Author's note: I am so sorry for this late update! I have meant to write this chapter but due to me travelling a lot this year and every time I come back from travelling, I will always end up forgetting to write or I end up getting busy helping my family. I still have not heard from my beta and the FF PM notifies are still off… so this chapter is once again unbetae'd all mistakes are mine. I also have a new Tumblr account with the username roserozu22, and you can find me on twitter RoseRozu1. I am also thinking of creating a Curious Cat account. Let me know if you like the idea. Also, I am going away on the 13th and coming back on the 20th.
Warnings: Mentions of nearly rape and violence if any of these triggers you please turn back.
Disclaimer: See the prologue
The sun was lowing as a sign of the afternoon turning into evening and the Sanzo party were seen walking in a rocky terrain.
"Hey!" Gojyo shouted as he was seen dragging a backpack on the dusty floor. "How far we gonna walk?"
"Well with these kinds of rocky roads we can't use the jeep to cross through, with this pace the sun's going to set before we cross the mountain." Sanzo said but quickly noticed that Goko was resting on a rock.
"Goku are you okay?" Hakkai asked worriedly.
"Yeah, I'm just tired." Goku replied but started to look angry at Hakuryu "Can't you change into anything other than a jeep?!"
"Calm down Goku, maybe you could connect to the nature around here." Hakkai said.
Goku nodded and closed her eyes and her body glowed as she was talking to the nature surrounding her. After a moment her she opened her eyes and pointed down the road. "There is a temple just down the road."
"Well there is no way I am carrying this bag for another minute!" Gojyo shouted tiredly.
"What if we play rock, paper and scissors and the looser has to carry the bag?" Hakkai suggested. The others nodded. The results were that Gojyo, Sanzo and Hakkai had rock while Goku had scissors.
"It looks like that Goku will carry the bag for the rest of the way." Hakkai said amused.
A few minutes later they arrived at the temple that Goku mentioned. The temple itself looks like has three roomed. The bottom floor is the entrance and there are two living areas with balconies.
"Ge!" Gojyo shouted in surprised. "Such a grand temple in a place like this!"
Hakkai just ignored the crimson-haired and shouted. "Excuse me!"
One of the monks then went on the balcony. "Do you need something?"
"We are travellers!" Hakkai answered. "Could you let us a night at this place?"
The monk looked at the Sanzo party and made a big sigh. "Because this is a Holy Temple, we cannot allow foreigners to stay with us especially those who travel with women."
"WHAT?!" Goku and Gojyo proclaimed.
Gojyo swore as he gave the monk the middle finger. "This is why I hate monks!"
"Oh really?" Sanzo said sarcastically. "That's the first time I've heard about it!"
"What should we do?" Hakkai asked to the others.
"Sanzo. I'm hungry." Goku said with a whiny voice.
The monk then did a double take and looked carefully at Sanzo, and quickly shouted, "…Could it he 'Monk Genjyou Sanzo'…?"
This caused the other monks to go on the balcony, to have a look at the famous monk himself. "We'll let you pass, but the girl has to stay outside."
"What!" Goku shouted. "Why am I staying out here, while Sanzo and the others can go in!"
"Our rules declare that no woman is to enter the temple."
"That's a stupid law." Goku declared, Goku then looked at Sanzo with a puppy eyed look.
"I'll try and let the head monk to let you in, but you have to behave while you wait." Sanzo whispered to Goku.
"But Sanzo I don't want to be separated from you. Remember what happened last time..."
'How could I forget I nearly killed that bastard nearly a year ago along the Kappa for leaving you alone!'
It was lovely but very hot day so Goku was seen wearing a thin white bikini top lined in baby blue with a butterfly ornament in the centre, where pearls hang from the middle. Spaghetti straps around the neck, held by a strap, flower, and butterfly crop top and Mid Wash Denim Mid Length Shorts and on her feet Forever Comfort Mini Wedge Toe Post Sandals. While Sanzo is wearing a Navy Colour Block Muscle Fit Polo Shirt along with Pale Blue Ripped Denim Shorts and his usual monk clothing (robe) around his waist and the scripture around his neck, and is wearing plain sandals. Sanzo meanwhile is keeping an eye out on Goku as he noticed that dirty old man was looking at his ward like a piece of meat.
"Sanzo I'm looking forward to the beach!" Goku shouted excitedly. "Do you think Hakkai and the Kappa will be there?"
"Hakkai should be, but I don't think the Kappa would be there." Sanzo answered. 'I hope the Kappa won't be there… I don't want to look after two children!' But much to Sanzo's chagrin Gojyo was there with the cancer stick in his mouth and wearing a skin-tight swimming shorts with palm trees on them, meanwhile Hakkai is seen wearing swimming shorts but not skin-tight but they are also plain.
