Harry is more of a badass than Chuck Norris.


Harry is the oldest of three Potter children, Harry, Daniel and Holly. Harry is two years older than Chris and 4 years older than Holly. In this story James will favour Daniel after the 'accident' but not all out neglect the others.

Will Harry be in Hufflepuff?:

Fuck no

Be Harry be god power level?:


Will Harry be dark?:


Now on with the story.

A four year old Harry was sat in a dimly lit room surrounded by shelves upon shelves of books. He was in the Potter family library in the Potter manor, Harry loved reading he had matured much quicker than your usual child and had taken to reading books at the age of three. He loved reading about magic it was the gateway to greatness and it was within him he knew it, this was due to a few cases of accidental magic one case was smashing the fine china which caused his mother Lily to go mental and that alone lasted a week. But more appealing to Harry was his ability to do wandless magic, he could summon object to his hand with a wave of the hand and send little streams of fire from his palms but it came with its problems it made Harry feel very tired afterwards and a little sick.

After finishing the book he was holding which was on elemental magic he yawned it was 10pm, usually he wouldn't be allowed to stay up this late bur his parents had gone to a party and left him, his younger brother and most importantly his newborn baby sister. Their parents had left them with the house elves who in their defence were very loyal and loved the Potter children but were easily fooled due to their lack of intellect as Harry had stuffed his bed with pillows to make them think he was in bed and fell for. But now Harry was pushing it and he knew it so he placed the book back in its proper shelf and made his way back to his room. When Harry was passing his baby sisters room he heard a might crash and shatter too loud to be a window 'the wards' Harry thought then thought back to a conversation he overheard a few days ago.

Harry was in the library reading when he heard his parents walking into the room, Harry ducked behind the desk not knowing what his parents would do if they caught him. When the two elder Potters walked in they were followed by an old man in a light blue robe 'Dumbledore', Harry knew who he was and he got a weird vibe from the man but his parents trusted him so he left it. The adults sat down unaware of the company of the 4 year old. The old man started off the conversation

"James, Lily I think I should tell you that Voldemort has increased his efforts to find you " he said

Harry looked at his parents to see them shudder

"but Albus I thought he was after the Longbottom's as well" Lily asked

The old man shook his head looking more upset

"because of the number of children you have there is more of a chance it is your family that is to complete the prophecy" Dumbledore explained

'prophecy?' Harry thought to himself

"the wards are up and running Albus what else can we do?" James asked

"I would recommend placing the fideluis charm over the house and choosing a secret keeper"

"but who the dark lord would expect someone like you or Sirius" Lily said

'Uncle Sirius?' Harry thought

The old man stroked his beard thinking intensely

"what about Pettigrew Voldemort wouldn't give that man another thought" the old man suggested

"that could work" James said

End flashback:

'Voldemort is here' Harry thought, he then heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Harry ducked behind a doorway and peeked around to see a dark cloaked figure walk into his brothers room, Harry followed trying to stay as quiet as possible so he could at least surprise the man, Harry popped his head around the corner to see the dark figure looking at two sleeping forms 'the bloody elves put Holly with Chris' Harry had to act he saw the man draw his wand.

"oi" Harry shouted moving from his cover sending the strongest streams of fire at the man as he could muster


Voldemort was feeling good he was so close to victory but then he sensed another presence besides the two children in front of him and its magical reading was absurdly strong, he turned expecting to see Dumbledore but was met with a boy no older than 4 sending fire at him out of his hands. The move caught Voldemort off guard and was only able to dodge the fire as the boy moved towards the two younger children to block his path

'there's another Potter child' Voldemort mentally scolded himself

"you're not going to hurt my brother and sister" the boy said still with the young voice but containing no fear

"I'm not going to hurt them boy I'm going to kill them it will be quite painless" Voldemort hissed

He saw the boy's eyes harden with hate, pure rage as he raised his hands and sent fire at him once again but this time the fire he sent out was more expected from a Hungarian Horntail. The dark lord raised a shield but had to keep his wand raised to keep it standing. He also heard the boy scream but not in pain but in rage and the fire intensified and broke through the shield. The dark lord barely registered it before the right side of his face was burned he dropped his hands and brought them to his face as the boy moved towards the other to try and get them out as he collected them in his arms Voldemort shot a killing curse at them but moved his hands back to his face before he could see who it hit then he felt pain true pain his soul was being ripped out of his body due to the precautions he had taken to cheat death the process was ten times more painful. Then his physical body turned to ash with his wand lying next to it his soul floated up wards and he turned his ethereal head towards the children they were lying on the ground the impact must've hit them but they were all breathing. The eldest was in the middle of them bleeding, the younger brother was on the floor bleeding from his forehead but there was a collapsed beam next to him and finally the baby was unharmed in any way.

