. As I loaded up my Xbox, I heard Michael yell to me again.

"By the way dude, a package came for you. It's on the table."

'Package? I don't remember ordering anything.' I set my controller back on back on the couch, and pick up the package sent to me.

"From god? Is this a prank Michael?"

"Nah dude, me and the guys made a pact not to do anymore pranks after last year's incident." Said incident was so traumatising, I didn't eat ice cream for a month.

"Let's see what's in here then." I take a pair of scissors and cut the tape. There was a note atop of the bubble wrap, so I took that and read it. "This will help you become a hero. Take this grace of God and do better than I. A hero?" I moved aside all the bubble wrap, popping some just for laughs.

When I unpacked the item, I looked at with a LOT of confusion. "Is this a toy?" It was a sorta neon green belt with pink lever on it. The top had two holes in it with a silver outline. "This looks like something from a kids' show. Esto es estúpido." I throw the weird toy onto the couch and pick up the box again. "Just where is this from?" I read the dispatch address, saying it's from a company called GENM CORP. "GENM CORP? Never heard of it. Better investigate it just to be safe." I put the green toy back in the box and head to the door. "Hey Michael, I'm going back out for a bit. Better make yourself dinner."

"See ya dude. Fucking MEKA!" Just as I left, I heard something crash against the wall. Probably another controller of his.

In the outskirts of King's Row, construction workers drilled into ground, kicking up pieces of the road and causing mass traffic. Basically normal London driving.

One of the workers' jackhammer impacted against it, breaking the tip of it. "Huh? Hey boss." He called to the foreman who looked at him angered.

"Aw hell Jerry, how'd you break this one?"

"I didn't boss. I was just jacking at the ground, and then the tip broke against something."

"Well what is it then Jerry?" The worker pointed to the underground object. It was a digitally locked type of cell, covered with chains and rusted as if it had been like this for years. On the front was a logo depicting CR. "Ai boys! Come help us get this thing out!" The other workers came over, grabbed it by the chains, and pulled it out.

"Whaddya think it is?" One of the workers asked.

"I dunno, but looks like a relic from the forgotten era." The foreman said.

"So do we call it in to the authorities?"

"Ya kidding? A relic from the forgotten era is worth butt loads of cash." The foreman grinned. "C'mon, get the laser saw!" Two of the workers went back to the construction machines and brought back a buzz saw which seemed to be missing its blade.

The worker holding the saw pulled the ignition string, making the saw light up and spin. He brought the saw down onto the chains, breaking them instantly.

"Alright, let's see what we got boys." The foreman grinned and opened the cell.

"Your greed is your mistake human!" When the cell was fully opened, multi coloured, pixel like smoke poured out into the sky. The smoke scared the workers away as if flew beyond the clouds.

The smoke flew around a bit, before splitting into multiple different coloured smoke clouds. "You all know what to do." The one who seemed to be the leader said. "Travel the world, and infect." Most of the smokes flew away, while one stayed with the leader. "Find the boy, kill him." The leader flew away, while the last smoke flew back down to King's Row.

Back at the cell, a bit of purple pixel smoke slithered out. "I need to find him before they do."

"Well, this is the place…" GENM CORP doesn't really look like a corporation anymore, the place is all run down and broken. "Something tells me it wasn't sent from this place." I sighed.

"Excuse me sir, you can't be here." I hear a voice say, and I see a security guard walking up to me. "This place is forbidden to the public."

"Oh sorry. It's just I was sent a package from this place and I wanted to know why."

What I said just seemed to make the guard laugh. "I wouldn't count on getting answers here kid."

"Hm, what do you mean?"

"GENM CORP has been closed for as long as I can remember. Place went bankrupt after it couldn't make any good games."

"I see. Thanks anyway." Guess I'll never get answers. Might as well head back to my apartment.

I walked back to my motorbike, put the box in the safety compartment, put on my helmet and drive off.

"That's weird, snow's picking up." It began to fall heavier, kinda unusual for this time of day. I drove along the road as fast as I could, swerving around some cars.

"Stupid germs." Michael groaned, cleaning the dishes he used for dinner. He finished cleaning the last one before look at the clock mounted on the wall. "Xander's been gone for a while now, hope he's okay."

He sat on the couch watching TV. He was sitting there peacefully before he heard a rattle in the hallway. He turned the TV off and looked there suspiciously.

"Hello? Xander? You there?" He got no answer. He stood up and looked down the dark hallway. "Who are you?" He asked a figure hidden in the shadow. The figure just stood there for a moment, before disappearing before his very eyes. Michael shrugged before turning around, and being met with a steam punk skull mask.

