Chapter One

Silently, like the echo of a shadow, the figure swooped out of the window of class 1A's dormitory, landed lightly on the street below and raced off into the cool night. No evidence of their presence remained, none except the aftermath of their quirk.

Morning arrived the same as any other day, a little too soon for Midoriya's liking, and the green haired boy shuffled out of bed in a daze, not even bothering to flatten his wild bed hair before heading into the common area. He passed Kaminari, who seemed to be having some sort of out of body experience as his spoonful of cornflakes hovered next to his mouth, the uneaten conglomeration of milk and corn becoming a gloopy mess. It wasn't an uncommon sight, however, seeing the electric boy a little dopey, and Midoriya muttered a 'Good Morning' as he headed for the kitchen. As he poured himself a tall glass of orange juice, Todoroki announced his presence behind him with a loud yawn. The icy-hot teen opened his mouth to greet Deku but instead stood slack-jawed, staring at his friend like he'd grown an extra head.

"Morning, Todorok-" the freckled boy tilted his head to one side as he absorbed Todoroki's expression, "Is something wrong?"

Deadpan, Todoroki raised an eyebrow, "Is that supposed to be funny?"

Midoriya's mouth hung open. Not only was he utterly baffled by his friend's question, he was in awe at the sight before him. Gone was the fire and ice user's two-tone hair, instead his entire head was an almost blinding white. It made the scar on his left side even more prominent and the teenager raised his hand to it subconsciously as Midoriya continued to stare.

"What? What is it?" Shouto asked as his hand hovered awkwardly.

"Did you dye your hair?" Midoriya's eyes were wide with fascination.

"Me? No," Shouto gestured to his shorter friend, "You're one to talk!"


Deku scanned the kitchen for something reflective and settled for the silver toaster. He picked it up and stared at his distorted image in the chrome surface. To his shock, his hair now resembled Todoroki's two-tone effect. His right side remained the usual shades of forest green but his left side was now a fiery red colour. Cautiously, like the colour might somehow reflect the temperature, Midoriya stroked his fingers through his new 'do, both shocked and confused as to how exactly it had gotten that way.

When Midoriya turned the toaster towards Todoroki, Shouto looked just as shocked at his new style. Both teenagers were still trying to figure out what was going on when Uraraka skipped into the small kitchen, eyes bright and cheeks as pink as usual.

"Wow!" she marvelled at the boys, "Are you two trying new styles? I love yours, Todoroki!" Her head tilted as she absorbed Midoriya's half and half hairdo, "Yours looks kind of… christmassy, Deku!"

Deku smiled weakly and joined Shouto at the table, both a little too worried to get any breakfast. They were trying to decide who, if anyone, may have pranked them when Ochako suddenly squealed.

"What?!" Deku spun in his chair, "What happened?"

Uraraka's mouth was agape as she stared at her hands. She raised them, palms out, in front of her and blinked, eyes like saucers,


Faintly, like the embers of a dying sparkler, tiny sparks jumped from Uraraka's palms. They fizzed and popped and crackled, falling to the floor like a miniature shower of bright rain.

"What the-" was all Todoroki managed to say as a rather large spark shot towards Midoriya and, as the green and red haired boy jumped back, a few wisps of flames flickered from his left side. He saw the fire licking at his skin and waved his arms wildly in a panic before falling on his backside onto the floor.

Seeing his friend's panic, Todoroki raised his right hand to make sure the flames were completely extinguished but instead of ice, a low hum emitted from his arm and hand and a zig-zag of electricity bolted from his fingertips, directly into the metal toaster. The toaster fizzed and smoke began to rise out of it in a small plume. All three friends gaped at one another, too stupefied to even process what had just happened. Finally, after getting himself back onto his feet, Deku said,

"We need a dorm meeting. Now."

