I do not own Split.

I have not split.

The Boy Who Could Still Smile

There were some of the others that Hedwig did not like. Some that were too loud or too weird.

Some that were mean to him because he was just a little boy and not very smart or particularly good.

They were all different, all The Ones Sitting Around the Light.

Barry was the artist, the savant.

The one who could see things the others couldn't.

See the textures in the blood and broken teeth. See grace and colors in the bruises and fractures.

Jade. Mean and loud and defiant. Who could say all kinds of big, dirty words and nobody ever slapped her to make her behave.

Hedwig did not think that was fair at all.

Hedwig didn't like Orwell either. He talked funny, used big words Hedwig didn't understand.

And he definitely didn't appreciate a good fart joke.

He was boring. With a capital 'B'.

Mr Dennis was the keeper of the law and the order. He was stern and harsh and liked to watch girls dance and touch them, which he wasn't supposed to do.

Mr. Dennis was the rock of clean and neat.

Which was good, because otherwise there would have been more. More of all the bad things nobody wanted. More beatings, more humiliations. More starvations.

More terrors.

So Mr. Dennis was the protector, the good.

And then there was Patricia.

Patricia was Hedwig's favorite.

Patricia never raised her voice.

Never hit, never scolded.

Patricia was firm but she was fair.

She dressed just like a mom from those old black and white tv shows.

Nice and neat and pretty.

Hedwig felt a little sorry she always had to wear such pinchy, hard shoes.

She played pretty music that made you think about climbing to the top of the highest tree ever.

Without Mother dragging him down and beating him with a tree branch for going outside and getting dirty.

And Patricia might be a crazy nutterbutter zealot about the Beast, etcetera.

But she definitely made good sandwiches.

That was one thing dumb little kid Hedwig did know.

Hedwig. The boy.

The boy who could draw. Windows to the outside. Windows to the world.

Hedwig was the one who could dance really cool and listen to rap music and kiss girls.

Even though it might make them pregnant.

Hedwig was the boy who could laugh in the darkness at the scary things. Find the fun where the others couldn't.

Hedwig was the one who could still smile. Even in the face of The Beast.

Holy crap. Is anybody else obsessed with this movie and James McAvoy's unbelievable performance?!

Just me? *shrugs* Okay, then.

And I cannot wait to see Glass, gah!

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