'which one?' Voldemort thought as he floated out of the house making his way back to Bulgaria


Harry saw a green light and then he and his siblings were on the floor, Chris was hit by a wooden beam and bleeding and Holly thank Merlin was fine. Before Harry himself passed out he saw the destruction of the dark figure and then black.


Lily and James were walking back to the manor laughing about what Sirius had done at the party involving a firework and his bare ass. They entered the manor being drunk they didn't notice the lack of the wards and walked upstairs expecting to see Harry still up and running amuck. Nothing, it was all quiet Lily went to check on her 3 week old daughter to find the door already open and the smell of smoke. She quickly opened the door and ran in to see all three of her children laying on the floor two of them bleeding, Lily nearly screamed when she saw harry he was in a large puddle of blood and wasn't moving. James quickly moved to his eldest and checked him over

"he's alive Lily they all are" he said releasing a breath he didn't realise he was holding

Lily cried with joy and rush to her children's sides sweeping her youngest into her arms and kneeling next to her boys. Harry was the first to wake he did so spitting blood and looking around frantically, breathing hard

"Voldemort" he repeated confirming his parents fears

James help his son up into a sitting position summoning a cloth to wipe the blood from his mouth

"Harry what happened?" James asked

Harry took a while to regain his wits

"Voldemort he attacked I saw him walk in here and followed him in I tried to fight him but I failed" he said hanging his head. Then he remembered "are they alive?" he asked quickly causing a coughing fit

"they're fine Harry" Lily said a soothingly as she could "but Harry where is he?"

Harry pointed to a pile of ash with a white wand next to it. James an Lily gasped no way it couldn't be true

"he sent a killing curse at me and the others it was so bright I don't know who it hit, but after the light died the man turned to dust then I blacked out" Harry said picking up on his parents uncertainness

James looked at his wife "Lily stay here with them, I'll call Albus" he said standing and walking to the living room

10 minutes later he returned with Albus Dumbledore behind him

"and that's what Harry said happened" James finished telling Albus" as they walked in

The old man scanned the children to see one awake, the man wasn't a complete master manipulator he could feel emotion and this room was full of it

"ah Harry my boy your dad has told me what happened but I was wondering if you could tell me?" he asked in his grandfatherly voice

Lily scowled at him "Albus he's just been through so much you can't expect him to..."

"it's fine mum" Harry said then going on to tell the old man everything about what happened

Dumbledore was shocked as was his parents as Harry had gone into more detail this time around. James stood proud

"my boy fought the most powerful dark wizard ever" he said

Albus turned back to Harry "you said you fought him off to protect your brother and sister but you didn't say how"

Harry just held up his hands and the erupted into flames "I only just finished reading about this in the library when he attacked" he said

"that explains the smell of smoke" Lily said

Albus was shocked only a hand full of people could use wandless magic one of which had just been destroyed and another 4 years old

'this boy could be a real threat if he turned to the dark' Albus thought

"and you didn't see who the curse hit?" he asked again

Harry shock his head. Dumbledore looked at the other children Holly didn't have a scratch on her but Chris had a scar on his head and it was in the shape of a heart, the curse must've hit Chris and left a cursed scar. The man resisted a line of the prophecy 'he shall have power the dark lord knows not' the power must be love, Voldemort had the inability to feel love and now a possible prophecy child had a symbol of loved on his head

"James, Lily I think the curse hit Chris and left a cursed scar and the curse rebounded off him and hit the dark lord"

James and Lily were in shock

"wait Albus you're telling me one of my boys fought the dark lord with wandless magic and elemental magic at that and another killed the dark lord?" James asked

"the dark lord isn't dead his spirit has only been banished I believe that Chris will have to face him again in the future and finish the job."