I parked my bike at the apartment's parking lot before making my way back. Streets seem empty for once, no one's here.

I look at the box in my hands and sighed. "Guess I've got nothing to do with you." I wasn't looking where I was going, and accidently bumped into someone, knocking me to the floor. "Sorry." I say to them.

"Oh no, don't say such things." The person said, definitely male with that voice. He lent me his hand, and pulled me up. I couldn't see his face, but I could see locks of green hair coming out of a hood. "There's no need for you apologise, with what you will eventually become." He said with a calm, yet sadistic voice.

"Um okay. Guess I'll see ya then." I pick up my box and walk back to my apartment. When I was walking back, I could hear sirens, police sirens. I turned the corner, and froze when I was police cars and an ambulance. I run up to one of the officers.

"What happened?!"

"Murder. Twenty year old male, apartment fifteen."

"Fifteen? That's my apartment. Michael…" I shivered in fear.

"You know the victim?" The officer looked at me with narrowed eyes.

"Yes, he's my roommate."

The officer looked at his partner, and then back to me. "Kid, we're gonna have to ask you to come to the station with us. To answer a few questions is all."

"O-okay." The officer opened his car door to let me in, and drove me down to the station.

The mysterious figure that bumped into Xander stood a few blocks away from the crime scene. He heard footsteps behind him, and looked into the ally where the murder was. He has black leather hooded Victorian coat, over which was the clothes you'd see anyone in Victorian times wear. On his left hand is some kind of rune, covering his face is a steam punk mechanical skull mask, and in his hand is a blood stained dagger.

"The deed is done master." He said.

"Hm that so? Then explain how I just saw the one you were supposed to kill?! You killed his roommate Corvo!" The green haired teen snapped.

Corvo flinched and bowed on one knee. "I'm sorry master, I knew not of what he looked like. I only followed the Driver's energy."

"Get up." Corvo complied and stood. "He has been taken to the local police station. Go, and leave no humans alive." Corvo nodded, and stepped into the shadows.

"Can you please state your name and age?" The officer asked me in an interrogation room.

"My name is Xander Ramon, and I am twenty five years old."

"Tell us how you knew Michael Jones."

"He was my roommate and best friend in King's Row. We go to medical college together, we were in most of the same classes."

"Where were you around the time of Mr Jones' murder?"

"I was out for a drive to look into something."

"And what was this 'something' you were looking into?" He lent forward on the table.

"Earlier today I received a package that I never ordered. I went to the company in which the package was sent from, only to find that it had run bankrupt a long time ago."

The officer sighed as he looked over his notes. "Alright, that's all. We have to ask you to stay here for a couple more hours. Just in case whoever killed Mr Jones might come after you." I nodded at his logic, and he leaves the room.

'Why would anyone want to kill Michael? No one really disliked him.' I thought to myself. I sigh and look to the GENM CORP box at my feet. I take out the belt thing, and just look at it.

"What even are you?" I feel around its metallic features, and notice the pink part looks movable. I grab what looks like a handle part of it, and pull it open to the side. Where it was once covered, it now shows a holographic screen which looks to connect to the two holes, and on inside of the handle is a sticker, with bright yellow words saying 'Gamer Driver'.

"Gamer Driver? You don't look like any sort of console I know of." I set the Driver onto the table and just look at it. "You couldn't possibly cause me any trouble, could you?"

A slender figure ran across the roof tops of King's Row, a blue light following as she blinked from roof to roof, cheering as she did so.

She stopped atop one roof and looked around, looking for something.

"Tracer, this is Winston do you copy?"

The now named Tracer pressed her hand against her ear. "Tracer here, I read ya loud and clear Winston!" She wore an orange jumpsuit, an aviator's jacket and a strange white and blue device on her chest and arms. She has spikey black hair and orange tinted goggles over her eyes.

"You closing in on the source of that energy surge now. I have in the sky in case you need backup."

"Oh I'll be fine luv." She reassured and jumped off to the construction site. She looked around the area, surveying the area with her dual pistols.

"There doesn't seem to be anyone here. Must have cleared off when that surge happened." She reported. She looked around more, and her eyes landed on the cell. "Winston, I may have found something."

"And that is?"

"Looks like some sorta container. Forced open by the looks of it." She reached to take out a scanner, which she then scanned the cell. "It's from the forgotten era." She gasped.

"Tracer, we'll have to come back for it later. Something's attacking the police station in the area you're in." Winston told her.

"Right, on my way." Tracer used her blink to teleport her way to the station.