"Hello, you two." Hakkai greeted. "How are you doing Goku?"
"I'm good, excited to swim in the ocean." Goku answered.
"I'm sure you are but let's get some sun cream on you, so you don't get burned." Hakkai said as he reached for his beach tote bag and swiftly found the sun cream.
An hour passed and it was time for Goku's snack and Sanzo and Hakkai left the two children behind to fetch her meal (Hakkai forgot to pack food for Goku and Sanzo forgot his cancer sticks).
"There are so many hot babes today." Gojyo said as he was drooling over the barley cleaved women surrounding them. One of the so-called women gestured for Gojyo.
"Stay here and wait for Hakkai and the monk." Gojyo warned. "While I'm seeing a hot babe." As Gojyo left Goku was left to her lonesome and was going to make a sandcastle until an old pervert nearly kidnapped to be his sex slave, luckily Sanzo was there and punched that guy in the face, which caused the old man to have a broken and bloody nose, two broken teeth and nearly one shot away to hell, before Hakkai managed to keep him calm.
"Are you okay Goku?" Sanzo asked protectively.
"Yeah, I am okay." Goku answered but clearly shaken up.
"Do you want to leave?" Hakkai asked, "And where is Gojyo?"
Goku shakes her head. "I don't want to leave the beach, but as for the Kappa, he might be looking for a woman…"
With that answer Hakkai went looking around the beach to find Gojyo to let him know about the near kidnap and potential rape, if he and Sanzo did not get there in time, but back with Sanzo and Goku.
"Sanzo?" Goku asked quietly.
"What is it?"
"From now on if you go somewhere, I'm coming with you, I don't want to be separated from you and I…" Goku was unable to finish due to her silent tears.
"It's okay Goku, just let it out." Sanzo said as he cradled Goku like a new-born baby. 'I won't let that happen to you like THEY did with me.'
Sanzo, Hakkai and Gojyo were escorted into the temple to see the head monk while Goku was waiting outside along with Hakuryu (The small dragon did not want to leave Goku alone)
Meanwhile in the temple with the three members of the Sanzo party are seen talking to the head monk.
"Sir Sanzo monk, how good of you to visit this old temple." The head monk greeted.
"We appreciate it." Sanzo said. "However, my young ward is forbidden to enter the temple and she is hungry and afraid of the dark. I am worried that she won't be able to survive the wilderness."
The head monk only thought for a minute. "We will let her in, on one condition she is forbidden to touch anything and must be escorted by my apprentice."
Sanzo nodded and one of the lower monks went back to the entrance to fetch Goku and Hakuryu.
In the meantime, Goku, was sitting on the rock looking at the sunset. "Once this journey ends, I hope I can see the sunset just like this back at the temple." Goku mused. As the monk got closer the sun hit Goku's tiara and murmured, "She is a goddess." But the lower monk coughed and said aloud. "You have permission to enter the temple on the orders of the head monk." Goku smiled and her eyes shining with happiness, and happily was escorted to her sun.
A few minutes later the lower monk and Goku entered the praying chamber, and upon seeing her sun Goku flew to Sanzo's stomach and hugged him tightly.
Gojyo looked at Goku's action confusedly and whispered to Hakkai quietly, "Even though it's been a few minutes, why is it that Goku hugs Sanzo or even…"
"Don't even finish that sentence." Hakkai whispered harshly to Gojyo, "You know she has separation anxiety from her loss of memories and that Sanzo rescued from her imprisonment."
Suddenly, the head monk started to speak again. "To tell the truth ten years or maybe less Monk Koumyou Sanzo stopped by this temple. After I heard the passing of Monk Koumyou Sanzo I heard that his beloved disciple inherited Genjyou Sanzo."
Sanzo not wanting to hear about his beloved teacher and adopted father he then politely interrupted the head monk. "Anyways, it will be too difficult to cross the mountains I was hoping to borrow a room for tonight."
The head monk nodded. "Your ward can stay with you, but the other two must wait outside, however, there is something about them." "The other two seem to have extremely strong faith. Are they your pupils?"
"No." Sanzo answered. "They are my ward attendants as my duty as Sanzo takes the majority of time to look after her."
"Ah I knew it!" one of the monk disciples said.
"Okay, okay calm down." Hakkai said as Gojyo was about to kill Sanzo with his bare hands while Goku watches on confused.
"Well in this case, for the sake of Lord Sanzo we will serve these people the best as well." The disciple said as he pointed towards Hakkai and Gojyo and swiftly left for the dining hall.
After a long walk the Sanzo party finally reached the dining hall and, on the table, there were excessive amounts of food.