Meanwhile, on the third floor, everything seemed as quiet as usual. Iida had been awake for a while and once he'd realised something was very different to usual, he had sat down on the end of his bed and tried to think of how to rationally deal with the situation. The first thing he noticed was the fact that the engines on his calves were gone. It wasn't like someone had forcibly taken them from him, no, there was simply no sign that they had ever been there in the first place. No holes or wounds to indicate that they had been torn from his body.

The second, and perhaps even more alarming discovery he made that morning was that his hair was now rather… odd. Gone was his smart and tidy side-swept style and in its place were four perfectly spherical balls. He touched them gently and they bounced a little, like pudding or water balloons. The sensation wasn't unpleasant, per se, but it certainly didn't feel good either.

While Iida was contemplating his recent predicament, Kouda was having a crisis of his own. He'd been trying to communicate with his pet rabbit for almost an hour but to no avail. The bunny simply stared at him, nose twitching as it sniffed for more lettuce. Silently, never one to make a fuss, Kouda exited his room and headed for the elevator. Perhaps some food in his belly would sort him out, he did feel extremely hungry after all.

Before he could press the down button, however, an almighty yell turned the Anivoice user around, hand on his chest in shock. It had sounded a little like Ojirou but Tailman was usually so calm and collected it didn't seem viable that it would be him making such a racket. Iida seemed to have had the same idea; he burst from his room, arms making stiff awkward gestures as usual, and looked at Kouda, momentarily wondering if the shout had come from the most quiet boy he knew. Kouda shook his head to notify the class president that he was innocent – he also noticed Iida's new hairstyle but remained silent on that issue for the moment as another shout echoed from Ojirou's room.

"Ojirou?" Iida knocked on the door like a policeman, "Are you okay in there?"

"No!" was the choked response from behind the door.

Taking that as his invitation, Iida opened the door and stepped into the ordinary room. At first he couldn't see Ojirou and wondered if he was playing some sort of prank on them but when his gaze moved upwards, Iida finally saw the reason for the teen's panicked yelling. Ojirou was floating against the ceiling. He spun slowly and looked somewhat nauseous as he did a slow motion backflip in the air. That wasn't the only thing that was unusual about the scene, however, as Iida jumped on the bed and helped his friend back onto his feet he couldn't help but notice a certain appendage was absent. He helped Ojirou sit back on the bed, where he remained stable for the moment, and spoke with reverence,

"Ojirou, what happened?"

Tears pricked the blonde's eyes as Ojirou reached around himself only to find nothing but empty space. He looked up at Iida and sniffed sadly, "My tail… It's gone."

The floor above wasn't fairing much better. Kirishima had stumbled into the corridor, flailing his six arms like an out of control carnival ride. Hands morphed into lumps of flesh at random, none of which resembled anything remotely like a part of the body and his new found strength almost put a hole through the wall as he attempted to steady himself against it.

Shouji heard the commotion outside of his room but couldn't bring himself to investigate further as he was too preoccupied with his sudden lack of arms. Not since his kindergarten days had he had only two upper limbs and he found it extremely difficult to balance his tall figure as he tried to stand up for the third time. Not to mention the fact that his earlobes now extended down to his shoulders, complete with earphone jacks at the ends. He stumbled to the mirror on his wall, one of the only objects adorning his very plain room, and stared intensely at his reflection. Everything looked normal, well normal for anyone else, but he seemed so skinny, like half of himself was missing, which, he supposed, it was.

Shouji wasn't looking forward to having to talk through his real mouth for however long this was going to last either and he pulled his mask on a little tighter as he stepped into the hallway only to be smacked in the face by an ugly clump of flesh with what looked like teeth sticking out of it. It reminded Shouji of the time when he first got his quirk and, with wide eyes, he understood that that was exactly what was happening.

"Kirishima!" Mezou raised his two hands carefully as the red haired boy continued to flail like a stranded octopus, "Calm down!"

Kirishima finally stopped moving and looked up at Shouji, eyes filled with confusion and a little fear.

