Henry and Matthew O'Mara reunite, what will the brothers get up to after Henry is home in New York for good?
Brothers Re-Unite
January 28th 2005
Manhattan, New York City
Henry O'Mara had gotten off the cab to Manhattan and stopped outside his former high-school St. Angelus. He still remembered his old Catholic High-School, his younger brother Matt was in his senior year of high-school, as was his soon-to-be sister-in-law Hannah.
School was ending and Matt was the first one out the door, he was walking across the road accompanied by his fiancée until he came face to face with his brother. The last he heard, his brother was in the Middle-East with the Marines.
He stared at his older brother in his Marine green service uniform, he looked shocked Henry was home as he said, "Hank!"
Matt raced across the road to his older brother and cried saying, "I'm so glad you're home, Big Brother."
Henry laughed saying, "I'm glad to see you lil' brother."
Matt looked happy as he said, "When'd you get back?" "I'm home for good, bro." "Yes, I am happy to see you, bro, I never knew though." "Thought I'd surprise you." Henry said.
Matt smiled as the pair crossed the streets as Hannah saw Henry hugging him as he said, "Hey Hannah, welcome to the family." "Not married yet, I'm glad you're home Hank." "Home for good, and I'm glad to be back." "Thank you, Mark's home in New York again." "Good to hear."
Henry smiled at the mention of his old friend. Mark and Henry were best friends growing up, they enlisted in the Marine Corps Reserves in 1992, served together in the Marines until 1995, joined the Academy in June of 1995 and fought together in the NYPD for 4 years.
Mark left the NYPD for Newark for his secret undercover assignment whilst Henry stayed in New York protecting the city he loves. After 9/11, both friends re-enlisted for the Corps, fighting together from 2002 – 2004.
Matt and Hannah then said, "Hank, we want you to be a part of our wedding, be my best man, I'll repay the favor to you." "I'd be honoured, little brother."
Henry smiled as he re-united with all of Matthew's friends, he even hugged his friend Ray Zinelli, who joined the Marine Reserves as he had done at Ray's age, he treated the rest of Matt's friends like family, in his eyes, that was important for him.
After the re-union, Henry and Matt had walked back to Matt's place in Manhattan as Matt said, "So, does anyone else know you're back on home soil?" "Wanted to surprise everyone, how's Abbie?"
Matt smiled saying, "She misses you, I invited her to the wedding, she wanted to come and I wanted her too, I love having her as part of the family." "I'm glad about that, she loves you like a little brother, kid." "I know she does."
Henry beamed brightly, Detective Abigail Baker was Henry's old academy classmate when Henry joined the Academy in 1995, Abigail was quite welcome with the O'Mara family, she often came to them for advice or just friendly business, the pair were best friends for 2 years until Henry moved up in the ranks to detective. Soon after, they had began to date, Matthew had thought of Abbie as an older sister, she had been there for Matt, when Henry couldn't when their parents and sister had been killed.
Abbie and his remaining family (Uncle Henry and Grandpa Matt) had seen him graduate from basic training. It had been a proud moment for the family. Abbie was often invited to Sunday Dinner with Matthew and the others until his Grandfather and Uncle died. Matt had gotten by with help from his brother's girlfriend.
There had been a pool going in the O'Mara & Cross families, wondering how long it'd take for the pair to get engaged and married. So far, Matt put money down for the couple to be a couple days before Valentine's Day.
But since then, the pool had been forgotten about and Matt just moved on.
Henry looked out the window as he said, "Can't beat the view of this city from here, huh?" "No you can't, brother."
Matt came back carrying a beer for his brother as he said, "What was it like over there?" "Every day, didn't go by without a firefight, me and Mark, we were only two members to survive." "I'm sorry, brother, how hard?" "It was hell, Fallujah, was horrible, still hear the crying, the pain, the screaming and the gunfire. Nothing like before."
Matt nodded, "The price we pay for the battles we fight." "That's all of us."