"Wow!" Goku exclaimed. "I've died and now I am in heaven!"
The Sanzo Party ate their food politely (for Goku and Gojyo a competition who can eat the fastest and who can burp the loudest afterwards) and it was time for them to go their respected rooms. And a young acolyte named Yo escorted them.
"Here are your rooms." Yo said as he pointed to the door and then turned to Goku. "I am sorry, but I am afraid you'll have to share a room with these three."
"It's okay, it's not the first or last time I'm rooming in with them." Goku said as they all enter the room. The room itself is has four beds on the opposite sides of the room. In the centre of the room there is a dining table that can hold up to four to five people. And on the bottom of the window there is flower in a vase.
"Please relax." Yo said as he was serving tea. "I hope you will enjoy this room."
"I think we will thanks to Sanzo." Goku said as she relaxed on the bed, while trying but failing to fall asleep into a food coma.
Hakkai walked up to Gojyo and whispered. "Don't you dare say I want a beautiful woman to serve me the drinks, Goku is finally resting after a long journey and a large meal. I certainly don't want Yo to shout loudly and wake Goku up!"
Gojyo did not have to look at Hakkai to reply as he can feel the deadly aura coming from Hakkai. "I won't."
Sanzo then got up and walked up to Goku and took off his robe and put it on Goku and sang her the lullaby that he sometimes sings to help her go to sleep straight away.
Sora ni sakura no hanabira ga harari to maichitte ikusen mo no toki wo nagamete itta
Hikari kagayaku kono basho de itsuka mata yume wo katarou sakura no shita
Yume no tsuzuki wa kimi ni takusou taiyou mitai na egao ni
Mabushii hikari ni tsutsumareta saki ni mitsuketa tomo no kizuna
Umarekawareta to shita nara raise mata kimi wo sagasou
Kataritsukusenu omoi wo tsutaeyou
Kimi ga oboeteinakute mo kitto meguri aeru darou sakura no shita
Mirai eigou tsuzuite yuku darou chitte wa sakihokoru sakura
Taiyou mitai ni warau ano hito wo omoidasasete hoshii
Chirigiwa ni moeta utsukushisa wo wasurenai wasurenai...
Yume no tsuzuki wa kimi ni takusou taiyou mitai na egao ni
Mabushii hikari ni tsutsumareta saki ni mitsuketa tomo no kizuna
The members then heard a little snore and that indicated that Goku is fast asleep.
"It's best that you leave, I wouldn't like my ward to wake up."
"Of course, the great Sanzo, I shall take my leave." Yo then left the room.
"I thought he'd never leave." Gojyo said dryly.
"You can't blame him; it must be every acolyte's dream to serve the legendary Sanzo." Hakkai explained. "Although, I am impressed Sanzo that you sang Goku's lullaby was there a reason."
"He wouldn't go away, so I used Goku as an excuse for him to go. She can sleep through anything and no bomb will wake her up."
"Good one Sanzo." Gojyo said, "shall we play Mahjong?"
Later that night the Sanzo party were fighting against one of their assassins after this assassin killed every single monk in the temple, and it was a long fight but the Sanzo party won and the following morning left to continue their journey.
Attendant: someone whose job is to travel or live with an important person and help him or her: in this case in my fic, Hakkai as the teacher and Gojyo 'playdate' of Goku.
Acolyte or famously known as Jisha侍者) : Literally "person" (sha 者) who "waits on" or "attends" (ji 侍).A servant or attendant to an abbot, former abbot, or other senior monk; often a younger monk who is a personal disciple. In the Chinese Buddhism there are five Jisha they are known as:
Shōkō jisha 燒香侍者, also known as incense acolyte (jikō 侍香), who attended the abbot in all services that called for burning incense and making offerings of food and drink before images enshrined on altars.
shojō jisha 書状侍者, who kept records of the abbot's sermons, took dictation, and assisted with official correspondence.
shōkyaku jisha 請客侍者, also known as guest acolyte (jikyaku 侍客), who greeted and waited on the abbot's VIP visitors.
Ehatsu jisha 衣鉢侍者), who served as the abbot's valet
Ttōyaku jisha 湯藥侍者), who prepared meals, snacks, tea, and medicines for the abbot and his guests.
The "lullaby" I used to be from Saiyuki Gaiden OVA opening song called Sakura no Ki no Shita in English it translates too Under the Cherry Blossom Tree. It was written and composed by KOKIA, arranged by Ishitsuka Toru and performed by KOKIA.
Mahjong: a game of Chinese origin, usually played by four people, in which tiles bearing various designs are drawn and discarded until one player has an entire hand of winning combinations