"Here we go." Sakuno finished to sign the prescription and gave it to the young mother with a small little girl and a heavy 7 month belly. She showed the medication to her gently. "These are your vitamins, continue to take them for the next month and, after they finished, return so we can have another blood check up, okay? You can pick them up at the pharmacy on your way out."

"Thank you so much, Ryuzaki-sensei." She made a reverence.

"Is Mama and my little brother okay?" the girl asked, worried.

"Yes, they're just fine." Ryuzaki smiled gently. "Are you excited about becoming a big sister?"

"Yes!" she grinned happily.

Sakuno watched them leave the room for a moment before stretching herself on her chair. It was almost night and she had been on consultations since early in the morning. Saturdays was her busiest day. She turned to computer on her desk and started to type information about that last patient. She was almost finishing when she felt the familiar hands massaging her shoulders gently. She smiled and closed her eyes.

"That's good."

Ryoma placed a kiss on her cheek.

"You're all cramped. You didn't stop since lunch time. "

"I'm fine." She turned around and smiled at him.

"I'll close the clinic; you can go and prepare a bath for you. I will order some food."

"Okay." she caressed his hair.


Sakuno removed her shoes on the entrance. Their home was right beside the Ryuzaki Family Clinic. After she finished college, Ryoma totally caught her by surprise proposing on the same night of her graduation. First she was extremely shocked and then, once again, her boyfriend made her eyes fill up with happy, overwhelmed tears. There was nothing to wait anymore and she knew that, by his side, all of her dreams would come true.

Shinji hugged them tightly when seeing the engagement right and said "It was about time!" happily. Their wedding ceremony was small and very sweet on the temple at the Echizens' place, with Ryoma's parents and Momoshiro and Ann that were already married as well. Jun had sent them a congratulations card and some money as present. They continued to send news to each other even though the siblings still didn't have any relationship with their father.

Sakuno worked on the university's hospital while Ryoma was hired on the office he had his internship during business school. Even though it was never asked, Shinji also got a part time when he was 15 and started to help with the daily bills as well along with the helping at the clinic. He had a very determinate look on his face, saying it was time for him to be more useful and he promised it would not interfere with school.

They sold the apartment and bought their new home and the house next door and with some funding from the Health Department, they were able to open the clinic. Their house had two suites, kitchen, dining room together with a living room and, Sakuno's favorite, a large back garden when they would have their traditional barbecue on summer and she could continue to grown flowers and vegetables.

The teenager worked on a mini market 3 times a week at night and had some shifts on weekends too when he was not on swimming competitions.

Sakuno stopped on the door of Shinji's bedroom for a moment. There was a lot of medals and trophies on a shelf and different pictures of her brother on the podium alone or with his teammates at Seigaku. She looked at the empty room and took a deep breath before continuing towards her bedroom.

When Ryoma arrived home, his wife was already inside the tub, filled with bubbles and he looked at her gently. Sakuno had her eyes closed, leaning in the tub, her hair was tight on a bun. She smiled when felt the change on the water after he came inside the tub. Ryoma touched her feet, massasing it.

"Good work today, Ryuzaki-sensei." He had a small smile on his face.

"Thank you." She said, after opening her eyes.

"Are you excited for our honeymoon?"

"Yes!" she smiled happily. "Although I'm still feeling a little guilty for closing the clinic for two weeks."

"You deserve a break. You never took some time for yourself since the clinic opened."

"I'm sorry." She came closer and cupped his face. "You never had the same as well."

He kissed her palm before looking kindly at her.

"Spending every day with you while helping people is the best job ever." He lean forward and kissed his wife.

Sakuno's arms were around his shoulders and her naked and wet chest was glued to his. Ryoma's hands brought her close by her waist and the kisses became deeper.

"Ryoma… wait…" she blushed a little. Even after so many years together, he found extremely adorable how she was still a little shy on those private moments.

"Why?" he was kissing her neck. "It's been a while, right?"

"Yes, but…" her husband kisses were on her collarbone now and she trembled. "We still… have to finish our luggage."

"Ah, that's right." He had really forgotten.

His wife placed a small kiss on his mouth, before whispering on his jaw line.

"We can continue after we finish with the bags. We're officially on our honeymoon after all."

Ryoma chuckled and caressed her blushing face, before kissing her again.



The 18 year old teenager was taking a warm shower on the locker room. He had just finished his last practice of the day. His head was down thinking about his time. Shinji was a medley swimmer, so he had to use all the styles properly and flawless to the best result. It has been 6 months since he moved to Sydney on a special scholarship and his days were divided between school, the gym and practice. It was a tight schedule and he had hardly had any time to himself, since he needed to keep his grades and results at swimming sharp to kept on the program.

Even thought his sister was incredibly happy and proud for him, she couldn't keep herself from crying seriously on the day of his trip. He hugged him extremely tight on the airport. He had never seen his sister crying so much. Sakuno cupped his face and wished him a safe trip, smiling between his tears. He missed them a lot, his whole life was around them and the first months were really lonely, but he always remembered how hard Sakuno had work for him to have such opportunities, so he was always doing his best.