Henry sighed taking a sip out of his beer before turning to his brother and saying, "You still have Mom's ring, right?" "Yeah, I kept it in here."
Matt walked to his bedroom pulling up a box as he looked inside it pulling out a small red box. He placed the red box on the bed before putting the big box, back into the floor. As he headed back into the main room with the ring box as he said, "Here you are, brother, the ring." "Thank you." "What are you going to do with it?"
Henry smiled as Matt figured it out saying, "Congrats, bro, when are you going to, you know propose to Abbie?" "Before I head back into the Academy, they froze my position but I need to re-attend training." "Just know, I want to be your best man, on your day?" "Thanks buddy, I'll let you be my best man." "Thanks, did you ask, for her parents permission?" "I did, yesterday." "What they say?"
Henry chuckled as he said, "Well after I got back off the plane, I simply took a train down to New York, heading for Ocean Bay Park… admittedly, for a Marine, I was kinda scared about asking the question." "Thought Marines weren't scared of anything." "Knock it off, wisenheimer."
Matt laughed as Henry got into the story.
Henry flashback scene
3 Hours Earlier
Ocean Bay Park, Brookhaven, New York
The yellow taxi pulled up onto the sidewalk, out-stepped Henry O'Mara in his Marine Corps dress service uniform, he reached down into his wallet pulling out 15 dollars as the driver said, "Thanks, welcome home, Marine." "Thank you."
The taxi left Henry as he began to walk down the street. He remembered much of Ocean Bay Park, from his time spent with Abigail Baker, whom he loved very dearly. He had spent 10 years knowing Abbie.
The first 2 years they spent as friends serving in different precincts after graduating the academy together.
And the 8 years as her boyfriend after being promoted to detective and returning to the Marine Corps serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.
He began to walk down the street as he spotted the house he was walking to. Henry looked extremely nervous in the cold January air, he walked up to the door, with a firm gaze, he knocked three times taking off his peaked cap as he stood at the door until it opened, he then saw an elderly man standing as he said, "Mr Baker, it's Henry O'Mara, Abbie's boyfriend." "Henry, come on in, it's been a while, since 2001, if I remember?" "Yes Sir, it has, I recently retired from the Corps."
Mr Baker then shook Henry's hand saying, "Thank you son, for your service to the Marine Corps." "My pleasure sir, is Mrs Baker home, I have a question to ask you and your wife?" "Certainly."
Henry had walked into the house as he placed his sea-bag down before walking into the living room as he heard Mr Baker say, "Would you like anything, a coffee at all?" "No, thank you, sir."
Mrs Baker came in and saw Henry saying, "Henry, it's good to see you." "And you, Mrs Baker, I figured I'd come over to see you and Mr Baker." "Certainly, are you out of the Marines?"
Henry nodded saying, "Yes ma'am, I left, a week ago, my brother doesn't know yet, I'm surprising him." "Don't leave it too late." "I won't, ma'am."
Mr Baker came back into the room as he sat by his wife before asking, "Not that we appreciate you coming down here, Henry, but why are you here?"
Henry took a breath before saying, "I love your daughter very much, every minute I'm away from her, I worry that I'll lose her. In 10 years, of knowing Abigail, she changed my life in a way, that I can't describe."
Henry stopped to take a breath before continuing, "And in the days I faced, overseas in the Corps during Fallujah. And many others, I've never been frightened more in my life. I came here today to ask for your blessing to marry Abigail, I would never ask her to marry me, without your blessing."
The Baker couple smiled proudly as they thought it over before turning to Henry saying, "We appreciate you coming down to ask for our blessing, we're grateful for this kind act."
Mrs Baker then continued, "Henry, we will give you, our blessing to marry Abigail, we've seen your strong bond of love, you two have, she speaks highly of your family, we know you'll look after her well." "Thank you, ma'am. I will do everything to make her happy." Henry shook Abigail's parents hands as he then allowed himself to head home to New York, to do one more thing. Re-unite with his brother Matthew.
