The Story is happening after the events of Endeavor facing High-End Nomu but before the Class A vs B.
Hey guys, This is my First Fanfiction so it could be possible that some characters here act OOC. Also, a little warning here, unless you aren't bothered to be spoiled I recommend you are up to date with the Manga at the very least until you reach Chapter 191 and Watch Volume 1 to 6 for RWBY.
With my Warning over, I say go read the Story and Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not Own Boku no Hero Academia or RWBY.
Edit (07/01/2019): I decided to slightly change this Chapter to make it easier to Read. I also changed the info we got from the mysterious figure, you can already see it I'm sure, anyways hope you still enjoy this Chapter!
I do not own the cover image.
''Someone Talking''
''Someone Thinking''
U.A. High-School
It was Saturday, a nice and sunny day at UA, while everyone was doing their things like playing and all, was standing hidden behind the UA Dorms in the shadows a Man, he had Black Hair and was wearing a simple black colored suit, looking at the Students to find the people he was looking for, eventually he spots them, ''Ah, good, they're here, now then, the Four I am looking for are scattered around the campus but at least none of them are gone, I will have to wait Tonight to begin my Plan.'' there was some kind of Portal forming behind him, it had the colors of the rainbow, the Man would enter through it and then it Vanishes entirely.
It was Late that Night, around Midnight, outside of UA close to Class 1-A Dorms that the man decided to begin his Plan.
''Good there doesn't seem to be any Lights On anymore and Hacking the System wasn't that Hard, this thing really is useful, lucky me I stole it away before that Kid got the chance to take it away.'' Said Kid was actually a Green haired one who had stopped 2 Villains from Infiltrating U.A. before he Interrupted the Cultural Festival and ruined the fun of most people in there.
That was when he began his Plan, he took a secret passage, which was a hole he made under one of the Walls in secret which surprisingly lacked security on said spot, after he made it through and actually was under the dorms he took out a Rope with a Hook that he made himself, threw it at the Second Floor on someone's Veranda, he missed the first time but the second time it worked, when he was on top he looked through the window and saw that his Target was indeed Sleeping.
Izuku Midoriya, Hero Name: Deku
Blood Type: O
Quirk: Super-Power (True Name, One for All)
Public Knowledge: It's a simple Strength enhancing Quirk, it's so strong it breaks his Bones so he has to carefully control.
Secret Knowledge (This means no one including the mysterious figure knows about it): It's actually a Stockpiling Quirk, it can be passed on from generation to generation to other people so long the current user of One for All agrees to do it, the next user has to ingest the DNA from the previous user if he/she wants to get it, the current user, Izuku Midoriya is the ninth.
''Some think he is a Madman after what he did at the Sport Festival but I don't really care, what I do want to know is why does he have so many All Might Merchandise? Question for another time, anyways, with you we go'' then some Kind of Portal the Same as before began to appear in Izuku's Room, after only a few seconds it completely engulfed him in whatever kind of Thing the Portal was made off before it faded away.
He then quickly looked around to be sure no lights went on, after a bit, he Grabbed the Rope with the Hook that he made and went to the Third Floor going to the one Next to Izuku's Room, he then watched through the Window and saw that his Target was also asleep.
''Good, Target Number Two here as well.''
Tenya Iida, Hero Name: Iida
Blood Type: A
Quirk: Engine
His Legs have Engines in them, permitting him to have all the effects of an Engine, specifically, Speed, however, he needs fuel, said Fuel for his Body is Orange Juice, however, he shouldn't drink anything related to like Coke for Example or it will Jam his Engines fur a couple of hours.
''He is part of the Ingenium Hero Familly, he really does have a lot of Glasses to wear...whatever you go as well'' and then the same Portal that engulfed Izuku appeared and did the exact same thing to Iida as well.
After looking around again and also looking at his Laptop that he used to Hack all the Camera's for safe measure that nothing was going wrong, he Grabs his Rope with the Hook again and this time goes to the Fourth Floor, after a slight bit of difficulty and succeeds, he also looks through the window and sees that he is also asleep.
''So, Target Number Three is here...''
Katsuki Bakugo; Hero Name: ?
Blood Type: A
Quirk: Explosion
He sweats Nytroglycogen making him able to generate Explosions, the more he sweats the more Power it gets, however, the contrary can be said at the same, the colder it gets the less power he gets, to the point where he could be considered fighting Quirkless.
''I really don't want to tell more about him so go as well...'' and the same thing happening again, a Portal appears and after a few seconds engulfs him as well.
He then Grabs his Rope with the Hook and goes to the Fifth and Last Floor, He actually nearly panicked as he thought that the Window was closed and shut but getting closer he saw it was open, his Target is also asleep.
''Good, my last Target is also asleep.''
Shoto Todoroki, Hero Name: Shoto
Blood Type: O
Quirk: Half-Cold/Half-Hot
He can generate either Fire or Ice, he tends to use his Ice more than his fire and is not accustomed to using both of his Quirks at the same time but if he does he will be hard to take down.
''The Son of Endeavor, did he even change the entire room...? No Matter you go with the others as well'' again another Portal appears, engulfs him fully after a few seconds, he would be smirking.
''Good, Good, now that I am done with them, let's go and look for them...this should be fun, hehe'' he would start to form another Portal, but this time he enters it, once fully in the Portal would Vanish leaving no traces he was ever there.
As for the Consequences of said man's actions? Well, that's a Story for another time...
Now I know some might ask about the Guys Quirk so I will explain how it works,
His Quirk is called Multi-Portals, as the name says it he can create multiple portals however he can only create one in each worlds.
Yes you heard it right, one in each worlds, so from all we know he could go to The Star Wars universe if he wanted to but could only leave one Portal in that world to permanently stay if he wishes it, if he ever creates 2 in one world then the one he just made would vanish after less than 5 seconds after it Completely Engulfs someone. So technically speaking it's like Kurogiri's Quirk however compared to Kurogiri's, he needs to be at that Place and see it to Make a Permanent and working Portal, so if he made one and entered it without any idea where he goes, he would randomly appear somewhere in any World. More Info will be added next time.
And that's it, I hope you enjoyed it as short as it was, I will try to make next chapter Longer, Please leave a review in the Comments.