Albus picked up the two year old "I give you Christopher Potter the-boy-who-lived"

The family then went to saint Mungos to get the boys checked up. Harry needed the most help

"he needs a lot of blood replenishing potions and has excessive scaring on his right torso" the medi-witch said

Harry had chosen to go into the room without his parents 'he was a big boy'. Harry looked down at his body for the first time without his shirt on and a large snake like scar running down his ribcage. But being the young boy he was all he thought was 'cool'. Harry walked out of the room 5 minutes later drinking the multiple potions the witches had given him to find his mum waiting for him. She smiled at him

"James and the others have gone back" she said hugging her boy

When Harry broke the hug he looked at his mother

"mum I need to ask you a favour" he said quietly

"what is it Harry?" he asked turning anxious

"I need you to stop me from using my fire magic, I mean when I used it in the past the fire was small and left me tired and a little sick but this time it was too big and I felt it, it nearly killed me"

Lily was near tears again not only had Voldemort had come close to killing her children but the child that fought him had used a method that nearly kill him in the process

"of course honey" she said hugging her eldest again and returned home shortly after


7 years later:

Harry was sat at the dinner table reading the mornings daily prophet. Another bloody article about him and his family, the story of the dark lord's demise had spread through the magical world like fiend-fire it mostly revolved around Chris but some mentions of Harry's fight made it in but rarely, important people like Sirius and Remus knew about his involvement along with other close friends and family. James had decided not to tell the rest of the world 'because it would paint a larger target on the family'. Harry no longer really believed his father's reasoning, James had spent more time with Chris than the rest of the other children but he still spoke and played with Harry and Holly but the favouritism was clear to Harry all be it very faint. He still loved his dad but loved his mum more she hadn't changed a bit she loved all her children equally and gave her all to them.

Harry dropped the paper and threw it down the table when he heard the rest of his family come down the stairs. Holly ran to her big brother and hugged him like an anaconda might do when killing its pray, Harry just laughed and returned the hug making the girl squeal with delight, Holly had shown more affection to Harry than she did to Chris she thought he was a 'stuck up bottom'. Harry had laughed enjoying the fact his sister still laughed at words like 'willy' and 'bottom' but yet wisdom from the mouth of babes.

Lily had reached the bottom stair and looked at the image in front of her, her eldest hugging her youngest and smiled her Harry had become a very attractive young man not just because of his looks but the fact he could tame his hair unlike his father and brother helped but also he had an auror about him the demanded respect but also friendship this along with his intelligence and skill made him the son every mother wanted. She loved all her children but she had a stronger connection to Harry but she hid it well

'the girls at Hogwarts are going to tear at each other to get to my boy' she thought jokingly then she turned a little sad at seeing her boy grow up so fast. He had seen and done so much already and still had the rest of his life left so just hoped he could find peace.

James was the last one down the stairs with Chris and the whole family sat down for breakfast.

"Harry can you teach me flying again" Holly asked next to him giving him her best doe eyes

"I swear that look is more effective than the imperious curse" Harry laughed

Chris shot his sister a stare "but Harry you said you would play some quidditch with me today" he complained he didn't like not getting what he wanted

Harry noted the jealousy but dismissed it "that's true and besides it is dads place to teach you first then I can teach you to do it properly" he shot his father a smirk

"ok" Holly said a little disappointed

"hey pee shooter you'll just have to be patient" Harry said ruffling the girl's hair

Then a large imperial owl flew into the kitchen a dropped a letter in front of Harry. James just looked proudly at his son and Lily gasped in excitement, Harry opened the letter and read out loud

"dear Mr Potter I am sorry to report you have not been excepted into Hogwarts and shouldn't pursue a career in magic"

At his words James and Lily went ballistic complaining about the decision. After letting them go mental for a few minutes Harry started laughing and got a death stare form his mother and James just laughed with him

"Harry Potter if you ever do anything like that again I will dye your hair Hufflepuff yellow" Lily said

"brilliantly done son you're a true marauder" James said getting a slap on the arm from Lily

Holly just looked back and forth "so what happened?"

"I was joking I got in" Harry said

Lily knew he was joking but at hearing the words she couldn't help her chest swell with pride her boy was going to Hogwarts.