Corvo got some weird looks as he strolled down the street. Many people murmured at the sight of him.

'Worthless humans. If I had the time I'd kill them where the stood.' When he pushed through some of the crowd, a group of obviously drunk men stepped up to him.

"Oi mate, you're a bit late for Halloween. You look like a twat." His drunk friends laughed.

"Out of my way. Or I'll rip you throat out." Corvo threatened. The drunks only laughed more.

"Oh really mate? Go o-" He didn't finish, as Corvo had just slit his throat. His body fell, while his friends looked bewildered.

"Who wants to try next?"

It's chaos. Some guy dressed as Corvo from Dishonoured showed up, claiming he wanted to kill me. The police tried fighting back, but he had the exact same powers as Corvo from the game, he killed them all.

Luckily anyone else who was here escaped, only leaving me in the building, and Corvo searching for me. "Come on kid, I don't have all day. Just let me kill you and we'll get this over with!"

'I'm close to the door.' I thought to myself. I could see the door to the station, I was only a few metres away. "Found you!" He broke my hiding place, so in defence, I slammed a keyboard in his face. I make a run for it, sprinting as fast as I could to the door. To my surprise, he teleported in front of me and slashed at me with his knife.

Whether it was me or some other force, my hands raised the box to defend myself. The knife cut through the box, making the Driver fall out and onto the floor.

"Just what I was looking for." He kicked me away, and took the Driver. "Now I have no use for you, puny human." He raised his knife, I felt hopeless, my life flashing before eyes.

It was a pretty boring life.

Just as Corvo was gonna swing down, I heard bullets fly through the air and hit his back. He dropped the Driver, which I quickly picked back up, and we both looked to who shot him.

Standing at the door was a twenty something year old female wearing an aviator's jacket with an orange jumpsuit and a strange white device on her chest. "Sorry luv, can't have you killing now can we?"

"You dare get in my way?!" Corvo growled at her.

"Oh I dare luv." She grinned with mischievousness. Corvo used his powers to teleport over to the stranger, and attempted to stab her.

But it was as if she'd teleported in the blink of an eye. Moving out the way, and blasting back at him with two rapid fire pistols.

'There's gotta be some way I can help.' I thought, clutching the Driver to my chest. "What do you even do you stupid hunk of junk?!" I yell, throwing the Driver at the ground, and yet somehow it bounced off onto my waist, making a belt wrap around me. "What th-" I felt pain travel through my entire body, as if I was on the brink of death. Some kind of virus coursing through me.

In the abandoned area of Japan, a certain hospital was having the first sound it had ever heard in sixty years.

Down in a hidden underground base, a trophy carbonate holding multiple game cartridge like devices inside was shacking. A certain cartridge, one black with a logo saying Mighty Action X, was rattling uncontrollably.

With a few more shakes, the small cartridge caused the entire cabinet to fall over, shattering on the floor. The black cartridge started to fly wildly around the base, breaking things and slamming into an arcade machine multiple times.

With one more slam, the arcade machine lit up, showing a very musical looking room. And inside, was a sleeping person. She had bright pink hair with a small green hat. She wore a yellow skirt with digital green and pink design on it, as well as buttons and musical notes. Lastly, she wore yellow/green stockings with yellow high heeled shoes.

She groaned before waking up, stretching with a yawn. Her eyes then widened when she realised what has happened. "EH?! I'm not supposed to be awake! I should still be sleeping!"

She then heard the noise coming from outside the arcade machine. She pressed her face against the screen, and saw the cartridge flying around, smashing everything.

"Kuroto?" The cartridge stopped for a moment, before smashing through the roof. "Eh?! Wait up!" She turned into colourful pixels, and flew off after the cartridge.


The Driver thing just sent burning pains through my entire body. Corvo and that woman kept fighting. She stopped fighting, and looked at me worried.

"You okay luv?" I saw Corvo sneaking behind her, I wanted to shout to her, but I couldn't voice my words. Corvo then took his chance, he stabbed her through the stomach. She gasped as I saw blood trickle when Corvo removed his knife.

He then stalked over to me. "Look at you, can't even use the Gamer Driver's power. Why would it choose you of all people?" He mocked me, reaching for the Driver on my waist.

Then out of the sky came, pixels? Colourful, music like pixels flew down between us. Corvo backed up, growling as the pixels took form. The pixels cleared to show a girl in a yellow dress with digital music designs on it. She has bright pink hair with a little green hat, as well as yellow/green stockings and high heeled shoes.

"As I live and breathe, Poppy Pipopapo. The last CR Kamen Rider."

The now named Poppy glared at Corvo. "I'm not afraid of you. Leave these people alone."

