Unfortunately this will be my last story on here. Fanfiction seems to want to flag all my content and not let me on for months on end. That paired with losing two family members makes it a little hard to want to write. You can come join me on /users/sonicfan24/pseuds/sonicfan24

It is now going on 3 weeks, I fear they have forgotten me. I found water, even though I'm sure water dripping from the ceiling could hardly count as clean, but the rats have learned by now to avoid my grasp least they become my super.

My mouth is dry, I have not had the strength to move for water in 2, or was it 3, days. Is this to be my fate? Dieing alone and cold in some cell in the middle of Antarctica? I do not blame their fear, my only wish is that I could see my sister once more before I die, I fear not for her safety I had broken our bond the moment I realized they had no intention of feeding me.

"Brother!" Ah it is almost as if I could hear her voice that at least brings me some comfort as I pull in ragged breaths through chapped lips. I can vaguely feel arms lift me as I fade and my sisters face swims into my vision. Am I going to heaven? No, after all that I had done this is my torment, to be taunted with the vision of the one person I would like to see as I teeter on the edge of death.

It still feels so real, and as my eyes close for the final time I can almost smell the ocean