"we'll have to go to diagon alley to get your supplies" Lily said excitedly

After breakfast the Potter family took the floo to the main port at diagon alley. The alley was packed as always but now swelled with the extra students buying their new school supplies. The family made their way to Madam Malkins to get Harry sized for his school robes and then to Flourish and Botts to get his books, Chris had been approached by reporters and fans between each store but he seemed to enjoy it almost thrive on it. After a trip to the potions shop and a run in between James and a certain potions professor the family made their way to Olivanders to buy Harry's first wand. The door opened with an audible 'ding' and Harry saw an old man look up from a wooden desk. The store itself was stuffed to the brim with wand boxes even the windows and toilets were no exception and Harry knew that one of them was going to be his.

"Ah I wondered when we would be seeing you Mr Potter" the old man said looking at Harry

"hello sir" Harry said too busy thinking about his wand

Mr Ollivander smiled sensing the young man's eagerness "let's get to it then" he said clapping his hands together and moving into the depths of the shop

After a few minutes the man returned but this time holding so many boxes Harry couldn't see his face. Ollivander set out the boxes and started with the wand furthest to his left

"try this one Ash, Dragon heartstring 12 inches" he said handing Harry the wand

Harry took the wand and gave it flick and a flower pot on the table exploded

"apparently not" the old man said taking the wand back and bringing the next wand for trial

This wand caused a shelf to disappear, but this didn't seem to faze the man

"tricky customer eh? No matter we'll sought you out"

The wand maker went into the back of the store and started to walk back but stopped before a shelf looking deep in thought

"perhaps it's time it sees the light of day again" he said sliding out a long black box and adding it to the growing pile

The old wand maker opened the black wand box first and pulled out a jet black wand with strange markings on its handle. The old man seemed to start re-thinking his decision but shook his head and handed Harry the wand. Once Harry closed his hand around the wand he felt something deep within him awaken he then realised it was his magical core bonding with the wand and stranger yet Harry could hear a warm chuckle come from the wand. After a few moments passed the wand shot out green and black sparks, this caused his parents to clap and look very proud as their son had found his wand the wand maker took in a deep breath looking amazed and scared in equal measure. The bell on the door rang again but the Potters nor the wand maker paid it any heed.

"Mr Potter you are the first in centuries to wield that wand" the wand maker said

"it's second hand?" Harry asked a little disappointed

"yes but the original of this wand made sure only a worthy successor could wield it" Ollivander reassured the boy

"who was the wands original owner?" Lily asked interested as her Ravenclaw side awakened

"the original owner and creator of that wand was none other than Salazar Slytherin"

This caused Lily to step back and James to take in a sharp breath, the wand maker just chuckled

"there is no reason for concern Salazar made sure only one that could rival his power could wield his wand not one who agreed with his views and that man completed great feats of magic" his gaze went back to Harry

"I think we can expect great things from you Mr Potter" he smiled packing away the other wands.

Harry didn't know what to think he had just bonded with a wand that belonged to a founder but a wand that only chose wizards that could be as powerful as Slytherin. Should he be happy about this or worried that his wand had belonged to a know pureblood supremacist? Harry walked back to his family and noticed his father was looking at him with more reserve than usual but Lily none the less placed her arm around her son and turned to walk away but then saw the people that had opened the door during Harry's wand choosing. The family consisted of three people a tall proud looking man wearing expensive black robes and wielded a black cane but what gave the man away to the Potters was his hair and that of the others a platinum blonde/white the features that only the Malfoy family owned. Next to the Malfoy elder was his wife and son dressed in just as fancy clothes.

"Lucius" James said not hiding his contempt very well

The Blond man returned the greeting in the same manor but his gaze was on Harry. He held his black gloved hand out to Harry

"Lucius Malfoy" he said

Harry held out his own hand and shook the man's hand

"Harry Potter"

The blonde man was pleasantly surprised the Potters and Malfoys had a shady history at best but this boy had acted like any gentleman should unlike his father, the Malfoy lord's gazed reached the black wand the boy was holding in his other hand

"ah the wand of Salazar Slytherin, I was hoping that Draco would be the one to have it" he said causing the boy to bristle as getting ready for him to try and take it

"no need to worry I of all people respect the magic involved in wand bonding as the wand has chosen you it will remain with you"

Harry relaxed a little but he knew the games the Malfoys liked to play with people

"may I introduce my wife Narcissa and my son Draco" at the words the man's wife and son stepped forward.