"I simply cannot. I have orders from my master to kill this boy, and take that Gamer Driver." Corvo pointed at me. Poppy looked at me and gasped. She then got a determined face and looked back at Corvo.

"He was given that Driver for a reason, and there's no way I'm gonna let you have it!" She reached somewhere, and brought out two items. One was a silver belt buckle, and the other was a cyan sorta chainsaw/gun/gamepad device. On one end was a red A button, and on the other end was a green B button.


She joined the two objects together, and put it to her waist, a belt forming around her. She then took out another object, this one pink and looking like a game cartridge. "As Emu once said, I'll change fate with my own hands!" She pressed a button on the cartridge, making a huge holographic screen appear behind her.


She did a spin, pressed the A button to make techno like music play. And then pointed it to a slot in her belt. "Henshin!"




A holographic screen appeared and flowed over Poppy. She was then suited in a black body suit, with some bits of yellow armour making a skirt. She has gold shoulder pads with pink hearts on the, as well as silver armour going up the forearms with pink gloves. There was pink going up to her mid-thigh with silver armour on it as well. Her helmet looked like her pink hair with a hairband with a yellow heart on it, and her visor were two blue eyes.

Poppy yelled as she charged at Corvo. I tried to push myself up, but the pain made my fall back down into someone's arms. I struggle to look, and to my surprise, the woman who was stabbed was alive and well.

"How are you…?" I struggle to ask.

"Ever heard of Déjà vu luv?" She helped me against the wall, sitting me up. "How ya feeling?"

"Not good…"

"Just wait a bit. Me and this armoured gall will handle this baddie." She said before blinking off.

I just watched helplessly as the two girls fought against the game assassin. "Maldita sea! I want to help them, there's gotta be some way!" I let out a loud gasp, all the pain left my body as I felt as if something had entered me. My breathing became stable, and the sweat stopped pouring down my face.

"What was that?" I feel so much better now. Like a cure just flew into me. I hear something fall onto the ground, and see another one of those game cartridges that Poppy had. This one is black with a logo saying Mighty Action X.

"This is what that Poppy person used to transform." I looked at the Driver questionably. "Maybe…" I grabbed the cartridge thing, and ran outside to join the girls.

Outside, I see that the girl blinking around, before she reaches behind her back and throws a bomb at him. The bomb stuck to Corvo's chest, and detonated, sending him flying towards Poppy, who then kicked him away.

'Well, it's now or never.' I raised the cartridge thing, and was about to press the button…

"No! Wait!" Poppy yelled at me. "You press the button on the Gashat and you'll die!"

I stood there for a few seconds, looking at the Gashat. I'd die if I pressed it? But something inside me is just telling me to press the button.

"It doesn't matter. If I can use this to help people, then I'll take that chance!"


My thumb slammed onto the button, making a black, white and grey game screen appear behind me, and multiple chocolate brown blocks fly everywhere. On the screen showed a chibi figure wearing goggles, glove and sneakers, the chibi also had spikey hair.

"Then repeat after me!" Poppy called out to me. "Grade 0, Henshin!"

"Okay. Grade 0, Henshin!" I placed the Gashat into one of the slots, and pulled the pink handle open.





A purple holographic screen shot out of the Driver and flowed through me. When it passed, I was in a black body suit with silver lining going along the main body. I have the same silver armour on my forearm and up to knees. The shoulder pads are purple as well as the gloves and boots. The chest armour has a health bar on it, as well as a yellow, red, blue and green button. The helmet has black spikey hair, as well as red eyes with a white outline to look like goggles, there was also the same head on the back but with no eyes.

(Insert Ex-Aid theme: Excite)

With the transformation complete, I looked at my new suit in awe. "This is cool." I hear yelling, and turned just in time to dodge from Corvo's attack.

"Uh, how exactly do I fight?" I ask Poppy.

"Punch! Kick! Use a weapon or something!" She exaggerated, throwing petty punches.

"Weapon?" I let out a surprised sound as a selection screen hovers around me, filled with different items and only one coloured. "Guess I'll take you then." I reach out to the coloured item, which then materialised in my hand.


The item was a recolour of what Poppy has, all the cyan replaced with purple, and the silver with black. It has a red A button and a purple B button.

"Nice." I aimed the Bugvisor at Corvo and tried to shoot at him, but nothing fired. "Eh, why won't it shoot?" I was distracted by this for too long that it gave Corvo the chance to attack me,depleting my health bar slightly and sending me rolling back.

Poppy comes over and helps me up. "How do I use this thing?"

