A trolley with two heavy chests, pots, and a large cage with a regal Eagle Owl – born and raised in the Malfoy Owlery appeared in Platform 9 ¾ from the Floo, followed shortly by a large family. Walking first was a tall blonde woman with hair pinned up behind her – a few bangs falling over her face. She was wearing a black dress with colorful designs over it. The unusual heat in the air displayed proudly an armlet on her left arm with a snake wrapped around biting its tail – horns coming out of the snake's head wrapped further around.
Many stepped out of the way as she walked toward the Scarlett engine.
"Excuse me, Mrs. Malfoy – " one voice and then another spoke.
Close behind her came the spitting image of Draco Malfoy when he was eleven years old, Scorpius Malfoy. Like his father before him, he had the blonde hair and a pale-pointed face. His eyes came from his mother, a piercing blue wave of the ocean.
Others ran along the side – more blondes.
One Altair Malfoy-Black – a blonde boy two years younger than his brother, his hair blonde, a little more golden like his mother's, but hard dark eyes.
A third son chased Altair. Seven years old, fearless and probably the most intelligent of the boys, Marcus Malfoy-Fawley. His hair was also blonde and his eyes cold and grey like his father's.
A four year old girl walked proudly with her father. It was said that she was the pride of her father and her grandfather also. She had the golden hair of her mother. But many remarked on the green eyes that looked out upon the world around her. Pansy Malfoy – so named according to her mother in honor of Pansy, Draco's fiancée who died in that tragic attack on the Muggleborn registration department. But there was something different about the girl.
White steam exploded from the scarlet engine as Scorpius stepped forward with his trolley. His mother using wandless magic lifting his possessions ahead of him. Then, a quick hug and peck on his forehead was all the emotion the vaunted wife of the Minister of Magic could dare show. Her husband, Draco pulled his arm around his son. Then, mother, brothers, and sister made a circle as silent words of encouragement were given.
"I want to go too –" Altair shouted.
"Me too – " was the added excitement that came from Marcus and Pansy. Regina and Draco smirked at their children.
"Now remember," Draco told his Scorpius –
"I know, Father," he said with the haughty hair. "It had better be Slytherin –"
Regina smirked. She was confident that all her children would be Slytherin – perhaps not Marcus – he did seem to be Gryffindor like some part of her long ago past. Regina looked up at the scarlet engine remembering the very first time Harry Potter had looked upon that same engine some twenty-one years ago. A sigh of memory came through her.
"What's wrong, mum?" she heard Marcus ask. Regina smiled gently at her children.
"I am remembering the first time that I ever saw the Hogwarts Express dears."
"Tell us –" "Tell us –" Marcus and Pansy shouted. Scorpius and Altair rolled their eyes like good pure bloods.
"Mom – dad –" Scorpius asked, "Can I go before everyone thinks my family is a bunch of nuts?"
Before they could give their blessing, Scorpius looked up. Regina who was already turned in that direction saw Blaise and Jillian Zabini approach with their three children – the oldest in Scorpius' class.
Bartholomew Zabini dark and tall like his father, but his hair with just a little red like his mother ran up to his good friend.
"Are you ready?" They both asked each other.
The second child four years young, Azure Zabini – Regina smirked that Jillian would allow Blaise to name one of their girls that approached Marcus shyly. The youngest girl, Belladonna, the same age as Pansy approached.
Scorpius and Bartholomew ran into the train and put their items away. Then, they ran down and posed for their parents – annoyed that they had to do something so embarrassing. A picture first of the two of them excited for their first Hogwarts Express trip. Then a picture of all four of their parents standing proudly behind them.
Draco and Regina saw others as their families visited around them. Neville and Hannah Longbottom had arrived with their daughter. Regina recognized Malcom Baddock with his wife Orla and Graham Pritchard with his wife Natalie. Both she and Jillian waved encouragingly at the families.
Draco looked at his watch and started to grumble.
"We need to get going. I see Adams coming. If I didn't know better he wanted to discuss the latest bill in the Wizengamot. And I have that meeting with the Supreme Mugwump."
Regina shivered. The Supreme Mugwump – the Dark Lord – took up large amounts of Draco's time.
Draco bent down to kiss Regina's cheek.
"Take care of yourself and the baby –" he said.
Jillian looked over along with Blaise.
"Baby?" they both asked. "You are turning into a Weasley!"
The comment of comparison that Regina was like Ginevra Nott's mother was something that anyone else would have been hexed to oblivion for, but Jillian Zabini would have no problem with it.
"Why don't you come by at 2pm for tea," Regina said. "We can discuss the details then."
Jillian smirked. There were things to discuss and continue to plan. With a wink, Jillian knew that the widowed Mrs. Nott and Hermione Zellar would also be present.
"Now boys, get on board," Jillian said to the two.
Giggling the two boys ran into the train and made their way to their compartment. Then, the train began to move. Regina felt Draco's arm around her as she waved at the train departing. Her first son leaving the nest. A rare tear falling down her eyes.
Then, gathering their children around them they made their way back to the Floo and back to Malfoy Manor.