The woman held out her hand which Harry held and kissed the back of

"Lady Malfoy" he said, endless ministry dinners had taught Harry the etiquette of purebloods

The Malfoy matriarch looked at Lily "you have a very polite young man" she said

Next was a boy with the same hair as his father but looked closer to Chris's age. He held his hand out and Harry shook it

"Draco" the boy said looking a little intimidated by the older boy

"nice to meet you" Harry said

James was standing behind Harry holding Chris's shoulders and was fuming inside Harry should be slagging off the Malfoys but was showing them respect. Lily doing the same with Holly sensed her husband's anger

"sorry but we are on quite a short schedule" she said

The Malfoy man looked at her disapprovingly not just because she was a mudblood but because he wanted a chance to talk to the elder son longer. The boy must have considerable power as it was a known fact amongst those who picked apart the newspapers that the boy had gone head to head with the dark lord before his brother destroyed him. The other reason for his interest in the boy was because he hoped as the brother of the boy-who-lived he would be jealous and could be turned against him but that would have to wait till later.

"very well then, Draco let's get your wand" he said walking to the wand maker.

The Potter family left the wand store and made their way to Gringotts bank. It was Harry's first time inside Gringotts and wasn't disappointed by the white marble interior lined with golden chandeliers on the ceiling. The place was a bustle of activity with people waiting at desks to be seen by one if the Goblin bankers and also other Goblin transporting paperwork from place to place. James seemed to think that lines meant nothing to him and pushed his way to the front of the line, the people he pushed past started to complain but got a look at Chris and kept quiet 'as the family of the boy-who-lived were so important'. James stood in front of the desk and spoke to the bored looking Goblin behind it

"Potter vault" he said placing the vault key on the desk

The Goblin looked up a looked at James and took the key

"someone is going to be waiting for a long time, gosh the rudeness of this wizard" the Goblin said in gobbledegook

Harry understood the language and couldn't help but understand the Goblin, his father had become drunk on Chris's fame and was bigger headed than he had been before.

"please sir we are in a hurry and I do apologise for my father" Harry said in the goblin tongue

The Goblin did a double take on the boy before him, not only had the boy spoken in his language but he had called him 'sir'

"very well follow me" the Goblins said in English to the Potters

As the family followed the Goblin to the vault Lily asked to Harry

"when did you learn gobbledegook?"

"last year I got bored" Harry said shrugging

Lily smiled at this Harry was without a doubt her son and had no doubt saved them time after James' outburst. The family reached their vault number 687 and withdrew what they had spent in the alley, which was hardly a scratch on the wealth the family held. When the Potters where walking back to the cart to take them back up to the surface they walked past a vault door engraved with green outlines and Harry felt a strange pull to the vault and slowly walked towards it

"not yet" Harry heard a voice in his head say

Harry was shocked was he going mad? Deciding to look into it later he regrouped with the rest of his family before they noticed he was gone.

Time skip:

Back home Harry went up to his room to pack his trunk for the train ride to Hogwarts. His room was a nice size enough for all the books that lined the walls which contained knowledge of a wide range of magical information from myths and legends to ways to brew potions faster. Having done packing Harry decided to change into more comfy clothes. The wardrobe Harry owned had a full length mirror on its door, Harry looked at himself, he looked at the snake scar on his side. Unlike the other scars he had from that night this one hadn't faded but seemed to grow dark like a tattoo and instead of stretching it grew with his body. Harry knew of his father's dislike of anything 'Slytherin' and the snake being their symbol he decided to never take his short off near his family and asked the medi-witches not to tell his parents about it. His body itself was well toned for someone of his age thanks to the exercises he did every day and was very confident that he could overpower anyone his age if it came to a physical confrontation.