"Hey, Ryuzaki." Another teen came and called him from the door. "There are a couple here waiting for you on the entrance hall."

Shinji smile was wide.


Shinji dried himself and put on his clothes quickly. He ran down the hallways in full speed and his green eyes sparkled when seeing his sister and Ryoma.

"Nee-chan!" he shouted and Sakuno turned around happily. Before she could say anything, he hugged her tightly. His sister could feel the fast heartbeats and after a minute of surprised, she hugged him back. He was much taller than herself and even Ryoma, being 1.90m.

"Shinji." She said, gently. "I've missed you."

Ryoma just smiled at the siblings.


They were on the hotel room Ryoma and Sakuno had gotten for their honeymoon. They had order pizza and were eating on the big bed while talking.

"Your English is so good, Shinji!" Sakuno said. "You were able to talk to everyone while we struggle."

"Are you having complementary lessons in school still?" Ryoma asked before taking a bite of his slice.

"Hm!" Shinji responded after swallowing his pizza. "I have English classes after the regular ones at school three times a week."

"How about the competition this weekend? Are you ready for it?"

There was a cocky smile on his face before showing him his powerful biceps.

"100 percent! I'm aiming to beat my own record."

"Aside from swimming, are you taking good care of yourself?" Sakuno asked. "Are you eating and sleeping properly? Do not push your body too far."

"Don't worry, Nee-chan, there's a nutritionist on the school that makes our meal plants. I'm not even supposed to eat this pizza now, actually." He ate another slice. "We have health checkups every month too."

"Ah, that's good." She was relieved.

"I'm taking good care of my body. Next month they're going to have the try outs for the Olympics. The results are going to be out in February.

"You're really aiming for that?" Ryoma was surprised.

"Of course!"

"So, this mean you're not coming back home after graduating high school?" Sakuno asked, worried. Before Shinji left, according to the Australian school year, he would start high school in late January and finish before Christmas.

"I was waiting you guys to come so we could talk properly about it." He looked at them seriously. "I know that me being here is giving you a lot of extra work with the clinic, so I understand how selfish it is for me to ask such a thing, but… I really want to stay and try this out. If I'm able to improve my time and win my competitions, the school will extend my scholarship so I can compete." He made a reverence to both of them. "Please, Nee-chan, Ryoma-nii, let me do it."

The adults looked at each other silently for a moment. The golden eyes were gentle over the scarlet eyes. Ryoma knew how hard it was for Sakuno to be apart from her little brother. He touched his wife's hand and squeezed it a little for a moment. Sakuno took a deep breath, before smiling at her brother.

"Of course, Shinji."

The teen looked at them surprised.

"You're working so hard for your dream. How can we say no? I'm nothing but proud of you and we're always going to support you, no matter what."

"Nee-chan, Ryoma-nii…" he was very touched.

"You're going to be amazing on whatever you decide to do, Shinji." Ryoma said. "We have no doubts."

He grinned happily before hugging them both.

"Thank you. Thank you so much!"

They continued to talk until late at night and they laid on the bed together to watch a movie. Just half an hour later, Sakuno was asleep in the middle of them.

"She's sleeping like a rock." Shinji said with a smile.

"She's tired. Before the flight, she worked for the whole day. She was not able to rest properly, she was anxious about seeing you."

"You seem tired too, Ryoma-nii. I'm sorry I'm giving you guys trouble with one less helper at the clinic."

"That's okay." He said, kindly. "When Sakuno and I were dating, I told her I wanted to lend her my strength to support her dream." He caressed his wife's hair gently. "I want to do the same for you. You're my little brother after all."

"Ryoma-nii, you've always been so cool."

He chuckled.

"Not at all."

"Do you think she will be able to slow down a bit in a near future? So you guys can have your own family and such?"

Ryoma took a deep breath and showed him a small smile.

"I really don't know, Shinji. Your sister had always had her own time. I'd be happy whenever she thinks about having kids. But, we already have a family, the three of us. You may be far away, but we're always family."

The teenager smiled happily and Ryoma could always see how much his smile was similar to Sakuno's.

"Do you have practice tomorrow morning?"

"No, only on the afternoon."

"Why don't you sleep here tonight? It's late already. The bed is big enough for the three of us. It's going to be nice for all of us have breakfast in the morning."


"Yes?" he was getting sleepy too.

"Thank you so much, for taking such good care of Nee-chan. I'm really grateful."

"My pleasure." He said, closing his eyes. "Go to sleep now, kid. It's past your bed time."

Shinji smiled, feeling extremely happy, before falling asleep as well.


Author's note: Thank you so much for everyone that followed this fic to the end. I'm really grateful for your reviews. Writing a slice of life is much more difficult since we need to make daily things interesting for you guys. I'm probably not writing ryosaku anymore, so I'm happy I was able to finish this history.