For Day 27 of the Kingdom Hearts 3 Countdown Challenge - Loss.

Contains distressing content. Check the end notes for warnings and read at your own risk. The next prompt will be considerably more hope-filled if you would prefer to skip to that.

Goofy had been through a lotta hard things in his life. The death of his beloved wife, raising Maxie on his own, then lettin' him go off to another world to figure out his own future—

But none of that coulda prepared him for this.

Donald took his hat off and clutched it in his hands. "Oh, Sora."

Goofy sniffed and wiped his eyes. The whole world was one great big dark blur, and Xehanort had taken the χ-Blade to do who knows what with it. But none of that seemed very important compared to the awful truth starin' them in the face.

Donald sobbed as he flung himself over Sora's limp body, and Goofy just pulled Sora closer as the tears poured out of his eyes.

It wasn't fair. It just wasn't fair. Someone so young shouldn't've died. Someone with his whole future stretchin' out before him shouldn't've had his life stolen from him by some selfish ne'er-do-weller.

The worlds could be cruel, but this was a whole lot worse than cruel.

Sora's face didn't look right without his smile on it. His body wasn't right without his sweet heart and carin' soul inside it. Knowing he'd never hear Sora's laughter again, never see his eyes sparkle as they went off on some new adventure together—

Gawrsh, it just hurt too much. The lump in his throat got bigger and the hole in his chest got wider.

He'd thought he'd been ready for anything. But this, this was just too much.

Warning: Major Character Death

Fics from Day 28 on will be posted under the story Line The Pieces Up.