Heading downstairs for dinner Harry sat down at the dining table (his home was a manor after all) and waited for the house elves to serve the food. After the family had started to start the meal James decided to start a conversation

"so Harry which house do you think you'll be sorted into?" he asked his eldest

"don't know but who does?" Harry shrugged

"I do I'll be a Gryffindor just like you Dad" Daniel said trying to sound brave and proud

"sure you will my boy" James said ruffling the boys hair

"yes but no matter where you get sorted Harry we'll always be proud of you" Lily said having a feeling that Harry wasn't going to be sorted into Gryffindor like James wanted, he wasn't that type of child and she didn't want him to resent himself for it.

"thanks mum" Harry smiled at her

Harry now in bed was focusing on clearing his mind ever since he had found out about occlumency he had taken to it impressively quickly of course he never told his parents about it as they would say its 'too dangerous and you could cause serious mental damage' nah Harry was too good. Harry found himself in his mindscape which was a vast library everything organised and neat but what surprised Harry was a man with a long silver beard and wearing long green robes sitting in a chair reading on of the books which represented a memory of Harry's.

"well you took your sweet time" the man said looking up from the book straight at Harry

"who are you and how did you get into my mind?" Harry asked reading a mental fireball to strike the man

"straight to the point eh? Well as to how I'm here that's your fault you're the one who bonded with the wand" the stranger replied

Then it hit Harry the wand, the green clothes, the voice in his head

"Salazar Slytherin" Harry stated which made the man smile

"well done I'd give you house points but you haven't been sorted yet" Salazar replied "now to business the wand found you worthy and the small part of which I left of myself in the wand bonded with you to now I'm in your head so I can help mould you into the great wizard you are meant to become"

Harry deadpanned "so I have an extremely powerful and intelligent dead guy telling what to do?"

"no I'm just here to help you out with what you chose to do and give you my opinion if you ask"

"so you're not going to turn me into a pureblood supremacist?"

"of for fu...no and I myself never was one that rumour got started when I killed a group of muggles because they killed my wife and true I was more selective of my students but I was worried about how brining non magical children would affect our two worlds"

Harry then felt bad "sorry it's just a common belief these days"

"whatever now enough talking get some sleep" with a wave of his hand Salazar sent Harry into a deep sleep and making everything go black.

The next day Harry woke up feeling very refreshed

"damn I need to learn how to do that" he said to himself getting up to get ready for the day.

One dressed and washed he went downstairs to get some breakfast to find his mother and father arguing

"no way I will not have that greasy bat in my home" James stated

"James school was a long time ago and I don't see why you can't act adult about this" Lily replied in a similar tone

"Lily the man joined the death eaters"

"well maybe if you hadn't bullied him for 7 years maybe he wouldn't have been so resentful and would've come to me with his problems I knew him long before I knew you"

"fine but I'm not staying for the catch up" James said standing and leaving the table

"stubborn bast...morning Harry" she stopped mid sentence when she saw her son

"what was that about?" Harry asked sitting down

"my old friend professor Snape is coming over today and he and your father didn't get along"

"now way dad and Snape not getting along?" Harry said sarcastically

"cheek, I want you to meet him to he'll be your potions teacher at Hogwarts and I want him to see what a good student you'll be"

Harry sighed "mum you should've been sorted into Ravenclaw"

Lily chuckled "well that was the sorting hats first choice" she said her eyes a million miles away

There was then a knock at the door which Lily went to answer

"Severus come in" she welcomed ushering the man in

Harry got his first real look at the man sure he had seen glimpses of him during his and dads arguments in public but he chose to not really care about his father's little run ins. He was average height with long black hair and a long nose his eyes were dull and he seemed to move like a robot

"thank you Lily" he said in a soft voice but Harry could tell his words carried purpose

"I was just telling Harry here how you will be teaching him potions in a few weeks" Lily said sitting next to Harry and opposite Snape

"yes quite, so Potter do you have any interest in potions or is your mother making sure I don't treat you like the rest of the dunder heads I teach?" he asked looking at Harry

"yes sir I've read quite a lot about them but I've never had the chance to brew"

"really I thought your mother would've allowed it" he said looking at Lily

"yes I would've but James had other ideas" she replied

Of course he did, now Potter where would you find a bezoar?" he asked Harry quizzing him

"the stomach of a goat"

"and its use?"

"it's used to cure most poisons except for basilisk venom which only has one cure Phoenix tears"

"how often does a werewolf have to take a Wolfsbane potion for it to have maximum effect?"