"Shouji! This is your… What's going on? Do you have my quirk now?!"

A shake of grey hair, "No, Jirou's I think." He lifted an earlobe with his long fingers, "See."

"Whoa!" Kirishima yelped as one of his hands tried to morph into an eye, "I can't control it!"

Shouji shrugged, "Yeah, it takes some practice. Try and concentrate on using the hands as normal hands, it should help."

With more concentration than Shouji had seen in his friend before, Kirishima closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened them again, all six arms looked more or less normal and he sighed in relief, thankful for Shouji's tuition.

"Is anyone else like this?" he asked as he turned to head for the elevator.

"I'm not sure, I only just woke up."

Halfway down the corridor, Shouji's foot caught on something and when he automatically reached out with a non-existent tentacle, he instead found only open air and face planted onto the floorboards with a thud.

"Ow! Stupid octopus bastard!"

Scrambling to his feet, Shouji muttered a 'Sorry' but to who he didn't know. There was nobody but himself and Kirishima in the hallway. Them and a discarded towel, probably from Bakugou's room.

"Watch where you're going you big oaf!"

Kirishima recognised Bakugou's harsh tones immediately but couldn't see him anywhere. That's when he noticed that the towel Shouji had supposedly tripped on was floating about three feet off the ground. Something clicked in his brain and his eyes widened.

"Bakugou?!" Kirishima's head flicked back and forth, searching for something he knew he wouldn't be able to see, "Is that you?!"

"What, are you blind as well as stupid, Hair for Brains?"

"Dude… You're invisible!"

"Yeah, no shit!" Bakugou chided as the towel around his invisible waist twitched with his movements, "And you look like a knock-off action figure."

Kirishima flexed all six arms, "I think I look pretty manly!"

"We should really check on the others, see if they're okay..." Shouji was already at the open elevator doors.

Bakugou folded his arms but the others couldn't appreciate the action, "Fine, go. I'm going to get dressed."

In the girl's dorms things weren't going much better. Momo had been woken up by a loud revving sound only to discover three metal pipes embedded in each of her calves, obviously Iida's engine quirk. Ever the level-headed student, she had gathered as many of the other ladies in the corridor as she could find and they were currently assessing the situation.

Mina seemed the most perturbed as her pink skin had faded to a more natural coffee colour and her hair was now a jet black. Her horns remained, much to her relief, but her eyes were no longer black, instead they looked like regular human eyes with golden irises. She was devastated at the thought that she had completely lost her quirk but Yaoyorozu was attempting to soothe her by assuring her that it would only be temporary.

"No! It's All For One I just know it!" Mina huffed, "He saw how awesome my quirk was and now he's stolen it!"

Momo rubbed her back gently, "I'm sure it's nothing as sinister as that. Somehow our quirks have been shifted or swapped, I'm not sure."

Tsuyu, who seemed to have grown a few inches as she was no longer hunched over, placed a slim finger on her chin and nodded, "Agreed. We should figure out who has what first and go from there. Yaoyorozu's is obviously Iida's and Jirou seems to have Kirishima's hardening quirk but without testing them out we can't be sure what ours are."

She gestured to herself and Mina and then Toru's voice chimed in from behind the group.

"I think I know who's quirk I have!"

The four girls spun to see a slim, copper-haired girl with bright green eyes and freckled cheeks standing behind them. She wore pink button-up pyjamas and behind her, a long fluffy-tipped tail flicked back and forth.

"Hagakure?!" Momo squeaked as her cheeks pinked.

Toru waved meekly and was immediately bombarded with eight hugging arms. Mina forgot about her worries for the time being and instead ruffled Toru's ginger hair, commenting on how shiny it was whilst Tsuyu admired the now-visible girl's emerald eyes. Jirou muttered something about her freckles being cute and Momo touched the tuft of hair at the tip of her new tail – something she'd always wanted to do to Ojirou but had never had the guts to ask.