End flashback scene
Back in Manhattan, New York
Henry finished telling his story, as Matt says, "Wow, you always did have a good idea about romance." "Learned from the best, huh?" "We both did." Matt said clinking his beer with Henry's before chuckling.
Henry looked at his brother in amazement before saying, "What's got you laughing?"
Matt then said, "It's kinda funny, our girlfriends you know?" "What?" "You know the same thing." "You've lost me?" "Do I have to spell it out for you?"
Henry then said, "Yes."
Matt then said, "Blonde hair, blue eyes."
Henry didn't say anything until he figured it out, "Oh, I get it, we're both dating blondes with blue eyes." "There we go, he finally susses it out." Matt remarked.
Henry laughed saying, "Yeah, hey, I'm gonna go see Mark, today, and go to his place. Promised him a beer and steak when we were in Fallujah." "As long as we do somethin', you and I?" "Me and Mark can figure that out."
Matt smiled at his brother as he said, "Here, I can keep the ring here, if you want. Till you need it?" "Yeah, if you could." "Hey, I'm doin' it for you and Abbie, I love you both." "Thanks kid."
Henry smiled at his little brother, he saw Matt as a perfect mixture of the O'Mara's. it had even reminded him of himself growing up. They had their father's sense of duty and his leadership, their mother's fighting spirit.
Even their Uncle's commanding presence in a room, they even had his Grandmother Serafina's loving attitude but also her Italian temper, in rough situations. And their proud trait was their grandfather's hard-ass attitude and temper.
It's what had Henry & Matthew cherished by their family and friends as they was growing up. Besides, Matt cherished all his family and friends calling them his teaghlaigh. Even Henry did the same as well.
Henry left the apartment saying goodbye to his brother as he walked out and headed into the streets of New York.
He stopped walking as he signalled saying, "Taxi!" a taxi stopped in front of him as he got in saying, "71 Broadway Apartments, please." "Sure thing." The taxi sped off heading for the apartment area, once they had arrived, Henry got out, paid the driver and walked into the building.
He walked up to the letter box seeing the name "A. Baker." stencilled into the name section at apartment 3, as he began to walk up the steps to apartment 3.
He arrived outside the apartment, he wondered if he should have put his dress blues on, instead, he decided to knock on the door, the door opened there stood Abbie.
Abbie looked shocked, there were tears coming down her blue eyes, her blonde hair had came down past her shoulders, she looked beautiful. Henry smiled saying, "Abbie, I missed you." "Baby."
Abbie had raced into Henry's embrace and kissed him passionately as they walked into Abbie's apartment as she said, "Oh my god, you're home." "Home for good, my sunshine." "Really?" "Yes, I am. I couldn't tell my brother though."
Abbie looked confused saying, "What do you mean, you couldn't tell him?" "The reason I came home, it was a retirement from the Marines. I wanted to come home, for you, and for this city. You're my star."
Abbie stared deeply into his blue eyes, they looked amazing. Henry stared into Abbie's eyes and they were beautiful, he considered himself the luckiest man to have been in love with the most beautiful woman in the NYPD. As the two continued to kiss passionately.
Afterwards, Henry had taken Abbie, Marianne and Mark to dinner on a double date as they had done many times, both women were very good friends. Sharing their proud memories of high school.
Henry and Abbie had gone home as Henry had put on the stereo and a song came on the radio it was *NSYNC – (God Must Have Spent) a Little More Time on You.
Abbie smirks saying, "Our song." "Damn right it's our song."
Henry holds out his hand as he says, "How about a dance?" Abbie smiles taking his hand as Henry gives her a little twirl pulling her close to him as the singers sing.
"Can this be true?
Tell me, can this be real?
How can I put into words what I feel?
My life was complete
I thought I was whole
Why do I feel like I'm losing control?
I never thought that love could feel like this
And you've changed my world with just one kiss
How can it be that right here with me
There's an angel?
It's a miracle
Your love is like a river
Peaceful and deep
Your soul is like a secret
That I never could keep
When I look into your eyes
I know that it's true
God must have spent
A little more time
On you
(A little more time, yes he did baby)."