"every full moon but depending on the strength of the potion they can take it on the days leading up to help numb the side effects" Harry answered fully aware that one was a OWL question

Snape looked between Harry and Lily a few times and then his gaze stopped on Harry

"Mr Potter all of those questions were ones even fourth years would struggle with, now how does a child with no tutoring know so much?"

"I read" Harry said not getting at what the man was insinuating

"do you retain this knowledge?"

"yes he does matter of fact he knows how to speak fluent Goblin tongue" Lily answered for him proudly

"Mr Potter did your mother make you do this?" Snape asked Harry almost jokingly

"no I just get bored easily" he replied

Snape turned his head to Lily "and he's James' son?" which got a smack on the arm from Lily

"Mr Potter I do believe you have a photographic memory allowing you to remember everything you've read" Snape informed him

"yes well while you two get better acquainted I'll make some tea" Lily said leaving for the kitchen

When she was out of earshot Harry said

"so you were a death eater?"

Snape sighed "yes and it was the worst decision of my life"

"right then no more to be said" Harry knowing the man was telling the truth

They stayed in silence till Lily came back and then continued about Hogwarts and such.

Later on Harry sat on his bed reading a book on duelling movements and spells if what Snape said was true just looking at the words would suffice at least that was what Harry thought

"yes but you will have to go back to it later on to understand the words just doing that will help in exams not in real life"

Salazar's voice said in his mind which Harry had to agree with if he was going to be the best he would have to understand not just memorise.

Time skip:

In the weeks leading up to Hogwarts Harry threw himself into his studies finishing Hogwarts fourth year material in two weeks and then moving onto more personal interests such as duelling and curses, Harry never understood why magic was classed as light and dark as he saw it only a person's intent mattered. This line of thinking brought much pleasure to his mental hitchhiker as it mirrored his own when he was alive. Salazar tested Harry on random areas of magic daily because as he put it the less time studying for class the more 'fun' he could have.

During one of Harry's and Salazar's conversations Harry had learned that the marking on the wands handles were runes that would fulfil different needs if activated such as a power boost or minor healing. Harry thought it was brilliant as it was another thing that made him better than the others, the boy had become rather crafty and cunning over the weeks he blamed it on Salazar but he said 'just working with what I have it was there anyway' whatever that meant.

Finally the time came for Harry to make his way to Hogwarts and found himself standing at platform 93/4 with his family and what seemed to be the rest of magical Britain

"now Harry you have everything?" his mother asked

"mum for the 300th time yes" Harry sighed

"H-HHHAA WHAAAAAAA" Holly was wailing next to her mother at watching Harry leave

"Holly calm down I'll be back for Christmas" Harry said hugging his whimpering sister



"well Harry give Flitch hell and work hard I suppose" James said hugging his son

"ye bye" Daniel said half heartedly

Harry picked up his trunk and boarded the train. After walking past full compartments Harry finally found an empty one. Setting his trunk in the overhead compartment he sat down next to the window opening a book on advanced duelling. A few minutes later a boy Harry's age opened the compartment door

"mind if I join you everywhere else is full?" he asked politely

"sure" Harry said gesturing to the seat opposite him

"I'm Cedric Diggory by the way" he extended his hand

"Harry Potter" Harry replied shaking the hand

"blimey" Cedric amazed

Harry sighed "ye brother of the boy-who-lived"

"oh yeah but dad said you went head to head with the dark lord!"

Harry was surprised and it most of shown in his eyes

"oh sorry for bringing it up, must be a bad memory" Cedric said rubbing the back off his head

"no it's just people usually ask if I can get them an autograph from my brother, it's quite refreshing actually" Harry smiled

"so it is true you did fight him how you'd be 4 at max?"

"sheer dumb luck" Harry chuckled

"must be a pretty lucky guy then" Cedric chuckled back

The two fell into silence when the train set off and then went into conversation about their families. Harry learnt that Cedric's father worked in the ministry and Cedric himself had a fixation on quidditch.