Iida stood in front of the sofas in the common area as the boys of 1A squashed onto them, chattering amongst themselves. Uraraka had offered to go and fetch the girls and so only some of the men of the dorm remained. Some were genuinely intrigued by their new quirks; Mineta – who had gained Yaoyorozu's creation ability – was constantly trying to make something that resembled boobs but so far all he'd managed to create was a lump of something that looked a lot like silver poop. Others weren't so pleased. Ojirou looked utterly devastated that he no longer had a tail and was perched on his usual spot on the arm of the sofa, perhaps out of habit to accommodate his missing appendage. Shouji kept fidgeting with his hands, like he needed more to do with them and Bakugou – who had put on a hoodie and some jeans – kept muttering curse words in Deku's general direction.

They'd decided to wait until everyone was in the common area to hold an emergency meeting as the class always met up for breakfast, come rain or shine. They were like one big family in that aspect, even Bakugou partook in the daily gathering. And now Iida could see the elevator arrow light up as it descended to the first floor where they waited; it would only be a few more minutes until everyone was present.

"Huh?!" Bakugou's grunt suddenly rose above the chattering of the group, "What'd you say, Pikachu?"

His hoodie was facing Kaminari, who had suddenly sat bolt upright like he'd sat on a pin. Brows furrowed, he looked baffled as his eyes darted around the room.

"Can you guys hear that?!"

"Hear what?" Midoriya asked, ears straining to listen.

Kaminari got to his feet and spun on the spot, "That!" He clasped his hands to his ears, "Shut up! It's so loud!"

All eyes were on the straw-haired boy as his panic rose but he didn't seem to notice the attention, instead his focus was on the strange screeching voice inside his head.

"Who?" he asked aloud, "I'm not who-"

Suddenly, like a black explosion of darkness, a broad greyish-black shadow erupted from Kaminari's chest, knocking him off his feet and onto his backside. It swooped around the room, whooshing past the boys and finally stopped to hover beside Iida, like it was about to make a speech. Two amber eyes glowed in its depths and Todoroki said what everyone had already deciphered.

"Dark Shadow."

The dark entity cawed softly and moved from side to side. It almost looked a little frightened as it squawked to no one in particular.

"Fumikage! Where… where is Fumikage?!"

It spun to face Kaminari, who was still on the floor and who was connected to Dark Shadow by a long thin ribbon of grey. He could feel their connection like static electricity emitting from his chest and he could sense the utter panic that filled Dark Shadow as it glared at him.

"You're not Fumikage! What have you done with him?! Where is he?!"

Kaminari gawped like a fish and it was Iida who spoke up, arms gesturing wildly, "Tokoyami will be here soon, Dark Shadow. We seem to have swapped quirks somehow."

The shadow creature loomed over Iida menacingly, "Bring. Me. Fumikage. NOW!"

Its eyes flickered to a more crimson shade and it raised a large shadowy claw above Iida's head, ready to strike at any moment.

"Dark Shadow!"

The claw paused at the familiar voice and ruby red eyes faded to a more mellow amber once more. Behind the group of girls and Aoyama and Satou that had just stepped out of the elevator stood a small, wiry boy with spiky black hair and amber eyes. Not a feather in sight. He didn't need the head of a bird for Dark Shadow to recognise his host, however, and the darkness enveloped Tokoyami completely for a few seconds before retreating to his side at a more manageable size.

"Fumikage!" it squawked, "What's going on?! I don't like this, I can't protect you like this! Did I do something wrong? I want to come back to you!"

Tokoyami scratched under the beak of the shadow bird gently and attempted a smile, although his face felt far too pliable without his beak and feathers, "Shh, we'll sort this out. This madness will not last forever." He too felt the empty void within himself where Dark Shadow had resided and tried to hide the shudder that ran through his slim frame.

"Okay," Iida nodded as all of Class 1A sat before him, some on the sofas and some on the floor, "Now that everyone is here, let's try and figure out just what is going on."