"Press the A button to charge the shots, then fire." I nod and tap the button a few time. Corvo came running again, so I step forward and aim the Bugvisor at him, with it actually firing this time. The shots tore through him, blasting him through a police car.

"Nice shooting luv." The other girl blinked over to us. "I never got your name."

"I'm Xander, Xander Ramon." I introduce myself to the two.

"Nice to meet ya Xander, I'm Lena Oxton. But you can call me Tracer." She said with a two finger salute.

"What? You forgot about me already?!" The three of us looked at the flaming heap, where Corvo simply walked out of it, his wounds being healed by some sorta pixels. "This fight isn't over until I kill you all!"

"Save introductions till after we beat him?" The girls nod. Tracer takes out her pistols, and Poppy raised her fists. 'I wonder if I can use the saw.' I detach the Bugvisor from its handle, and spin it around so saw was forward.


Corvo and my blades met, my spinning saw casting sparks off his dagger. It seemed he was overpowering me, but soon Poppy came in with a jump kick. She then added with a flurry of punches, little hearts and music notes appear with each hit. Tracer leapt over Poppy, firing more of her little blue bullets.

Looking down at my Bugvisor, and press the B button, making the saw blade glow with purple energy. I slash him across the chest, and again across his mask.

I slash the saw against his hand, causing him to lose his dagger. I kick his chest, knocking him into Poppy and Tracer, who drop kick him back into me, in which I give a chain saw uppercut. Corvo lands a few feet away, groaning as he tries to get up.

"Xander! Take the Gashat out of the Driver and into the Kimewaza slot!" Poppy said to me, waving her arms frantically.

"Kimewaza slot?" I feel around the belt, and feel a clunky part on the left side.


I took the Gashat out of the Driver slot, and into the Kimewaza slot.



My right foot was covered in grey digital. I got into a crouch stance, and pushed the silver button on it.


I jumped, and got into a mid-air kick stance. "Mighty Gamer Break!" My foot hits Corvo's chest, I kick him a few more time before back flipping away, leaving Corvo in an explosion.


(End song)

I land on the ground, letting out a sigh of relief. I close the pink handle and pull out the Gashat.



The armour turns to pixels and deactivates. "Nice fighting there luv." Tracer complimented, as she and Poppy, who is out of her armour, walk up to me. "It's like you've been training with that thing your whole life."

"Thing is, I haven't. I don't even know what that was."

"It's called Genm." Poppy spoke up, I looked at her in confusion. "Genm was one of the Kamen Riders who protected the world, now it seems you're the new one."
"Kamen…..Rider?" Tracer and I ask, and Poppy only sighs.

"Well I don't know about you two," Tracer wraps her arms around mine and Poppy's shoulders. "But you two make some pretty cool heroes. And you know what, the world could use more heroes." She smiles.

She started to walk away. "Wait, where are you going?" I ask her.

"I can't stay here waiting for the police to arrive, my job ain't exactly legal. Besides, my ride should be here right about…" Th sound of jet engines filled the air, as a large carrier jet landed behind Tracer. "Now." The doors opened and...is that a gorilla?

A gorilla with white armour and glasses walked out. "Tracer, what happened here?" IT CAN TALK?!

"Oh you know Winston, the usual. Guy in weird costume attacking people, these two here helping to beat him."

"They helped?" Winston looked at Poppy and I. "Are you injured?"

"Oh I'm fine." Poppy said.

"Yeah, me-" I was gonna say fine, but I hissed when I felt a sharp pain on my chest. I pulled my jumper down slightly, and see a gash in my skin. "Ya know what, no, I don't feel so good."

Xander fell unconscious into Poppy's arms. "Oh mou, he's grown weak from the Driver's strain."

"Driver?" Tracer ask, helping Poppy to hold up Xander.

"The thing on his waist that let him transform into Genm." Poppy answered, and Winston rubbed his chin in thought.

"Tracer, help her get this young man onto the ship. We'll have Angela look him over back at Gibraltar."

Tracer nodded, and helped Poppy bring Xander onto the ship.

As they left, the green haired figure walked out of the shadows, towards a small cloud of pixel smoke that used to be Corvo.

"You failed me Corvo." He sighed. "Just be grateful I give second chances." He reached behind his back, and brought out the same Driver as Poppy had, same colour and all. He pointed the barrels at the cloud, and it got absorbed into the Driver. "Take you time to heal, soon judgment shall be granted to these humans." His eyes started to glow green.

Well tell me what you guys think. I appreciate all kinds of feedback.

I'll answer any reviews I can, so ask at your own will.

Till the next level.