About half an hour into the train ride two girls showed up at the door looking at the boys as if asking permission to come in. Harry gestured his head at the empty seats. The girls smiling took the two empty seats and introduced themselves the blonde girl spoke first

"hello my name is Daphne Greengrass nice to meet you"

The brown haired girl spoke next

"Tracy Davis a pleasure" she smiled

Cedric introduced the two of them as Harry was still reading his book

"I'm Cedric Diggory and the shy guy is Harry" he said pointing his thumb at Harry

Harry put down his book and faced the two girls

"Greengrass as in the ancient house?" he asked the blonde

"the very same" she replied her chin lifting a little "and you're family name?" she asked with a raised eyebrow

"Potter" Harry replied

The girl called Tracy eyes widened "as in the boy-who-lived Potter that's strange I thought he was an only child" she blurted out

Daphne scowled, her friend wasn't very subtle and not very bright just because this boy's name wasn't plastered to the headlines as often as his brothers doesn't mean she shouldn't know.

She elbowed her friend in the ribs

"ouch Daph what was that for?" Tracy whined rubbing her side

"for being an idiot" she said back as if to a child

Harry chuckled at the two's antics getting their attention

"miss Davis not many people know of me but believe me when I say after this year is done they will"

Tracy looked down at the floor ashamed the meaning of her words finally registering with her but Daphne cracked a smile finding the boy more interesting by the second. The train ride continued for another two hours but thanks to the sweet trolley the time flew by as the young kids gorged themselves.

Time skip to sorting:

Harry was standing in line with Cedric, Tracy and Daphne waiting for their turn to be sorted by the hat. Tracy got sorted first and went to Slytherin, then Cedric who went to Hufflepuff which stunned Harry, then Daphne who went to Slytherin then came Harry's turn. When the hat touched his head Harry heard a voice in his head

"well hello Potter number one"

After a few seconds Harry figured out it was the sorting hat and replied mentally


"oh so you can use psychic speech interesting, well not so that you're being trained by Slytherin himself"

"hello hat" Salazar's voice now spoke

"oh I know where to put you Slytherin"

The last part came out loud and the Slytherin table clapped politely and Harry sat down next to Daphne and Tracy. While the feast was in full swing

"did you interfere with my sorting Salazar?"

"guilty usually the hat drags on all your qualities I just quickened the process"

"oh sure not just to make it hell when I get home"

"you think that I'm that conniving?" Salazar asked innocently

"YES" Harry replied


Harry shut of the mental call

'boring conversation anyway'

Harry went and sat down next to Tracy and Daphne at the Slytherin table which in fairness gave Harry a warm welcome and sent a look at Cedric at the Hufflepuff table how looked a little sad but waved. Harry felt a small tingle in his forehead when he sat down 'Legilimency?', he tried to track the feeling but it ended at the head table where two people were looking at him the first was Snape with a almost happy expression, the next was Dumbledore his expression Harry couldn't tell he knew Dumbledore must be a master at the mind arts but to use it on a student unlikely and then Harry felt the tingle increase until Tracy poked his arm

"Harry are you even listening?" she asked

"uh no not really" Harry answered

"why not?" she said reminding Harry of Rosy

"because Tracy listening to you is like listening to a drowning rooster" Daphne commented making Tracy pout

"I just wanted to know which class people were looking forward to the most"

Harry smiled this girl reminded him of Holly too much for him not to amuse her

"well Tracy I'm looking forward to defence and potions" said Harry making Tracy smile at him

"see it's not so hard Daphne" she shot at the blonde

The rest of the welcoming feast went on mostly the same people enjoying the vast amounts of food and making small talk, Harry talked a lot to another first year called Blaze Zabini along with the two girls. At the end of the feast Dumbledore told the fifth year prefects to show the first years to their common rooms and when Harry entered the Slytherin common room he was pleasantly surprised to find it was quite cosy with a large green fire and comfy looking sofas and places to study, not what he expected when he heard they were in the dungeons. Then before they went to bed Snape gave a speech about staying together and how being a Slytherin didn't mean being a death eater

"well that was inspiring" Daphne sarcastically stated

"ye well we can't all be as upbeat as Tracy" Harry yawned "well I'm going to bed night"

"night Harry!" Tracy waved

'Damn how did she have so much energy?'

Unlike the other houses Slytherin students had their own room complete with a bathroom. When Harry finally changed into his pyjamas he just face flopped onto the bed 'what a day' at this moment Harry felt at home which assisted his fall into the arms of Morpheus.