Henry planted a kiss on Abbie's lips as they smiled at each other happily as the song continued.
"In all of creation, all things great and small
You are the one that surpasses them all
More precious than any diamond or pearl
They broke the mold when you came in this world
And I'm trying hard to figure out
Just how I ever did without
The warmth of your smile
The heart of a child
That's deep inside
Leaves me purified
Your love is like a river
Peaceful and deep
Your soul is like a secret
That I never could keep
When I look into your eyes
I know that it's true
God must have spent
A little more time
On you
Never thought that love could feel like this
And you've changed my world with just one kiss
How can it be that right here with me
There's an angel?
It's a miracle
Your love is like a river
Peaceful and deep
Your soul is like a secret
That I never could keep
When I look into your eyes
I know that it's true
God must have spent
A little more time
On you
God must have spent
A little more time, on you
(on you, on you, you, you, oh yeah)
A little more time
On you."
As the song ends, Abbie smiles at Henry as she softly whispers in his ear saying, "I love you, Hank, I always will. Forever and Always." "I love you Abbie, always and forever.
They danced to a few songs until Abbie fell asleep. Henry had left 30 minutes later, as he headed home to his brother's apartment. Matt was in the apartment still awake as he saw the door open, he picked up the 38. Fitz Special aiming it at the door as Henry walked in seeing the gun as he said, "I'm unarmed."
Matt pushed the hammer back as he lowered the gun chuckling saying, "Curfew was 40 minutes ago. Where were you?" "Oh come on, pop, she was the head cheerleader." Henry jokingly threw back as Matt chuckled, "Still made you wet yourself." "Good thing you didn't have a bat."
Matt laughed saying, "Oh, that was good times."
When Henry was 18 years old and before he graduated high school, he had come home late one night from a night out with him and his buddies on the baseball team. He didn't count on Matt and Hannah to be downstairs watching Lady and the Tramp on Hannah's request.
So he decided to prank the pair and Matt came at him with a rubber baseball bat, luckily the family woke up and saw the scene as everyone was laughing their heads off. In everyone's eyes, Hannah was like Lady and Matt was the strong and courageous Tramp, it was then they began to fall in love with each other.
Henry brought himself out of the memory as he said, "How comes you're up?" "Thought you and I should share a drink toasting to your safe return."
Henry nodded as Matt poured out two glasses as he said, "Here's to having you home, Hank." "It's good to be home, little brother." Both glasses were clinked as they were downed quickly.
Henry smiled as he said, "So, how's Tia?" "Dating now." "It's been too long, since I remember she was 4 ft tall." "Guess who's she dating?" "Who?" "A Reagan." "I only know Danny Reagan and he's married." "His little brother Jamie, I serve with him." "He good?" "Damn good shot, trust him with my life."
Henry nodded as he asked again, "How is Tia, really?" "She's good, but, she got attacked a couple days, before you came home." "Oh Jesus, she okay?" "She's fine, she's okay, we got the guy." "He in prison?"
Matt looked at the floor as he said, "You remember that old legend about that guy that raped Chief Miller's sister in 1942?" "Yeah, I believed it, why?" "Well, that guy who assaulted Tia, he's a Nazi, like his ancestor."
Henry felt his blood boil. Henry then said, "He alive?" "He is, we got him detained in a warehouse owned by Mr Harding."
Henry nodded as he said, "What about the father?" "He encouraged his son to rape Tia, she fought him off, then we beat the seven shades out of the guy." "Let me guess, we putting him on ice?" "Like Grandfather, like Grandsons." "I'll help you and your friends." "Thanks Master Guns."
Henry poured another pair of drinks as they drank quickly before retiring for the night.
When the time was right, Hans Mueller was going to dealt with in their own unique way of justice.
I know in the series, Baker is married. But in my New York's Finest Arc, Abigail Baker isn't married but dating Henry O'Mara.
I hope you like this one, love you for the continuing support.